• Published 23rd Apr 2020
  • 5,345 Views, 138 Comments

The Impossible Choice - FireMaster

Chase Waters is just an average American college student studying engineering. Let’s just say his life’s about to take an unexpected detour from his usual routine.

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Chapter 27: Night of Broken Glass

Author's Note:

Thanks for your patience! I've been reading a bit more fanfiction for inspiration between chapters, so it's taken me a bit longer to get this one out. Hope you enjoy it!

Location: Unknown
Time: Unknown

After being led through a maze of tunnels, Chase and Spike were shoved through a thick barred door. The large cavern they now found themselves in only had one escape which had just closed behind them. A human and a dragon in a sea of ponies. A majority of the ponies looked depressed and weary. Some were looking thin as well, likely from going several days unfed. The atmosphere was the polar opposite of a Pinkie party. It was all so wrong. Most everypony was lying around on the stone floor keeping to themselves, lacking a cutie mark, awaiting the hour they no longer had the strength to go on. Chase felt like he hadn't slept in two days, but since he had lived over 20 years of his life without magic, he was doing better than most.

When the changelings had thrown in the latest prisoners, ponies glanced over towards the door. Some looked mildly surprised at the sight of Chase, but others didn't react at all despite his alien appearance. Several hundred ponies were all victim to the same fate. First Sombra, then Tirek, now this! Equestria really is doomed "I'm sorry Spike... I shouldn't have let this happen. I shouldn't have fallen for Sombra's tricks. I shouldn't have hesitated to stop Tirek from draining our magic. I shouldn't have-" Chase was abruptly cut off by Spike.

"Stop Chase! Just stop! This isn't your fault! Even Twilight doesn't have the answers all the time, so stop trying to think you have to fix everything on your own."

"You don't understand! Discord brought me here to do just that! I can't even fix my own issues let alone Equestria's if I'm stuck in here!"

"Maybe your right and I don't understand because I'm just a baby dragon, but the way I see it is that Discord didn't make you a hero by bringing you here, you made yourself one by sacrificing yourself on the first train ride to Ponyville! Are we going to sit here or are we going to find a way to make it right?"

We are defined by the choices we make in the moment. "Spike... What do you think it would take to get everypony in this room to help us escape?"

"That depends... is this a human idea or a pony idea?"


"Then I think we just might be able to make this work."

~ April 20th, 1020 ME ~

'12:14 AM'

* Ponyville Market Square *

...The Queen's forces have arrived."

For Celestia's sake! I've had enough changelings for a lifetime! Shining Armor was visibly upset by the latest developments. Ever since the wedding incident, he had never been able to forgive changelings for what happened, even the ones unassociated with the attack that were currently helping Equestria. Nightshade was a few meters in front of the reinstated military leader, with a large detachment of lunar guards awaiting to defend the front lines.

Shining sent a return message spell back to the unicorn guard. "Watchful Eye, Call a full retreat to the city park. I'm going to expand the shield perimeter around you. Lunar troops are on the way. You've got 30 seconds."

"ATTENTION EVERYPONY! WE HAVE A CODE BUG! NO SIGN OF THE QUEEN. NIGHTSHADE, ADVANCE YOUR TROOPS TO THE CITY PARK. LOCAL SUPPORT STAY ON ME." the lunar guard detachment hurried out of the central square near the town hall, crossing the bridge into the park on the south end of Ponyville. Shining began pouring more magic into his shield pushing everfree monsters back as it expanded. Despite being one of the best shield casters alive, his chances of keeping it up all night were unlikely. For now, it would hopefully be enough to slow the enemy down while they picked them off. The changelings were the biggest wild card. In order to let the Cloudsdale unit through, he had to make the membrane permeable to his troops. Shining was able to do this specifically to the section nearest to the cloud bank the retreat would be from. Regardless, some of the armored bugs would definitely slip through.

Shining had roughly 5 seconds left in his count when he received a new message from Watchful Eye. "We're Through! Solidify!" Shining instantly made the barrier impassable, resulting in more stress on the shield. It now felt like it was being impacted by twice as many enemies. The force felt like a hundred pounds of weight was dropped on his back and through his horn. His face began to sweat. The changelings knew that the shield would lack the ability to defend against different types of impacts simultaneously, so they were no doubt hitting it magically, while the everfree monsters were smacking it physically. The Prince of the Crystal Empire was now straining much more than he had expected. He needed a new plan, and maybe a new perspective on the battle.

Shining was disappointed in himself, but he wasn't going to sit around until all of his reserves were drained, he needed to stay in the fight. He began to message his Lunar commander. "Nightshade, I can't afford to keep this shield up any longer. Are you in position to back up the retreat?"

"We're ready Captain!" The shield collapsed, but Shining Armor did not. Wasting no time, he began to adapt a new strategy. The locals were armed with spears and light armor supplied from Canterlot, and Shining was planning on letting them do what they came to do. "Agent Sweetie Drops of the Ponyville reserves, take half east and I'll take the other half west. We're going to sandwich them. If we lose the edge, fall back to the town hall. The element of surprise won't last forever. Wait for my signal to attack."

"Alright ponies you heard the captain. Everypony left of you come with me." Sweetie Drops, known by her friends as Bon Bon, led her half as instructed, swinging wide to the east in order to create a pincer movement. Shining Armor did the same thing on the other flank to complete the maneuver. Before he gave the signal, what he saw on the battlefield was already not good. The Cloudsdale unit was definitely missing some of its numbers, and while the enemy was hurting as well, the changelings were numerous. Lunar guards were standing side by side with weapons forward, but their formation line was looking a little shaky as their members slowly got knocked down. Magical volleys were flying through the air, some missing wide while others found their mark.

Between the cloud of black changelings, and the beasts of the forest, a perfect opening didn't exist. That's why when Shining saw a gap form behind a half-dozen chimeras he didn't hesitate. "ADVANCE NOW!" He said, while simultaneously sending a message to Bon Bon. Leading the charge forward at a full gallop, the adrenaline washed out the feelings of any fatigue. The captain was laser focused. pulling out a sword holstered at his side he slashed through the closest chimera. The unexpected blow had cut true, impacting the goat portion of the body, making it a quick end for the first foe.

Followed by 20 other ponies, Shining continued to press in on the sides of the army. Keeping up the pressure he swung at another chimera which batted his sword down with its snake tail. Reflexively he turned on his hooves and unleashed a buck straight towards the head. This chimera, in response, pounced upwards making Shining's attack miss low. Shining rolled to avoid being clawed, attempting to bring his sword back up as he did so. Neither side made contact with each other, but an incoming changeling slammed into captain Armor while he tried to get back to his hooves. A throbbing sensation greeted him, and he likely had a cracked rib. The chimera wasn't done with him yet, but that had to be put out of his mind because wrestling the changeling would come first.

Using his new opponent's momentum, he continued the roll and found himself on top, pinning the changeling under hoof. The smile on the changeling's face said it all. Flipping the drone over his back brought a stabbing pain through his injured side, but the action was taken just in time. The changeling impacted the charging chimera's claws and went limp. The force of the throw was enough to also throw the chimera off balance, giving Shining enough time to pick up his sword, which had fallen when the changeling flew into him. In a fighting stance he slashed again, this time however, he turned the attack into a parry. Coming out of the block opened up a new attack which he quickly took advantage of, finishing off another of the chimeras. Looking around surveying the battlefield, what he saw was not ideal.

Ponies everywhere were being swarmed by changelings. Most of his army was in various states of injury, unconsciousness or simply dead. Nightshade was trying to fend off five changelings at once, and he was counting himself lucky he had just fought the one so far. The only good news was that very few everfree monsters were left in the fight. His team had wiped out a good chunk, and the initial ambush from the clouds had done the biggest portion of the work.

Before Shining had a chance to find a new target or give any additional orders, a hissing sound was heard from behind him. Turning around to the sight of three members of Chrysalis' hive, he threw up a small shield, buying some time to think. Beyond them was the town, the battle having pushed its way inside from the lunar forces being forced back. Changelings were running around destroying everything in their wake. Glass storefronts were shattered. Abandoned carts, and belongings were smashed. Holes were opening up in the streets, diamond dogs clawing their way out. Hopelessness was quickly overwhelming the confidence that was once filling the captain.

How could they always stay one step ahead of us? Shining wondered. One thing remained true, even in the struggle; for the sake of his family, his wife, his daughter, Bon Bon, Nightshade, Watchful Eye, and the rest of his army, he would continue to fight with all he had.


* Canterlot Castle *

Luna could feel it when her troops began losing their hold on Ponyville. Her connection with the sleeping world allowed her to sense the ones slipping into unconsciousness. This alone was cause for concern considering how ruthless the enemy had been the night prior, but this also wasn't the biggest issue. Far greater of an issue was that the shield surrounding Ponyville had been dispelled moments prior. Night court was therefore adjourned early, which was fine considering how few petitioners actually came.

"Princess Luna! You have to send another guard detachment to backup Ponyville! I felt my husband drop his shield, and even now I feel his desperation!"

"I'm sorry Cadance. It's too late I'm afraid. We have felt our defenses failing despite our best guards being at the front. The solar guard here would never make it in time."

"Fine! If you won't send anypony else then I will go. I'm not leaving my love to die."

"And neither will I leave any more of them to that fate. However, my sister and I have agreed that Equestria and the Crystal Empire need you here rather than falling into the hands of the enemy, therefore I will go. I will protect my little ponies, and your husband with the full of my power if I must. Send for support to come as soon as possible with medical teams." Cadance looked very displeased by Luna's unwillingness to let her get directly involved since it was her family in jeopardy, but she trusted the princess' judgment. If those in authority don't respect authority how will anypony else recognize them as a good leader?

Cadance had a gut feeling she would see her knight in shining armor again, but if she hadn't, she may not have listened. Her magic based upon love wouldn't fail her now... Hopefully...


Ponyville was a mess when Luna teleported to a spot a few hundred feet above it. Broken glass and dirt mounds littered the ground, and bodies lay motionless in the field that was once a peaceful park. It was deathly quiet. While there were many dead monsters, changelings, and ponies alike, there were no signs of Shining Armor or Nightshade. No doubt many other ponies were absent as well. A stirring from one of the ponies lying in the park caught Luna's eye. She flew over to them immediately and was met with both a horrible sight, but a great praise. The pony groaned. This mare was alive, but a large gash ran across her torso. Her eyes were half open, and her beige coat looked a little whiter.

"Th-hey-y-y t-t-took a-alive. Thought-t I was d-dead."

"Shh... don't worry about them now, we will save them. Just keep your eyes open... Help is on the way." Luna lit up her horn and used a spell to stop the bleeding while offering the earth pony a little of her own strength. "Can you tell me anything more about what happened?"

"The changeling’s surprise attacked. When we started running out of standing soldiers that's when the diamond dogs showed up. Between them and the changelings they just started hauling off ponies like it was nothing. Had the whole field cleared of the living in under three minutes. I would have been taken too if I hadn't convinced them I was dead." The pony was wincing between some of her words.

"Thank you, agent Sweetie Drops."

Chase was just about done mentally running through his escape plan and contingencies. He had thought of all the possible ways in which it could go wrong, that is, until steps could be heard approaching the cell. Spike was asleep next to him, but he woke up and lifted his head when the metal door opened with a squeak. Neither Chase nor Spike were expecting what they saw next. Ponies in even worse shape than the ones currently in the cell were dropped into the room. Some of them looked beat up so badly they probably couldn't walk on their own. Among them was a pony with a battered face, and deformed side, and a leg angled the wrong direction. It was Twilight's brother. Just like every other new prisoner, he was stripped of his magic.

Chase felt as though the time constraints were tighter than before. Who knows how much time they would have left before the trauma to the soldier's bodies did them in.

The lack of magic was a form of torture given to every single pony that had encountered Tirek. With the shape that the new arrivals were in, things were looking like they would be a whole lot harder. The more ponies trying to escape, especially ones that could barely move on their own, the more likely something would go horribly wrong. Chase had no way to help the injured ponies. The only way he could save them was to perfect his plan and communicate it clearly. Without wasting a beat, Chase went right back to preparing, ignoring his body's need for sleep, and food, as well as the nagging feeling to give up after seeing how hurt the Equestrians were.

It was time to escape.

It was time to engineer a way out.