• Published 23rd Apr 2020
  • 5,345 Views, 138 Comments

The Impossible Choice - FireMaster

Chase Waters is just an average American college student studying engineering. Let’s just say his life’s about to take an unexpected detour from his usual routine.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Consequences

~ April 8th 1020 ME (Modern Era) ~

"No, don't do it Starswirl! Come back! We only need a little more mana to cast..."

"WAKE UP TWILIGHT! we're going to be late!"

"Huh... Oh Spike you just ruined a magical dream." Twilight Sparkle said as she rolled over slightly annoyed with the baby dragon yelling from the hallway.

"Don't you remember what today is? The schedule has us leaving for the train station in 10 minutes!"

Suddenly Twilight burst from under her covers fully awake. "Late! I'm never late. Spike get the travel bags, I'll get the checklist." She said as she began levitating around books strewn about the library floor.

'I guess I didn't realize how late I was up studying last night' she thought. 'Although that spell was really something. I'll have to talk to Celestia about it after the foreign affairs meeting that I've been invited to.'

Celestia had felt as the latest alicorn princess, Twilight should get a taste of the political world, and what magic of negotiations looked like. Of course Twilight was well versed in all her studies including politics, but this was an opportunity for Twilight to get away for a while. It would seem like a vacation, even if it included official business, would be a good chance for Twilight to relax a little; after all she hadn't let up from magical research for 2 months straight. She had come so far studying friendship; there wasn't a friendship problem she or her friends couldn't handle. The cutie map did tend to push them in the right direction, but as fate would have it, it hadn't been very active as of late. That of course meant that there weren't as many large-scale friendship problems, but it did seem to make Twilight nervous that something big was coming.

All of this played through her head as she tied off her saddle bags and headed for the door, Spike in toe holding out a world famous Apple family apple to tide her over until they reached Canterlot. On the way Spike reviewed the checklist for the day making sure to double check with Twilight that nothing was missing.

"Meet up with the family for lunch.

Attend an ambassadorial meeting in the royal meeting hall number 3

Spend time with Celestia…" Spike listed off while Twilight carried him towards the train station.

"Oo Spike please add, mention studies on test spell #4 titled: Friend in Need."

"Sure thing Twilight, and last but not least get a doughnut for Spike at doughnut Joe's."

"Huh... I didn't put that on there? Oh... Well I'll think on that one Spike."

"Aww but you know how good those doughnuts are in my stomach. They'll help me grow big and strong."

"I said maybe, and you're tipping the scales against yourself."

"Oh fine."

"On a happy note, We made it to the train station just in time." Twilight announced in a chipper voice.

As they cantered over to the conductor, he looked up from his watch, and addressed them.

"Well hello Princess Twilight. Ten minutes early as always I see. Glad you could join us on the Friendship Express."

"Ah you know how it is. I always plan in a little cushion to stay on schedule. Also you know I've told you that you can call me Twilight. No need for the Princess business."

"As you wish Twilight." he said with a wink.

Twilight and Spike sat down at a nearby bench for a few minutes, reviewing their bags while they waited.

"You did bring the bag labeled 'Canterlot travel' right Spike?" Twilight queried.

"Of course! After all, I am your number one assistant!"

"Thanks Spike. You certainly are."

They sat in silence for another few minutes, enjoying the sunshine and birds singing their songs, while the citizens of Ponyville went about their morning business. Townsfolk were busy heading to jobs, and shopping at the market, while foals ran off to school to learn from Mrs. Cheerilee.

"ALL ABOARD!" The conductor called from the left signaling that boarding had begun, and the train would leave in five minutes.

Twilight and Spike moved towards the train car, while Twilight levitated two tickets to Canterlot out of her saddle bag and presented them to the conductor.

"Welcome in! We will be arriving in Canterlot about an hour after departure."

Twilight and Spike settled into the train car getting comfortable. Shortly after getting seated, the train lurched forward headed for the capital city. Just another day in Equestria it would seem, and there wouldn't be another place they'd rather be. There was no doubt: this was home.

After an hour flew by faster than the scenery outside the train window, Twilight and Spike were finally disembarking the train into the bustling streets of Canterlot. Rainbows of ponies went about their business as well as a few cows, griffins, and minotaur's here and there. Nothing Twilight hadn't seen before. Seeing the town of her past, Twilight was reminded of how far she had come since leaving Canterlot the first time. Obviously she had been back since, but the friends she made in Ponyville made the rich Canterlot atmosphere a little less exciting to say the least.

As they began trekking through the city toward the Sparkle residence, Spike began drooling looking at all the gem encrusted outfits of high society.

"I sure hope your parents have a few gems stocked. Maybe some Topaz... mmmm. Those ones taste like candy."

"You silly little dragon." Twilight said with a chuckle. "You know my parents, and they go overboard with everything."

"Ugh don't remind me. I have nightmares about suffocating from your moms hugs."

"heh. yeah..."

On that note they continued on in silence for a while. It was harder to enjoy the sounds of nature with the activity and busyness of the city but trotting along at a leisurely pace was pleasant. Most days Twilight's schedule was packed full of responsibilities, but the smaller list was a much-needed break. Not that Twilight would admit that out loud, but her smile said it all.

As they neared the door, Twilight and Spike began debating who was going to knock.

"You can do the honors Spike!"

"Oh no I insist! I'm sure your parents are just dying to see you!"

Unbeknownst to them as they discussed (not argued... definitely not arguing) who was going to have the honors of knocking, Twilight Velvet stepped through the door and was beside them in a matter of seconds.

"Oh my babies! Little Spikey Wikey is getting so big! My Twiley finally decided to visit as well! How wonderful". she said while squeezing them up in a group hug that could only be described as intense.

"Hey mom." They both echoed back.

After a hug lasting well past the stages of awkwardness, Night Light cleared his throat from the door.

"Honey, why don't you have them come in? I don't think lunch will be as pleasant from out in the middle of the street." he remarked while quietly laughing at his own joke, and his wife's antics.

"You're very right dear. Come on in you two! We've missed you so much!"

With that the family entered the house, and began catching up on what new things they had been busying themselves with over the last year.

"Thanks for lunch mom. It was great to catch up with you and dad. I hate to leave so soon but I have to attend a meeting with the Princess. Spike can stay here though. I'm sure you all would enjoy each other's company."

"Hey wait a minute... are you going by yourself?" Spike asked, hoping she would change her mind.

"I'm not sure what you would do during the meeting. It won't be all that exciting anyway."

"You can help me make some of your favorite cookies." Mrs. Sparkle commented.

"Actually Twilight, take all the time you need, I get it. Just don't have too much fun without me."

"Alright Spike I'll be back before dinner, and we can take the morning train home tomorrow. Sounds good?"

"Sure thing!"

"And don't eat too many cookies!" Twilight said over her shoulder as she headed out the door.

Smiling as she went on her way, Twilight was ready for whatever would be thrown at her in the upcoming meeting.

Twilight was definitely not ready for how bored out of her mind she felt sitting beside Celestia in the meeting hall. It seemed all the delegates wanted to do was complain, and it was a wonder how Celestia kept her composure while presenting compromises to rather small issues. The main topics of discussion were trade, border control, and maintaining peaceful relations, but occasionally there was mention of potential threats imposed by some of the less friendly species residing on Equus. Of course Equestria wasn't required to aid in foreign conflict, but Celestia was more than happy to offer some of the increasingly growing guard to appease the dignitaries.

Twilight really looked up to her mentor, and it seemed other nations had high regards for the Princess as well with just how much they addressed her. It was agreed upon that the next assembly would take place in the Yak kingdom, and finally after what felt like an eternity, the meeting seemed to be drawing to a close. 'Thank God there aren't more species, or this would never end' Twilight thought, while struggling not to slouch. She would have to compliment Celestia on how regal she held herself. Her public image was unmatched; no doubt from over a thousand years of practice.

After every member present gave a final address, mentioning anything else that hadn't been said to this point, the meeting was adjourned. Twilight was very relieved to have that behind her. As Twilight followed Celestia out of the hall with a pair of guards flanking either side, Celestia leaned over and whispered into Twilight's ear.

"You know I was beginning to think that meeting would last forever, I was getting rather tired."

"Princess Celestia? You were tired? you looked so dignified the whole time!"

"Just because I take ruling very seriously doesn't mean I enjoy every aspect of it. You have no idea how fed-up I was getting with all the complaining! Especially from the griffins, I don't think I could have taken another comment about how pegasi were invading their airspace last week."

"I suppose that makes sense. You're just so good at what you do!"

"Thank you for the compliment, but for now I need a break from thinking about royal responsibilities. You of all ponies should know that too much formality is draining on me. I'm just Celestia for the rest of the day since day court is canceled for the ambassadors meeting okay?"

"Alright Celestia!" Twilight replied just happy to get some time with her mentor. "So I've been meaning to tell you about my latest research project..."

"How about we discuss this over some tea hmm? Were almost to my chambers anyway." As they entered Celestia's room the guards took up a post by the door, and a maid who had just been on cleaning duty began making her exit. "Excuse me Chai, would you mind bringing Twilight and I some tea?"

"Of course your majesty! I will return momentarily with tea just how you like it!"

"Thank You. Now Twilight let me hear about this project of yours."

"Well as you know, Starswirl invented hundreds of the spells that we use today. Recently I've been inspired to construct my own spells which has led me to studying the manipulation of magical weaves. The thing is the fourth spell I've been working on uses a large supply of mana reserves. It's formulated through a double helix weave. I've tested small scale applications of it, but despite my magical affinity, I can't seem to power the entire spell for a full test. I've named it 'friend in need' because its capable of reaching through Equus and finding ponies that haven't felt the magic of friendship."


"Unfortunately my small scale tests have only been able to reach the ponies in Ponyville, which isn't a large radius of application. Additionally I haven't had much success figuring out what to do once I pinpoint somepony with the spell."

"Your tea your majesty"

"Thank you. You are dismissed Chai"

"Now Twilight..."

Not to mention the fact that I'm still working on trying to create long range teleportation pads, a spell for stimulated healing, and... Hey!”

“I couldn't get your attention, so rather than raising my voice, I figured you would respond more to magic.”

"Well did you have to use a near blinding illumination spell." Twilight deadpanned.

"Well I suppose not..."

"Anyways sorry about that Celestia. It seems I've gotten ahead of myself. I've just been so invested in my work lately."

"I can see that, and I'm glad you're making leaps in bounds with magical study, but I only stopped you to further discuss that first spell. I know I tasked you with researching more about the magic of friendship, but is this a good idea?"

"Well I've taken all the necessary precautions in my research to ensure that the spell has no mishaps. I assure you it would do exactly as designed. I understand if you think its a bad-"

"-Well then let's try it"

"-idea... wait what?! Really?" Twilight said ecstatic with her mentor's interest in her work.

"Well you said it was safe. I'm very curious just how far you've come with magic, and the prospect of trying a new spell sounds adventurous! Although perhaps not in my room... No offense of course Twilight, but let's take our magic to the training grounds lest your spell doesn't work properly."

"Ok Princess... I mean Celestia. Lead the way!"

"So how exactly do you plan on making this test any different from my previous attempts Celestia?" Twilight asked once they reached the guards training field.

"Simple, I'll just use a spell to lend you some additional mana to finish off the spell."

"Ok. Do you think you could make a shield just in case?"

"I thought you said this was safe..."

"It is! It is... It just can't hurt to take some precautions. So are you still ready to do this?"

"I'm not backing down now." Celestia said with a wink. 'Did I just get peer pressured by a Princess?' Twilight thought as she began feeding mana into her horn to start the spell. The spell started out as a faint purple glow tracing 2 lines in what appeared as a map of the surrounding region. Twilight began pouring more magic into the spell now with the first stages complete. She could feel Celestia reach out to her, lending some strength. It truly was an odd sensation, but nonetheless she began tying the lines around each other in a braid. As it began to expand, nearby guards as well as Celestia, were beginning to worry. Twilight staying focused had her eyes closed to concentrate on the complicated matrix. The magic had begun ripping a hole in literal space that seemed to create a void. Once Twilight had finished lining the spell's unique weaves she glanced up at her work, only to see it didn't look quite like normal. Everything looked right except the hole in the center that was expanding. 'That's not supposed to happen.'

"That shield might not be a bad idea now" Twilight uttered rather nervously.

"What's going on Princess?" a unicorn from the royal guard asked rather worriedly.

"GUARDS ASSUME A PERIMETER. UNICORNS GET ME A SHIELD!" Celestia boomed, sending ponies quickly into action left and right. The energy that could be felt pulsing from this void felt unnatural. Not like anything Celestia, or anypony for that matter had ever felt in equestrian before.

Suddenly without so much as a moment's notice, the void collapsed in on itself creating a bright purple flash, and a dust cloud that completely filled the shielded bubble held by the guards. The spell was gone with no remnants from its existence, but the dust had yet to settle.

The shield continued to glow, and it seemed Twilight's spell had failed. Nothing like a little mishap spell to get your heart pumping. On a positive note Celestia at least got her guards to practice responding to a potential threat.

"Orders your majesty?" Came a question from General Silver Storm.

"Take down the shield, and stay at the ready." As the shield fell, the dust blew away in the spring breeze, and a collective gasp passed through the entire crowd of onlookers. To the surprise of everypony present, in the middle of where their shield spell had been lay a golden unicorn with streaks of navy blue, red, and black swirling through his mane. Several glances towards his flank provided the biggest surprise. A stallion with a distinct lack of a cutie mark. Oddly enough he was laying on a rather large orange blanket dirtied by the dust cloud. For a second no one spoke just wondering who this mystery stallion was. The silence was only broken by a groan coming from the unicorn.

"Umhnh… My head... everything hurts so much." He spoke rather quietly where hardly anypony could hear.

Celestia approached him from the front.

"Are you alright my little pony?" She asked

"What..." he groaned, as he slowly began to open his eyes and adjust to his surroundings.

"I asked if you are alright. Are you hurt?"

"Everything feels weird." he said finally looking for who was addressing him only to find a tall white horse with wings and a horn? If that wasn't enough to make his brain go haywire, seeing her mane floating with pinks, blues, and greens did. He let out a very unmanly scream, causing all nearby ponies to wince, but Celestia kept her position.

"Where in the world am I? What are you? and why in the name of all things holy is everything so colorful?!" He half yelled in a speed that would even impress Pinkie Pie.

"Simple," Twilight said, walking up and causing Chase's brain to nearly explode at seeing what he thought was a purple pony talking.

"You’re at Canterlot castle in Equestria, we are alicorns, and um... ponies have colorful manes like yours I guess?"

Already running on overdrive, Chase hardly had time to process the first two answers, and only after the third did he look down at himself to see two golden stumps laying on the ground where his arms should be. It was at that moment it all became too much. The world started spinning, and he passed out. The level of Chaos occurring would have been enough even to make Discord proud. When his head hit the ground led by his horn, everybody winced again. The collective thoughts from the guard were 'that's gonna be one heck of a headache!' Before anypony could rush to his aid, Twilight's cutie mark started blinking. 'Was this just a coincidence?'

"Um I think we should get him to a nurse" Twilight voiced, certain that was one of the weirdest encounters she had ever had. She couldn't help but continue questioning one thought as guards ponies began hoisting up the mystery stallion to get him help.

'Was this her fault?'

Author's Note:

I've been writing this story rather fast, so just know that in the future these chapters will likely experience minor changes to fix mistakes, and include stronger details. Chapter 2 special, a day after chapter 1, so hope you enjoy!