• Published 23rd Apr 2020
  • 5,345 Views, 138 Comments

The Impossible Choice - FireMaster

Chase Waters is just an average American college student studying engineering. Let’s just say his life’s about to take an unexpected detour from his usual routine.

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Chapter 18: Truth of War

Author's Note:

This chapter really didn’t want to get done! I had to rewrite several sections that got deleted, but I’m happy with it. It could use more editing, but I really wanted to get it out today so here it is for everypony! Hope you enjoy!

If you find any major issues, let me know in the comments. Writing takes ages! Thanks!

~ April 19th, 1020 ME ~


Celestia wasn’t often bothered during her sleep thanks in part to her sister's return, nor was she the type to be quick to annoyance (at least not outwardly). Regardless, as she was enjoying a dream filled with sunshiny skies and a lovely picnic beside her prodigious student, Twilight Sparkle, she was hit on the head with a friendship report. At least that’s what came to mind as she slowly regained consciousness realizing that the scroll hadn’t just been in her dream.

Of all the times to be woken up this certainly felt like a rude awakening. Why was she so suddenly alert again? As she began coming to her senses realizing the night was still very young she noticed a message laying on the ground presumably sent by Spike. Celestia may have been an Alicorn but the weariness from the day prior was making it hard to fully process everything. That's odd… Twilight is here… what could possibly be a reasonable explanation for receiving this?

Strangely it didn’t immediately occur to the ruler that in fact this message was due to an emergency, and she wouldn’t have been awoken otherwise. As she began levitating the paper slowly from the floor she caught sight of its crinkled and slightly ripped condition which was about when she began to think more clearly. She pulled it the rest of the way to her muzzle with haste and unraveled it. Normally every message she received from her student or from Spike was very formal. This however was far from it.



Wiz Frame of the Solar guard is requesting immediate backup mobilization guard in Ponyville. his words: the Everfree is alive! Creatures are beginning to tear buildings apart, can confirm timberwolves in town. We have little time… IT'S BAD DOWN HERE! HeLp!


Celestia didn’t even bother to worry about all the issues within the hastily written letter, and instead in her royal Canterlot voice at just past midnight, she said something the entire castle could likely hear. “Ready my Chariot! Nightshade ready the Lunar forces to go to Ponyville. Equestria is officially at war!”

Immediately activity could be heard in the Castle halls outside as ponies began to move. A noticeable pressure was also building within the air. Luna popped into existence, teleporting in mere seconds after what Celestia declared.

“Sister what are we up against?”

“Honestly, no idea. My scout reported monsters from the Everfree in huge numbers but I haven’t seen anything like that in over a millennium.”

“I’m coming with you!”

“Who will keep things under control here?”

“Twilight is ready, and Cadance will be here to help. You know as well as I that if we’re dealing with things from the Everfree I am the most qualified to deal with it, especially since you have my guard suiting up.”

“Very well but we must continue this on the way. My chariot awaits.” Celestia put on her armor and teleported to her airstrip balcony with Luna following closely behind. It was evident that news had spread to a large portion of the castle because Pegasi were strapped up for departure and Nightshade had just led half the Lunar guard through the archway behind them.

“Your majesty, many of the lunar forces are on scheduled patrol cycles. They can’t all be reached at this time.”

“Never mind that, every second we delay could be costly.”

About this time, Twilight, looking extremely tired, rushed in through the back followed closely by her friends as well as Shining and Cadance. Shining approached the Princess’ briskly, dressed in his old captain's uniform and expecting instruction. “Shining I leave you the entire solar guard until further notice. Twilight I need you and Cadance to keep the peace tomorrow and hold the fort here. My sister and I will hopefully resolve this attack tonight but until we know the full scope of things prepare for the worst. Peace be with you my little ponies! Trust each other and we will get through this. Luna”

Much doubt could be seen within the element of magic, but Celestia was proud to see her student, and now equal, put on a confident face following the news. The elements of harmony had every right to be worried about not being able to do anything to protect their home, but she was glad none of them had any objections. She turned and looked at her sister.

Luna understood this was an indication for her to take the lead commanding. She stood looking at her guard behind her. In her booming voice she kept things short for the sake of urgency. “My faithful, stay alert and watch the flank of thy brethren. Move out!”

Chariots and Pegasi began taking to the sky in the direction of Ponyville; into the unknown.

* Above Ponyville Outskirts *

“Tia you don’t think…”

“No, that corrupted entity was destroyed by the elements several years ago.”

“Prepare for the worst, remember? We can’t rule out any possibilities.”

“You’re right Lulu, but I can’t handle the idea of living in a world where that demon could still haunt you.”

Celestia and Luna had mostly sat in silence as their chariots drew ever closer to the town below. As the town neared they took to the skies and led from the front. Luna used a spell to enhance her vision, turning the scene before her from a rush of movement and dancing of light to a hoard of monsters. “Ponies, we have sights on cockatrice down there! Don’t make eye contact or your night will end sooner than you intended. Archers I want focused fire on cockatrice and anything making headway on these houses. Earth ponies upon landing form ranks in front of the unicorn and engage the enemy. Don’t ignore each other; communicate! Nightshade I need you to take a few soldiers and evacuate civilians in danger.

I will need to focus my energy on taking down the Ursa’s leaving the forest. We got a major down there. Sister there’s at least 3 hydras we have to deal with. Think you're ready to deal with a late night fire?”

“I will be by your side in no time Luna, but until then I can demonstrate what happens when you threaten Equestria.”

“Glad to hear it. 20 seconds out. 15 seconds. 10 seconds. Archers to the ready! Fire!” Unicorns and Earth ponies began raining down death upon their targets but for other unfazed creatures this only drew attention to the reinforcements. Several cockatrice began glancing upwards. A handful of pagasi fell out of the sky and shattered as a statue. One Pegasi who had been flying with several ponies riding in a chariot behind him suffered this fate and it was hard to tell what became of them. Ponies were seeing the truth of war; some may lose their home while others will lose themselves in trying to save it.

“Troops take the fighting to the ground. I want ranks to be formed in the field by Twilight's castle. Push inwards towards the square!”

After the initial shock that had left many fliers missing in action, the forces landed with the earth ponies beginning a frontal assault. Nightshade began swinging outside the city limits with a small squadron of bat ponies finding a side alley to begin penetrating the mass of creatures within. This would hopefully prove to be a closed off and optimal position to keep them from being blindsided as they neared the first few houses that were under siege.

In the meantime Celestia began fulfilling her portion of her sister's command. Flying was going to prove difficult so she teleported behind the nearest hydra that had begun lighting fire to everything in its path. They were only a few blocks from where the old library once was. And here I thought you fowl beasts were all but extinct. After tonight you may wish you had been. Typically Celestias thoughts weren’t this brutish, but she was a little riled up for several reasons. Benevolence wasn’t going to end the conflict, and no pony knew war like she had. Not only was she a little heated mentally, but physically she was heating up and glowing a vibrant white; it was becoming brighter with each passing moment. Thank Luna for keeping me from the rest of the forces.

The many heads of the reptilian caught sight of the Princess and the middle one began spewing fire capable of engulfing anything in Celestia’s vicinity. As it neared her she blurred forward at an unbelievable speed and not only dodged The flamethrower but continued forward putting herself in position to launch a counter offensive. From underneath the first hydra came an equally hot spell. The heat ray destroyed a thick layer of scales and left the Hydra burned but regardless it refused to go down in a singular blow.

The hydra possessed by its wrath began a charge through Ponnyville’s streets. It crushed market stands, planters and cracked countless windows as it barreled down upon Celestia. Before it reached Celestia it did something that seemed unlike any sane creature to the Princess. It inflicted pain upon itself by biting off the central head. It grew back a set of two more mid run giving it double the fire power, but Celestia had seen enough. This was not a creature or even a beast that they had documented in books. This was a machine with the sole intent to kill and destroy.

Celestia didn’t even let the Hydra get within firing range before she used a very taxing spell. She became even brighter as she cast, creating a molten hot shield just below where she had previously hit with her last strike. After that there wasn’t much left to see of the awful thing. It roared in agony and collapsed as the shield, which had been shaped as a spear, impaled the location with the damaged scales and expanded outward, searing the Hydra from the inside out.

Celestia was sweating greatly and took no joy in the sufferings she had caused. Taking a second to catch her breath was all she spared as she moved on to take care of the next two that could be seen still approaching the town from the Everfree. She also did her best to extinguish a few fires along the way. She would have liked to be more involved with helping individuals and families evacuate like Nightshade was doing, but she knew in her heart that more would die if the Hydras were still alive to attack all her little ponies out in the open. It would take half the Lunar guard they had brought to take one down. It was hard for her to stay determined in what she had to do but she pressed on for her ponies and for Equestria.

* Everfree’s Edge *

Luna was having a terrible time. Why she had decided to take on the Ursa’s was beyond her. Her efforts were proving only enough to keep the monolithic bears at bay. She couldn’t seem to gain an inch or make a dent in their oversized magical bodies. Hopefully Celestia is faring better than I am. While there was only one major, it was accompanied by its children amassing 4 minors; far too much for any one alicorn.

Thus far Luna had survived with illusion magic focused on distractions. The bears had been working against each other as they struggled to connect with their target. Flashes were Luna’s wild card, blinding the nocturnal enemy long enough for Luna to avoid at least half a dozen “close calls”. As she flew around behind the head of the major preparing to strike with a concentrated mana projectile, she was unready for what happened next. She had been glanced with the back of one of the minors hands that launched her nearly half a mile, and for any regular pony would have broken every bone in their body upon crashing. Fortunately for Luna she was able to teleport before impacting anything and instead came away dazed, bruised, and with less magical reserves.

That was the good news. The bad news? She was right in the middle of the Apple family orchard. She couldn’t afford to lose valuable time keeping her foe away from the town, but they had seemingly lost interest in the town anyway. It was clear: she was their new target. They left craters in their wake shaking the earth to its core with each footstep covering hundreds of feet, they crossed the distance between them quickly, not because of speed but simply because of size. When they were within striking range they began trying to flatten her into a pancake. Countless trees were uprooted and hurled through the sky. It was hailing trees. Sorry Applejack Luna thought with a grimace. I’ll be sure to repay you for this.

It took great concentration, but Luna was catching trees in her levitation and spinning them around the faces of the Ursa’s like orbits. The strain and focus required was immense, but all the Ursa’s could do in response was swat at the pesky branches. They were annoyed all right, but Luna was unsure if the next part of her strategy would work. The trees were accelerating and circling at speeds just shy of winds during a tornado. It’s now or never. Before Luna lost control of the levitation and gravitational work she was doing she began thrusting a few trees at the eyes of the Ursa’s. It was enough to knock all the minors off their feet and make the major grab for its face, but now they were roaring in rage and Luna was exhausted. She cursed herself for wasting so much magic, for the bear's only sign of pain was how slowly they rose back to their full heights.

Aside from trying something suicidal she was unlikely to make further headway on her own with so many opponents to worry about. The only thing I can think of to end this is discord deciding he needs to make himself a few life-sized teddy bears. Needless to say the night was still young, and the apple orchard, outer fields, and even the Everfree were all a wreck.

* Downtown *

Nightshade is not available please call back later. The squadron which had split off from the main army included 5 thestrals and the Captain. They had been doing everything they could to support Ponyville while navigating through difficult encounters. Things hadn’t started well. About 10 minutes into their mission they had already taken out 12 timberwolves and 2 manticore at the expense of several gashes of varying depth and one of the bat ponies was out of commission so to speak. He had resorted to riding on one of his brethren with a bow after nearly having his hoof torn off.

They had just helped a handful of ponies exit the town out of the alley way they entered when the injury occurred. One of the timberwolves had been by itself instead of with a pack. This gave it the perfect opportunity to stealthily jump out of a presumably empty building they had passed. Its life was ended shortly after but not before the damage was done.

Now the group continued to press on going from residence to residence with the intent of rescuing ponies and getting backup from any that had the ability to fight. It was scary how many places already had broken windows or doors. The blood was even worse. Most of the ponies so far had injuries of varying degree. They hadn’t seen any casualties yet but it became obvious they would, which unsettled the small group. Nightshade's thoughts weren’t much better either. There’s far too many empty buildings… unless some ponies had a chance to group up… telling ponies and detailing events afterwards will make for an awful report.

At this time they were coming up on Sugarcube’s corner, home of the Cake’s. As they secured the block leading up to it finding only the flower trio present on that road they heard a scuffle of noises coming from up ahead. It was a mix of voices, grunting and shouts. As they rounded the corner they saw a sight that seemed very unsurprising solely because in Ponyville everyday is a surprise. There, taking a stand in-front of the restaurant was a good fifth of Ponyville. They were wielding anything they could get their hooves on while approximately 30 Everfree monsters were overwhelming them.

Nothing about it looked good. On one side stood a cockatrice, basilisk, and 28 timberwolves, while the other had three petrified ponies: Aloe, Derpy Hooves, and Vinyl Scratch. Big Mac was holding the group together swinging a torch back and forth to keep the timberwolves from advancing while struggling to avoid the eyes of the cockatrice. Lyra was there holding boulders in her magic. The Cakes wielded frying pans and Bon Bon was using a lamp as a club. Lotus could be seen holding onto her sister crying. Of the other ponies present, kitchenware and furniture were common weapons of choice. They were throwing or swinging everything they could to keep the timberwolves back. A few children and elderly ponies were near the back along with a few injured adults.

Nightshade quickly began formulating a plan with her squad. It was all in whispers to keep the element of surprise before they closed the distance on their enemies. She first called for the pony with the bow to target the head of the cockatrice upon her signal. He would be laid down in a prone position so that they wouldn’t have to carry him for the hoof to hoof combat. Then Nightshade intended to form a shield around the group and have the others form a small 4 pony wall in front of her. They would go in with their spears and hope to make it out intact, otherwise it would take too long for the injured to be attended to. This all relied on the first bow shot hitting true however, and they needed to make their move soon because the ponies in front of Sugarcube Corner couldn’t hold out much longer.

“On my count of three.”



* Twilight’s Castle *

“They’re getting in Spike and I can’t do anything against this many Timberwolves. I haven’t even seen so many in one place before, let alone seen this many…

“At what point did I go wrong here?”

“Don’t think like that man. Twilight and I have gotten out of worse situations. We have to think of something… in fact I may have an idea.”

“Well let’s hear it! That door will only last another minute… two tops!”

“Well Twilight has a laboratory, and an off limits section under it. I’m told that’s where she puts all her failed projects, but I think she’s just hiding that they successfully did things she didn’t want them to do. Like... every time I bring it up she seems nervous like there’s some dangerous stuff down there.”

“This doesn’t sound like a good time to violate a Princess's space, but then again no time is…”

Forgive me Princess…

“Spike, I can’t hold this door any longer. Lead the way and prepare to start running. We will be hunted shortly after we leave.”

At this time Wiz Frame put a few last ditch things in front of the entry and let go of his hold on the door. He began galloping after the dragon into the depths of the castle. Spike was whispering directions to himself as they ran, which was unsettling to Wiz, but he continued to follow. He lifted his ears and could hear wood contacting against the floors but he pressed on.

“A left, right, down these stairs, right, left… There!”

A concrete door loomed up ahead presumably made to its thickness to contain the magic practiced inside. Spike had already entered. “We’ll come on!” Wiz wasn’t sure if going in would be better than staying outside this intimidating door, but at the sight of timberwolves rounding the bend behind him he made up his mind. He ran inside the door and slammed it behind him to the sound of wood splintering on it just after it closed. Ouch.

“Alright Spike you led me into this spooky basement, now what? I’m not about to wait out the conflict here.”

“There should be a door on this floor… somewhere…”

Wiz groaned, “not another door… this concrete around us just reminds me that my best friend is still made out of this stuff.”

“Help me look for some kind of button or handle. I’ve never been into it, but it’s got to be here.”

“Well if I was going to make a secret room I didn’t want anypony to find I would put an illusion over the entrance.”

“So you're saying there’s nothing to find?”

“No, I'm saying it would take a pony good with magic like Princess Twilight, to unveil it. Give me a sec…” Wiz began reaching out with his magic to feel for any active spells. He wasn’t good enough to sense magic in use, but he could trace the signature it left behind. “Got it! The Princess used a basic weave to disguise this drain as part of the floor, but in-fact I believe it isn't there at all!”

Spike walked over to the grate in the corner. It looked like an ordinary drain. Regardless he stuck his claw against the metal expecting it to pass through only for it to make contact with the surface. “Sorry but I think you were wrong. This is definitely a grate.”

“Hold on… I learned about this in school before I transferred to the guard… high level casters can manufacture a spell capable of tricking your mind into sensing the illusions presence with smell or feel. I’ll prove to you it’s not there.”

Wiz began walking towards the grate and imagined a stairwell underneath letting his next hoof come down lower then the first. Spike saw the illusion waver for a second. The hoof passed through solid metal and a small set of stairs was revealed momentarily before the spell adjusted to make it look like the metal went through Wiz Frames leg.

“Huh… we'll, we should hurry. Ponies need help out there. Thanks for saving me Wiz. I know you didn’t come here just for me but… had you not come to the castle I would have been in trouble. Now… What do you say we find something to get your friend back.”

“You're right… ponies could be dying at this very moment. Spike if you're right about this, and we find something capable of turning this battle in our favor I’ll be sure you are recognized by ponies as the hero you already are. Let's do this… together!”

Wiz and Spike trudged down the stairwell into the darkness. What secrets would they find hidden away from the eyes of the world?