• Published 3rd Aug 2021
  • 454 Views, 2 Comments

A Siren Tale - Sparkling blaze

Did you ever wonder why the sirens act like they act?Every villian got a backstory and this is theirs.

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Chapter 1

I can't believe mom and dad are both gone. I... I'm the oldest now. I do know how but I need to find a way to take care of my sisters. I'll do whatever it takes.

I watch as Aria and Sonata play.I gotta get them out of here,else we are in risk too.

"We gotta get out of here."I tell Aria,as I pick Sonata up.

"Where are we going?" she asked me.

That's a good question, I don't know where to go. We can't go back home, maybe ask the ponies for help? No they would never help a siren.

"We're going to go through that magic portal mom and dad told us about."

"Didn't they tell us to stay away from it?"

"Yeah but we don't have a choice."

We swim away from the place once we called home,we can get pretty far away until I realized me,Aria and Sonata haven't fed in ages.I take a look at my baby sister sleeping soundly.Already in pony land I put her down and make her be comfortable.

And it's not much time later till Aria confirms what I thought.

"Dagi I'm hungry,when are we gonna hunt?"I heard her ask.

Not we.I have to hunt for them.I can't let them get hurt.

"I'll go get us something." I told Aria.

"I'll go with you." She said back to me.

"No you stay here with Sonata."


"No buts Aria. If something happens to me you'll be all she has left."

And so I go hunting,mom always told me to feed on positive energy even if it was hard,she says negative energy can be really bad.

And so I searched everywhere for it,this was Equestria not Aquastria for godness sake that shouldn't be so hard.Even so I only found negative energy.Ok,now I knew where to bring my sisters in the morning.

I bring them hunting in the morning.

"But mom told us we shouldn't feed on negative energy." Aria told me.

"I know what mom said but we don't have a choice."

"Why is it so hard to find positive energy, aren't all the ponies supposed to be all happy and friendly all the time?"

"Maybe it's all show just to make everyone think things are so much better here."I tell her."Anyway just feed before they discover us here."

When I fed on the negative energy,I felt something different inside me,was that what mom was talking about?

I looked at Aria and Sonata by the look on their faces I knew they felt the same as me.

We needed more.

"I know we don't normally need more then this. But this time it'll be ok." I take my sisters and we go and feed more. I've never felt this good before, but deep down I feel there has to be a reason mom told us not to feed on negative energy.