• Published 3rd Aug 2021
  • 454 Views, 2 Comments

A Siren Tale - Sparkling blaze

Did you ever wonder why the sirens act like they act?Every villian got a backstory and this is theirs.

  • ...

Chapter 11

The years went by really quickly and eventually Sonata had fallen in love too.Arthur was currently 10.

But I could feel that our identity as sirens was really close to being revealed.Me,Sonata and Aria as natural of siren had stopped aging physically.

"Girls I think we have a problem." I told them one afternoon.

"What's wrong?" Sonata asked.

"I think they're starting to realize we don't age."

"Well,it would be strange if they didn't we don't look a year older than when we mover in."Aria said."So,what's the plan?"

It hurted me a lot,but unfortunately ouro only option was leaving,I know Aria and Sonata weren't gonna like it too,Aria still loved Harriet,and Sonata had recently fell in love with Bernard,one of Albert brother's.And I was gonna have to leave Albert and my son.

"We're leaving."

"No we're not." Aria told me. "You can leave if you want but I'm not going anywhere."

"Aria we have to. What do you think will happen when they find out?"

"I'm not going to leave Harriet."

"Do you think I want to leave Albert and Arthur?"

"I don't want to leave Bernard,Dagi."Sonata said.

"We are staying."Aria said."Me and you are at least."

I sighed.This wasn't gonna be easy was it?

"Listen here you two,what do you think it's gonna happen when everyone is all old and we look like teenagers?"I ask them.

"I think anyone would love to have someone that looks like that when they get old." Aria shouted off.

"This is serious." I told her. "You know how these people are. They would never understand."

I sighed again:

"Plus we're basically immortal we're gonna outlive all of them.Do you want to be here to see them die?"

At that Aria finally stopped and thought a bit:

"No,no I don't.And I don't want Harriet to discover I'm a siren."

Sonata seemed to realize it too.

"So we all agree?"I ask.

"Yeah we do."They said at the same time.
We left in the early morning,but on the way to the other city Sonata started vomiting.

"Sonata are you?" I asked.

"I must be. Do you think I should go back?" She asked.

"You can't."

"But he deserves to know."

"Well now it's too late to go back."Ari said."We're already halfway there."

Sonata then started getting really pale.

"Girls,I don't feel so great."

I rushed behind her.She fainted into my arms.

"Guess,we're making a stop.What are we gonna do Aria,siren pregnancies are really risky,especially the first one,what if it makes her worse?"I asked Aria.

"First things first we need to find her a doctor." Aria told me.

"And how are we going to explain her being pregnant?"I asked.

"I'm sure she won't be the first pregnant woman he's treated. But if he doesn't know we can explain how it works."

"That's not funny and you know what I mean."

"Well just tell them her husband died. That someone robbed him he fought back and the shot him."

"OkBut what if she gets worse?"

"That doesn't change anything. We'll take care of her the best we can."

We taken Sonata to the hospital and unfortunately there wasn't only good news,yes she was pregnant,but her dementia had advanced even more.

I was really worried about her.

"How bad are we talking?" Aria asked he doctor.

"I..don't know for sure. I've never seen anyone this bad before."

"Then you need to find someone who does." Aria said as she got closer to him. "If you can't help her..."

"Aria, enough." I tell her as I get between them. "That won't help her."

We then saw Sonata wake up.Aria ran right to her side.I followed.

"Sony,how you feeling?"She asked.

"Where are we?"Sonata asked.

"At the hospital."I told her."You're pregnant and your dementia got worse."

"How much worse will I get?"

"We don't know yet. They've never seen anyone as bad as you are."



Sunddely she gets up from bed and starts walking,me and Aria follow her.

"Sonata where the hell you going?"Aria asks.

"I-I don't know."

Me and Aria guide her back to the bedroom.

"That was weird." Aria said when we got her back in bed.

"I couldn't help it. I just got up." Sonata told us."

"You shouldn't be up yet." I tell her.

"But Dagi,I need to get up,I need to..."

"You need to rest."I tell her.

Later that night Aria went to sleep,and I stayed awake to be with Sonata.
It was already 4AM and Sonata wouldn't sleep,she seemed tired,but she didn't catched a blink that night.

"I can't sleep Dagi." Sonata said just about to cry.

I hugged her. "I'm sorry, I don't know what to do."

"I also feel like I need to do something, anything."

"We can walk for a bit,if you feel up to it,I'll wake Ari to go with us too."

She nodded.

I wake Aria.

"Sonata can't sleep,we're taking a walk with her."

"Which time is it?"Aria asked.


"Sonata hasn't slept at all?"

"She hasn't catched a blink all night."

Aria walked over to Sonata. "You ready?" She asked.

"Yeah, sorry we had to wake you up." Sonata told her.

"Don't worry about it. There's no way me or Dagi would let you walk around alone this early."

After that the three of us went on a walk.

Sonata was extremely unquiet on all our walk,I couldn't stop worrrying about her.
I could tell Aria was too,but she was doing her max to distract Sonata.

I felt really tired,I also hadn't slept to watch Sonata.But I was extremely worried.

"Thanks for doing this this late." Sonata told us. "I know you two must be tired."

"Anytime." Aria told her. "Besides I'm not that tired, I got some sleep. But Dagi has been up all night."

"Don't worry about me." I told them. "I'm not tired."

We returned to her room and Aria stayed awake with Sonata so I could sleep,eventually at 8AM we were all up and they brought her breakfast.

She ate,but besides not being able to chew right she wouldn't stop eating and when she finished she told is she was still hungry.

"Well you are eating for two right now." Aria told her.

"At least." I told them.

"So can I get some more?"Sonata asked.

"I'll see what I can get you."

They brought her some more food and the only reasons she didn't devour it faster was her difficulty to chew.

Later on in the day she was anxious and couldn't move right.She had gotten up a few times walked with apparently nowhere to go and if wasn't for me and Aria she would get lost.

"Sonata me are Aria will be right back ok?" I told her.

"You be back soon?" She asked.

"Yeah we'll be right back"

Me and Aria stepped into the hallway.

"I'm worried about her." I told Aria. "She's just getting worse and there's nothing we can do about it."

"I am too, and there has to be something we can do."

"If we were back home maybe but not here."

"Should we go back,I have a bad feeling?"Aria said.

I had a bad feeling too.

We entered the room and Sonata was fainted.

"Sonata!" We ran over to her. "Aria go get her a doctor."

She ran out of the room and came back in a couple minutes dragging a doctor behind her.

"I told you you were going to check her now." She told him.

The doctor checks her. "I can't do anything for her."

"Then you better find someone who can." Aria tells him.

"Aria calm down." I tell her. Then I ask the doctor. "What's wrong with her?"

"Remember how we told you she was going to get worse? She just got worse."

"What can you do for her?"

"Like I just said nothing."

"Wrong answer." Aria tells him.

"No one can do anything to help her." He told us. "She'll either wake up or she won't."

"Ok,me and my sister are staying with her till either or happens then."I told him.

The next few months were the worst,me and Aria would only wait so Sonata would wake up,we were both really worried.
Eventually we started losing hope.
But about 6 months lateral,she woke up in labor.

We were both happy and worried. Happy she was awake but worried with how early she was there might be something wrong with the babies. She had twin girls both were small but seemed to be ok. I don't want to think what would happen if she loses one, or even both of them.

Eventually we could talk to her,me and Aria went up to Sonata.

"How you feeling?"Aria asked.

"I'm feeling bad,what happened?"Sonata asked.

"You've been in a coma for six months, and you had twins." I told her.

"Oh?" She said almost like she had forgotten she was pregnant. Then a look for fear came across her face. "Where are they? Are they ok?"

"They are here."Aria told her."Want to see them?"

She nodded and we took her to the babies.

Sonata's face lightened up.

"They're so cute."

"They are."I told her.

She looked upset. "Bernard would love them. Are you sure I can't tell him?"

"I'm sorry but you can't tell him."

She sighed.

"So what are their names?"Ari asked.

"Beatrice and Bessie."Sonata answered.

After a few days we were back on our trip to the city this time not in three but in five.I tried my best so we could arrive at somewhere safe for Sonata and her babies the most quickly,we arrived at another city,got another house,some new clothes and food too.And how the three of us were adults now there was no worrying about getting sent to the orphanage again.

After living there for a couple days we realized something. "Girls I didn't think we'd have to do this, but we need to find jobs. We're almost out of money."

"Can't we just...you know like last time?" Aria asked.

"No we can't just do that...it's not that easy."

"Maybe we can use our voices."Sonata said while rocking Beatrice.

"Yeah but what if the negative energy runs out?"I say.

"Then we recharge.The human world is more negative then Equestria and Seaquestria altogether."Aria retorted."So there shouldn't be as much shortage of energy here as there was back home."

I hate to admit it but Aria is right. I can't believe how much negative energy is in this world. But there is also a lot of good.

"Alright we'll use our voices. Now we just need to find the right people."

"I'll help you find someone." Aria told me.

"We can go wherever you're ready."