• Published 3rd Aug 2021
  • 455 Views, 2 Comments

A Siren Tale - Sparkling blaze

Did you ever wonder why the sirens act like they act?Every villian got a backstory and this is theirs.

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Chapter 19

Do you ever realize how much time you spend waiting? Not really for anything special just waiting? Or how what you did today was the same thing you did yesterday and it'll likely be the same thing you do tomorrow? If you didn't don't feel bad most people don't, life is just to short. But I've seen ages come and go kings rise and fall. Even watched the world rip itself apart and piece itself back together a few times one of them over Aria of all people. But with all the bad that's happened there has been a lot of good. So now I'm just sitting with my sisters debaiting on what to do now.

We were currently on our way to the local fast-food place we used to eat in both human and siren form.

"I'm tired of waiting for nothing Adagio."Aria was really grumpy those days.And apparently she had decided to discount on me.

"Can we get tacos?"Sonata asked.

"Of course Sonata."Even Sonata's 5 year old attidude that wasn't her fault was annoying me.

But I had a feeling,magic.Magic,and it was close.I needed to confirm it first.

"I might have finally found what we've been looking for." I told Aria.

"And just what have we been looking for?" She asked annoyingly.

"Magic so was can get home. Remember the whole reason we're here. I think I sense some."

"Magic?" She asked as she started to laugh. "No one in this world has magic. It's all just slide of hand."

"I know but..." Thats where there was a big rainbow flash outside the window and we felt a burst of magic like we haven't felt sense leaving Seaquestia. "I told you there was magic."

"So what's the plan?"Aria asked.

"We need to go there.Examine the ambient.And blend in."I told them.I then turned to them."We'll get home girls,just Sonata don't spoil our disguise."

We then walked over to apparently an school,and I was grateful we looked like teens.

"We need to buy some teenager clothing,girls."I said."From next semester on we're high school students."

"That has to be your must dumbest plan yet,Adagio."Aria complained facepalming."What these teenagers could have to do with equestrian magic?"

"I don't know." I told her. "But I felt it and we all saw that flash."

"So what's the plan? just wonder around asking people about magic? I'm sure that'll work. Oh excuse me me and my sisters are sirens from another world and we think your school has real magic." Aria added in a mocking voice. "Why are you even in charge anymore?"

To that I got right in Aria's face. "Because I'm still your big sister." I grabbed the front of her shirt. "And like it or not I'm still stronger then you."

"Girls, please." Sonata said trying to get us to stop.

Aria sighed. "Fine we'll do things your way for now. But I'm warnign you this had better work, if not I'm going off on my own."

"No you're not.You know why?"I slightly pointed to Sonata,and talked low enough so only Ari could hear."I know we're both tired and wish she could act her age,but she can't and still needs us.And she's still really close to you."

"Ugh...Fine."She muttered.

A whole semester later we were getting ready for our first day at CHS,really getting ready for the search.
Sonata this week was acting more kiddie than ever which it was just...perfect timing,today Aria had even to get her hair ready for her.Which for praticity she tied Sonata's hair in a high ponytail.

"Ready,girls?"I asked.

"Yeah, let's go!" Sonata shouted jumping up and down.

Aria let out a sigh. "Whatever let's get this over with. "The three of us walked in. "So where should we go first?" Aria asked.

"The office." I tell her. "That way if nothing else we won't have to worry about the principal." We walk to the office and what I see almost makes me rethink everything it's Princess Celestia.

"Why is she here?" Sonata asked as she hid behind Aria.

"Is something wrong?" Celestia asked as she got out of her chair.

"No it's ok she just not good at meeting new people." I tell her.

"I understand" she said with a soft smile. "My sister is the same way. Are you the new students?"

"Yes I'm Adagio Dazzle, and these are my sisters Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk."

"One of our students will present the school to you."She told us."My sister will lead you to them."

The vice-principal called the girl in her speaker and then got to us and lead us to an red and yellow haired girl.

She wasn't from here too anyone around her could sense the magic around her.

"I'm Sunset Shimmer." The girl said as she held out a had to shake.

"Adagio Dazzle." I tell her as I shake her hand. "And this is Aria and Sonata."

"Nice to meet the three of you. How about I show you around the school?"

We walked off with Sunset and we noticed everyone was giving Sunset a bad look.

"Sorry for being curious,but why is everyone looking at you that way?"

She just looked around and sighed:

"I'm sure you'll hear about it."

"Hear what?" I asked.

She let out a sigh clearly not wanting to talk about it. "I turned into a demon." She said.

"A what?" Aria asked.

"I turned into a raging she demon."

She's stronger then I thought. But still me and Aria should be able to beat her if we need to.

"How did you do that?" Aria asked. I knew the look she had she was already trying to figure out if she could do it too.

"Oh it's a long story. One I don't think you'd believe."

"We've seen a lot of stuff over the years." Aria told us.

"Yeah." Sonata added. "And that's not counting what we saw back home."

"Oh I forgot to ask, but where are you from?" Sunset asked.

"Seaque..." Sonata started before I put a hand over her mouth.

"Let's just say we're not from around here. And I don't think you are either." I told her.

"You're right I'm not."She said her look getting a bit mistrustive.Definetly an pony then.Even if they didn't know we were sirens back in Equestria when we were in our pony forms their insticts led them to not trust us.She clearly shook it off tho."Why don't we get on with our school tour?"

She showed the whole school to us,and told us there would be an festival of music,we could control the principal and vice-principal so It's a battle of the bands.
And Sonata almost gave away our plan again.

"Do you really think it'll work?" Sonata asked me. "Just walking in there and using our powers on the two princesses?"

"They're not really the princesses." I told her. "They just look like them, but they don't have their magic."

"But what if it doesn't work?"

"Plan B." Aria said. "I'll fight Luna and Dagi will fight Celestia."

"It won't come to that." At least I hope it won't.

"But you heard what that girl said right,Adagio?"Said Aria."If she managed to do that,her magic is strong."

"I know I was thinking we could use that to our advantage.A bit of manipulation and she comes to our side."I told them as we walked torwads the cafeteria.

"Do you think that will work? You know how ponies are with friendship." Aria asked.

"Ponies would be a problem, but humans don't value friendship the same way." I told her.

"Oh my gosh girls I just realized something!" Sonata shouted at us.

"What?" I asked

"It's Taco Tuesday!" She shouted.

Me and Aria both facepalmed. "You two ready?"

They both nodded I pushed open the doors are we started singing.

We followed the plan perfectly,it was going all well,we had to pull a few dirty moves on the rainbooms.And manipulate Trixie a lot,we had trapped them underneath the stage and were waiting to be called to perform,I was hopeful the plan would work.

Hopeful that nothing would go wrong.Hopeful that we we're getting home tonight.

But of course things started to go south.The Rainbooms managed to escape,we battled,me and my sisters were in advantage.We were in our full power.

Their vocalist dropped their microphone,that's it we...Wait up,that Sunset girl is picking the microphone,maybe she'll understand maybe she'll join us.

Yes she's singing! No way they can beat us now. Wait why is she helping them up? Sunset,NO! I thought I maybe I could use you...I would have even taken you home with us so you wouldn't be stuck here anymore. But it makes no difference in the end we'll just finish you too. I attacked them Aria and Sonata joined me. I was really hoping it wouldn't come to this...wait what's that light....ahhhhhhhh.

Something drove me and my sisters back. I've never felt anything that powerful before what was that? I look at my sisters and they seem alright. We can beat them nothing can stop the three of us when we work together. I'm getting ready to attack again but stop at what I see. It's an alicorn How is an alicorn here?! It charged a beam and it hit us.

I felt pain,and heard the sound of my gem breaking,it hurt,it hurt a lot mentally,physically too,but it didn't hurt as much as knowing what that meant.But I was in pure denial,no,no,they can't have took that away from us,that's what makes us sirens.

Me and my sisters instenticvely hold our broke gems,as we test our voices,hoping they came out even if they were not normal.They really had no idea what the voice of a siren did,did they.

Our voices got out but clearly not normal,people started heckling us,we ran away.

It didn't matter they didn't like it,what matters now is checking my sister's and their voices to see if that magic didn't affect us badly.

When we got backstage,Aria took me offguard by starting crying of apparently pain.

"Aria, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I..I don't know, I just hurt all of the sudden."

Aria has never been one to cry out in pain always thought she had to be tough for Sonata. "Where?"


"We'll take you to a doctor."

"No I'm fine. I'm sure it'll pass."

"If you're sure,what about you Sonata you ok?"

Sonata nodded while worriedly looking at Aria.Who just managed to stop crying now.

Aria noticed and went over to her and gave her a hug.

"I'm ok,Sonata."

"You sure?"She asked really worried.

"Yeah, let's just get out of here."

That blast must have done more to her then she's letting on if she doesn't want to keep fighting. But she's right we should go.

"Are you sure you're ok Aria?"I asked.

"Let's just go!" Aria shouted.

"Ok fine." The three of us slipped away during the aftermath of what happened.

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