• Published 3rd Aug 2021
  • 454 Views, 2 Comments

A Siren Tale - Sparkling blaze

Did you ever wonder why the sirens act like they act?Every villian got a backstory and this is theirs.

  • ...

Chapter 12

Aria and me left Sonata alone and went into town to find someone we could use. After awhile we found several people that would work. We just needed to pick one.

"Anyone you really like?" I asked Aria.

"Not really..."She said looking to the ground.

"Still not over Harriet?"

She nodded.

"I really loved her,Dagi."

"I know how you feel. I still love Albert and Arthur. Part of me wants to go back, but I know if I do..."

"It might not be that bad. They might understand."

"But will the other people in the city accept us? What if they send someone to try and hunt us for being monsters?"

"They won't."

"Ari.If we go back after certain time they will know we're not normal for not aging,we can only play it as we only have a baby face for so long.Once they discover we're sirens they might try and kill us and not only me,you and Sonata.Arthur,Beatrice and Bessie too,since they're half-sirens.It's just too dangerous."

Aria stood there for a moment trying to think of a counter to what I said. "I won't let them hurt any of you." She finally said.

"Aria that's not the point. It's too dangerous."

Before the two of us could continue two guys walked up to us.

By their looks I could tell they were about to flirt with us.So it was for the best I took over the conversation.

"Hey there.May we help you?"I asked.

"Maybe." He said "it's just me and my friend here notice you two are alone and look to be having an argument. Is everything alright?"

Aria glared at him. "I don't see why it's your business."

"I'm sorry but I'll have to agree."I tell them,and put my hand in Aria's shoulder in case she decides she wanna fight with them."I'm only had a little disagreement with my sister.Thanks for the concern,but we are gonna get going."I turn to Aria."Let's go home."

The two of us left. "I can't believe him."

Aria said. "Just trying to butt into our talk."

"I know."I told her "But I think he meant well." I told her.

"I think he just saw two good looking girls and wanted to make a move."

"Well I don't want to know about him."Aria said and crossed her arms.

"But we could use him..."I said."Besides me and you might not want anything with him but Sonata might."

"Alright,alright...Talking about the idiot,we really should get going.I don't think leaving her alone with babies for too much time is a good idea."That's right Sonata was alone with Bessie and Beatrice home,who knows what she was doing.

As soon as we got back we could tell something was wrong. Both the babies were crying but Sonata wasn't doing anything to check them.

"Sonata you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, but Bessie and Beatrice are crying a lot."

Aria walked over to them at picked them up. "Don't you think you should take care of them?" She asked Sonata.

"I did everything I can think of,I just can't get them to stop crying."She says."So I gave up."

I resist the urge to snap at my youngest sister.And go pick one of them up so Aria won't have to do the job alone,I check Bessie's diaper,yep it was full,I change her,she's still crying.

I turn to Sonata:

"Have you fed them?"

"Yeah,afterwards that they wouldn't stop crying."She stopped for a second as if remembering something."Ah and Dagi we need a new stove."

"Why do we need a new stove Sonata?"I say resisting the urge to yell.

"I tried to heat the girl's bottles but they melted."

"What do you mean they melted?"

"Even things like that get too hot."

"I know what melting is Sonata. What happened?"

"See for yourself." She told me.

I wish I hadn't. It looks like instead of putting the bottles in hot water to heat them she had just put them on the stove. Both the bottles melted ruining the burners. Looking at it I don't know how the whole thing didn't catch fire.

"How could you have done this? You know better. This isn't your first time making a bottle." I told her somehow keeping my anger in check.

"I guess I just forgot."

"How have you forgot Sonata?10 years ago you were doing this to help me with Arthur!"I grabbed on to her shoulders,my voice raising."You could've put the house on fire!"

"But I don't remember making it Dagi..."She says eyes watering.

That's when I understood I couldn't deal with Sonata like I dealt with Aria.She had grown up,but at the same time she hadn't and never would,back in the other town she was better to the point she took a step into adulthood dated Bernard and had her girls,but after her worsening and her coma,I think she was one step back again.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm down:

"Look we put the bottles on hot water not on the stove ok?"

She nodded.

"I figured out what was wrong with the girls." Aria told us.

"What is it?" I ask bracing myself for the worse.

"They just needed to be burped." She said trying not to laugh.

"After everything that's happened, they just needed to be burped?"

"Yeah just a bit of gas, it's normal."

"I was expecting something more...."

"How did Sonata even do this kind of thing and what are we going to do? " Aria asked.

"Yeah like this is the type of problem what I'd have with you." I told her.

"Hey I'm not that bad...at least not anymore."

I giggle a bit.

"I know sis.But I think we only have one solution so this doesn't happen again."


"Sonata is too bad to be left alone for now,I think that may be why this happened since she knew how to do thia before so unless we want this to happen everytime we go out,we'll have to take her with us and probably Beatrice and Bessie too."

Aria thought for a moment then sighed.

"Yeah you're right, we'll have to take her with us. Because just one of us shouldn't be out by ourself's."

"But it will make it harder to find someone."

"Yeah but it needs to be done."

After that Sonata put the girls to bed then asked us. "How did it go?"

"Not very well." Aria told her.

"Oh."Sonata said disappointed.

"We'll go out tomorrow find someone.But Sonata you and the girls are coming with us."


"We don't want something like this happening again. Besides if we find someone you'll need to like them too and we'll have the kids."

"Yeah that makes sense. But won't it make it harder with two kids?"

"Maybe but it's what we're going to do."

"OK if you think that's best."