• Published 3rd Aug 2021
  • 455 Views, 2 Comments

A Siren Tale - Sparkling blaze

Did you ever wonder why the sirens act like they act?Every villian got a backstory and this is theirs.

  • ...

Chapter 18

It was hard at times but Abigail got better and Arthur started to get over Sara well as much as he ever will. We've stayed a lot longer then I thought we would. Deep down part of me wants to stay. Most of the people that knew who I was have already died. I wonder if I could pull it off at least for another year or two...but no we have to go.

"Mom are you sure you need to leave now?" Arthur asked me.

"Yes,Arthur,soon your sister and cousins will start dating and unlike with Sara,me and your aunts aren't young enough to just play it off as having a baby face.They'll know something's off.I wanted to be here with you and help you with Abigail.But I can't."

He sighed."I understand."

"Watch your sister and cousins for me and aunt Sonata ok?"I asked hugging him.

"Of course I will mom."

I then heard Beatrice running to the bathroom and vomiting,of course,of course we would have to leave one of Sonata's kids nonetheless pregnant.
I go to check on her.

"You alright?" I asked her as I rubbed her back. She vomited again showing me how stupid a question that was.

"Must have been something I ate" She says as she tries to get to her feet but doesn't have the strength.

"I think it's more then that." I tell her as I help her to her feet. "But I need to ask you something, You have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, I do. Why?" She asked.

"Can we meet him?"

"Sure, why."

"You're pregnant."

"I'm not auntie...."

"Yes you are Beatrice.Have you told your mom yet?"

"No,not yet."She says and vomits again.

Aria passes the hallway and sees Beatrice vomiting.

"Shit,she's pregnant isn't she?"She says as she walks in.

"Know any other reason a siren would vomit like this?" I asked.

"This could be anything." Beatrice told us.

"No it's not, you're pregnant." Aria told her.

Me and Aria helped Beatrice to the bed. "Try and get some rest."I told her and me and Aria walked into another room and closed the door.

"This is just what we need." I told Aria.

"We can't just leave now can we?" Aria asked.

"Of course not. And once we tell Sonata she's going to want to stay."

"But if we stay."

"I know,I know."I sigh."What we're gonna do?"

"We need to tell Sonata first of all."Ari said.

"And meet Beatrice's boyfriend."I tell her.
Sonata then walks in.

"Hey girls." Sonata said in a cheery voice."What's...up?" She can tell by the looks on our faces something is wrong. "What's wrong?"

I sigh knowing this isn't going to be easy."Do you know Beatrice has a boyfriend?"

"No she doesn't have a boyfriend, if she did she'd tell me."

"Not if they were going out to have sex behind your back she wouldn't." Aria told her.

"Why does this even matter?" Sonata asked.

"Beatrice is Pregnant that's why." I told her.

"Oh,she's not as bad as I got is she?"She asked,she wasn't mad I could tell by her tone she was concerned but not mad.

"No,she's not as bad as you got,but all siren's pregnancy get pretty bad."

"But you told me we needed to leave Dagi.We can't leave with her pregnant."
I sigh."I know you'd say that Sonata,we're gonna meet her boyfriend,and then we'll see what we can do."

"Let's ask her who it is." Sonata said. We walked over and asked her.

"His name is James." Beatrice told her. "He's he's really sweet but...."

"But what?" Sonata asked.

"I don't know if we should tell him."


Beatrice raised her dress showing a bunch of bruises.

Sonata just gave Beatrice a tight hug.

"Then he's not nice,Trice,he's mean and you can't get back to him,that's what your aunts taught me back when I was with someone who took advantage of me."

I look at Aria's face and saw she was mad, I was too when Sonata was bad we raised her kids as our own.And someone hurting our nieces was something we'd never accept.

"I'm going to kill him" Aria told us and stated to walk to the door.

"Aria,no!" I go after her and stop her. "You can't."

"Oh yes I can. Want to come and watch?"

"I feel the same way you do but think about this. Say we kill him he can't hurt her or anyone else again. But now the cops are called and they arrest you for murder."

"You really think I'd let the cops arrest me?"

"Aria we can't lose you."

"Fine but we have to do something."

"I know,our voices are still working maybe we can use it to keep him from hurting her again."

"Well you know our voices need to charge for that."Aria told me.

"Then let's go recharge our voices,Arthur can watch everyone for us in case Sonata gets bad."I said."Besides I want to get this bastard away from Beatrice as much as you do."

Me and Aria left. it's been a long time sense I've had to charge my powers for something like this. Mom always told us not to do this but it's the only way, besides it feels so good. After we changed we went and found him.

"Remember."I told Aria "We can't kill him."

"Yeah,yeah I know,I know." She told me.

We then get to the guy,sing a song to control him and make him never get close to our niece again.

We went back to the house when we were done. "He won't be bothering you anymore."

"But aunt Dagi, what are we going to do?" Beatrice asked me

"What do you mean? We're gonna take care of the baby."

"Aren't you, mom and aunt Ari leaving?"

"We can't leave while you're pregnant."I tell her."But when you have the baby,we will have to leave,but don't worry your sisters and cousins will help you with your kid."

Unfortunately,midst her pregnancy,Beatrice and her baby got very bad.

During that months,I never seen Sonata more worried,she was always even if she herself was bad,taking care of Beatrice.

"Dagi there has to be something we can do for Beatrice. I can't lose her." Sonata told me.

"We're doing everything we can." I told her.

"I know but it doesn't feel like enough I should be able to do something. I'm her mom and I have magic. I..I should be able to..."Sonata started crying again.

I pulled her into a hug. "We have to stay strong for her. If she sees you like this it'll make her worse."

Sonata kept there crying hugging me.Then me and her both went checking Beatrice.
When I got to the door of the room,I could tell something had happened,and if it was what I was thinking I rather Aria to be here with us when Sonata discovers.

"Sonata,why don't you get Ari,while I check on Beatrice then you come here again?I say.

"Sure." She went off to find Aria and I walked into the bedroom.

"Hey Bea, you feeling alright?" I didn't expect an answer but I hope for one, for anything as I walked closer to her. She just asleep. I told myself. She's just a heavy sleeper. "Beatrice." I said a little louder. But still I didn't get an answer from her. "Beatrice!" I shouted as I reached out and shook her. She just layed there...she was gone.

"Why did you drag me here?" Aria asked Sonata as she and Sonata walked in the room. But before anyone could answer Aria could tell the same thing I did. "No. Don't you dare tell me."

"What Ari?" Sonata asked not realizing it yet.

"I'm so sorry." I said.

"What is it?" Sonata asked again this time she was able to tell something was wrong but not what.

"Beatrice is dead." I told her.

I saw an panicked look go through Sonata's face,as she ran to Beatrice's side,she shook her.And starts crying.

"Wake up!Wake up!"Then Sonata started spacing out.

"Sonata?"Aria asked.

Then she just fainted.Probably got worse of her dementia.Aria catched her,she clearly was thinking what I was thinking,Sonata couldn't see anymore of her kids die,this was our sign to leave.

Later that night I was sitting with Arthur.

"Me and your aunts are leaving in the morning. And...I don't think we'll be back."

"Mom please stay." He told me.

"I want to, I really do but your aunt can't stay. And I can't leave her alone."

"Then just you stay. Aunt Sonata will have aunt Ari to look after her."

"I know and who will look after Aria? You know how she is."

"She's not that bad."

"The only reason James is still alive is she's to worried about Sonata to leave her side. I'm sorry but I have to go."

He hugged me tight.

"Just write ok?Don't leave us without news."He asked.

"I will."I hugged him back and kissed his forehead.

Aria came to the living room:

"Sonata woke up,Dagi.Time to tell her we need to leave."

I got up and went to her room.

"Hey Dagi."Sonata said as I walked in.

"Hey Sonny, how you feeling?"

"A little better, but still bad."

I hugged her. "I know you won't want to but we need to leave in the morning."

"Why? It's good to be back home."

"You know why, and besides this isn't home, not anymore."

"But the kids?"She asked.

"They're all grown,they can live their lives now,but they'll die and we won't,and we don't wanna watch that,but I think you know that."I told her.

The next morning we left.