• Published 3rd Aug 2021
  • 454 Views, 2 Comments

A Siren Tale - Sparkling blaze

Did you ever wonder why the sirens act like they act?Every villian got a backstory and this is theirs.

  • ...

Chapter 6

I never thought it would be this easy. All we have to do is sing a song and people will give us whatever we want. At first it started with food and a place to stay. Then we wanted some new clothes and we got them. Part of me knows mom and dad wouldn't want us to do this. But we don't have anything else we can do.

Things were getting harder as my sisters grew older too,especially Sonata,since she still acted like a kid.

Aria was out with her right now,so I was alone and could make a plan on how to get back home.

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door.

"Oh great who could that be?" I ask myself as I get up to answer the door. When I opened it I found a man and woman on the other side.

"Are your parents home?" The woman asked.

"No...not at the moment, they went to the store they'll be back soon. Who are you?"

"We live next door." She told me. "In all the time you've lived here we've never seen them and are just worried about you."

"You don't have to be we're ok." I then sang a song with my siren voice to make them believe me,making them leave. "Oh great now we really have to be careful. "

Sonata and Ari arrived not soon after.

"Hey girls."I said.

"Dagi I'm hungry..."Sonata whined.

"There's food in the cabinet Sonata."

"The plan ready yet?"Aria asked.

"No,without equestrian magic around I can't think of a way to get us back home at all."

"So you're saying you can't get us home? Aria asked me.

"No I'm saying we need magic to do it." I told her.

"Why are you in charge again?"

"Because I'm your big sister. And don't you forget that."

"I should be the one in charge. If I was we'd be home by now."

"Oh really, how?"

"Because I would,I would..."

"You would what,Aria?"

"I'd just get us home."

"Well we would be home if it wasn't for you and Sonata!"I said my voice raising the tone.

"I wish you weren't my sister!"Aria yelled.

"I wish mom and dad weren't gone so I wouldn't have to deal with you!"I didn't mean it,I really didn't but the words came out of my mouth instectively and really loud.

Then I saw Sonata waving at somebody at window,my heart started to race:

"Who Sonata's waving at?"I see the neighbors,no,no,no."It can't be. Why didn't it work?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Never mind." I walked over to Sonata and took a hold of her hand. "Just ignore them ok?"

"But Dagi." She told me. "That would be rude."

"But we don't know them."

"They might be nice. They might even have some food."

"I told you we have food."

"But I want tacos."

That's when we heard a knock on the door.

"Aria,Sonata,hide right now,your voices aren't as powerful yet,I'll deal with them."

"I'm not gonna hide Adagio."Aria retorted.


And in that moment Sonata opened the door.

"Sonata don't!" I yelled but it was to late.

"Hi!" Sonata told the person at the door. it was the lady from earlier.

"Hi there." She said with a smile. "Is your mom or dad home?"

"Nope, just me and my sisters."

For a moment I thought we might be able to get out of this.

"When will they be home?"

"They won't be, they died a long time ago."

The look on the woman's face changed.

"Who takes care of you?"

"My sisters."

"Can I talk to them?"She asked.

"Aria,get Sonata away from her,we don't need more information revealed.And you two go hide,please.Let me deal with this."

"Ugh... fine."Aria walked up to the door and got Sonata by the hand and got her away from there.

I then went up to the door.

"I told you you don't need to worry about us." I told her.

"You're just a kid yourself."

"I'm older then I look."

"Still not old enough to be looking after you and our sisters."

"We've been fine so far."I tried to sing to convice her but it didn't work.

And after a call we ended up in an unknown place,probably a orphanage.

Me and my sisters tried to escape but it didn't work.

"You see this is why I should be in charge." Aria told me.

"Give it a rest." I told her. "We don't have time for this. Besides I'm just not in the mood for it."

"What is it too much for you?"

"Aria." I tell her in a tone that tells her I'm done.

"Ari, Dagi I want to go home." Sonata told us.

Aria sighed and then knelt down to be more in Sonata's level. "I do too, but we might be here for awhile."