• Published 3rd Aug 2021
  • 455 Views, 2 Comments

A Siren Tale - Sparkling blaze

Did you ever wonder why the sirens act like they act?Every villian got a backstory and this is theirs.

  • ...

Chapter 16

It's been great being able to see Arthur again and even better when he invited all of us to stay as long as we wanted. So we did, next thing we knew me and Sonata both had our kids. The only real problem we had is Aria still wasn't over Harriet.

And even worse she kept blocking out any of us when we tried to talk about it.She I think to keep herself occupied took care of Sonata's kids I think more than Sonata even did,sometimes even would take care of my twins too.

Sonata recently wasn't doing too good to take care of the kids so Aria doing that wasn't really an problem,Arthur had justin went to work and Sonata said she wasn't feeling good so she was gonna sleep.That was my chance to have a chat with Aria.
I went over she was watching Flora,Florence and Lilian crawl while helping Beatrice and Bessie on their homework.

"Aria we need to talk." I told her.

"What about?" she asked me.

"You know what."

"We're not doing this." She got up and tried to walk away.

"You can't keep running from this." I tell her as I go after her.

"I'm not running, I'm just not ready to move on."

"Well,you can't block your feelings forever."

"I'm not blocking my feelings."

"Yes you are,and anytime we try to talk to you about it,you say excuses like:I have to take care of Sonata's kids,you don't even like kids that much,and definetly are not so patient like you are being now."I grab her shoulders and look her in the eyes."So you gonna tell me what's happening right now."

"I never should have left! I could have done something."

"No you couldn't have. You know what caused it."

"But I could have helped. I could have saved them."

"Aria we both know what would have happened if you were here."

"I would have saved her,I should have saved her."She said starting to cry.

I hugged her:

"Aria,we can't help everything..."

She sobbed.

"And the only thing that would happen if we stayed is we would have seen everything."I stroked her hair."We are immortal getting hurt is inevitable."

"It's not fair. What are we going to do?"

"We have to move on."

"I don't know if I can."

"Would Harriet want you to feel like this?"

"No."She sniffed,she eventually broke down again.

She kept crying for hours until she eventually calmed down.



"I'm never falling in love again."

"Yes you will." I told her. "You're far too young to give up on love."

"We're immortal." She told me. "How old I am doesn't matter."

"I know it hurts, but don't think about the pain."

"What else is there?"

"You love her right? And you know how good that made you feel right?"

"And now it's gone."

"You know she loved you too right?"

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"How do you think she felt?"

"I know,I know..but it doesn't matter not anymore."She said.

I gave up,Aria was stubborn,she remained to her opinion until proven wrong.The best I could do was comfort her.
Eventually she would fall in love again,I just hoped that eventually didn't take long.

"If love is so great why haven't you tried to find anyone else?" She asked.

"You know that's no how love works." I told her. "When you find the right person you know it. Trying to rush it will make things worse."


Nothing to exciting happened the rest of the afternoon. That evening Arthur got home.

"Hey mom.You seem stressed,everything ok?"

"Your aunts are driving me crazy but yes."I look at his eyes,he had something to tell me,I think he was in love."Found yourself a girl?"

"How did you know?"

"Siren insticts.Just don't ask your aunt Ari for advice she's upset at the word love right now."

"Actually,it's more than I found myself a girl."He blushed."I've been seeing her for a month and..."

Well it seems half-sirens also have siren insticts.I knew what he was about to say.

"She told me she was pregnant." He told me.

I knew it. I should have tried to explain the siren instincts to him.

"That's wonderful." I told him.

"I know, I'm just scared. I wasn't expecting it to happen so soon. Her family is furious with her."

"Bring her here then."

"I'm gonna have to. Mom I just I don't know if I'm ready."

"Arthur,sweetie,do you think I was ready?I had to start taking care of your aunts when I was just a child,and when I had you and your sister I was 17.It is the most difficult thing and nobody's ready.But it is also the most wonderful thing."

"If you say so mom."

"Now go get your girlfriend,I wanna meet her."

He left and in a few minutes later he came back with a young woman. "Mom this is Sara." He told me then he looked to Sara.

"Sara this is my mom Adagio."

"Your mom?" She asked looking at me.I don't blame her for not believing him. I don't look any older then she does.

"You haven't told her have you?" I asked Arthur.

"No I haven't." he told me.

"Tell me what?" she asked.

"I'm a siren." I told her.

The girl started laughing nonstop:

"Good one.That was a joke,right?"

Ok not the reaction I expected,I can play it off as having a baby face for until she haves the baby,I did had Arthur rather young,and was only 40,but as soon as she had the kid we would have to move.
I put on my acting face.I gave a fake laugh.

"Of course,of course,I had Arthur as a teen,that's the reasons why I look so young and also me and my sisters were always known for looking younger than we actually are."

"He should have just said that."Sara said "That means our kids will like keep their youthful looks longer too."

"Yeah it runs in the family." I told her. "Just look at my sisters, they're only a few years younger then me but they still look just as young."

"Is it really ok I stay here?" She asked. "My parents kicked me out."

"Of course you can. You're one of the family. But you should meet the others too."

Arthur went "Oh yeah, Sara this is my aunt Aria and aunt Sonata."

"So nice to meet you!"Sonata went and hugged Sara.

"Get used to it,she's like that."Aria came behind an unsure look on her face."Nice to meet you.Good luck to you and Arthur."She then turned to me."Dagi,can we talk?"

"Of course."I turned to Arthur and Sara."Excuse us."

"Are you sure we should stay here?"She asked when went outside."The girl is gonna realize that your excuse was a lie."

"I know,but we are staying only until she haves her baby.We don't know if for it being Arthur's child the curse will affect the pregnancy."

"I'm pretty sure we both know it will." She told me.

"I know that's why I want to stay. We both know what could happen. I'm not going to let anything happen to them."

"Oh so me being here wouldn't have changed anything but you being here will?"

"I don't know if it will but I'm staying."I sigh."Aria she's a human girl carrying a descendant of a half-siren.And if worse comes to worse,I don't want to leave my son without moral support again.Because between us,the chances of the girl surviving a siren pregnancy are close to zero."

She sighs:


"Now let's go inside before our sister drives the poor girl crazy." Me and Aria walked in and Sara was playing with the kids.
"Didn't take long for you to become one of the family."Aria told Sara.

"I love kids." She told her.

I can see how Arthur fell in love with her. this is going to make things even worse.