• Published 24th Aug 2021
  • 887 Views, 99 Comments

The Adventures End? - Dragon Shimmer

Sunset comes back to Equestria after a long journey.

  • ...

Going out together.

Twilight and Spike are meditating, forgetting the time is flowing fast. As they meditate, they feel their mana is flowing inside their body. Twilight wants to learn
about that but she has to focus on meditating. Spike and Twilight feel their stomach glowing, they watch the clock and it is already night. Spike and Twilight try to move but something prevents them. Opening their eyes, they see a lot of heavy books that Sunset puts on their limbs.

Spike shouts, " SUNNY!"

Sunset opens the bedroom door and walks with the dinner, "Yes?"

Spike complained, "Why did you put the heavy books on our limbs? We can't move here."

"Well," Sunset rubs her head, "I just want to test your focus." The duo glares at Sunset, making her feel nervous. Sunset gulps, "Let me put those books out." Sunset starts putting the books out of their limbs as they feel so light for now.

Twilight glares at the orange dragon, "Next time, don't test us like that."

"Fine," Sunset sits next to them, "let's eat. The food is getting cold."

Twilight and Spike sigh as they start having dinner. When they finish, they help Sunset to organize the books.

"Okay," Sunset sits down as they finish putting the books back. Sunset looks at the bookshelf and says, " I didn't know that bookshelve can contain that weight."

"Eh..." Spike rubs his head, "You buy it, right? It looks simple in my eyes."

"Yeah" Twilight is reading a book. " I agree that the bookshelves look simple but can contain much weight."

"I don't know," Sunset leans against the sofa more. " I remember that I'm out of money at that time and had to go to the Everfree forest to bring the trees there."

Twilight grapes and she puts the book down. Then the purple unicorn goes to the bookshelf to find a book. Spike and Sunset look at each other as Sunset asks, "eh, what is she doing?"

"Don't know." Spike rubs his head, "That's what happens when Twilight remembers something."

Twilight searches the bookshelf for a while then she pulls out the book with the title "The most quality wood in Equestria". Sunset creates a fire dragon and Spike plays with it. Twilight sits next to them and starts flipping the book. When she says , "aha", the dragons turn their heads to the purple unicorn.

Spike asks, "You discover something?"

Twilight nods, "Yes. I found the wood that Sunset chopped in the books."

Sunset smirks, "bet that is the cheapest wood in Equestria," Sunset drinks some water.

Twilight retorts, "Eh no, it's opposite though." Sunset spills the water and coughs. Twilight tells the information of the book, "The Everfree woods is the most quality wood in Equestria. It can contain 1 tons on a ten centimeter square. Despite the fact that this kind of wood is not nice and it can't be painted, ponies are still looking for this type of wood."

"Eh, okay... But we don't need wood anymore." Sunset leans against the sofa, " beside I made the bed with that wood too."

Spike takes the book, "No wonder it is so tough when it can contain a dragon."

Sunset glances at him, "You mean you call me fat?"

"No, no, no." Spike waves his claws to retorts, " I didn't mean that."

"Good for you," Sunset hugs him tightly, making him hard to breathe, " Or else you will end up in hospital."

Spike waves his claw furiously, "Okay, okay. Please let me go, I don't want to sleep forever." Sunset loosens her hug while Spike breathes hard, " Geez, I didn't know you that strong."

"Oh right?" Sunset stands up and goes upstairs, " I am going to sleep. See ya." Sunset goes upstairs to sleep.

The sun has risen up and the birds are chipping. Rainbow Dash is clearing the cloud to make sure that the sky is clear. From her calendar, today must be a beautiful day. After clearly done, Rainbow Dash wonders what the orange dragon is doing. Seeing her doing magic that can beat Nightmare Moon, she wants to see some awesome magic.

Inside the library, Sunset, Twilight and Spike are cuddling each other. Sunset opens her eyes and sighs because she can't get up normally, but she feels so good when cuddling them. Strange.

Sunset tries to wake them up, " Hey, you two. Time to wake up."

Spike slowly opens his eyes but then he wants to hug Twilight more, "No, I don't want to get up," and he ends up with the water on his head, making him grasp. Spike and Twilight glares at the orange dragon as Spike rubs his head, "Can you just don't wake us up like that?"

"Then please get up," Sunset looks at her claws is hugging the duo, " My claws are blocked by you two,"

"Fine, I'm hungry already." Spike gets up and prepares himself. Twilight and Sunset do the same. When Spike is done, he goes to the kitchen to cook breakfast. After 15 minutes, Sunset and Twilight join the kitchen and have breakfast with Twilight.

Twilight asks, " Today is Sunday. So what will you do? I will read the books all,"

"And I will drag you out all day," Sunset retorts, making Twilight jump back. Sunset continues, "Really, you don't have to read the books all day long."

Twilight says back, "But the books get me more intelligent."

Sunset shakes her head, "But you don't have to read a book all day."

"No," Twilight slams the table, "I will read books." Spike and Sunset look at each other as they finish their breakfast, then look at Twilight with a grin. Twilight just finishes her breakfast and sees that stare, making her worry about them. The dragons stare at each other and nod, then they drag Twilight out of the house. Twilight struggles, "Hey, let me go." Sunset rubs Twilight's neck, makes the unicorn feel so good and gives up the struggle. The dragons close the door and go out.

The trio walks on the street as Twilight grumbles. She doesn't know why she like that rub a lot. As they walk, they meet Mayor Mare who is breathing heavily.

The brown mare shouts,"there are cows running here. They will cause much damage if they run here."

Sunset grins,"Look like I have some beef," and she received a knock on her head by Spike and Twilight. Sunset rubs her head," Hey, why are you doing that?"

Spike answers, "Because it not right to kill innocent animals,"

Twilight adds, "Plus Fluttershy will be disgusting to you. We, ponies, are fine with eating meat but... This is wrong."

Sunset rolls her eyes, "Fine. Let's go there and see what we can do."

The trio and Mayor go to the bridge to check the cows. There are Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Rarity there. Sunset feels weird because Rarity here. The cows are running to Ponyville as all of the ponies and dragons watch them.

Sunset is going to breathe fire to prevent their way but she suddenly hears a "yeehaw" sound. Sunset decides to stop and see Applejack is controlling the cows with her dog. Applejack then jumps on the cows and takes the lasso to wrap around the leader. Then she turns the leader cow in another way, making all the cows follow their leader. All of them except Sunset cheers at Applejack.

Rainbow Dash exclaims, "That was awesome,"

Fluttershy giggles and sighs in relief that the cows are fine. Spike looks at Sunset and asks, " What are you going to do, Sunny? I find that you are going to do something."

"Well," Sunset answers, "Just going to breath fire to stop them. You know they're scared of fire, right?"

Spike nods, "I see." Then he sighs, "I should learn how to use my fire,"

Twilight pats his back, "Don't worry, you will know how to use it."

"Hey, how about we go to the park?" Sunset points at the road, "I'm sure that we will have some fun around," Twilight and Spike follows Sunset to the park.

Twilight and Spike are lying on Sunset's back as they are enjoying the peaceful life of the park. Twilight looks at the sky and watches the clouds floating on the sky.

Twilight suddenly asks, " So how long will we have to meditate?"

Sunset uses her tail to point at Twilight's chest, " Depending how much you feel your mana river. If you and Spike take this seriously, I will switch to another lesson after three days."

Spike glances at the orange dragon, "So I will cast a spell. I can't wait to cast the first spell of my life, well except the... Sending letter spells."

Twilight giggles, "Sure. I will support you, Spike."

"Hey Spike," Sunset calls him as he turns his head to her, " Can you buy a magic inhibitor ring?"

Spike feels weird, "What for?"

Sunset answers, "For Twilight." Twilight is going to ask but Sunset opens her eyes, making her shut her mouth. Sunset continues, "who needs a horn to cast magic, right?"

Twilight retorts, "Hey, no unicorn can cast spell without horn,"

"Are you sure about that," Sunset glances at Twilight with a grin as Twilight nods. Sunset smiles, "Don't worry, I will make sure that you can do it."

Twilight continues to deny, "There is no way to do that."

Sunset puts her tail on Twilight's hoof, "wanna bet? If I fail, you can do anything to me in one week. Of course that will be the safe one." Then the tail put on Twilight's other hoof, "or else you will obey me in one week. Don't worry, I won't let you get hurt."

Twilight grabs the tail and says, "Deal."

Sunset nods and closes her eyes. Twilight and Spike do the same as the trio take a nap.

Rainbow Dash is flying through the park and sees the trio is cuddling each other. That scene makes her 'bleh' as she doesn't like this cute moment. The trio wakes up and sees Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash says, "Hey, you all miss the
Applejack's award ceremony." Twilight and Spike are shocked when hear that

"Meh," Sunset waves her tail, " I don't care,"

Rainbow Dash whines, "Come on Sunny, you already miss a chance to be a hero of Ponyville,"

Sunset smirks, "Heroes don't need fame, Dashie." The orange dragon opens her eyes, "And the one who thirsty of fame is not the hero,"

Rainbow scolds, "Fine. Just do whatever you want."

Sunset glances at the cyan pegasus, "I hope Applejack is fine."

Rainbow rubs her head, "Actually no, she is not walking normally when she comes to the award ceremony and talks... Not so normal,"

Twilight stands up, "Really? We should go to there to see Applejack,"

The dragons nod and stand up, they walk with Twilight and Rainbow to go to Applejack's farm.

On the way to the Applejack's farm. They see a camp that has some ponies who are whining. Looking inside, they see the ponies are lying on the bed and vomit. A white pony with lịght pink mane wearing a nurse hat stops them.

She says to them, "You are undifferentiated so I advice you that you don't come in,"

Twilight asks the nurse, "What happened to the ponies inside?"

The nurse answers, "They get food poisoning by apple pies."

Sunset shakes her head, "That's out of the line," then she turns to others, "You three go to Applejack farm to stop her causing more disaster. I will come back to the library to make antidotes."

Sunset rushes into the library's basement and grabs the material to make antidotes. After 30 minutes, with the help of magic, she managed to make 20 bottles. Then she takes them to the camp.

When the dragon comes to the camp, the nurse stops her again, "I told you that you do not come inside." Sunset takes the antidote and throws it at one of patients' mouths, making the nurse grasp. She glares at the dragon, "What are you doing?"

Sunset points at the patient, "Look at the patient," the nurse looks at the patient that is just being thrown an antidote. He is recovered and stands up without sickness or anything.

The nurse looks at the dragon, "What have you done?"

"Just some food poisoning antidote." Sunset puts all of them on the table, "Give them to all of the patients. I will wait for her until they are fully recovered." The nurse nods and takes the antidote.

After two hours, Sunset manages to come back to the library. Twilight and Spike are meditating as Sunset sighs. She lies down on the floor and looks at the roof, then she takes out a blueprint and draws something as she plans something. A crazy Sunday for them