• Published 24th Aug 2021
  • 887 Views, 99 Comments

The Adventures End? - Dragon Shimmer

Sunset comes back to Equestria after a long journey.

  • ...

Surprise visit

Sunset opens her eyes and hears someone arguing with each other. Standing up, she sees the purple duo are arguing as Twilight is begging the purple dragon.

"Please, Spike." Twilight whines, "Can I borrow your money to buy this book?" The purple unicorn points at the book as Sunset looks at it. The book's title is "Daring Do and a mysterious temple", which makes Sunset shake her head.

"No Twilight," Spike rejects, "I know you like books but first you have to pay the debt first."

"Oh," Twilight tilts her head, "How much I owe you?"

"Let's see," Spike takes a notebook and flips the pages quickly. Sunset looks at the purple unicorn and sighs in disappointment. When Spike stops flipping, he answers, "You still owe me 1000 bits." Then he puts down the notebook, "Nice one, Twilight."

"WHAT?" Twilight shouts, "I owe you that much?"

"Yes," Spike answers sternly, "You borrowed money to celebrate a party for your parent's birthday party last year, then you bought a lot of books that year and still have not paid me back." Then he looks at Twilight, "That's why I call you that you are my bank."

Twilight sighs in defeat, "Fine, can you cook breakfast for us, please? I'm starving."

"Right," Spike nods, "See you in the kitchen."

When Spike goes out of the bedroom, Twilight turns to Sunset with glee as Sunset is cleaning the sword. Twilight is going to say something but Sunset cuts her off, "No. I won't let you borrow my money."

"Come on." Twilight whines, "It's just 100 bits for that book."

"You know you can read it because another package is coming here." Sunset explains, "That package will have the book you want."

Twilight glees as she runs out of the room in a second, making Sunset surprise, then she looks at the sword and sighs. For those cases, she quite depends on the sniper rifle to catch the crime because only it doesn't have any damage when using the electric bullet. She really needs a special sword to fight, the sword that causes no damage to the opponent but can make them faint because of the pain. Sunset walks to the kitchen and rubs her head.

Spike takes the breakfast out as Twilight feels so happy about the book while Sunset just sighs. When the trio starts eating, Spike looks at Sunset Shimmer and asks, "Hey Sunset, do you know anything about summoning spells?"

Sunset tilts her head, "Why did you ask?"

"Because when I read comics about summon spells and stuff. I feel so... horrified." Spike answers, "Are summon spells dangerous?"

"If this is a normal level, it is quite dangerous." Sunset eats the sandwich, "But if this is a ritual level, that can be a world-destroyer level." Sunset's answers make the purple duo gulp, Sunset sighs, "After breakfast, I will tell you more about this summoning spell." The purple duo nods as they return to their breakfast.

When they finish, the trio walks to the main room as Sunset sits down on the sofa and takes out the board. Sunset draws a magic circle and draws a board next to it. She splits the board into two as the purple duo is confused.

"Well, a summoning spell is just a spell to summon a thing," Sunset starts writing, "There are two types of summoning, will summon and force summon."

"...Why did you have to split it into two?" Spike asks, "Are those kinds different?"

"Yes." Sunset nods, "Will summon is the type when you and the summoned have already made the contract to it. The summoned will fight for you or play with you without any hesitation." Then Sunset shakes her head, "The forced one is the opposite, they will be confused why they are here, or what are they doing here, then many things happen to the summoned like homesick, shock culture eh... maybe, got it?"

"I see." Twilight writes everything while Sunset stands up and walks out. Twilight looks at her and asks, "Where are you going?"

"Go to the blacksmith." Sunset rubs her head, "I need a sword."

"You already have one," Twilight retorts, "Why do you need another one?"

"Well, I want to make a more special sword." Sunset closes the door, "See ya." The purple duo looks at each other as they are confused about what she is doing with the sword.

Sunset goes to the blacksmith in Ponyville. When the dragon just comes in, she meets a lime old pony with a scar from the eyes. He is reading the newspaper and doesn't care about anything. Sunset comes in and looks at the old pony, suddenly a blade comes to her as Sunset catches it. When she looks at the old pony, she doesn't see him anymore. A blade is near her back as the orange looks back.

"What are you doing here, dragon?" The old man asks, "There is nothing to raid here."

"What?" Sunset tilts her head, "I come here to learn about blacksmithing and stuff."

The old man is surprised as he thinks that the dragon will destroy the store. The man nods and sighs, and looks like the time has changed for him, "What's your name, dragon?"

"Sunset Shimmer," The orange dragon answers, "Look like you are not a simple pony who is always crafting a sword."

The old man looks at her, "... How can you figure this?"

"Look at your skill," Sunset answers, "and look at your action toward me."

"I see." The pony walks inside the store, "Come to me, I will show you how to make a sword. It is simple." Sunset nods and follows the man.

Twilight and Spike are practicing magic. Twilight is successful in shaping a squirrel as Spike is shaping an eagle with fire. When the shapes are done, he makes the eagle fly around. Twilight feels jealous as he is doing better than her. A knock on the door interrupts them and Spike opens the door, he sees Celestia, Shining Armor, and Cadance are standing on the as the purple dragon surprise. Twilight sees her big brother then she rushes to him to hug him.

"B.B.B.F.F," Twilight hugs her brother tight, "I miss you."

"I miss you too, Twilight." Shining Armor hugs her back, " You know how much I am worried about you when you live with two dragons."

Twilight looks at Candance, and Candance looks back at her, then they dance together, "Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!" and laugh.

Candance looks around and doesn't see another dragon there, "Twilight, I thought you live with another dragon."

"She is going to the blacksmith to make a special sword." Twilight answers, "I don't know when she will come back,"

"I see." Celestia looks at the library, "How about we talk inside the library?"

"Let's prepare," Spike runs to the library, "Oh wait, if you are here, then how about your work?"

"Don't worry," Celestia grins, "Luna 'volunteers' to do my work so I have a free day."

Spike nods in understanding as he goes inside the library to prepare the talking. It will be a long talk though for him and Twilight.

Luna is frustrated about her sister now. When she just woke up, her sister is already gone and left a paper with a note,

Sister, can you do my work for today? I have a talk with my old student all day. Please help me cause I really need to talk with her about the competition yesterday. Please, I will do your job in one day to pay you back if you wish to take a rest.

Now, she has to deal with mountains of paper, which Raven Inkwell mentions is the job to do. With Raven's direction, the job goes quite smoothly but she will pay back her sister for this.

Celestia, Shining Armor, and Candance are sitting at the round table in the kitchen. When Celestia asks why Sunset puts a round table in the kitchen. Twilight just answers that she just likes the round more than the normal one. When Spike puts the fruit on the table, he sits next to Twilight while Candance and Shining sit next to each other

Celestia asks her student, "So, is everything weird in the bedroom? I assume that Sunset has to bring something weird inside."

Twilight rubs her head, "Well, there is a heavy white sword and a weird metal thing. I don't know what it is?"

Shining offers, "Can you bring them here? I can look at them directly."

"The problem is..." Twilight taps her hoof, "It's quite heavy, I tried to lift the sword before but it is too heavy to drag. Well, can you help me with this?"

"Sure." Shining Armor, Twilight, and Spike go up to grab the thing in the bedroom. When Shining just steps inside, he sees the white sword with ruby inside. Shining lightens his horn to lift it up but he can't because it is too heavy. Twilight goes to help him as the unicorns drag the sword while Spike drags the sniper rifle because it is quite heavy.

Celestia and Candance are chatting with each other. They hear some sound on the side as Twilight and Shining drag the sword and put it on the table. Spike does the same with the sniper rifle. Celestia examines the sniper rifle while Candance looks at the sword in amazement.

Cadance comments, "I like the sword. It's so beautiful."

"You like it," Shining Armor sits next to her and breathes heavily, "I don't know that a dragon can carry such a heavy sword."

Twilight adds, "She calls that sword 'the heaven gate' though. I think that fits the name."

"I see," Shining looks at the sword, "And I see some small weird symbol on it. That makes me want to fight with the dragon once."

When Twilight is going to retort, the door opens as Sunset just comes back home and lies on the sofa. Sunset sighs cause she doesn't know crafting a sword is too hard. Slapping her cheeks, she gets up and goes to the bathroom to take a bath to refresh herself.

The ponies in the kitchen don't know how to respond as Celestia keeps analyzing the sniper rifle. She finds a weird cause for her, it has a trigger, then it can work like a crossbow.

"I... don't know what this is." Celestia sighs, "Looks like something that my old student brings back from... far away."

"I know," Twilight whines, "She said that this is a weapon so she didn't allow us to touch it."

Celestia looks at Shining through the scope and finds that his face is bigger. "... a scope but has some weird shape and has numbers inside."

"You enjoy it?" Sunset says from behind, makes Celestia 'yelp', and looks behind. "What do you want from my stuff, Celly?"

The others grasp while Celestia sighs, "I just want to see if this thing... " Celestia pulls out the bullet, "Is yours?

Sunset shakes her head in defeat, "I don't know that you figure out so much in the single look. Is that from the competition yesterday?"

"Yesterday, I saw three ponies that had been knocked out without a trace, all I see is these." Celestia takes out more bullets, "I don't know what these small things are but I am feeling that I shouldn't know."

"Then you are not ready," Sunset is making tea as Celestia looks at it. Sunset asks, "And who is this unicorn?"

"Oh," Twilight answers, "This is my big brother, Shining Armor. He is a captain in the guard."

"Just like Coral Blade." Sunset puts the blue tea to Celestia, "But why do I see something inexperience from him?"

Celestia looks at Sunset while Shining Armor is calming himself. Shining pays back, "Well, I think I see an inexperienced dragon who never knows about the guard."

"Well," Sunset says, "I already know that your guard is biased for unicorns and pegasus." Shining Armor takes back while Sunset looks at him sternly, "I am thinking that you have this position because of this bias, not from your efforts."

Shining grits his teeth as Celestia drinks the tea and stands up, "Well, it's time we have to go. I will see you soon." Celestia, Shining Armor, and Cadance are going out of the library

Shining Armor is still angry about this, "That dragon. Why did she say that?"

"Calm down, Shining Armor," Cadance tries to calm him down, "She is taunting you and you are just being taunted."

Shining Armor sighs, "I see, but I want to fight with that dragon once."

Are you sure?" Cadance asks, "I heard that she can fight against Nightmare Moon without any problem."

"I just think that is just a rumor," Shining wraps his hoof around Cadance, "Nothing is dangerous."

Sunset sits down and grins. She takes out the poison joke as the purple duo grasps. This will be fun tomorrow when Celestia wakes up.