• Published 24th Aug 2021
  • 887 Views, 99 Comments

The Adventures End? - Dragon Shimmer

Sunset comes back to Equestria after a long journey.

  • ...

Just a show pony

Sunset Shimmer is taking a board while Twilight and Spike sit to listen to the next lesson. As the orange dragon is done, the purple duo takes notes and feather pens to write everything Sunset said. Sunset draws a pony and a dragon then draws many arrows inside.

"Oh right," Sunset puts her hand on her chin, "I impress that you two can pass the first lesson. Now, we move to the second one. Spell."

Twilight tilts her head, "Spell? You mean like a levitating one."

"Well," Sunset nods, "You right? Like a levitating spell. First, we move to the shapeshifting type."

"Eh... Sunny," Spike is confusing, "That's sound like the changeling which we read in the book,"

Sunset points at Spike, "No, we don't talk about the changeling here. What we talk about is this." Sunset creates a fireball by her claw, making the purple duo feel amazed, " this is shapeshifting type when you circle your mana and release your element of magic there," then she dispels the fireball, "It's easy because you already learn about mana feeling." Sunset sees Twilight raise her hoof. " Yes, Twilight?"

Twilight asks, "How many elements of magic are there?"

Sunset counts her fingers, " Let me see. Fire, Water, Lightning, Earth, Tree, Light, Dark. So far I only know seven elements," Sunset rubs her head, "Honestly, these elements are hard to... Eh... That's another lesson we will learn in the future. Any question."

Spike asks, "So what can magic do?"

Sunset shakes her head, "I don't know how far magic can go. The best one I know is bend the logic and control the time," then she claps her claws, "Anyway, your homework is to create an element ball, that's all."

"Is that simple..." Twilight is going to says more but Sunset wear her the magic inhibitor, make the purple unicorn yells, "Hey,"

"This is .... " Sunset gets cut off when a knock on the door. Sunset sighs and opens the door and sees the pink pony. Pinkie Pie hugs her tightly as the orange dragon is confused, "Eh, Pinkie Pie. What's that hug for?"

"Just a friendly hug." Pinkie looks at the dragon with glee, " Hey, there is a new pony in the Ponyville. She is hosting a big show in the middle of the town, you all should watch her show."

Twilight sighs and trying to say something but Pinkie rushes inside the library and drags her out, "Come on, we should go now"

Sunset and Spike look at each other and sigh. They walk with the pink pony who is dragging the purple pony.

Pinkie leads Twilight and others into the middle of town. There is a cart in front of the Town Halls. Inside the house, there is the voice that says, "Come one, come all! Come and witness the amazing magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie!"

The cart is transformed into a stage and a cloud of blue smoke comes out and appears to be an azure mare. The audience 'ohh' in surprise as the mare continues, "Watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed by pony eyes!" Then the fireworks go off.

"So that her talent?" Sunset rubs her chin, "I can hire her though if... I am a boss."

Rarity looks at the orange dragon in disbelief, " you kidding right? Who will hire a boasting mare like her."

Applejack adds, " Yeah, who will hire somepony like that. I find that she is so boasting"

Twilight asks, "There's nothing wrong with being talented, Right?"

Applejack answers, "Nothin' at all, except when somepony comes here and shows off like a filly that has fancy thin'." The orange mare glares at Trixie as the azure mare is making the flower grow fast."

Rarity adds, "Just because one has the ability to perform lots of magic does not make one better than the rest of us,”

“Especially when ya got me around being better than the rest of us. Heh... Uh, I mean, yeah, uh, magic shmagic,” Rainbow Dash taunts.

Sunset shakes her head while Trixie looks at them, "Well, well, well. Who else to challenge the Great and Powerful Trixie."

"Oh come on, no one is more powerful than.." Spike gets cut off when the orange dragon tail puts on his mouth. Spike pushes out the tail and glares at the orange dragon, "Don't do that."

Rarity glares at her, "and who do you think she is?"

"Why do I call myself the Great and Powerful? Because only she can vanquish the dreadful Ursa Major." Trixie shapes a galaxy-like bear then makes it disappear.

The crowd is shocked and amazed, especially the colts duo named Snip and Snail as Sunset only rolls her eyes with that. Trixie says that she has vanished the Ursa Major back to Everfree. Snip and Snail are too exciting.

"That settle it," Snip cheers

"Trixie is the most powerful unicorn in Equestria." Snail follows.

Sunset is just going to walk away but something is on her tail. She looks back and sees Rainbow Dash there, "Yes, Dashie?"

Rainbow Dash stares, "Come on dragon, I know you got magic. Shows her who is really boss," Sunset just swings the tail to make Rainbow Dash fall out. Rainbow Dash huffs as Sunset leaves the stage to head to her library.

When the orange dragon just walks inside the library, she goes to the basement and puts her claw into the ground. The ground is shaking and shaking. It slowly becomes flatter and flatter. After one hour, the ground has become flat. Sunset feels the ground by her claw then she is satisfied. 'next is the pool,' the orange dragon turns to the pool and starts filling water.

Twilight and Spike come back to the library as Spike sighs. They hear something like water is running. Spike immediately runs to the bathroom to see if the pipe there is broken or not but he finds nothing.

Spike is confused, "eh, where does that sound come from?"

Twilight looks around, " I don't know, Spike. It's like coming from the ground." Twilight puts her ear on the ground and hears the water is actually running. "Spike, go to the new room. The water is running there."

Twilight and Spike go down the basement and climb down. They run to the new room and see the pool is completely full. Spike looks at it and sees his reflection while Twilight runs to the exhausting Sunset is lying on the ground

Twilight asks, "You okay, Sunny?"

"I'm fine." Sunset is breathing quite fast, "Just a little too much."

Spike put his claw on the ground, "I like this one, we should come here and go swimming when the summer comes. I don't mean the beach is not cool but they always crowded.,"

Sunset looks at him," Really? This water is for training and I haven't completed the pool yet."

Spike walks to the orange dragon, "anyway, let's drag you out of this base." Twilight nods as she and Spike are dragging Sunset out of the new room.

Spike and Twilight throw the orange on the sofa as they breathe heavily, they don't know the dragon is so heavy.

Spike asks, "Sunny, I am not insulting your weight or something but you are so heavy. Are you wearing something heavy cause your body seems nice,"

Sunset teases, "Oh, you really like to mess with me~" Spike blushes, making Sunset laugh, "Come on, just teasing you. But yeah, I'm wearing something," She put her claws on her chest as a magic circle appeared then it turned off the lights, making her body feel lighter.

Twilight tilts her head, "what is that magic circle doing there?"

Sunset turns her head to the purple unicorn, "Wanna try?" Twilight shakes her head as the dragon smirks, " Told you so." Then she turns to Spike, "Anyway, is there anything that happens when I walk out."

Spike rubs his head, "Well, that mare humiliated Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity in front of the audience." Then he points at himself, "And I got my mouth zipped by Twilight."

Twilight rolls her eyes and asks, "So, shall we practice? I want to know more about magic."

Spike nods as he wears the ring on Twilight's horn, making her glare at him. The purple duo is starting to create an element ball. Sunset gives them advice, " Just don't mind about your element. just focus your mana as you do in meditate.," Then she rolls around and takes a nap.

Twilight and Spike breathe and lie on the floor as they are nearly out of mana. They try to stand up and lie on the sleeping dragon.

Spike wipes his forehead, "I never thought that this practice is harder than I thought. We have tried for one hour and still not in progress."

Twilight agrees, "and she forces me to do magic by my hoof. How is that even possible?"

"Nothing is impossible if you want to learn it." Sunset opens her eyes and looks at them, " enjoy my belly?"

"Not gonna lie but I like to lie like this." Twilight smiles, "Anyway, that impossible for a pony to cast magic without a horn. Have you seen a unicorn that can cast magic without a horn?"

"My answer is yes," Sunset's sentence makes Twilight jump and stare at the dragon like she wants to know who that is. Sunset puts Twilight back to her belly and starts a story, "Don't stare me like that. There is a unicorn who wants to break her limit of a pony. First, she hears that it is impossible to cast a spell without a horn but she finds that a unicorn depending on their horn is not good. So, she tried to cast a spell without a horn, and she succeeded."

Twilight stares at the orange dragon and asks, "Where is that unicorn? I want to meet her."

'That unicorn is in front of your face.' Sunset shakes her head and answers, "Don't know. She is not the one who can't stay in one place."

Twilight's ear flops down, "Oh, I thought I could meet that mare."

'You already meet her' Sunset thinks as she rubs Twilight's ear, making her smile.

Suddenly Pinkie Pie bursts into the library and runs next to the trio. Sunset is going to ask but Pinkie talks first, "Quick, an Ursa Major is rampaging Ponyville. We need your help." The trio hears that and gets up immediately, they follow Pinkie Pie as she says, " No time to explain."

Pinkie leads the trio to the bear's location. The Ursa Major is attacking Trixie as Trixie accidentally trips on the floor. When the Ursa Major is going to swing its paw at the azure mare but a sword is thrown in front of the bear, make it stop. Sunset appears in front of the azure mare and takes the sword. She looks at her with a glance

"Wh-who are you?"

Sunset answers, "Just a normal dragon." Then she looks at the bear." Well, I hope that I can 'shoo' this bear away." The bear roars at the dragon and charges at her as Sunset does the same.

Twilight takes a book and reads it as she found something. Spike looks at her and asks, " What are you doing? Sunny is fighting out there."

"I think I know something. Just give me the time."

The Ursa Major tries to swings its paw at Sunset but Sunset jumps on it and breathes fire in front of the bear, make it flinch. The bear roars at the dragon and charges at her again. Sunset flies high to make sure that it can't catch her, then the orange dragon takes a deep breath and breathes fire around the bear, traps it inside and looks around to find a way out.

The bear is going to rush out of the fire but someone plays music, makes its eyes slowly close the eyes and sleeps. Sunset goes inside the fire and casts a spell to make it rain.

Sunset sighs and looks at the terrified Trixie, then looks at Twilight as she is playing the music with the tree nearby, make the bear lie down on the ground and snoring. Twilight's horn glows stronger and lifts the bear back to the cave. Everyone sees that and cheers Twilight.

Spike pats the unicorn's back as she breathes heavily. Spike says, "See, you are the most powerful unicorn in Equestria."

Twilight sits down, "Maybe, but most powerful in Equestria..." She looks at the orange dragon, " I don't think so."

Trixie stampers, "How, how could you defeat the Ursa Minor?"

Twilight answers delightfully, "Honestly, it is a baby Ursa Major. The Ursa Minor" Everyone grasps when they hear that. Twilight wonders, "Does anypony know this?" all of the ponies around shake their heads. Twilight continues, "It won't wake up unless somepony mess it," All of the town looks at Snip and Snail as they smile nervously

Trixie's mouth hangs there then closes it. She steps closer to the purple unicorn with an arrogant face, "You don't have to know you may have vanished the Ursa Minor but you never have the amazing show-stopping ability of the great and Powerful Trixie." Then the azure throws the blue smoke and runs away. Rainbow tries to stop her but Twilight stops her.

Twilight sighs, "I'm sorry girls. I just don't want to show my ability, please don't hate me."

"Hate you?" Applejack chuckles, "No, we don't hate you. In fact, we love you more." The main 6 and Spike hugs together, making everyone around smile.

Spike helps Twilight home as the orange dragon come there. She is reading a book to see if anything to check for her new room. The purple duo smiles at her as she looks at Twilight and says, "You really good at magic, don't you?"

Twilight blushes, "Nah, I don't think I am the best of magic. Starwirl the Bearded is my idol and for me, his magic is the best. You may be good but not enough for me."

Sunset smirks, "Glad to hear that. Because I don't think I am the best at magic too."

Spike asks, "Anyway, what is the long metal thing that you put in the bedroom? I found that it is very cool but something tells me that it is a weapon."

Sunset closes her eyes, "It is, Spike." The duo grasps as Sunset continues, "But don't worry, I won't use it unless the situation forces me to do that." The purple duo sighs in relief as they walk to the orange dragon and sit next to her. They talk and laugh together.