• Published 24th Aug 2021
  • 887 Views, 99 Comments

The Adventures End? - Dragon Shimmer

Sunset comes back to Equestria after a long journey.

  • ...

The newcomers

The sun has risen and Ponyville is busy again preparing for the Summer Sun Celebration. Ponies are busy decorating, food preparing and many other things. They have to work carefully because they heard that Princess Celestia will come here.

In the library, there is a dragon who still have a beautiful sleeping in a large bed. She had to work hard to remake the bed yesterday. At first, she planned to make a single bed but she misread the page of making triple bed. When she done, she was surprised that the bed was bigger than she thought. Looking back the book, she "faceclawed" when she realized that she just made a triple bed. Feeling lazy to remake, she decided to leave the bed here and slept due to tiredness.

And now, she is sleeping peacefully until a horn is honking at her ears, making her fall out of the bed. Standing up, she sees a familiar pink pony is bouncing on the bed.

Sunset rubs her head, "Pinkie, I told you that don't wake me up like this. You did that yesterday,"

"Duh, today is the Summer Sun Celebration. I won't let you oversleep this time." Pinkie keeps bouncing on Sunset's bed, "hey, this bed is comfortable."

"Thanks," Sunset stands up, "I made it myself." Then the dragon stretches her body, "well, look like I have to close this library today to help someone around,".

Pinkie hovers her hoof around Sunset, "good idea, I heard that Rarity needs help to decorate the Town Hall, you should come and help her."

"All right." Sunset rubs Pinkie's neck, making her feel so good.

"Yes, I feel so good when you rub my neck." Pinkie's eyes widen when she realizes something, " Oh, I have to help Applejack to prepare the food. See ya." Then she rushes out of the door.

"Wow, she runs faster than a train," Sunset prepares herself then goes to help the pony to prepare the celebration.

In Cancerlot, a purple unicorn is running through the road. It looks like she is in a hurry because when her friend calls her, she doesn't listen. Inside a building that has a large sand clock with a lot of books, a purple dragon with green eyes is carrying a gift out of the door. Suddenly he gets slammed when the purple unicorn opens the door.

The purple unicorn yells, "Spike, Spike, where are you?" Then she looks down and sees the dragon is lying on the floor, the unicorn asks, "you alright?" She helps him up.

"I'm fine," When the dragon stands up, he is a bit taller than the purple unicorn. The dragon asks the unicorn, " What hurry, Twilight?"

Twilight rushes upstairs and orders Spike, "Help me to find the book about the mare on the moon."

"Mare on the moon? That just an old pony tale,"

"Just find it." Twilight and Spike start searching the books, Twilight searches everywhere and takes out some books with her magic to find that book. "Where is it? It must be somewhere."

"I found it." Spike grabs a thick blue book and gives it to Twilight. Twilight drops all the books and takes the books and starts reading it. Spike sighs and he starts reorganizing the books. "Okay, just don't make me fall down the ladder,"

Twilight nods and starts reading the book, she finds that the mare on the moon is the cursed alicorn who banished 1000 years ago. She promised that she will come back in 1000 years. Twilight reads this line and grasp, today is the 1000th Summer Sun Celebration and the unicorn confirms that she will be back.

Twilight yells, "Spike."

Spike just finished organizing and climbing down the ladder, "Yes Twilight."

"Take a letter."

Spike takes out the letter and feather pen, "Ready"

"Okay... " Twilight coughs as she says, "Dear Celestia, when I read a book about the mare of the moon, I found that she will return.."

Spike stops to write and asks the purple unicorn, " Eh... What happens when she returns to Equestria?"

Twilight walks around and thinks,"eh.. umm... It will be a big disaster," Spike writes hastily and he blows the fire to send the letter. Twilight smiles, "Okay, now we have to wait."

"Yeah... Let's..." Spike is going to says something but he blows out a letter and cough, "Oh Celestia, I hate that when she send the letter,"

Twilight ignores that and read the letter.

Dear Twilight

I appreciated it when you warned me of a threat. However, you should stop reading booksand go outside more. You always stay inside the room and make no friends. So I am sending you to go to Ponyville to make some friends. Please, this will help you a lot and make me less worry about your future

Your teacher,


P/S: since this festival is celebrated in Ponyville so this is a good chance to make some friends.

"What?" Twilight shocks when she reads the letter, "why did she tell me to make friends? Friends are not necessary."

Spike goes inside and packs things up, "Well, that's her order. I am going to pack something up."

Twilight glares at him but after that she sighs, "Fine. Let's do it quickly"

Sunset goes to the Town Hall to help Rarity. When she is just in front of the Town Hall, she meets Mayor Mare.

Mayor Mare greets her, "Hi Sunny, you come here to help Rarity to decorate the Town Hall?".

"Yeah, I... Think so."

"Well," Mayor Mare takes out the list and gives it to the dragon, "Can you help me check things up? I am busy handling some problems".

Sunset takes the paper, "Sure." Then she looks at the list to check.

First thing, the park. Sunset walks to the park to see if everything is all right or not. When Sunset arrives at the park, many ponies glare at her, some are feeling normal but some are scared of her. Sunset starts to check the progress. After 30 minutes, she checks done as she is going to walk out to check another location. Suddenly, a unicorn is falling off the high ladder, making everypony around grasp. Sunset simply catches the unicorn without looking, and puts her down, making everypony grasp.

Sunset doesn't care about what she has done and looks at the Sweet Apple Aces. She decide to go there to check

Twilight and Spike are walking out the chariot as they arrive at Ponyville.

"All right, Twilight. Here is the Ponyville and..." Spike takes out the list, "and the list of participants to check."

Twilight rolls her eyes, "All right, Spike. what will we do first?"

The green dragon points at the food icon, "Okay first,..." He gets cut off when he sees an orange dragon is coming their way, making him can't stop staring at her.

"Spike?" Twilight shakes him, "Spike, You there?"

Sunset notices the duo and comes to them, "oh, you are new here right?"

"Yes," Twilight turns her head to the orange dragon, "I.... Dragon" then she hides behind Spike.

"Okay weird," Sunset points at Spike, "you come here with a dragon and scare off another dragon?"

Twilight counters, "That's because I live with him."

"Well, okay." Then Sunset points at Spike's tail, " You should step on his tail to make him wake up."

Twilight nods as she steps on Spike's tail, making him yelp in pain, then he glares at the purple unicorn, "Twilight, don't do that again." Then he looks at the orange dragon, makes him introduce himself nervously, " Eh hi, my name is Spike," then he points at the purple unicorn, " This is Twilight Sparkle," Spike sees a dish is flying toward the orange dragon.

Spike is going to warn her but Sunset introduces herself, "well my name is Sunny, nice to meet you." Sunset swings her claw behind to catch the dish, making the duo surprised. Sunset turns her head to the right and sees Pinkie is walking toward them, "Oh, there is a pink pony is walking,"

The duo looks at the pink pony and Spike sees the chance, he gives Twilight an advice, "Hey Twilight, this is a chance to make a friend."

Twilight says, " I don't know Spike,"

"Come on, just give it a try."

Twilight puts her hoof to her chin and sighs, "Fine, " then she walks to the pink pony and introduces herself, "My name is Twilight Sparkle," the pink pony silences for a while, making her confused. After a second, she grasps and rushes out of the trio.

"Well, that's a surprise." Sunset starts walking, "You two go to the Sweet Apple Acres right? I can lead you to there."

"Thanks," Spike and Twilight start walking to the orange dragon.

After walking for a while, they arrive the Sweet Apple Aces. Like the name says, this is a purely apple farm. When the trio enter the farms, they see an orange mare with yellow mane is bucking the tree, make all of the apples fall down, and yell " Yeehaw". Spike looks at Twilight as she sighs.

Twilight walks to the orange mare and introduces herself, "good afternoon, my name is Twilight Sparkle."

Sunset sees the problem of this kind of introduction and rolls her eyes. Applejack hears that and shakes Twilight's hoof repeatedly, "Howdy, I'm Applejack. You are new here, right? Ah' would like to make new friends."

Sunset whispers to Spike, "Is she some kind of... Not going out much?"

Spike whispers back, "You right. She's always sticking her flank on the chair and reading books."

Sunset sighs as she goes to a nearby tree and relaxes, and waits for a moment. Suddenly, she feels something around here. Jumping on the tree and looks around, she sees an unusual black smoke is flying around.

Spike sees that and shouts at Sunset, "Hey, what are you watching up there?"

Sunset jumps down the tree and lies, "well, I'm just looking around the farm."

"Sure," Spike waves his claw, " Come on, we have to eat apple pies."

"Fine, I haven't have breakfast yet,"

After 30 minutes of eating apple pies. The trio goes out to the farm and walks on the street. Sunset is carrying Twilight due to the purple unicorn eating too many apple pies.

Twilight whines, "uh... I didn't think I would have to eat so many apple pies like this. Now I'm full,"

Spike teases her, "you really like apple pie, right?" Twilight glares at him while he is just walking happily and takes out the list, "Okay, next we check the weather."

Twilight jumps off Sunset's body and looks at the sky, ".... The sky is so cloudy today,"

"Well, I know who is ...." Sunset suddenly picks Spike up, making him surprised. A rainbow rail is rushing over the spot and crashing into a barrel nearby. Sunset puts Spike down while Spike just stuns because he doesn't know what is going on.

Rainbow Dash quickly flies to the orange dragon and says, "Hey, you should teach me that thing"

Sunset tilts her head, "What thing?"

Rainbow answers, "You just catches a mare fall out the ladder without looking, I found it really cool so I want to asks how can you do it," Twilight and Spike hear that and they don't know what to say

Sunset rubs her head, "well, I... don't know."

Twilight takes out the list and asks the cyan mare, "You must be Rainbow Dash."

"Yes," Rainbow points at herself, "I'm Rainbow Dash, the fastest pegasus in Equestria,"

Twilight looks at the sky, "Then you suppose to clean the sky, "

Rainbow waves her hoof, " Hah, I can clean the sky in 10 seconds flat."

Twilight taunts, " Prove it,"

Rainbow flies to the clouds and makes it pop to disappear, then she flies around Twilight Sparkle to make a small tornado around the unicorn. After the tornado, Twilight's mane becomes ruffled, making the dragons laugh at her. Twilight glares at them.

Rainbow Dash says proudly, "See, it's 10 seconds flat."

Sunset gives Twilight the comb, "Here your comb,"

Twilight takes it and starts combing her mane, "Thanks" then she turns to Rainbow Dash, "anyway, see you later, I have a job to do"

Rainbow Dash says, " If you say so, I got to go. See ya," then Rainbow flies away.

"Well, That's always Rainbow," Sunset takes out the list, "next stop... Eh... That last check, Town Hall." Sunset starts walking as Twilight and Spike follow her.

Inside the Town Hall, Rarity is decorating happily. The trio is walking into the Town Hall and looks around. Sunset and Twilight find it nice while Spike keeps staring at the unicorn.

Spike says, "Beautiful."

Twilight looks at him and says, "eh, these decorations are nice though."

"No, I mean her," he points at Rarity.

Sunset says to Rarity, "Hey Rarity, I'm here to check the Town Hall,"

Rarity notices the orange dragon, "Oh hi Sunny, the decoration is good so far. Oh, and thank you for the book, I have many ideas for the future design."

Sunset nods, "your welcome,"

Rarity asks the dragon, "But I have to ask you a question, what is the style of your robe? I don't see anything about the robe."

"Well," Sunset rubs her head, "I don't know because fashion is not the thing I am good at."

Twilight asks, "What kind of robe are you talking about?"

Rarity points at Sunset, "Just asks her to wear them, it has ruby on the robe and hat,"

Sunset ticks the list, "okay, check done. See you later, Rare." Sunset walks out the Town Hall, Twilight and Spike follow her.

Sunset is looking at the list and sees the last one is Fluttershy. She feels weird as she has never seen that mare before.

Twilight asks the orange dragon, "So... How long have you lived here?"

Sunset uses her fingers to count,"...about 5 days, and I stay in a library named Golden Oak."

Spike's eyes widened," Hey, that's the library we are going to stay at."

Sunset turns to Spike, "Oh, bet that someone asked you to live there right?"

Spike answers, "Yeah, Princess Celestia asks us to live there. And she is the one who send us to here," then he takes out the letter, "Here, this is the letter,"

Sunset takes the letter and reads it. She notices the underline word on it, then she smiles," Look like someone has trouble when she reads books a lot huh?" Twilight glares at her while Spike giggles, Sunset continues, "anyway, did she use the information of the book to do something?"

Spike answers, "Mostly magic. She likes to read magic books anyway,"

Sunset nods, " I see. Then we will live together, luckily I just made a triple bed in the bedroom." Then Sunset walks to the cottage, "No more asking. Let's go."

The trio walks to the cottage. When they near the cottage, they hear the birds singing peacefully, making the trio feel so relaxed. When they step closer, they see a yellow pegasus with pink mane controlling the bird to sing.

Sunset just walks away from the pegasus to go around the cottage. Spike sees that and asks, "where are you going?"

Sunset answers, "Well, just a walk around, you two meet her first,"

Twilight goes to the yellow pegasus and introduce herself, " Good afternoon, my name is Twilight Sparkle,"

The pegasus says shyly, "My name is Fluttershy"

Twilight rubs her ears and asks," eh, can you say it again?"

Fluttershy introduces again, "My name is Fluttershy, nice to meet you". Then she looks at Spike and hugs him, "Oh a dragon, he looks not scary at all, he is so cute"

Twilight giggles while Spike blush. Spike introduces himself, "My name is Spike, nice to meet you."

Fluttershy says happily, " Nice to meet you, Spike. You don't look so scary,..." Then she shudders, "like the orange dragon."

Spike points behind the pegasus, "You mean her?" Fluttershy turns around and sees Sunset standing behind her, makes her "Yelp" and hides behind Twilight and Spike, shaking like a leaf.

Sunset says, "All right. Everything is good. Hope this Celebration is a successful one... If there is something funny for Princess Celestia."

Twilight asks her, "Sunny, did you do anything to her?

Sunset shakes her head, "No. She is just scared of dragons and... She is the one who spread the rumor that dragons eat ponies, which is not true at all." Then she ticks the list, "Anyway, I have to go back to Town Hall to report to Mayor Mare. See ya." Sunset flaps her wings and fly away, making Twilight and Spike have to strain themself to keep them from falling.

Spike looks at Fluttershy, "you should give her your apology, she is a nice dragon."

"I don't know, I'm so scared when she comes close to me." Fluttershy still shaking, "But I will give it a try."

Twilight nods, "All right, see you later."

Sunset flies to the Town Hall to ask where Mayor Mare is. They say she is inside and Sunset nods. Sunset goes inside and sees the Mayor.

Sunset gives her the list, "Mayor, all things are ready. Now we have to wait for Celestia to come."

Mayor Mare nods, "Thank you for your help." Sunset nods and goes out of Town Hall, then she flies to her library to rest.

Twilight and Spike go to the Golden Oak. When they open the door and don't see any light. When the light on, many ponies around and yells "Surprises"

Pinkie bounces around them, "Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie and I am making a party just for you, is that great?"

Spike cheers, " Yeah, I like parties." Then he notices five ponies that they just met at the party. "You girls come here too."

Rainbow Dash says, " Yeah, I never miss any Pinkie Pie party."

Twilight is busy drinking some juices but then her face turns red and goes to the kitchen to have some milk to cool his mouth. Then she sighs and walk on upstairs to sleep

When she enters the bedroom, she sees a large bed in the middle of the room with a bookshelf and a table to learn or something. The room also has a big white sword on the bed. Twilight looks at the sword carefully, it has a red crystal inside. Twilight keeps looking around the room and finds a big metal thing on a table, "What is this?" Twilight is curious and sees it closer, she finds that it has a scope and triggers.

"You like that?" A voice is talking behind the purple unicorn, making her turn back and see Sunset is on the bed, " Sorry for surprising you."

Twilight takes a seat near the table and sees a weird book on the table but it is locked. Twilight sighs and asks, "what is all this thing? A sword, a book and that metal thing."

Sunset lies on the bed and answers, " just something in my long journey. The book is written by me with the sword and ... The metal thing is the gift of the ... Eh 'ponies' whom I meet along the journey,"

"I see. You are an adventurer right?"

Sunset rubs her chin, "
You can call me that. Anyway, why don't you go to your party? It was fun down there."

"Because all of the ponies in this town are crazy. They try to make new friends while the threat of the Nightmare Moon is still there."

Sunset pats Twilight's head, making the purple unicorn feel strange, "You should go out more Twilight, your story maybe real but you don't trust anyone. I assume that if you try to stop this Nightmare Moon," the orange dragon points at Twilight, " You will fail."

"I don't need anyone help me, not even you,"

Sunset laughs at the unicorn, "You are really stubborn, aren't you?" Sunset walks downstairs, "You like magic, don't you? I can share you some of my magic knowledge if you accept some condition,"

Twilight's eyes widen, "You are a dragon, Sunny, and a dragon can't do magic. How can you share the magic knowledge with me?"

Sunset looks back at her and smiles, "you will see. Now, I have a party to join," then Sunset opens the door, making everypony cheers at her while Twilight doesn't know what the orange dragon means. This night is not over yet.