• Published 24th Aug 2021
  • 887 Views, 99 Comments

The Adventures End? - Dragon Shimmer

Sunset comes back to Equestria after a long journey.

  • ...

Problems solved

Rarity goes to the library with her sister, Sweetie Belle. Her sister wants to see her savior to say thank you. When Rarity knocks the door, she finds no answer. Knock again, silence. Rarity pushes the door to see if the door locks or not and finds that it is not locked. She comes inside and sees the library is very clean. When Rarity looks down, she finds herself reflecting on the floor.

Rarity sees the dragon sleeping on the books. Rarity giggles for cuteness while Sweetie Belle is climbing on the dragon's body and pokes her snort.

"Hey, Sweetie Belle. Don't poke somepony like that." Rarity tries to stop her sister but she finds it cute, "or some dragon in this case."

"Come on, sis. It is ..." Suddenly her body is moved as the dragon opens the eyes.

Sunset looks around and sees Rarity and Sweetie Bell are looking at her, "don't look at me like that."

"You are my savior," Sweetie Belle húg the dragon tightly. Sunset rubs her neck and earns a 'pur' sound.

Rarity looks at the book and sees it is really a new book. The white unicorn asks, "where did you get these books? It is really new." She turns to the dragon," this place is abandoned for a year and you manage to get new books. Where did you get that?"

Sunset waves her claw, "Secret." Then she stands up and goes to the door, " I should open the library to earn some money." But Rarity stops her to do that, the dragon asks, "what?"

Rarity starts to complain, "hold it right there. You will start a business with dreadful appearances? I don't think so... " Sunset tries to retort but Rarity raise her front hoof to stop her, "no excuse. Now go to the bath and get some clothes... Oh wait, I doubt that you have one, and you are so..." Rarity waves her front hoof in front of her face," Stinky."

Sunset rubs her head, "well, I'm aware that because I don't bathe since.... Two weeks ago." Rarity shocks and she faints. Sunset sighs, "Fine, I will take a bath, happy now."

Sunset goes upstairs and takes some soaps. She stops as she forgets to clean the bathroom. She puts the soap down as she uses water spells and earth spells to start cleaning the bedroom and bathrooom.

Rarity has fainted in 15 minutes as her little sister tries to wake her up but is not used. Sweetie Bell sees the feather and takes it, then she tickles her sister's nose. Rarity 'achoo's and wakes up.

Rarity looks around and asks, "what happens?"

Her sister answers, "you fainted when you heard that the dragon hadn't taken a bath in two weeks. Now she is taking a bath "

Rarity whines, "oh yes. Yeah, who has not taken a bath in two week? It's so dreadful, not to say..." Sweetie Belle rolls her eyes á she knows her big sis is starting the drama song. Sweetie Belle feels boring and she takes a children book names "The dragon and princess"

After 15 minutes of whining, Rarity stops as she feels thirsty. Rarity takes a cup of water and looks at the bookshelves. Rarity finds a book named "old, present and future fashion in Equestria," Rarity looks at the book and her horn lightens, it is quite heavy as the fashion designer takes it. It is a very thick book.Rarity lies down and starts reading the book.

After 45 minutes, Sunset comes down wearing her robe. The robe is black and has a red line in the middle, it also has a white fluffy neck with a ruby in the middle. Rarity sees the robe, her eyes shining as she walks around the dragon.

"This is fabulous." Rarity is touching the robe, "and the texture is so soft but I feel something hard."

"Well, I don't know. I just got this inside a dungeon." Then Sunset wears her sallet," hope this clothes is fine."

"It's too fine, darling~" Rarity says, "just hope that you will take a bath every day."

"Fine," Sunset walks to the door and switches it to "open". Sunset turns to Rarity and asks, "anyway, you really enjoy that book right."

"Yes," Rarity claps her front hoof, "I just want to buy it."

"Let's see." Sunset takes a book and sees around, "well this book is 500 bits. Too expensive huh?"

"Wh-what? 500 bits?" Rarity stampers, " that's equal to 10 customer orders." Rarity rubs her chin, " well, I just know that book is rare though."

Sunset grins, "Then buy it, this is a rare book for you. Maybe I should increase your customer orders to 20."

Rarity rubs her head, then she takes a bag of bits and gives it to Sunset. "Here. I will buy it."

"Thank you~," Sunset takes the money, Rarity huffs and goes out of the library with her sister.

Sunset whistles as she is happy. But she should do an extra job to earn the finance but what should she do? The dragon thinks as she goes to the basement and starts cleaning it. After 30 minutes, the basement is cleaned as she thinks about it. She sees a big vase inside the basement. The dragon examines the vase, finds that this vase is new compared to other objects.

'Weird... who put this thing here?' She thinks as she looks at the vase, 'well, I can make potion with this. This will be a good one."

Sunset looks around but she hears the door knocking. Going up, she opens the door and sees a gray pegasus with yellow mane. She has derp eyes and a bag of letters. The pegasus gives the dragon a letter as Sunset takes it.

The pegasus asks, "Hey Mrs. Dragon, can I buy a book about cooking muffins?"

"Wait a second." Sunset flies to the bookshelves to find the cooking book. After a while, she finds that book and give it to the pegasus, "50 bits for the book."

The pegasus gives the dragon the money and says, "thank you," then she flies away.

Sunset looks at her and rubs her head, "Weird. Anyway, let's see this letter." The dragon opens the letter.

Dear dragon

You are our target. Now you have two choices, get out of Equestria or die. I will see you in the night


Dragon Slayer

Sunset throws away the letter as she looks at the bookshelves to find the books of Equestria law. Once she finds it, she opens the book to see about the law with other creatures. She finds that Celestia has banned the dragon slayer job 20 years ago. And if anyone does this job, they will be dead.

Sunset thinks, 'look like somepony will have fun tonight.'

Sunset stretches her body as she finishes the day. So far, she has sold about 800 bits. "What a good day!" She says as she whistles happily. She looks at the clock and it is 7PM. "Time to close" she goes to the door and switches to close.

Sunset goes out and locks the door. She heads to the Everfree forest to grab some material to make potions.

After 1 hour, she comes back with a lot of herbs and fruit. Then she comes back to the library and heads to the basement to put the material there. Then the dragon is looking for books about magic and starts reading it. Reading the book of magic for a while, she takes the book about anatomy of the pony and starts reading it.

"Looks like magic here still hasn't developed in 20 years ... I bet that because of the technology development," Suddenly, she feels someone is inside this library. Sunset breathes fire at a spot. A dark figure goes out to dodge the breath. Sunset sees the dark figure and asks, "who are you?"

The dark figure answers, "just a dragon slayer," then he lightens his horn to blast the dragon but Sunset easily dodge it. Sunset charges at him but he teleports away, then the dragon swings her claw behind, it slashes directly at the stallion as he is surprised, "Ho...How?" He currently lies down on the floors.

Sunset walks to him, "I'm too familiar with teleport," then she kneels down and holds his horn. "Now, tell me where your base is."

"Like if I will tell you". The stallion struggles to get out of grasp.

Sunset takes out a lime and cuts it into half, "tell me where is your headquarters?" The stallion tries to get out of the grasp. Sunset squeezes the limes to make its water drop into the wound, making the stallion want to yell but Sunset puts her claw to prevent it. "Now, tell me your headquarters or else..."

"All right all right, I will lead you to our headquarters. Please don't hurt me."

"Good." Sunset stands up. "Now go."

Near the Everfree forest, there is a cave that hides very carefully. Inside the cave, a coral mare with red mane is counting the dragon eggs and baby dragons that they are just captured. After done, she returns to the main room and relaxes.

A stallion is coming to her room and asks, "How is it, Bit Load?"

"Smooth like the ice, Brown Hat" the mare says, "now we can sell them for money."

"Hope you can keep up with this," the stallion nods and watches the clock,"... Weird, our assassin should be back from now."

"Just give him time to relax," Bit Load waves her front hoof, "that dragon is easy to go, we all know that dragon can't do magic right?"

"Yeah. Good for us that we got magic."

Sunset is in the bush because in front of the cave two ponies are guarding. She is thinking of two options : sneak in or burst in. Since they have some captives in that cave, the " burst in" is not a good option because they can use captive to escape but the "sneak in" will cost a lot of time. She gets out of the bush and walks into the cave.

"Hey you," the unicorn guard yells at her, "why are you coming here?"

"Well, I hear that this place is selling dragon and dragon eggs. So I came here to destroy it."

The ponies look at each other and laugh, the earth pony taunts, "only you? You should have more than that."

Sunset smiles, "why don't you give it a try?" The unicorn smirks and his horn lightens. Sunset teleports to the earth pony and slams his head to the ground, making the unicorn surprised. The dragon continues teleporting to the unicorn then she electrocutes him, making the unicorn faint.

Sunset sighs as she goes into the cave but she trips into the rope, making the alarm bell ring. After that, many ponies surround the dragon. "Surrender dragon, you are surrounded."

Sunset smirks and forms the electric ball on her claw, making the ponies steps back for surprise, "well, let's see about that" all of the ponies start to attack the orange dragon.

Bit Load is awakened after the alarm bell rings, she feels annoyed when an intruder disturb her beautiful sleep. When she is going to check her captives again, a stallion with major injury is rushing into the room and announces to the mare, "we got trouble."

"What is it, Brown Hat?"

"Our base is raided by a dragon. We gotta get out of here before it's too late because she uses signals to attract the nearby guards,"

Bit Load grasp, "What? Only a dragon and we failed? I don't believe that."

Brown Hat explains, "if that is a normal dragon, we can handle it but this is an abnormal dragon."

"What kind ..." Bit Load is going to asks the stallion but the door is kicked off, revealing the orange dragon.

Sunset looks around then looks back to the mare, "So... Do you really like to capture baby dragons much?"

"Yes... I earn a lot of money for that, and I won't stop." Bit Load answers, then she takes out the sword and puts it to her mouth, "I also have this sword to piece through your scale."

Bit Load horns lighten and she disappears from Sunset's sight. Sunset glances above her head and sees the mare is trying to stab her; she simply takes a backstep to dodge, then she kicks Bit Load's stomach, making the mare cough.

The mare glares at the dragon and she teleports behind the dragon to slash her but the orange dragon catches the sword without looking. Bit Load is surprised, then she gets grabbed by the dragon then gets slammed into the ground, fainted. Brown Hat is trying to run but Sunset uses an earth spell to prevent the stallion from running away.

"Not even using magic to beat her,'' Sunset pats the stallion, making him scared at her. Sunset sees a chest and opens it, it has 3 large bags of bits. Sunset grins and takes it all, "well, I thought I would be kicked out of my house but now the problem is solved."

"Hey, give it..." The stallion tries to retort but silence immediately when the orange glares at her. Sunset hears the footsteps, knowing that the guards are coming here.

Sunset draws a magic circle and steps on it. She looks at the stallion and cheers, "Have fun in the jail" then she teleports out of the cave. The guards go inside the room and see everything, they arrest the group immediately. The problem has been solved as Sunset sighs in relief.