• Published 24th Aug 2021
  • 887 Views, 99 Comments

The Adventures End? - Dragon Shimmer

Sunset comes back to Equestria after a long journey.

  • ...

Diamond Dog

Sunset wakes up and prepares herself like she does every day. When she comes downstairs, she only sees the purple unicorn practicing her spell and can cast a small ice bear, which makes her giggle. The orange dragon looks around and doesn't see the purple dragon anywhere.

Sunset asks, "Where's Spike? Normally, he will come here with you."

Twilight rolls her eyes, "Well, Rarity asks him to dig the gem with her by the drama act. He has to accept to help her and increase his spell."

"I hope that he doesn't have trouble with Diamond Dog," Sunset sits on the sofa, "Because you have to pay money for them to dig their gem."

"Oh..." Twilight smiles, "I'm sure that Rarity will pay money for them. I am not sure how long she will be in jail."

"Or how long the vanguard will contain her whining," Sunset is eating the sandwich, "but let's hope that she is not in trouble." then she walks to Twilight and picks the bear up, "Aww, how cute for this bear. You know how to make a toy right?"

Twilight glares at her, "Come on Sunset, don't you talk good about my spell once?"

"No," Sunset puts the bear on Twilight's head, "You didn't do good so I don't say good to it."

Suddenly, the door opens as Spike runs inside the library and breathes heavily. After a while, he looks at Sunset and Twilight as she announces, "We got a trouble, Rarity is kidnapped by the diamond dog,"

Sunset faceclaws as she sighs, " Then why don't you fight back? I will be disappointed when you let her kidnapped"

"Well, actually I thought three diamond dogs were trying to kidnap her but the fourth one suddenly appeared and took her away," Spike rubs his head, "I was careless."

"That's ok." Sunset nods, "You try your best." then looks at Twilight, "We have a problem and we will solve it by ourselves."

"Why?" Twilight asks, "Won't we talk about this to our friend?"

"No," Sunset denies, "They will make the situation worse. You know what Rainbow Dash will do when hearing that, right?"

"No, we will talk about this thing to our friend." Twilight tries to retort, "If something bad happens, we have our friend to fight back."

Sunset rubs her chin and thinks for a while, "Maybe you're right." Then Sunset goes out of the library as she says, "Tells everyone to come to the diamond dog territory. We will have a discussion about it." The purple duo nods as they go out to tell their friend what happens."

Sunset flies up high to see the diamond dog territory. When she just comes there and watches them, she sees ponies and diamond dogs are working together happily in the mine, some of the ponies even lead the diamond dogs to work with them. Sunset feels weird cause 20 years ago, ponies and diamond dogs were not even contracting each other, maybe times change for Sunset.

Sunset decides to fly back as Twilight's friends are already here. Rainbow Dash seems ready for some action while Fluttershy is hiding behind Applejack. Pinkie Pie is around as she is so excited about this. Sunset sits down on the ground and sighs,

Sunset looks at the cyan pegasus, "You seem like you are ready to punch some face, don't you?"

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash bumps at herself, "I can handle those dogs and rescue Rarity out of there."

"Uh...." Sunset rubs her head, "We are here just to find out the way in the peace." Sunset looks at Rainbow Dash, "You know when I just fly high to see the diamond dogs territory, ponies in there are just working with them without a problem so... I don't think violence solves this thing."

"Uh fine," Rainbow huffs, "But if anything bad, I will jump in."

Applejack asks, "So, what are ya' going to do? Talking with them?"

"Yes," Sunset answers as Applejack steps back, "Don't be like that, they have done nothing except kidnapping Rarity, so I bet that they have a reason." Applejack rolls her eyes as she nods. Sunset asks, "Any question?" everyone shakes their head as Sunset stands up, "Let's go."

Sunset and the groups are going to the diamond dogs' territory as Applejack thinks that Rarity is in trouble while Rainbow Dash is starting up on the air. When they just come inside the diamond dog place, they see the ponies and diamond dogs are working together. They also see a diamond dog playing chess with a pony.

Sunset comes to the guard and asks, "Excuse me, sir, can you tell me where the white unicorn with purple mane and tail is? We are her friends,"

The guard replies, "Oh, she is making the vanguard there suffering because she whines a lot. Some of us have to use earplugs to ignore her." The others hear that and giggle, making the guard annoying, "Not funny, we have to hear that mare a lot."

"So," Sunset continues to ask, "We are here to take her out. Well, at least release you from suffering."

"Okay," The guard rubs his chin, "I will report this to our leader. Stay here."

Sunset nods as the others sit at the table to wait for the guard to come back. After fifteen minutes, the guard comes back as he sees that they are playing with some diamond dogs while Rainbow Dash and Applejack are hoof-wrestling with them. A guard coughs as all of them look at him. He replies, "Well, our leader told us that you, the purple pony, and the purple dragon can come inside to talk to them."

Sunset, Twilight and Spike stand up as Twilight talks to others, "See you soon, I will be back."

"Be careful Twilight," Applejack waves her hoof, "we will stay here to wait for you."

The guard leads the trio to the room. When they just walk into the room, they see a big buff blue diamond dog with some painting on his face and wearing a big hat made of feathers and blue shorts. The diamond dog looks at them as he nods. The guard is walking out as the trio takes a seat as Sunset sighs.

The leader asks, "So, I heard you here to take the white unicorn outright?"

"Yes," Twilight replies, "My friend will not be kept in jail. Please, help us"

"Honestly," He takes out the paper, "Here is the thing that she digs before." Then he looks at Spike, "And you, purple dragon. You scare our guards off by some kind of fire eagle. May I ask how I can do that?"

"Secret," Spike crosses his arm, "Sorry, but this is the secret of the three of us. No one outside will know."

The leader nods, "I see. Some kind of secret technique. Call me Flame Dog if you want to know."

Twilight looks at the bill and grasps, "She owes you 5000 bits? How many gems did she dig?"

"Many." Flame replies, "I don't want to say about but luckily that we manage to take it back so she doesn't have to stay here for long,"

"I see." Sunset looks at him, "Anyway, is there anything that we can help with? I can see that something is worrying."

"You are good at reading creatures, don't you?" Flame sighs, "Honestly, yes. But I do not want you and the purple dragon here to involve it."

"Just tell," Sunset requests, "Maybe I can help you."

"Fine," Flame puts forehead to his paw, "It was my son. He is so arrogant that he can defeat any creature in the world, so he saw any creature below him. I have a headache because of that."

"I see." Twilight nods, "So any creature has defeated him yet?"

"None," Flame shakes his head, "Because of his arena, no one manages to defeat him ."

Sunset smirks, "Well, how about I take part?" Sunset's answer makes the others look at her, "What?"

"I'm afraid you won't beat him," Flame tilts his head, "Especially that he always looks down on the female."

Sunset laughs, "Perfect. Tell him that I will take part." then she puts her cheeks on her claw, " And if I win, you have to release my friend,"

"Well, I would say that I agree." Flame sighs, "If you lose, you lost nothing because this is just a sport. But if you win, I will not just release your friend, but she will get the gems that she just dug and my respect."

"Deal," Sunset grins. "So how long will I prepare?"

"30 minutes." Flame answers, "Please help me teach him a lesson. That is the most valuable thing in my life."

"Will do," Sunset stands up as the purple duo follow her. They are just shocked by what Sunset says while the orange dragon whistles happily.

The arena is opened as the audience is sitting there. Inside the arena, there is only water and some spots to stand on. Sunset looks at the water and sees it so clean that she can see herself from the water. Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash are sitting in the audience's zone as they just hear that their dragon friend is going to a battle. Meanwhile, Flame and the purple duo are sitting in the high place to see the arena fullsight.

"Like what you see?" Flame asks as the purple duo is confused, "Don't worry. We have another arena and this one made by my son." Then Flame takes a seat, "You know, we have less entertainment so we create this sport to enjoy ourselves. Don't worry, everyone who kills will be punished."

"I see," Twilight nods, "Why don't you just leave this mine and come to Equestria? I'm sure that Princess Celestia will accept you."

"She already accepted 10 years ago," Flame puts his cheek on his fist, "And we have accepted what we will do at a slow pace."

"You are a good leader, aren't you?" Spike asks him, "I don't think there will be someone to replace you."

Flame laughs, "I'm maybe a good leader, but I'm also a bad father. I let my son go too long and now he is like this." Then he sees the MC coming up, "Oh, it started. Now take a seat and enjoy the battle. By the way, he is a bad MC." The purple duo is looking at him in disbelief as they shake their heads, they take a seat next to the leader.

The MC steps up on the stage and announces to everyone. "We are here to enjoy the battle. Now here is the champion of this game, Spirit." The left door opens, and it appears that the light red diamond dog is holding a polearm. Everyone cheers at him as the diamond dog raises his polearm. The MC continues, "And now the right door is the challenger, Sunset Shimmer." The right door opens as the orange dragon comes out with a fishing rod, making Spirit feel weird about this.

Spirit points at the dragon, "Hey you, what do you think about coming here and battling with me?"

"I come here to go fishing," Sunset answers, "And I see a big fish right into my eyes."

"Let's see how a female like you can take me?" Spirit raises the polearm at the dragon, "You just a female dragon anyway, I will crush you easily."

The MC announces to the arena, "Now, the battle, BEGIN!"

Spirit dives into the water immediately as Sunset just sits down and starts fishing, making the audience confused. Flame and Twilight's friend don't know what she is going to do. Spirit is diving as he sees the string in the water. Grinning, he dives behind the orange dragon, then he jumps out of the water and tries to slash her, but a claw grabs his polearm as he is surprised. Looking up, he sees the orange dragon is holding his polearm without looking. Sunset slowly turns at him as she smiles, "Let the fun begin."