• Published 24th Aug 2021
  • 887 Views, 99 Comments

The Adventures End? - Dragon Shimmer

Sunset comes back to Equestria after a long journey.

  • ...

The Play

Sunset is reading the book alone in the library because Twilight and Spike are going with Applejack to Appleloosa. The knock on the door interrupts her as she opens the door and sees Flora in the library. Flora is wearing an umbrella with some purple costume as she looks at the orange dragon.

Sunset asks, "Okay, why are you here?"

"Oh come on," Flora waves her hoof, "Can't you just greet me with some nice voice?" Sunset glares at her as Flora sighs, "Fine, I am going to the Diamond Dog mine to perform a play."

"And?" Sunset tilts her head, "What's for?"

Flora asks, "Well, can you be my bodyguard in one day?" Sunset is going to close the door but the actress blocks it, "Please, I need a good bodyguard for me. I have... eh... threatened to be killed."

"Nice lie." Sunset opens the door again as she sighs, " and I deny."

"Remember who helped you in Cloudale~" Flora received a knock for Sunset, "Ouch, What did I say wrong?"

"You need my help." Sunset points at herself as Flora smiles nervously, "And you beg me to help. Wanna hear it? I can replay that conversation for you."

"All right, all right." Flora huffs, "You are really hard to persuade."

"I'll take that." Sunset leans against the wall, "And don't use the money on me. I have enough money for a month to spend."

Flora glares at her. "Then can you at least be my audience? I am inviting you here."

"Fine," Sunset huffs, "What's time?"

"12:00 P.M," Flora walks to the market, "Remember to come."

Sunset huffs as the actress leaves. For her, this white pony is more annoying than she thought and she looks at the clock and sees it's 11:00 PM. "Oh... nice play, Flora." then she prepares things to go to the mine.

Sunset goes to the diamond dog mine with the white sword on her back. When she just comes there, ponies and diamond dogs around watch her in awe as the orange dragon feels weird around. She decides to walk forward as she bumps a pony, "Sorry," She says and looks at the pony, she sees a familiar captain in there, "What are you doing here, Coral? I thought you are in the station,"

"Well," Coral Blade rubs her head, "I skipped my work to come here because I heard that my friend, Flora, will be here to perform a play.."

"Wow, you really a bad captain, don't you," Sunset smirks, "But who will do your job in the station?"

"Swift Blue will do that," Coral waves her hoof and giggles, "Don't worry, this is not the first time I skip my work. He will be 'fine' in the station."

"Why am I hearing a threat here?" Sunset sniffs, "Do I smell someone lying here?"

"Anyway, Flora said that you know her as her best friend, right?" Coral is trying to avoid the subject while Sunset huffs. Coral continues, "Ah, I bet that you got annoyed by her right?"

"YES," Sunset sighs, "She is more annoyed than I thought."

"Well, you don't even know what she does when she is in school with me." Coral giggles and looks around. She sees everyone around looks at the orange dragon as they murmuring. She looks at Sunset and asks, "Did you do something bad again? I see everyone is looking at you."

"Nothing," Sunset rolls her eyes, "Maybe with this sword."

"How about going inside?" Coral suggests, "Flora is waiting for us."

"Sounds like a good idea."

Sunset and Coral Blade walk into the performance place. Coral asks some random diamond dogs for the place as the diamond dog points in the direction. When Coral and Sunset walk into the room, they see Flora inside with her bodyguard. Sunset shakes her head as the actress asks the body to leave them alone.

Sunset sits down, "You have your own bodyguard, then why did you want me to be your bodyguard?"

"Because I want a good bodyguard," Flora answers innocently, "I bet that my bodyguard won't be able to beat you."

Coral rolls her eyes, "You always like that Flora. I remember your crazy attitude when you were in school?"

"Crazy attitude?" Sunset tilts her head, "What's that?"

"Well," Coral tries to find a word to say, "all I can say is the more dangerous, the more she will act perfectly,"

"Doubt that," Sunset looks at Flora, "You two have something to hide from me right? I bet that Flora is not just an actress."

"Why?" Flora waves her hoof to reject, "Don't you trust me?"

"No," Sunset looks at her in the mirror as she looks at the makeup tools. She has never done makeup before even in her time with Celestia, "Wow, I have never seen many makeup things in this stage"

"You say you never do makeup one time." Coral giggles as Sunset nods, making Coral jump, "Seriously? Then how can you have this beautiful face."

"Natural," Sunset simply answers, "That's all."

Flora giggles, "Now I am jealous of you, dragon." The bodyguard comes inside and announces that the show has nearly started, which makes Flora nod, "Oh, see you again. I have a play to perform and I hope that you girls will enjoy it." Flora is going out to the room as Sunset is reading the script that she left on the table. Coral just drags the dragon out of the room.

Coral and Sunset sit in the middle of the audience zone to see the full view of the stage. Sunset takes out the popcorn and has some cheese on it while Coral looks at the popcorn and sighs. Flame and Spirit go into the audience's zone and see the familiar orange dragon is sitting there. They decide to sit behind the dragon as Flame pokes at her, make her turns back,

"Eh, hi." Sunset waves her claw, "You here to watch the play?"

"Yes," Flame laughs, "I didn't know our champion had some taste of art."

"Champion?" Corals look at the diamond dog, "Did she do something?"

"Well, she beat my son yesterday without problems," He points at his son as Flame just huffs and turns away, "Anyway, I hope you enjoy this play."

"Sure," Sunset starts to eat the popcorn, "I just read the script but I don't know this is a play I can enjoy. Just like myself."

The ponies announce to the audience the play name "Popcorn and the wonderland". Sunset looks at her popcorn as she sighs, just like Flora knows that she will eat popcorn in the play. In the play, Flora is acting as the main character, Popcorn. The play begins as Flora is pretending to befall into the hole. This detail makes Sunset remind the movie name "Alice in the wonderland" when she is still on Earth(en).

The stage is changing and suddenly, a fake car appears, making Sunset a surprise and the audience is very amazed. 'Popcorn' is faking to discover what is this as the orange dragon knows something is not right in this play. Is the author of this play drunk on drugs or something? She doesn't know but that thing does not belong to this world. When a talking 'donkey' comes out and explains that he doesn't know what the magic is. Sunset smiles as she feels very good about this play cause this is a creative thing.

The play continues with many modern things that she has encountered when she was still on Earth(en). Cars, airplanes, laptops, even muskets come into play, but of course, they are all fake. The audience keeps getting surprised as many things are not recognizable.

Coral looks at Sunset, "What's wrong? You don't like this play."

"Well, they all have many things that haven't been seen in this world." Sunset smiles, "But I don't surprise when I see them."

"Why?" Coral tilts her head, "Is that something boring inside?"

"Maybe," Sunset eats the remaining popcorn, "Or maybe I have seen all of them before. All real."

"What are you saying?" Coral points at the fake laptop, "Those things are not even in this world."

Sunset closes her eyes as she just yawns. Flora sees that and feels that it is annoying when the orange dragon is sleepy, which makes the actress huff.

When the play is over, all of the audiences are sacrificed as they have seen a good play. Sunset, Coral, Flame, and Spirit are waiting for Flora to cheer her up. Flora comes out of the room and walks to the group. Spirit takes out the paper and gives it to Flora as she gives him her signature. Spirit takes it and smiles.

Sunset looks at Flame, "Look like someone like this... eh... annoying actress so much."

Flora glares at the orange dragon as Flame chuckles, he says, "You three are just like best friends."

"Anyway," Coral asks, "You call Sunset the champion?" Flame nods as Coral looks at the orange dragon, "You don't know how to stop right?"

"Hey," Sunset retorts, "It's Flame, ask me to help him and I don't have a choice."

"You know?" Flame pokes at Sunset's plates that attract on her horns, "I am kinda like your accessory. Not many creatures can wear this thing though."

Flora looks at the plates as she smiles, "Yeah, I thought you never use accessories due to you never doing makeup."

Sunset rolls her eyes, "Fine. Anyway, I feel bored so if you don't mind I will fight a battle before I go back to the library."

"OH," Flame nods, "This way. We have another show." Coral and Flora look at each other as they sigh, then they follow the diamond dogs and dragon to the arena to watch the dragon fighting.

Sunset, Flora, and Coral Blade walk out of the mine as Sunset just finished fighting a minotaur. A quick battle like that makes her bored as hell so she decides to go to the blacksmith. Flora says goodbye to them as the orange dragon and the captain are going the same way, making Coral feel weird.

Coral asks, "Why are you following me? I feel like you are going to foalnap me."

"huh?" Sunset tilts her head, "I 'm going to the blacksmith in the town to learn how to make a sword."

"Oh... I see," Coral points at herself, "That blacksmith is owned by my father, Lemon Heart. And you should follow me."

"Okay... Sure." Sunset follows the pony to the blacksmith. When they are coming to the blacksmith, Lemon Heart is looking at the rusty blade and rusty big chain. Coral rolls her eyes as she knows what is he going to do while Sunset looks at him and asks, "What are you doing with these rusty things, Lemon?"

"Oh, here is my favorite daughter," Lemond is going to hug her but Coral pushes him away. Lemon sits on the chair and answers, "Anyway, the blade is my customer's order. He wants to restore it." Then he points at the chain, "About this chain, I'm forging a sword from it."

"Is it possible?" Sunset tilts her head, "I mean they are all rusty, how can you make it as a sword?"

Lemon waves his hoof, "You doubt my ability? Please, I have done it hundreds of times."

"I see." Sunset walks inside the blacksmith, "I will be inside. See ya."

Lemon looks at the orange dragon as he smiles, "I am feeling that Sunset is not a normal dragon. I can feel her strong energy inside that cute face and warm smile."

Coral rolls her eyes, "You are right, father. I have seen that she can fight against Nightmare Moon without a problem."

"What?" Lemon turns his head to his daughter, "How? I know that Nightmare Moon is Princess Luna's eh...." Lemon waves his hoof, "Bad side. But it's impossible for a dragon to beat our princess."

"If that dragon knows magic." Coral shakes her head, "I don't even know how she can cast a spell even though she is a dragon, but her spell is so unfamiliar to Equestria."

"I see." Lemon rubs his chin, "Maybe she can solve your mother's table."

Coral asks, "You mean that table has stacked stones with weird symbols," Lemon nods as the captain sighs. This will be a crazy thing when she can use that table, or she will?