• Published 27th Aug 2021
  • 4,870 Views, 277 Comments

Spike: The Unwilling God of Chaos - Silver Butcher

Discord is giving up his role as god of Chaos so he can spend all his time with Fluttershy and picks Spike for the job, Spike uses this to try and get Twilight to treat him as a true equal, and brings a few of his own friends to help him

  • ...

The First Grand Prank of the New Team of Chaos

Spike muttered as the sound of an alarm invaded his dreams. After a few minutes he gave in and put his hand on his alarm clock, cursing it as he did so, not noticing the magic spark from his hand to the clock as he did so, accepting that he was now to awake to fall back into slumber the small dragon stretched his arms and wings. Spike looked around his room groggily and gave a yawn as he made his way to the kitchen for breakfast, never noticing that where his Alarm clock had once been now sat a Rubber chicken.

Spike made his way down the halls, chuckling a little as he passed Starlight's old room, she had moved in with Trixie not to long ago. It had been sad to see her go but he was glad she had freed herself from the labyrinth he still called home. He had his hallway down, but past that he had nothing, he had once spent half a day trying to find Twilight, only to find she had left before he had woken up.

Spike entered the kitchen and spied some dishes in the sink and sighed, he had missed Twilight again, and his chores would keep him away from her until around dinner. Spike grabbed a bowl along with a cup and began filling it with Cereal and Apple juice respectively before eating his breakfast in silence. once finished he set the bowl and cup in the sink and then grabbed the spoon and tossed it over his shoulder to the sink. failing once again to see the magic spark from his hand to the spoon, once it hit the sink it began producing it's own soap, and Spike left the room, not noticing the dishes begin to clean themselves.

Spike began slowly going through his chore list, first he swept up the castle entry way and mopped the floors, this time leaving his spark behind in the closet and starting a cleaning supply disco. It wasn't until the 4th time that he noticed it, he was collecting the books from the return slot in the library and had just filled his cart to return them when magic sparked from his hand, Spike jumped back in shock as his cart rocketed away. In a few seconds the library was full of noise as books began flying all around the room, Spike rushed out of the room, but instead of ending up in the hallway he found himself in Fluttershy's living room, sitting on the couch was Discord. Spike Just deadpanned the Draconequus as the door behind him shut and disappeared from the wall.

"Dude" Spike said as he motioned to where the door had been "Really? you could have just appeared in front of me, you didn't need to start book-a-magedon in the Library, I'm gonna have to clean that up," Discord however was reading a book, and only just seemed to notice Spike had arrived.

"Wow," he whistled as a watch appeared on his wrist "only took you 40 minutes, not to shabby, took me half a day to notice my first time around, extra points for teleporting to me, accidentally or not," Spike's face was priceless but Discord held back from laughing at him and instead sat up straight.

"Think of a cozy chair and snap your fingers," Discord suggested Spike squinted back and then held up his hand, after a second of hesitation he snapped and a arm chair appeared under Spike. The small dragon patted it and looked to Discord who was smiling at him

"What kind of confusing prank is this?" Spike demanded.

"Well, as you may or might not know, Fluttershy and I are thinking of moving in together, but the test week wasn't all that great, I need to make Chaos, and as it turns out even Fluttershy can't live with chaos at all hours of the day and night, so I decided to retire," Discord leaned back in the chair "I am now a creature of Chaos not the god of it, so I need a lot less of it to stay alive," Discord raised his legs and showed that his dragon leg had a slipper on while his hoof had a yellow rain boot "This tiny bit of chaos right here is all I need to stay alive," Discord smiled.

"Of course I couldn't just leave the world without a Chaos god, it would run rampant and break the balance of the world, so after a long, hard, well thought out time of thinking I decided to look into the not to distant future and saw you making it rain cheese. So congratulations, your hired, effective as of last night, around 3ish," Spike just stared at Discord slack jawed and tried to think of what to say and ended up snapping his finger's, materializing a megaphone that screamed at Discord

"You didn't think to ask first!?" Discord shrugged.

"I did, you'd have said no," Discord leaned back in his seat "Nothing you can do about it now, you can't transfer your powers unless you absolutely wanna get rid of them," Spike opened his mouth only for Discord to add "and seeing as you can now snap your fingers and do all your chores that won't be happening anytime soon," Spike just stared blankly at Discord for a few moments before Discord smacked his own head.

"Almost forgot the rules, don't kill or maim anyone, don't be normal or you'll phase out of existence, and if you give anyone the power of chaos you'll be stuck with 'em for the rest of eternity, even if you one day quit, so do it sparingly if at all" Discord rolled his eyes and mouthed the word Smooze before going back to his book. Spike just stared at Discord but all the Draconequus did was wave goodbye.

Grumbling angrily Spike walked to a wall and a door appeared, he entered it and found himself in the center of Ponyville.

"God of Chaos," He thought angrily as he marched down the street "Thanks, it's not like my friends are the elements of Harmony, how am I suppose to tell them about this!? Hey guys, I'm the new Discord, and I have to make chaos to stay alive sorry 'bout that," Spike was fuming and accidentally bumped into Big Mac.

"Oh, sorry Mac," Spike said, Big mac waved him off, but noticed the irritated look on the Dragon as he walked away and called his little sister over and pointed it out.

"Ah'm on it," Applebloom declared as she gave chase, it was very easy to catch up to Spike, "Hi Spike,"

"Oh, morning Applebloom," he said.

"And the same to ya," Applebloom replied "So why the long face? Still mad Twilight hasn't had time for ya lately?"

"No it's..." Spike looked around the semi crowded streets "...you have a silent place we can chat?"

"Sure do," Applebloom said waving for him to follow before running down the road, Spike followed suit and the two ran down the road to Sweet apple acres, Spike wanted to teleport but had yet to do so both on purpose and end up where he wanted, seeing as he had been trying to go to his room, not the center of town.

Spike spotted the crusader Tree house and the two climbed the ramp up to it, and found Sweetie and Scootaloo busy with homework inside, both perked up upon seeing Applebloom and Spike.

"Oh yeah," Scootaloo cheered as she threw her homework aside, "Unique problem, those always take forever to solve, lay it on us Spike!"

"Relax," Applebloom chuckled "Alright Spike, since you don't want anyone hearing this I swear that so long as it ain't illegal we shan't tell a non crusader a thing," Spike sighed as Sweetie and Scootaloo made their way to him.

"So, is this about Twilight not having time for you?" Sweetie asked.

"It wasn't originally, but it's slowly combining into a joint issue," Spike groaned.

"Alright enough with the pronoun game, what is it,"

"So...Discord quit his job of Chaos and I woke up able to do this," Spike snapped and a rubber chicken appeared in between the four. The Three Crusaders just stared at it for a moment.

"Oh boy," Scootaloo said, looking a little pale, "Spike...did you just...do a Discord?" Spike snapped again and the Chicken was dressed as a Cowboy "Oh boy," Scootaloo sat down as Sweetie gave Spike a once over.

"So...Discord isn't the god of Chaos anymore, and you have his powers,"

"Your the God of Chaos!?" Applebloom demanded "But your sister's an Element of Harmony, why would you agree..."

"I did not agree," Spike argued "Discord just did it and told me I can't get rid of it unless I don't want it," the small dragon groaned "and I really hate doing chores so..." Spike snapped his figures "...now I don't" Applebloom and Sweetie looked at each other. When Scootaloo spoke up.

"Don't suppose you could....snap my homework done for me," Spike snapped and Scootaloo's Homework was covered in her hand writing, Scootaloo gave it a once over and frowned. "Yeah....I couldn't give this up either, maybe you could just use your power to help people or..."

"I'll phase out of existence if I go to long without causing chaos," Spike replied. Applebloom instantly grabbed him and started shaking him.

"Do something Chaotic," She demanded "Your a good friend and I don't wanna even think of you just disappearing!" Spike snapped and it began raining Confetti around Ponyville.

Twilight was having a hard day, she had gone down to grab the mop after spilling her coffee, only to find all her supplies dancing to loud music, she'd had to call Pinkie to help her stop the mayhem, and then had found her Library in a horrid state, and now all of her friends where on the scene trying to stop the book-a-gedon.

"Fiction is attacking non-fiction," Pinkie cried out as the books slammed into each other, "Poetry is fighting other poetry, children books are fighting animal books, it's madness!"

"Pinkie," Applejack begged as she grabbed a dictionary and it dropped from the air "More help, less narration, they lose their madness as soon as their touched,"

Fluttershy was cowering outside while Rainbow was flying around, touching all the books Twilight and Rarity immobilized with magic, The Book-a-gedon ended within minutes of the mane 6 showing up, but it left the Library a absolute mess.

"This has Discord written all over it," Rarity said with a sigh "I suppose he thinks this is amusing,"

"Um," Fluttershy said peaking in through the door, "About that...Discord told me this morning he...um...gave his powers to a successor so we could live together without full blown chaos at all times," before the rest of the mane 6 could properly react to this news Pinkie squealed.

"Oh sweet Celestia," She cried as she looked out a window "It's raining Confetti, Weeeee!" Pinkie was enveloped in a Pinkie shaped cloud of smoke, then emerged from it and skipped merrily outside to enjoy the Confetti, the cloud then shook it's head and dissipated. the Rest of the mane 6 chose to ignore this and turned their attention to Fluttershy.

"He quit?" Twilight demanded "How do you quit being a god?"

"Apparently you have to have no desire for the power in your heart," Fluttershy said with a shrug "He still has some of his power, but he can only use them on small scale things, like a few cotton candy clouds instead of a storm,"

"Well who did he name as his successor?" Twilight questioned "Cause there cleaning this up,"

"I don't know, he said it wasn't his problem anymore and that the least he could do is let his successor choose how public he was with it,"

"Discord's at your place right?" Rainbow asked "Let's go pay him a visit, see if we can get it out of him,"

"Absolutely not," Fluttershy said "Discord is retired and reformed, who ever took his job is probably still in town, having new god powers will probably make them careless,"

"Your right," Twilight agreed "This was probably a distraction, same with the Confetti rain , we need to grab Pinkie and search the town for this new god of chaos, find out what his intentions are,"

"Alright," Scootaloo said as she placed a bottle on the clubhouses Lectern and stepped away "Ready," The Three Crusaders looked to Spike, who was making a finger gun motion with his hand as he pointed at the bottle "Aim," Magic began charging around Spike's hand "Mug," Spike fired and the bottle turned into a Mug, earning a few claps from the crusaders.

"This is crazy," Sweetie said as she took the mug and examined it "Kind of wish I could do this," Spike smiled, then blinked as he remembered what Discord had told him.

"Well," he said scratching his chin "Discord said I could give others the power of Chaos, but once you have it you can't get rid of it,"

"Are you joking," Scootaloo laughed "Searching for Cutie marks is nothing but chaos, I'm down for superpowers!" She looked at her two friends, both of whom were smiling.

"You know Spike," Sweetie said "Me and Rarity never get to spend time together, she never has the time, and if we all start making chaos....then we can spend all the time we want with them, they'll have no choice to if they wanna stop us," Spike smiled.

"Yeah," Applebloom grinned "My sister never lets me do my own thing, but if I had Chaos powers there's no way she can baby me,"

"I'm liking where this is going," Spike set his hand out and charged it with chaos, "All in, who wants to join forces and annoy our siblings?"

"Ah'm in," Applebloom declared "I'll show my sister I can take care of myself,"

"Rarity can't ignore me now," Sweetie smiled.

"Rainbow will be trying to keep up with me," Scootaloo said with a smile.

"Twilight's gonna hate this," Spike grinned as he released the power from his hand. The Crusaders where covered in the energy but past that nothing seemed to happen, Scootaloo aimed a hoof at the sky and magic shot out from it and cupcakes joined the Confetti.

"Oh heck yeah!" Scootaloo cried out "Suck it homework!" Sweetie lit her horn and picked up the mug in her magic, changing it to different things with nothing more than a thought. Applebloom hit the floor and broke through it, And then fixed it with a chuckle, before blinking.

"Our sisters will kill us if we do this," She realized.

"Not if they don't know it's us," Spike smiled back. "Alright team, let's plan our first public appearance,"

Twilight and the others where attempting to track down the new God of Chaos, They had been searching the town for over an hour, The Cupcake rain suddenly ended without warning and Twilight frowned.

"The opening act's over," She said "Our new Friend is about to arive,"

"Indeed I am," A voice cheered to her, the mane 6 turned to Twilight's Castle, where a Dragon stood waiting for them, he was tall and lean, with White voids for eyes, He was Black and Gray and had very clearly stolen his aesthetic from the Pony of Shadows, He had Wisps of Gray around the backs of his hands and his calves, His ears where made of the same gray wisps that covered his arms, He had Gray Spike's on his head and his tail ended in a sharp point, He had wings made of the same stuff as the Wisps of Gray on his arms and legs, They where large and he showed very quickly that they where flexible when he bent then and used one to point at himself. "Did you like the rain?"

"I did!" Pinkie cheered.

"A Dragon," Twilight asked in shock "Discord made some Random Dragon the god of Chaos," Spike smiled at that as he extended his arms and wings.

"I am Havoc, your new god of Chaos, Pleasure to meet you all, I'm hear to...well to ruin your day," Havoc smiled sweetly at them, "Now before you get all defensive and do something crazy like try to turn me to stone allow me to explain the rules," Havoc pointed to himself "As you're probably aware if I don't cause Chaos I'll die, so nothing personal, in all honesty, I didn't even agree to this, Discord just kind of threw it at me and said no takesies-backsies, So all you have to do to stop this, our First Grand Prank is...."
Havoc raised his hands dramatically as theatric music filled the empty streets, all of the inhabitants having been chased off by the Cupcake rain, the Music however drew some of them out and Havoc sidestepped, revealing a simple table with a Giant Red Button "...Push this button, and I'll clean up my mess in a snap, But all 6 of you have to press it, not at once though," The mane 6 looked at Havok silently, the task before them feeling somewhat underwelming.

Now that you have the solution, allow my lovely assistants to present to you the disaster!" Three Mare's walked out from behind Havoc, all of them having the same stolen aesthetic, their mane's where made of the Wispy gray substance that Havoc had on his body, they also had wisps on their back legs but only the Earth pony had it on her front legs, The Earth Pony had the Longest Tail of the lot, The Unicorn's mane was longer than the other two and her horn was curved and pointed, The Pegasus had not one but two sets of wings. The three Smiled at the Mane 6. They, along with Havoc, all had razor sharp teeth and White void like eyes.

"Greetings," The Unicorn said with a Wave "I'm Shade,"

"What up," The Pegasus said with a head nod " The Name's Storm,"

"Pleasure to meet yall," The Earth Pony said "I'm Rotten, but yall can call me Rot," The mane 6 stood in silence as they looked at the three mare's, all of whom where smiling politely.

"Alright," Shade said lighting her horn "Now that we have Introductions done, what say we get started, I'm feeling like...Pancakes," She shot magic into the sky and it began raining Pancakes.

"With Syrup," Storm added with a smile as her wings sparked and Syrup began raining down in sticky drops.

"And Butter," Rot added as she lifted a leg and added neatly cut bits of butter to the storm.

"And to top it all off, Hot Sause" Havoc Cried out.

"YES!" Pinkie screamed out as Hot Sause joined the messy storm "The Perfect Storm!" Twilight had put up a protective barrier above them once the Pancakes had started falling and sighed as Pinkie ran into the storm.

"Alright," Havoc said as he and his team stretched out "I'll distract the Princess, you three go for Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash, Pinkie is distracting her self, and we'll just Let Fluttershy be this time around. before they could react Havoc snapped and both he and Twilight disappeared. Rot Tackled Applejack, Shade just lit her horn and made it so Rarity attracted Syrup like a magnet, much to the fashionista's horror, Rainbow looked at Storm who just rubbed some hot Sause off her nose.

"Nice wings," Rainbow noted as she looked at the two sets on Storm's back.

"Yeah, when Havoc offered me a place he said he'd make me faster than any other Pegasus alive," Storm stuck her tongue out at Rainbow "you worked your entire life and all I had to do was shake a hand," Rainbow squinted at Storm, she was clearly trying to antagonize her, but her tone and body language gave her away.

"Your a fan," Rainbow noted "How 'bout this, a race, we start above the clouds and who ever does three laps around the town in the storm wins, I win I get to hit the button unopposed, you win we fight like Applejack and your Friend,"

"Heck yeah," Storm cheered, and with no further hesitation the two flew up to escape the storm and have their race.

Applejack and Rot where currently punching at one another while also blocking the other's attack, the result was what looked to be the most deadly game of patty cake ever played. However even though they where evenly matched Rot was defeated by her complete and utter lack of fighting experience and lost her footing, getting decked in the face and set sprawling across the ground, Applejack ran past her and hit the button, with Fluttershy doing the same.

"Hated to do that," Applejack said to Rot, who's only response was to start laughing.

"Oh man, I've never been punched before, what a rush!" Rot turned to Applejack and bowed. "Well played," Applejack awkwardly bowed back to her.

"uh....yeah...well played,"

"Your fun," Rot decided "I call dibs on being your nemesis, I'll beat you and chaos will rein supreme," Rot began laughing like a mad mare and then Exploded into Confetti, scaring the daylights out of both Applejack and Fluttershy.

"Well that was a hell of an exit," Applejack said and Fluttershy put her hoof to her chest and tried to steady her breathing after the sudden shock. "Come on, let's go get Pinkie," AJ and Fluttershy began the act of catching Pinkie while Shade laughed at Rarity, who was using all her power to keep the syrup off of her.

"Are you mad?" Rarity demanded "Have you any idea how hard it is to scrub Syrup out of one's mane and fur," Shade shrugged.

"Sucks to suck," She replied casually with a shrug "I can just blink and be clean," Shade scratched her chin in thought then smiled. "Say...doesn't Hot Sause Stain?" Shade smiled and turned to Rarity's Boutique.

"Don't you dare," Rarity said with a gasp "Have you any idea how expensive it is to replace stained products," Shade simply raised a hoof and materialized a Stop watch that she tossed to Rarity, It began counting down as soon as Rarity caught it. "Pick your poison, If you haven't pressed the button by the time that reads 70 seconds your Boutique will fill with Hot Sause, and I won't let you go near it with that dome, so will it be Syrup on you, or Hot Sause on your home?" Rarity looked at the watch, a few tears in her eye as she sighed and did her best to stand proud before dropping her shield and running to the button, she pressed it with more than enough time to spare, but in the process was coated in syrup.

"You'll pay for this," Rarity said as she shielded herself again, glaring at Shade, who simply shrugged before exploding into Confetti. Before Rarity could move she heard screaming and saw Rainbow with Storm right on her heels, Storm was clearly having trouble flying seeing as Rainbow wasn't even going full throttle.

"Probably should have practiced before challenging me, new powers or no," Rainbow called as she flew pass the button, hitting it just as she passed by.

"Probably," Storm agreed as she exploded into Confetti mid flight.

"Whoa," Rainbow said, screeching to a halt "Did she just die?"

"No, I do believe they just wanted to scare us before leaving, seeing how the other two did the same,"

"What happened to you," Rainbow snorted motioning to the Syrup coating Rarity, who was attempting to clean it away from her eyes so she could properly see.

"An ultimatum," Rarity said firmly, Rainbow giggled as she attempted to remove some Hot Sause and Butter from her mane "Let's go get Pinkie, she and Twilight are the only one's left.

Twilight found herself on the other side of Ponyville with Havok, who pointed at her.

"What up Princess of Friendship?" he asked casually "hope you won't take this personally, I don't wanna die from a lack of Chaos,"

"Yeah I get it," Twilight said as she lit her horn and shot at Havok, who kicked the attack like a ball and sent it towards the Everfree forest. Havok didn't have time to celebrate as Twilight attempted to teleport to the button, he snapped and the two ended up in her castle.

"Ah, ah, ah," Havok said shaking his finger at her "No Teleporting to the button, that'll spoil the fun," Twilight and Havok stood their ground, staring at one another, Twilight was trying to think of a plan, when Rot suddenly appeared next to Havok.

"I lost," She declared.

"That was fast," Havok laughed.

"First time I've ever been in a fight," She said with a shrug "How's it going with Twilight?"

"Well at the moment it's looking like a two v one, don't let her get the button, we've only just started, we can't lose so soon after starting," Twilight looked at the two then turned tail and rushed to the nearest door, opening it to a random guest room and bailing out of the window. She was immediately pegged by a Pancake that got stuck on her horn, she shook it off and turned to the button only for Rot to jump on her back and Havok to grab her front legs, their extra weight made her fall before they hit the ground Havok snapped his fingers and they ended up behind the castle. Twilight got to her feet just as Shade joined her team, smiling.

"Rarity's got the button, but she's soaked in Syrup so I call that a win,"

"Three v One," Havok cheered, don't let Twilight get to the button. Shade lit her horn and the Pancakes littering the ground began flinging themselves at Twilight, Who took to the sky's and attempted to go for the Button, only for Havok to snap and materialize a Barrier, Twilight hit it and got stuck in it like a bug in a spider's web. Her response was to light her horn and fire it at the Trio, they scattered and she broke free just in time for Storm to appear below.

"I wasn't fast enough," she complained, despair clear in her voice.

"Eh, this was your first time flying, it's to be expected, some practice and you'll be good," Havok said merrily, patting his friends shoulder. "But for now, four v one, get the Alicorn,"

While the team of Chaos attacked, the rest of the mane 6 managed to get Pinkie to press the button after promising to take her to a buffet with more variety when it was all said and done.

"So Twilight's the only one left?" Pinkie asked as she pressed the button.

"Seems that way," Applejack said "This is crazy, but at least he isn't making us go all Friendship on his ass," before more could be said Twilight attempted to get to the button but was stopped by another barrier and assaulted with Pancakes from the Team of Chaos.

"Four on one ain't very fair," Applejack said as they rushed to Twilight "Let's make it a Four on Six instead," Havok dropped the Barrier and Twilight fell, her friends helped her up and they turned to find Havok smiling at them.

"Back up plan then," he said with a shrug before taking a deep breath "Keep away!" Twilight turned to the button and found Rot running away with it, holding it with her tail, showing it to be prehensile.

"Get the button," Twilight called out, and the Mane 6 gave chase, Rainbow was the first to catch up with Rot, who threw the button up, Rainbow grabbed at it but Storm flew by and grabbed it, Rainbow had to stop entirely to turn around, While Rainbow was hitting the brakes Storm flew past the team of Harmony, Pinkie jumped and hung on, slowing the Chaotic Pegasus down, she threw the button and Shade took it and threw it down the street, Havok attempted to catch it, but a shadow covered him and he turned around, and found Princess Celestia standing behind him.

"Oops," He said with a smile before exploding into Confetti, Celestia caught the button and the rest of team Chaos snapped out of existence. Celestia looked at the button, then to the Mane 6 as they rushed to her.

"Care to explain," She asked as she held it up.

The Team had ditched their forms of Chaos and where sitting in the CMC Headquarters, Spike snapped his fingers and ended the Pancake storm.

"That was so epic," Applebloom cheered as she rubbed her face, there was no sign that she had been decked in the face but she was still happy it had happen "When can we do it again?"

"Well" Spike said scratching his chin "We need to establish a headquarters for meetings first, I'd say here, but you use it for your Crusades and helping others find their marks, so we better find a more discrete place.

"We can make a new club house in Everfree," Sweetie Suggested "No one would look for us in there,"

"Better yet, we can build an actual house," Scootaloo cut in "Or even a Fort!"

"Interesting Ideas," A new voice said, the four all froze and turned around. Standing over them this time was Princess Luna, Before they could react she winked at them "Don't worry, I've hidden you from my sister, She'd probably chastise you or something, but I've been the younger sibling, so I'm not here to stop you or try and control you, just came to give you something you might have more of a use for than I," Luna handed Spike a Scroll and he opened it, finding the deed to a plot of land.

"What's this?" He asked, looking it over.

"The Deed to the Castle of the two sisters," Luna replied simply "Tia gave it to me as a peace offering a while back, but It holds to many painful memories to go back to, but to many good one's to demolish, been holding onto this, but I think it'll make a fine hideout from Harmony, I'll even help you hide from my sister, she has her students and her team...I think it's time I teach my own students, so if you ever need my aid just call for me in your dreams and I'll come help as much as I can," Luna winked before teleporting away, Spike looked to his team, and Smiled.

"Princess Luna's guardians of Chaos," He said Dramatically, earning a laugh from his team, "Let's go check out our new Base of Operations, and prepare for next time,"

"I see," Celestia said, nodding "So Discord actually retired, Never thought I'd see the day. So our new Chaos God, Havok, has a Team with him does he?"

"They were fairly polite about it," Twilight noted "Mentioned he was more worried about ceasing to be than anything else,"

"I imagine Discord didn't bother to ask him if he wanted the job or not," Celestia said with a sigh "Well for the time being they can be left to their games, but if you ever manage to restrain them I would like a word with them, I'd like to know who I'm dealing with, their names are more than likely fake but I'll see if I can find them," Celestia pondered the new God of Chaos when Luna Arrived.

"Trail went cold," She said "They knew to hide their essence it seems, they might have a base with protective walls or something similar,"

"I had a feeling they might," Celestia sighed "Well my friend," She said looking to Twilight "Take care of your self, A new god of Chaos is likely to be very active, and very childish," Celestia bid her old Student a good day before adding "But no matter what, keep in mind that everything this team of Chaos does is to stay alive, without chaos they will phase out of existence, all of them, so try not to take it to personal if they get out of hand, they might be just as scared as you are annoyed,"

Luna smiled when she spotted the team of Chaos sneaking past the ordeal, laughing and shushing one another as they did so. She'd make sure they didn't phase out of existence anytime soon.

Author's Note:

As the story goes on each member of Team chaos will develop a certain style of power that they'll begin using more than the others.

I worked really hard on this, so here's hoping I got most of the spelling errors.