• Published 27th Aug 2021
  • 4,870 Views, 277 Comments

Spike: The Unwilling God of Chaos - Silver Butcher

Discord is giving up his role as god of Chaos so he can spend all his time with Fluttershy and picks Spike for the job, Spike uses this to try and get Twilight to treat him as a true equal, and brings a few of his own friends to help him

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Bounce the Day away

Spike Made his way down to Sugar Cube Corner, His team was at School and thanks to his powers he had nothing to do until later in the day, so he decided to celebrate his last two defeats by pleasing his sweet tooth. Spike placed his order, a few Donut holes and an Éclair, and took a seat to enjoy his treat. Only to be jump scared by Bulk Biceps when he screamed out a yeah from across the room.

"I mean Discord totally did the soapy roads thing don't get me wrong, but having the entire ground be made of soap was crazy, and turning stairs into ramps was just evil," Spike ate his food at lightning speed, once finished his shadow suddenly grew eyes and Doppelganger Spike left Sugar Cube Corner while Havok hid in Bulk Biceps Shadow to see what was being said about his work. Bulk was sitting/standing in a booth with Doctor Whooves and Thunderlane. "Such a small change," Thunderlane said with a sigh "but mixed with the soap ground it was a nightmare,"

"I loved it," Bulk said energetically "I was able to show off my superior Figure skating skills, Graceful but full of Power! YEAH!!" Bulk began flexing, while Doctor Whooves shook his head.

"Come now, you can't tell me you didn't enjoy the Pancake storm, even just..."

"No," Bulk and Thunderlane said instantly.

"I got Hot Sause in my nose," Thunderlane said irritably.

"Syrup is hard to clean out of a mane," Bulk added, nodding wisely "And all that junk from the sky had to many carbs for my perfect form,"

"Well I liked it," The Doctor muttered "It was very intriguing, And the hot Sause was a nice touch, it's a shame it didn't last longer, my rain purifying device managed to divide the Syrup, Butter, and the Hot Sause so now I have contains of all three of them," The Doctor smiled "There all so unnaturally perfect, I'll have to beg this Havok fellow for his recipe before I run out," Havok grinned at this and noticed Pinkie was also listening in on the conversation, munching merrily on a cupcake.

"I loved it to," She agreed as she jumped into the next booth over and looked over the seats "And the soap, oh that was an epic game of keep away" She sighed "We haven't gotten anything new for a few days now, I wonder what their planning?" Pinkie Looked at Bulks Shadow and then whispered "This is the point where you pop out and tell us," Havok emerged from it.

"Good eye," he said with a chuckle as the three stallions all looked at him in shock and awe.

"My Shadow is fit for a God," Bulk Cheered, Flexing mightily as he did so.

"Oh boy," Thunderlane said looking embarrassed "You know I...uh....liked the Pancake storm, really,"

"Could you tell me how to make the Hot Sause you had rain from the sky?" Doctor Whooves begged "I'd Do anything for it?" Havok smiled.

"You know, I get to pick who has to stop my disasters, it doesn't have to be team harmony every time,"

"You mean I get to just enjoy the next one!" Pinkie demanded "Havok I Love you!" She stuck her own hoof into her mouth "Don't tell Cheese I said that," Havok shrugged.

"I certainly don't want him to challenge me to a goof off," Havok smiled as he looked at Bulk, Thunderlane, and Doctor Whooves "But I'll happily challenge you three," Havok disappeared with a chuckle and Thunderlane groaned.

"Why did I open my big mouth," He cried out .

"Maybe if we win this I'll get my Hot Sause," Doc muttered as he scratched his chin in thought.

"You make sure to share if you do," Pinkie said as she jumped away to prepare for the next Disaster. Havok meanwhile was searching, not for his team, but for a fourth player of his next game, After spying on several potential candidates, he ended up at the school to ask his team for their opinion, and found them in the middle of recess. The CMC, like the rest of the school children, where playing on the equipment happily.

Havok hid in a random shadow and began making his way slowly to his friends, he found them talking to Rumble and Pipsqueak, who had apparently lost their game of soap hockey to Diamond and her team.

"I still can't believe we lost," Rumble said with a sigh "How could you guys betray us like that," Applebloom shrugged as she retold the events that her Doppelganger had taken part in during the disaster.

"Well, Diamond said pick a team, and we all just kind of went with boys V girls, and the girls won thanks to our superiors strategies,"

"You mean noticing that the unicorns could use magic again and using it to score before the disaster ended?"

"Yeah that," Sweetie said with a smile, her ears perked, but she shrugged and the three Cutie Mark Doppelgangers went on their way while Shade, Storm, and Rot all appeared on the roof on the School where Havok was waiting for them.

"So what you got for us?" Storm asked as she stretched her wings "I've been practicing my flying speeds,"

"Exactly that," Havok said with a grin "We'll be fighting someone other than Harmony, a bit of Practice against a team that's our size, I've picked Bulk Biceps for Rot,"

"Hell yeah," Rot cheered "He'll hit like a train!"

"Doctor Whooves for Shade,"

"Ah, I'll go easy on him," Shade said with a yawn

"and Thunderlane for Storm," Storm chuckled at that.

"That guys always trying to beat Rainbow, if I can't beat him then I still have some serious work to do," The three looked to him expectantly.

"I haven't found someone for me to face yet," he said with a sigh.

"Please," A voice cried out earning the team and most of the school yards attention, Twist was begging Miss Cheerilee for something and it soon became apparent what it was when Cheerilee sighed.

"Twist I'm sorry but a Bouncy Castle would be expensive, and I can't just rent one for a day unless it's for a special occasion, besides there's no way everyone would get to use it before recess ended,"

"Please," She begged "My parents wouldn't get me one for my birthday last month and it's all I wanted," Cheerilee sighed, having been dealing with this for several days now, but before she could speak Rumble got her attention.

"Miss Cheerilee those Chaos guys are on top of the school," The Teacher and Students all looked to where Rumble was pointing, and Havok waived at them.

"Bounce castle," he said scratching his chin "I love it," Cheerilee sighed.

"Mister God of Chaos..."

"Havok," He replied "And I'll get Twist a bouncy castle, but there'll be a price to pay, but don't worry it won't be paid in money," Cheerilee sighed, not even having to look at Twist to feel her eyes pouting at her.

"Fine," She said "but your not allowed to ask me for a bounce castle ever again,"

"Deal," Twist cheered, Havok smiled and snapped his fingers and just like that all of Equestria was turned into a Bounce castle. Twist squealed in delight and began bouncing. Havok however snapped his fingers and both his team, himself, and Cheerilee all disappeared.

Cheerilee found herself in the center of Ponyville, with her stood Bulk, Thunderlane, and Doctor Whooves, the latter of whom was wearing a large scarf.

"Why if it isn't Cheerilee," Doctor Whooves said in greeting "What'd you do to get sucked into this little game of Chaos,"

"One of my Students wanted a Bouncy Castle," She said, jumping a little on the Bouncy ground.

"That explains this," Thunderlane said as he took flight to stop bouncing "Alright so I guess it's our job to stop this today, how do we...do that?"

"Glad you asked," Havok cheered as he fell out of the sky and began bouncing around them. "Bulk, you have to beat my Friend Rot in a fight down by Sweet Apple acres"

"Yeah!" Bulk cheered before running to the farm.

"Thunderlane, you have to face my Friend Storm in a Race, she'll be waiting for you at Town Hall,"

"That all?" He asked proudly "I can do that no problem," he shot off in the direction of town hall at top speed

"Doc, my friend Shade will be waiting for you down by the market to play a game with you,"

"How wonderful, I love games" He said merrily before frowning "Why am I wearing a scarf?" he pondered as he walked away, mystified by the cloth around his neck.

"And Cheerilee, all you have to do is," Havok grinned as a flag with Cheerilee's Cutie mark on it appeared in his hands "Get this flag," Havok tucked his wings in and added politely "To be fair I shan't teleport or fly, But I will run and bounce," Havok bounced away and Cheerilee sighed.

"At least my students will be happy for a good long while," Cheerilee began bouncing after Havok and the game was on.

Applejack groaned as she bounced down to Ponyville, and found Rot jumping in place.

"So what's the game this time," She asked "Another button?"

"Oh didn't Pinkie tell you?" Rot asked "This is more of a practice thing, since we have less members than you and yours where practicing against a different team of four today," Applejack looked around for a moment.

"So who are ya waiting for? Big Mac?"

"Actually I'm waiting for..."

"Yeah!" Bulk cried out as he bounce towards them with great agility "Are you Rot?"

"I am," She confirmed.

"I'm here to fight you!"

"Perfect!" She replied and with no more words the two began their fight, Bulk jumped at Rot, who bounced away, only for Bulk to land on one front hoof and send himself flying at her, Rot rolled away but failed to take account for Bulks advantage over her, his wings began beating fiercely and he grabbed her in a head lock when she inevitably bounced up from the ground, Rot's tail struck out and grabbed his legs, she slid out of his grip and used her tail to mess with his balance, causing him to tumble to the ground, She smiled and began bouncing around him at great speeds.

Bulks fall caused him to bounce out of control for a second but he managed to get back to his hooves and bounce towards Rot, She was bouncing in a circle around him, then with out warning a hoof hit his back, then his arm.

"Cheap shot's," He called back.

"Obviously," She replied "I'm the bad guy in this situation, why do I have to fight fair?" Rot Jumped on Bulks back and slammed him into the ground, it didn't hurt but it sent him flying into the air. He took flight and Rot began spinning her tail, after a second she achieved lift and crossed her front hooves as she flew into the air with a smile.

"Impressive tail," Bulk noted "I bet that's great for your core!" Rot shrugged, not entirely knowing what that meant, but before she could say anything Bulk stopped flapping and grabbed her arms, his weight made her drop like a rock and he slammed her into the ground, they both went flying, Bulk took flight but Rot hit a tree, and spun around it, landing on her hooves, and proceeded to kneel, coughing as she did so.

"Ok, that hurt a lot," She attempted to stand but ended up falling. "Nope, I'm out, winner Bulk," Applejack made to check on the mare but she proceeded to explode, leaving behind a Gold Medal.

"I apologize," Bulk said to the now gone mare "I thought the Tree's would also be bouncy,"

"I'm sure she'll be fine," Applejack said as she inspected the Medal and proceeded to throw it to Bulk, "This would be for you it seems," Bulk looked at the medal, it had a large Bicep engraved into it on one side, and a large Number one on the other.


Thunderlane made his way to City hall and found Rainbow Dash talking to Storm.

"What do you mean you're not racing me today?" Rainbow demanded "What's that suppose to mean?"

"Hey," Thunderlane called, getting their attention "I was told to race Storm so this bouncy thing would end,"

"That would be me," Storm said as she stepped out onto open air, a black cloud formed around her hooves and proceeded to take her to Thunderlane.

"Oh I get it," Rainbow said nodding "needed to take it back a notch, I get it, needed an easy day,"

"Pardon you," Thunderlane demanded "It's clear she wanted an actual challenge,"

"Well to be fair Havok only picked you cause you insulted his Pancakes,"

"Darn it, I knew he heard that," Thunderlane groaned "Alright so what's the race?"

"Oh it's simple," Storm smiled as several black clouds appeared around them, Thunderlane expected some sort of obstacle course for a moment, then saw what was on top of the clouds, a grand total of 6 Storms stared him down. "You just have to beat one of us, We start Here, go to Sugar Cube Corner, then to Cheerilee's School, Twilight's Castle, then the School of Friendship, and then we come back here where the town hall is the finish line," A 7th Storm materialized next to Dash, with a pair of Binoculars "And that one will be making sure you don't cheat, Now to the starting positions," The 6 clouds lined up, with a white one forming in the middle of them, Thunderlane landed on it and got ready.

"I can beat you all without breaking a sweat," he declared.

The One with Binoculars looked down at them and raised her hoof, "On your marks, get Ready..." The Ref looked away and all of the Storms shot off, Thunderlane jaw dropped as the Ref looked back at him

"Hey!" he cried out.

"I didn't see anything, now get set, and go," Thunderlane shot off after the Storms, all of whom had a massive head start on him.

"So unfair," He said angrily as he flew after them as fast as he could go, as he Flew the Storm with Rainbow began speaking in a magnified voice that could be heard all around Ponyville.

"Hello Ponyville, in today's Pegasus race we Have Storm in First, Second, third, Forth, Fifth, and Sixth, with Thunderlane of the Wonderbolt's bringing up the rear in dead last, what a shame for Thunderlane fan's everywhere," Rainbow began chuckling at the event, it was a lot of fun when it wasn't her job to clean it up. The Storms made it to Sugar Cube Corner and all turned towards Cheerilee's School house," Thunderlane was neck and neck with the last Storm and barely managed to pass her out, he smiled for a second but there was a loud noise behind him and the Ref Storm called out.

"Oh, and Thunderlane passes out one of the Storms only for her to explode, she can't race like that, Disqualified, it's Storm in first, second, third, forth and fifth, and Thunderlane still in dead last as they make their way to Cheerilee's school house,"

"Making sure I actually try," Thunderlane noted with a smile "If I wanna beat one of her, I'm gonna have to beat all of her," Thunderlane picked up the pace as they approached the school yard, from below Thunderlane heard a few voices crying out below, he heard some of the children calling out to Storm, but saw his Brother bouncing around beneath him crying out loudly.

"You got this Bro," Thunderlane grinned and kicked it into high gear, passing two more Storms who blinked and proceeded to explode.

"Oh and two more Storms explode, what a shame, it's Storm in first, Second, and third, with Thunderlane still in dead last,"

"Your evil," Rainbow laughed before covering her mouth, her voice also being magnified, she shook her head and started joining in the announcement of the race "Thunderlane making good progress, he's already cut out half the competition and the race isn't even half done, and Storm hasn't exactly mastered her powers,"

"True, but Thunderlane should keep in mind that if he loses he'll have to step down and let Rainbow Dash take his place in a rematch," Thunderlanes face turned dark.

"Oh heck no," He said, pushing himself as hard as he could "I Will not be shown up by Rainbow Dash with my Brother watching me," Thunderlane was right on the third Storm's tail and she was doing her best to not let him past her. Thunderlane rolled in the air and did a barrel role over the Storm.

"And Thunderlane passes another storm with a Barrel roll, what an amazing move on...oh she exploded, Storm in first and Second with Thunderlane still in dead last," Thunderlane smiled as they flew over Twilight's Castle, Flying above it was Twilight, who was watching the race and waved to Thunderlane as he passed

"Win it for Harmony Thunderlane," Twilight called out to him.

"You Got it Princess," He called out. As he approached second Place Storm he ended up neck and neck with her as they got closer to the school of Friendship, the place was filled with bouncy students and a fair number of fliers who had gotten sick of bouncing, the School Suddenly exploded in Sound as they all cheered Thunderlane on, The Sudden noise scared both of the Storms and the second place one fell behind and exploded.

"Final lap of the race," Storm cried, "It's Storm in first with Thunderlane right behind her," Thunderlane was sweating and was starting to have trouble but kept going as he caught up with Storm who grinned at him.

"My, you know you have to be in front of at least one of me to win right?" Town hall was in their sight.

"it's neck and neck," Storm cried out "It's Thunderlane, no it's Storm, no wait it's..." the two shot by and Storm screamed out. "Thunderlane win's by a nose!" Thunderlane came to a halt while the last Racing Storm exploded, he ended up hitting to hard and bounced half way down the street but after a second he came to a halt, breathing hard, above him Storm and Rainbow where flying.

"I would have won by a far larger margin," Rainbow bragged "But you did alright,"

"Screw you," Thunderlane said with a laugh. Storm just nodded to him and exploded, a Golden medal dropped next to him and Thunderlane picked it up, on one side four wings where engraved, and the other a large Number one. "Hell yeah," Thunderlane said as he put it around his neck "I'm a fucking champion,"

Doctor Whooves made his way down the road, happily humming as he pondered the existence of his scarf, He had been distracted by Thunderlane's race so he was running a little way's behind, but Shade was waiting for him in the Market place, all of the stalls where closed due to how hard it was to sell things while bouncing, Shade herself had been bouncing up high to watch the race, but upon seeing the Doc she stopped and waved to him.

"So you must be Shade," He said as he threw the scarf over his shoulders.

"I am," She confirmed, I do apologize but I don't have anything to...extravagant for you, seeing as any of the games I had pre-planned all had magic involved, so you're challenge is kind of...stupid, sorry," a pole shot out of the ground and Doctor Whooves looked at it, resting on top of it was a bell. "All you have to do is ring the bell," Doctor Whooves walked up to the bell and began jumping, swatting his Whooves at it, The pole itself was fairly tall so after a while it became clear to the Doc that it was just out of his reach, he attempted holding onto the pole, but it was to slick. He tapped his chin in thought.

"I have to ring the bell, but I can't reach the bell," After a Second he smiled and took his Scarf off and began jumping again, this time holding the scarf in one hoof. Once he reached the apex of his highest jump he threw the scarf at the bell and it rang out, the pole phased away and Shade shrugged.

"Next time we do this I'll make sure to have a better challenge for you, till then enjoy your infinite Hot Sause Bottle," Shade exploded and left in her wake a Golden Bottle of Hot Sause with a Large one engraved on one side, and a simple bell on the other, The Doc rushed to it and gave it a taste.

"Oh, add this to some Sour Cream and Chips and My day will be complete,"

Havok and Cheerilee had made zero progress with one another, Havok was bouncing all around Cheerilee as she tried to catch him and take the flag.

"You got this," Havok cheered as she leaped at him.

"You've been saying that for like 20 minutes," She said as she wiped some sweat from her brow, She jumped at Havok and he flipped over her, "How am I suppose to catch you?" She demanded, Havok smiled when a shadow covered him and he jumped as Bulk landed where he had just been.

"2 v 1" Bulk cheered, only for Rot to jump on his back.

"How about a 2 v 2," Rot said as she slammed Bulk into the ground again and send him flying off towards Cheerilee, who dodged him with ease and bounded towards Havok again, only for Storm to fly by and pick Havok off the ground.

"You said no flying," Cheerilee complained.

"I said I couldn't fly," Havok corrected "never said anything about Storm," The Two where both knocked out of the air when Thunderlane flew into them and sent them all crashing down.

"Sorry I'm late," Doctor Whooves said as he made his way to the group, "Rarity just informed me that the team of Chaos like to team up on the last player so..." Doctor Whooves held what looked like a Cannon and pointed it towards Havok and grinned "...behold my latest creation the Glue Cannon!" Doctor Whooves fired and Spike was nailed with a glob of Sticky white Glue and stuck to the wall.

"Avenge me he said as he threw the flag, resulting in Shade showing up and catching it with her magic, The doctor fired several more shots at her before it began simply clicking.

"Ah, I forgot to bring extra ammo," He noted as Shade took one of the fired shots and hit the Doctor with it, Who yelled out in shock before also being stuck to a nearby wall. Cheerilee grabbed his Cannon and threw it in the air, where Bulk grabbed it and used it as a bat against Rot, who was sent flying into Havok and ended up stuck with him.

"Defeated by glue," Havok said with a chuckle "Oh the indignity," Rot's only response was to put her free hoof to the wall and force herself out of the mess before Grabbing Havok and yanking him free, across the way Bulk was doing the same for the Doc.

"Charge!" Cheerilee cried to her two companions before charging the three earth bound members of the opposing team, as they began battle, Thunderlane and Storm where having their own fight using clouds, Thunderlane was once again surrounded by Storm clones but each one exploded on Impact, with the exception of the original, she was about to make more clones when Bulk was bounced up and hit her in his flight.

His opponent stolen Thunderlane went for Rot, who dodged and grabbed him with her tail, swinging him around and slamming him into the ground, sending him flying. Havok was laughing as Doctor Whooves used his Cannon as a blunt weapon, Havok jumped over a swing with a laugh when Cheerilee landed on his back and used him as leverage to jump over Shade, and grabbed the flag in her teeth, swiping it from her grasp. Instantly the ground went back to normal and the fighting stopped.

"Good game," Storm said to Thunderlane before disappearing.

"Yeah!" Rot yelled happily to Bulk before vanishing.

"Next time you'll have more fun," Shade promised to the Doctor before vanishing.

"Good Game Cheerilee," Havok said with a laugh before exploding, on the ground was a Golden Trophy with A Large Number one on one side. Cheerilee took the Flag out of her mouth and placed it in the Cup, it instantly snapped inside and stood up straight.

"Well this was an adventure," Cheerilee said with a smile as she took her Trophy and held it up "I better get back to school, Recess is well past over," Cheerilee waved goodbye to the others and made her way back to school.

"Shall we go back to Sugar Cube Corner?" The Doc asked "Pinkie did ask for some Hot Sause when I got it,"

Spike and his team looked at the wall as their newest Tapestry formed upon it, it was a picture of Bulk, Thunderlane, and Doctor Whooves Holding up Cheerilee and her Trophy, Bulk and Thunderlane had their medals on, and the Doc had his Hot Sause Bottle in one hoof.

"That was a lot of fun," Spike said as he and his friends all looked at it "Alright, so Applebloom, you'll be in Manehattan with me, Scootaloo you can use this to practice flying as Storm, Sweetie would Shade be willing to stay with Storm just in case she hurts herself?"

"You can count on me," She said patting Spike's back. they all split into teams of two.

"So, what's the plan with Babs?" Applebloom asked.

"Oh, I just went to the ponies running her competition and I, or should I say Havok, was approved to join the competition so long as I didn't use any magic on anything other than my tools" Spike grinned. "Now we just need to gain her trust and get her to at least consider joining up with us,"