• Published 27th Aug 2021
  • 4,870 Views, 277 Comments

Spike: The Unwilling God of Chaos - Silver Butcher

Discord is giving up his role as god of Chaos so he can spend all his time with Fluttershy and picks Spike for the job, Spike uses this to try and get Twilight to treat him as a true equal, and brings a few of his own friends to help him

  • ...

Chaos be Gone

Havok whistled as he flew through the air, with Spike being in Canterlot for the weekend he had sent a Havok drone to inspect Ponyville for any fun bits of gossip that might result in a poorly or perfectly timed prank depending on how he felt about the pony it was to be aimed at.

Havok landed without much fuss as the Ponies on the Mainstreet cleared out at the sight of him, Havok chose to ignore this and instead made his way into Sugar Cube Corner for a nice tasty treat or two from his favorite party pony and Cookie-turned mare, Havok walked in and without much thought made his way to the counter, after about five seconds he knew something was wrong when no one came to greet him. Havok looked around, the customers of the restaurant had already cleared out and the Cakes were nowhere to be found, Havok tried ringing the bell and was once again met with no Pinkie or Gingerbread.

"Hello?" He called out merrily to try and hide his confusion at the odd situation "Is this some kind of prank? Because if it is I kind of love it," Havok waited and, after receiving no reply let out a huff "I can smell you back there Pinkie," He said irritably "And I can hear Gingerbread too,"

"That's it I'm taking the stupid fine," Pinkie said angrily as she walked out of the kitchen, "Havok old buddy I have some bad news for both of us,"

"ok?" Havok leaned down and instead of saying anything Pinkie instead held up a sign and put it on the counter, Havok took it and read the simple message that lay upon it.

"By Decree of Princess of Twilight Sparkle, due to his inability to be detained, any creature found conversing or interacting with the God of Chaos Havok will be considered a co-conspirator and receive a fine of 10 Bits per word as well as be detained for questioning," Havok stared at the sigh slack-jawed.

"What in the name of Tartarus is this?" Havok demanded angrily as he threw it to the counter "Don't answer that,"

"Doesn't matter," Pinkie replied with a groan "It applies to us both so I'm gonna get charged for my and your words," Pinie turned the small sign back over and revealed that it now had her name on it with a bill next to it "Yep," She said simply as another 10 bits where added onto the tally. Havok let out a puff of Smoke but said nothing as he turned and left the restaurant. "Welp there goes my entire Paycheck," Pinkie groaned after checking the total "and part of my next one probably,"

Havok stormed down the street, multicolored smoke pouring from his mouth as he mouthed angry words without speaking to avoid getting anypony around him slapped with a fine. Havok marched straight to the Castle, where Twilight was standing with a Canterlot Guard.

"She's an element of Harmony," Twilight said simply "Tell her she doesn't have to pay and she won't be detained,"

"We told her that ma'am," The Guard replied "She...told us to shove it and is making us detain and fine her,"

"Tell her I'm just gonna make her take the money back," Twilight groaned and shook her head "Pinkie is making this worse than it already is,"

"Hi random Guard dude," Havok said angrily "Enjoy the fine I guess," the Guard groaned when he realized who had just spoken to him and hung his head and he made his way into the castle to detain himself for questioning. "What even is this!?" Havok demanded angrily "You can't fine people for talking to me, ponies have rights,"

"As a creature of high magical potential and a history of causing problems you have been marked as dangerous," Twilight said calmly, visibly trying not to laugh in Havok's face "as such, until such time as your identity has been revealed any creature caught talking to you is to be fined, all businesses in Ponyville have been provided with a small sign that will track your voice and identity who speaks to you and who you speak to in turn," Havok simply gritted his teeth before raising his hand.

"Twilight I swear to Celestia-" Havok raised his fingers to snap only for Twilight to click her tongue.

"Oh I wouldn't do that, your magic might cause the counters to freak out and give everypony in Ponyville a fine, I doubt they'll be too fond of you after you make them pay an arm and a leg for one of your little games,"

"Wha..." Havok looked around, expecting somepony to declare the events happening to be some kind of elaborate prank "why would they hate me your the one doing this crap!?"

"True, but you're the one who willingly made them pay out the ears instead of just shutting up and being a good little God of Chaos," Twilight got a little close "We both know that when it comes to mob mentality over bits, ponies are more likely to get mad at you for doing something to get them a fine, then they are to get mad at me for trying to find a way to get you to obey the law," Twilight smiled at Havok "Now, put your hand down, and get out of my town, and vacate that castle," Twilight turned away and walked back into the castle as Havok began grinding his teeth. "One word and everypony who hears you gets a fine," She reminded Havok before shutting the door to her castle.

Havok took a deep breath before sitting down on the castle lawn and looking at his hand, "This Disrespect will not go unpunished," Havok said angrily as he put his finger in the snapping position and held it, allowing Chaos Magic to begin charging, Havok popped his hand off like a glove and replaced it with a new on and put the hand charging his magic into a pocket dimension before putting his hand to the ground and grabbing it, Havok easily pulled the ground up like it was a rug and made a cave, he let go fo the roof of the cave and casually walked inside of it, closing it behind him just in time for the Elements of Harmony to miss his exit as they came around the corner with an upset Pinkie Pie.

"You know she won't make you pay the charges right?" Rainbow questioned Pinkie casually "She's just trying to get under Havoks Skin,"

"Well she got undermined," Pinkie shot back "Not allowed to talk to one of my own friends, oh she is getting an ear full believe you me,"

"Pinkie Darling I understand your anger," Rarity informed her friend in a calm tone "but Twilight seems to be going through a phase, and I doubt she's going to listen to you,"

"Don't care," Pinkie shot back without hesitation "No pony gets between Pinkie pie and Friendship, especially when that pony is supposed to be the Princesse of Friendship!" both Applejack and Fluttershy attempted to soothe Pinkie but their voices were lost to the wind as a thunderstorm began swirling to life above them.

"Oh no," Rainbow cried out sarcastically "Havok is gonna do a prank, it's almost like this entire plan was a stupid waste of time, He's the God of Chaos what's an angry mob even gonna do besides make him laugh," Pinkie met Twilight at the door, who just rolled her eyes.

"I'm not making you pay the fine Pinkie," Twilight said as she rubbed the bridge of her nose "The whole point of the fine was to prove to the town that Havok doesn't care if he hurts them in any way, he's just doing things for his own amusement, once I get that point across I'll announce that the fine was fake and beak Havok at his own stupid pranking game,"

"And what if Havok failed to see this as a prank," Pinkie snapped back "And decided to instead, oh I don't know, bite back?" Pinkie motioned around angrily "What then Twilight? Hu? I doubt you saying it was just a prank will fly with him if he's too busy deciding to be the villain you want him to be to listen, what if he just goes all in and hits us with the Classic Discord Prank, the kind that doesn't end because it's not a prank?"

"Pinkie calm down," Twilight said as she grabbed her friend "If Havok does go full crazy then we just go with Plan B,"

"Boy, oh Boy," Havok cried from behind the group "I see you ignored my warning," Twilight turned to Havok and found him standing proudly "Do you remember what I told you a while back?" Havok asked casually as Twilight approached, both standing with confidence against the other.

"I remember telling you that if you snapped then every pony in Ponyville is being slapped with a fine,"

"Well when I'm done I really doubt anypony will care much about money," Havok said casually as he pulled a Treasure chest out of thin air and spun it like a ball on his finger, "Back on my topic, I seem to recall telling you that If I caught you trying to retrieve the Elements of Harmony from the Tree of Harmony I would throw them to the far corners of Equestria, and I wondered, what's got you so confident as to pull this little charade, and then it hit me, I was in Canterlot for six hours, I'm sure Celestia called out to you and you used that time to get your Elements back,"

Havok Calmly opened the Chest and Pulled out the Element of Honesty, causing Twilight's confidence to falter, "What?" Havok laughed "Oh you honestly think I'd leave them alone if I couldn't just snap 'em right to my side?" Havok tossed the Element of Honesty into the air and it shot off into the distance like a missile "Opps, finger slipped," Havok pulled out Kindness and examined it "I imagine your plan hindered on me retaliating with a prank, and then you'd go, oh the fine was fake but Havok didn't know that and doesn't care what he does to anyone so long as he gets his way, oops," Havok flipped Kindness like a coin and to shot away into the distance and was lost from sight "My bad,"

"Stop," Twilight said as she lit her horn and tried to take the box from Havok "We need those to..."

"Turn me to stone right?" Havok asked as he grabbed both Loyalty and Generosity and threw them behind his back and into the Horizon "Oh no wait, not just me, but my friends too right? turn all six of us to stone and then tell us to be good little slaves to your will and maybe you'll let us live with Fluttersy?" Havok grabbed laughter and Threw it straight up before grabbing the Element of Magic "Oh this one's pretty," Havok made the chest disappear and examined the Element of Magic "Very nice, sure would be a shame if a Dragon found this one, I should send it straight to Ember, she'd snatch it up and eat it the second she saw it," Havok tossed it up and Twilight lunged forward, Havok, in turn, snatched the gem and used his other hand to Grab Twilight.

"Not so much fun when I'm not playing is it?" Havok asked as he held Twilight up so she had to look him in the eye "But you're wearing me out, you don't wanna play your role, you don't wanna look me in the face and recognize me, you just wanna blame some random dragon' that discord just happened to know. Havok frowned "I'm tired of playing this stupid dance with you Twilight, it's killing the vibe and it's starting to piss me off, everypony in this town knows who I am, I know they do because I hear them whispering when they think I can't hear, so Say it Twilight," Havok looked Unblinking into Twilights eyes as he held up the Element of Magic "Say it and accept it because if you don't then the only way I know me and my friends can rest easy is for me to break it," Havok began squeezing and the sound of cracking crystal rang out as the Element of Magic began cracking in his hand "Say My Name Twilight," Twilight heard the sound of cracking Crystal and simply held her eyes shut before crying out.

"Your not Spike," She defied angrily "I know that's what you're trying to do, make me think your Spike, it won't work He would never do this to me,"

"Dammit Twilight," Havok said as he threw the half-broken Element of Magic to the side and sent it hurtling away across the sky "What part of I didn't choose this don't you understand?"

"I don't believe you," Twilight snapped back "Discord would never-"

"Discord sold you out to Tirek instantly," Havok snapped back "He's gotten better but Never is too strong a word, 'probably wouldn't' could have worked, but I know it doesn't because he defiantly did,"

"I don't know what your end game is, but I know that your already fooled Luna with your tricks, you won't get me,"

"Sweet mother of mine you give me a headache," Havok groaned "What do you want from me? and please ask for something marginally reasonable,"

"I want you gone," Twilight demanded angrily, Havok frowned and drew in close.

"Fine," He said bluntly "I'll go, and I won't come back until you beg me to," The Elements of Harmony, who had been watching in silence up until this point finally chimed in.

"What?" Rarity demanded "Hold up you can't just up and leave,"

"No, I told Twilight she could ask for anything, and she asked for me to be gone,"

"So that's it?" Twilight demanded suspiciously "Your plan fails and you just walk away? That's all the mighty God of Chaos has to offer?"

"Sure," Havok shrugged as he pulled his hand off like a glove and tossed it to the side "And Since I'm going, I'll be taking all my stuff with me," Havok stuffed his arm stub into his belly, and began violently shaking as he pulled his arm out, his arm was visibly breaking apart as his hand held a snapping pose with a swirling mass of Magic gathered in between his ready to snap fingers. "May all of Ponyville hear this Decree and know, that on this day, Havok the God of Chaos will leave, and until Twilight Sparkle begs for me to return, Ponyville shall know only pure Harmony,"

Twilight was visibly confused by his lack of a threat until the magic in his hand began destroying his body.

"Every tiny thing in this town with even an ounce of Chaos will be stripped of it, only Harmony may exist in Ponyville from this day forward, so by the Decree of Havok," Havok held his hand up and grinned before screaming out and snapping at the same time "Chaos Be Gone!"

Author's Note:

This Chapter brought to you by
ThunderBasilisk who came up with this Prank Idea