• Published 27th Aug 2021
  • 4,870 Views, 277 Comments

Spike: The Unwilling God of Chaos - Silver Butcher

Discord is giving up his role as god of Chaos so he can spend all his time with Fluttershy and picks Spike for the job, Spike uses this to try and get Twilight to treat him as a true equal, and brings a few of his own friends to help him

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The House Warming of Castle Chaos!

Spike smiled as he sat in his throne writing on a postcard, Babs was currently working on her Throne, While Luna was helping Rumble pick a name.

"Typhon, Hurricane, Lightspeed," Rumble said, adding to the already fairly large list of names that Luna had given up on updating, she was instead watching Babs work on her throne, It looked normal up front, but the back was a large Cup, where she was storing her Large Paint Brush, and making more of different sizes and thicknesses, Her hooves where covered in Black ink that where leaving random stains all around her throne. Spike smiled as he pulled a gem out of his throne and read the card aloud.

"You are hereby invited to Join the Team of Chaos as we celebrate the completion of our team with our newest member...," Havok pointed to Rumble "How's Vile sound?"

"Oh," Rumble cheered "Yeah, Vile, I am Vile, hello I'm Vile!" Rumble laughed as he took his newly named form of Chaos, he looked like a Stallion version of Storm, However instead of four wings he only had two, but they where far larger in size compared to Storms. "I'm Faster than all," Vile cheered.

"only in a straight line," Spike said with a shrug "Storm's extra wings help her to turn and do tricks without losing speed, though they do cause her to be slightly slower than she could be," Spike shrugged and continued reading his card "-The completion of our team with our newest member Vile, Party starts at 8 Pm sharp at the Castle of the Two Sisters, now the Castle of Chaos,"

"Tia will be less than please that you are here," Luna warned.

"I'll just tell her you where drunk and traded me the deed for some Magic beans, speaking of witch," Spike tossed Luna a sack "Here are some Magic Beans, no idea what they do so you might not wanna plant 'em,"

"Ah, your false backstory now has evidence, Well I better go Tell my sister before you send the-" Spike turned into Havok and sent the Postcard off to multiple targets at one.

"Oh boy, I'm never living this down," Luna groaned before teleporting back home.

"Places Everyone," Havok cried out happily "Put your Chaos Faces on, this is about to turn into a big mess,"

Luna teleported in just as Celestia received the post card, Luna also receiving one.

"What in the-" Celestia was about to ask before Luna said.

"Your gonna be mad, so before you read that card, hear me out-" Celestia instantly looked suspiciously at her sister.

"What did you do?"

"I went out to get a drink, and it became a few drinks, and then Havok showed up, he said things, I said things, he wanted a castle, I wanted magic beans," Luna coughed and motioned to the postcard, Celestia looked at it and slowly went slack jawed before chuckling into her hoof.

"Sister," Celestia said with a wheeze "Are you telling me, you sold our old castle...for magic beans?" Luna said nothing and simply presented the small sack, with glowing multicolored beans set inside. Celestia began laughing fairly loudly as she hit her throne, Luna just blushed as Celestia tried to catch her breath.

"I...I can't even," Celestia wheezed again "Sister surely you know I have to tell Cadance this,"

"I figured you might," Luna said with a sigh "Don't even know what these stupid things do so I can't even use them," Celestia began laughing at her sister again. "I'll see you at the party then," Luna said, attempting to leave with some pride, once out of the room she took a deep breath. "Spike I am going to kill you," She decided before making her way down the hall, The Two Guards just stood in silence.

"Are we going to war with the Crystal Empire?" One whispered.

"We are if she kills their Dragon hero," The Second one replied.

At 7:30 the Elements made their way towards the Castle of the Two sisters, with a few extra guests they hadn't expected.

"Pinkie," Doctor Whooves said in greeting "Do you like my new hat?" The Doctor was in fact not wearing a hat, but another Scarf.

"Scarf again Doc," She said simply.

"Drat," he said "This always happens," With The Doc was Cheerilee, Bulk, Thunderlane and Vinyl,"

"Can't believe you made a deal with him," Cheerilee said "Although, I did the same I suppose,"

"Technically I made it with one of his flunkies," Vinyl corrected.

"You know what I mean," Cheerilee said with a sigh.

"Yeah!" Bulk cried out. "That was a poor decision, Like when Thunderlane Insulted Havok's Pancakes,"

"I insulted his Hot Sause," Thunderlane said irritably "And all I said was that I got it in my nose,"

"He might just be mad you didn't actually eat any of it," Doctor Whooves said, pondering in silence. "Would you like some, It's quite good,"

"Never," Thunderlane said "I won't let him win,"

"Well," Vinyl said tapping her chin "he hasn't really won anything yet as far as I know, Except this castle I guess,"

"The Castle of the Two sisters is a historic sight," Twilight said "I'm sure the Princesses are already in the process of forcing him to relocate," As the group of Eleven made their way down to the castle, Shining Armor and Cadance both teleported in next to Twilight.

"Twily," Shining cheered, hugging his sister "It's so good to see you, how's Spike doing?"

"he's going through a bit of a Heart break after being rejected-"

"Do what?" Cadance demanded "With who? When? How? Why wasn't I informed?" Twilight took a step back and Rarity stepped forward.

"He had a crush on me and I let him down," She said nervously only for Cadance to sigh with relief.

"Oh good, I was afraid I'd have to rework my Shipping chart,"

"Your what now?" Twilight asked, Shining just shook his head and mouthed the word's don't ask to Twilight and they carried on to the castle, where the remaining two Princesses where staring at Team Chao's additions.

"I like the floating Tower," Celestia said with a nod as the Tower slowly rotated Upside down. "And the Dance floor is interesting,"

"I like it to," Havok said, now standing next to Celestia "It was Shade's Idea," Havok snapped and snacks appeared in cups with bowls of drinks joining them. "But hey, you guys have fun, feel free to explore, but if you try to take anything It will Explode into a cloud of glitter," Havok motioned to his eyes and then to them before phasing away. The guests spread out, some staying on the lawn while other's explored the castle interior, the back up 5 decided to party outside, not wanting to take the chance of what exploring might end up in. After a moment the Mane 6, the three Princesses, and Shining all split up in an attempt to try and find the main room where the Party was set to take place.

Applejack and Rainbow ended up together and where walking down one of the halls when they heard laughing and approached a normal looking room, with hundreds of random objects floating around it, at the center of the room sat Storm, who was silently looking over a few notes, She muttered something and crumbled up one of the pages before throwing it above her, it was caught in the effect of the room and began floating away.

"Need something?" She asked, not looking back at either of them.

"Uh," Rainbow said "Isn't this the part where we fight or something?"

"This is a House warming, not a prank," Storm replied "We put it to a vote and it was decided that you lot be left to give the place a look around, Me and the other's will be joining when we're done with our assigned tasks," Rainbow and Applejack looked at one another and jumped when Storm began tearing up one of her notes.

"For the love of- Who keeps suggesting Cheese Rain!? That's not even mildly original, Making it rain food was like the first thing we did," Storm kept looking at and tossing away cards before Smiling and blowing on one, making it disappear.

"There we go," She said, after a few more cards, she ended up blowing away three more before she turned to the door empty handed "My job's done," She Whistled and called out "Guards of Chaos, bring me some Chips and Dip," Several suits of Armor marched around the corner with the desired objects, almost giving Rainbow and AJ a heart attack on impression.

"Oh, yeah great," Rainbow said when she looked at the Armor "You brought these creepy fucks to life, yeah no that's cool, love that this is happening," One of them offered a tray with one large Chip and many dips to Rainbow, who proceeded to fly out of their reach.

"So," AJ said, trying not to look at the empty sockets of the Armor surrounding her "What was up with the cards, the room looks pretty chaotic but flash cards seem kind of-"

"We don't just make our jokes up on the spot," Storm said with a shrug "We have to think of how it might work, how far we should take it, what has to be done to stop it, what we should explode into when we're done," Storm shook her head "Lots of little bits and pieces, so we all write down ideas, and there sent to separate rooms, then we all pick the ones that sound good from the same list, after witch all the chosen pranks go to a new room where we all meet and talk about the pranks, if more than one of us pick the same one then the card is Silver, Three of us Gold, and with Four or more it skips the 2nd phase and goes directly to Havok," Storm began eating some chips and dips, shamelessly double and even triple dipping so as to claim dominion over the dip.

"Chaos is a process, and a very diplomatic one, but one with a lot of screaming, rubber chickens, and in fighting," She leaned in and said in a low voice.

"I didn't wanna do the Song of Honesty thing but I lost in a vote of One to Four," Storm waved to them and began making her way towards the throne room with her chip and Dip guards following after her.

"Hu," Rainbow said, landing once the Armor's had gone "I just kind of figured they made it up as they went,"

"Come on," Applejack said "If we follow her we should end up at the main event,"

Pinkie made her way up a flight of stairs only for it to end into the open air, above her she saw the floating tower. Pinkie smiled and took a step back as she put her hooves on a Cannon that had not been with her a few seconds Prior, she aimed it at the rotating tower and climbed in, she waited for the stairs visible along the bottom to be parallel with her and then shot herself up to it. As soon as she was close to the stairs she felt oddly sick for a moment and almost didn't stick the landing, She cheered and climbed up to inspect the floating area. In it's center was what looked like a Table built into the floor with a very smooth surface, the room was covered wall to wall with shelves, it had one window and even a door that likely went to nowhere, most of the shelves where full of random odds and ends like a cloud in a jar, a bottle of Soda, and even a tiny set of Armor dancing a little jig, on one shelf sat a couple dozen Snow globes, all of them had a little pony inside, after a quick headcount Pinkie counted all of those attending the party, even the 6 members of Chaos.

"Oh, Little Pinkie," She cheered as she picked herself up, as soon as she shook the snow globe the Table in the room began glowing and a Dome of light emerged from it, showing the room with Pinkie shaking her snow globe, It wasn't in color and for some reason the room and Pinkie where both sideways, and slowly turning,"

"Oh yeah," Pinkie said as she popped her head out the Window, finding the tower to now be laying flat with the ground directly in front of her instead of below her. "Anti-gravity spy tower, spooky," Pinkie shook the snow globe once more and put it back on the shelf when the door opened, Shade walked in and didn't even bat an eye at Pinkie as she walked over to a shelf and grabbed the Soda.

"There you are," She said as she popped it open and began drinking it "Oh, and don't worry, it's set up so it can't see anypony if their in a...a compromising position or place,"

"You mean like the bathroom?" Pinkie asked with a smile.

"Yeah, like that," Shade replied as she made her way to the door "Want me to lead you to the party area?"

"okey dokey lokey," Pinkie said as she bounced after Shade and followed her out of the tower and to the party.

Fluttershy and Rarity where at a lose, they had opened a door with a Wet floor sign nailed to it and where now ankle deep in water, having been unable to shut the door the entire floor they where on was flooding.

"I guess it's a good thing you decided not to dress up," Fluttershy said as they waded their way into the room to see if they could stop the source of the flooding.

"I figured something would happen," Rarity said with a sigh "Now come on, we don't want to give Team Chaos a reason to despise us," Rarity shook her head "There was a sign on the door and everything,"

"I thought it might have been a bathroom," Fluttershy said red faced "I wanted to wash up before the party started,"

"Well lets hope this isn't a bathroom, otherwise this entire situation will go from inconvenient to horribly disgusting," Rarity attempted to find the problem, and instead found Rust pulling at a Chain in the floor.

"Come on," She complained "It's party time and I'm gonna be late," Rust continued pulling on the chain when Rarity cleared her throat.

"Oh come on," She said "There was a sign on the door and everything," She groaned before going back to the chain "It started raining and our mystic Waterfall started overflowing, and to make matter's worse the emergency plug is stuck,"

"Why not just...magic it away?" Rarity asked.

"Don't be silly," Rust said with an eye role "This is some top tier chaos, I can't just snap it away, we have a system, you wanna stop something chaotic you gotta make it a game, like when we make you guys push a button or do something specific to end our prank, in this case it's pull the plug," Rust kept tugging, her hooves slipping around in the water "If you wanna help feel free, but no magic, it'll just make the water rise faster, we got maybe 5 minutes before it starts flooding the lower levels," Fluttershy rushed to help and grabbed Rust around the middle and started pulling, With Rarity pulling on Fluttershy in turn, her combined with Rarity didn't exactly help much, but it was enough to help Rust stop slipping and give a good hearty pull, the Plug came lose and began sucking in all the water, Rust attempted to hold her ground but she, Rarity, and Fluttershy where also sucked in and ended up being thrown from the castle, down the window waterfall, and into the moat.

"Ah man," Rust said spitting out some water "Gotta ask Havok to take a look at that when he's got a second," Rust climbed out and instantly dried herself off "You two want me to take you to the party area or you good on your own,"

"I'd like a guide please," Fluttershy said as she got out.

"Yes please," Rarity agreed "The castle is even more of a maze then it use to be, could you take us to the party area?"

Cadance and Shining were looking around at the castle Library, It almost looked as though they had simply repaired it and left it as is, although the fact that all the books where randomly flying off the shelves and going to other ones told them that they did in fact use it.

"I wonder how they find anything?" Shining pondered aloud.

"We don't usually," Rot said as one of the bookshelves opened like a door. In her arm, a Book shaped package wrapped in chains was violently attempting to free itself from her clutches. Behind her was one of the many hidden areas in the castle. "We only really come in here if we need something from the vault," Rot walked past them humming as the book continued its escape attempt.

"Um," Cadance said taking a step away from Rot as she passed by "What is that?"

"Oh it's a cursed book full of ancient knowledge about some of the most powerful monsters to have ever lived, rumor has it Grogar himself wrote this, then turned it into a monster so that only the most powerful of his children could gain access to his secrets," Rot walked up to another wall and her tail shot out and pulled the handle of a Candelabra that was behind her "It was an interesting read, I dunno if Grogar actually wrote it but I know how to make Tree Ent's now so that's gonna be fun," Cadance and Shining looked into the Vault and Rot waved to them. "You can come in, it changes locations every time it's closed and opened, and the way to open it changes to, so your not likely to find it again, no harm in looking at the very least,"

Shining and Cadance followed Rot onto a rickety looking pathway that seemed to be hovering over a bottomless pit. At the Center of the room was a large platform that split into pathways that all led to different books that were all contained with massive security measures, there was one encased in Crystal, one that was wrapped up in bandages and looked to be bleeding, another was just casually laying on a book stand engulfed in flames. In the center of the room, Surrounded by a Laser grid, a spike trap, and even swinging blade, was a Stone book.

"Don't touch that one," She said pointing to the Stone one " Havok hates the Inspiration Manifestation spell but the last copy was destroyed a while back so he remade it out of respect, but also refuses to let anyone touch it. Rot made her way down to the only pathway that didn't have a book and set her violently shaking package in a cage before pushing it over the edge and tying the chain down, leaving it to thrash violently over the abyss below. "And thus ends our tour of the tourist section of the vault, all other area's are strictly off limits, now if you'd please follow me I'll take you to the party,"

Celestia and Luna where the only one's to successfully find their way to the throne room, according to Luna because she had dropped by earlier in the week to try and trade the beans back, Celestia was still laughing at her sister when they entered the area, it was completely empty as of the moment, save one single agent of Chaos, sitting in the blandest throne and reading a Comic book, Vile looked up at the laughter and the three stared at each other, Vile looked at them, and then tapped his throne, it began slowly turning until his back was to them, and then he hunched down and pulled his wings in to hide from view.

"That, would most likely be their newest member," Luna said "Seeing as the team was all mares and one dragon,"

"Greetings," Celestia said with a wave.

"Uh...hi," Vile said waving at them from his throne, "I uh....I don't have a gimmick yet, that's why my throne kind of sucks,"

"So," Celestia said making her way to the snack table "What made you join the team of Chaos," both Luna and Vile felt that Celestia was going to try and trick him into giving some information on who he or some other member of chaos really was.

"Havok said I'm not suppose to talk to you while I'm alone," Vile said "Said you'd try to get information out of me,"

"I just want to know who I'm dealing with," Celestia said with a groan "Who is Havok, or any of the rest of the team, I have a team looking into the whereabout of all who participated in that mane cutting thing with him but there all accounted for, same with any possible suspects in Ponyville. Luna actually frowned upon hearing the news.

"You brought 'them' into this?" She demanded quietly "There only suppose to be used in times of the upmost chaos, not that they've ever been any good at helping in any way,"

"My team does their job just fine," Celestia replied.

"First of all their our team, you picked three, I picked the other three, secondly what job are you talking about? that time the Changelings invaded and they failed to show up, or maybe that other time the Changelings invaded and they didn't even notice!"

"We are not having this conversation here," Celestia said as she spotted Vile looking at them with a raised brow before sliding back out of view. "We'll talk when we get home," Luna just rolled her eyes and made her way to the snack table as several members of team Chaos arrived, leading some of the rest of the guests in with them.

Havok was chilling outside with the 5 members of Team Backup Harmony, Bulk had gotten into a dance off with Lars the Manticore, who had been awoken from his slumber by the Large Pegasi screaming yeah several times. Thunderlane and Vinyl where chatting with one another, while Cheerilee and Doctor Whooves where talking with Havok.

"And then boom!" The Doc cried "They went off and that's when I discovered that the spark they needed was Love!" Havok chuckled.

"Be sure to tell Cadance that, I think she might want to get some from you,"

"Oh what a splendid Idea," Doc said.

"Anyway," Cheerilee said, attempting to pull the conversation back to what it had originally been about, "I just wanna make sure we're being treated fairly, I dunno if you have anypony in mind for who might take 6th in this little...back up team, but I would like them to be a Unicorn, balance things out between us and the normal team, that way you don't end uplike last time and don't really have anything for one or more of us to do,"

"I rather enjoyed ringing that bell," Doc cut in "Was a lot of fun actually, nice to have a use for this old scarf" Before Havok could ask about the Scarf a shadow covered him and he looked up to see Twilight flying above him.

"Oh, look at the time," Cheerilee said "Come on Doc, we should probably gather everyone up and head inside for the actual party, it's probably started by now," Havok simply snapped and all of team Reserve Harmony along with Lars the Manticore where teleported to the throne room.

"What can I do for you?" Havok asked politely.

"Where do you get off doing...doing this to one of Equestrias oldest ruins?"

"Luna gave it to me," He replied casually.

"No, you tricked her out of it," Twilight shot back "I heard from Celestia about your magic beans,"

"You gotta admit that's at least a little funny," Havok replied "at least a tiny smidgen,"

"I don't have to admit anything," Twilight shot back, "But I will say this, you will be turning these ruins back to normal, one way or the other,"

"Sucks to Suck but I'm the legal owner of the property now," Havok replied with a shrug "And you can't make me do anything,"

"We'll see about that," Twilight replied, Havok grinned as she walked away and he watched her head inside.

"I...won that argument," He realized "I never win the arguments," Havok silently cheered before heading into the party, feeling overwhelmed with energy at his tiny victory. He was the last one to arrive and took his throne, They had hidden Luna's for the time being, so the 6 Thrones where all facing the rest of the hall. Havok and Shade's sat in the middle, Rust and Rot where on either side of them, and Vile and Storm where on the end. Havok, Rust and Vile where on the right while Shade, Rot, and Storm where on the left.

"Dear friends, enemies, Princesses, Back up team, Living armors, and Manticore, We are proud to present to you the full team of chaos, our new home, and enough Cake that even Celestia will get sick.

"You dare challenge me to a Cake off!?" Celestia demanded.

"Oh I dare!" Havok shot back as he snapped and several long tables with nothing but cake appeared "We have one of every cake, and two of every other cake,"

"That makes no sense," Bulk complained.

"Thank you," Havok replied, now enjoy your stay at Castle Chaos, and Party Hard!" Havok watched as Celestia attacked the cake table before looking to Vile. "You look like a creature of Chaos with something to say,"

"Princess Celestia apparently had a team of spy's trying to find us," he said "I heard her and Luna talking about it before the rest of you arrived. "I think they said there are 6 of them, I dunno who they are but at least one of them is in Manehattan,"

"Oh," Havok squealed "I hope their a Unicorn, I'd love to throw them into the back up team, you guys stay here, I'll leave a doppelganger behind and go check for our new friend," Havok winked and the rest of Team Chaos joined the Party while Doppelganger Havok began Drinking a mug of Hot Liquid Marshmallow with squishy chocolate bits added. Havok appeared in the floating tower and tapped the table in the center of the room.

"Alright Mister or Miss Spy," He said "Let's play a game of hide and seek,"