• Published 27th Aug 2021
  • 4,870 Views, 277 Comments

Spike: The Unwilling God of Chaos - Silver Butcher

Discord is giving up his role as god of Chaos so he can spend all his time with Fluttershy and picks Spike for the job, Spike uses this to try and get Twilight to treat him as a true equal, and brings a few of his own friends to help him

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Vile's Cool Prank

Rumble looked at the throne room in silence, Spikes throne was the biggest, it was covered in decorative gems he could pull out and eat, and he had recently added gold trimming to it, Applebloom's looked like an Apple tree, with three Black gems cut in the shape of Apple rest on the back of the top, Sweeties was a working organ with keys running along the armrest, Scootaloo's was carved in the shape of the four wings she boasted while as Storm, and Babs had a giant water cup on the back of her's and was using it to store giant paintbrushes, at the moment the large one she usually carried as Rust was chilling in the cup along with two smaller one's of equal size, and one that's size was a mid-ground between the rest.

Rumble let out a sad sigh as he looked at the sad hunk of a throne that was his, with no character or personality to it whatsoever.

"Still trying to pick a theme?" Spike asked as he walked up, sipping a cup of cocoa "Yeah, Babs really went above and beyond with hers so I get if you wanna try and be something more than just Fluttershy but with Chaos, but regardless you should consider that you'll be fighting Fluttershy of all ponies, And that itself comes with its own special level of difficulty,"

"I haven't even fought her yet," Rumble cried out "What do I do? We all vote on an overall theme but I have to come up with my own part of the prank myself," Rumble let out another groan as he sat in his chair and sighed. Spike looked at Rumble, deep in thought as he drank his coco before smiling and raising his hand, a Lecturn grew before him and his Rubber Chicken Gavel formed in his hand.

"I call Disorder to all residents of Castle of Chaos," He cried out, his voice bellowing forth to all the agents in the castle "Emergency summons to the throne room," Rumble immediately turned into Vile as Spike tossed his cup at this throne and shifted into Havok, catching it and taking a sip as the rest of team Chaos appeared in their seats. In accordance with the house rules, they all started screaming about their day as loud as they could, after a few minutes Rot was the last to quiet down after a heartfelt rant about how her Dobble Ganger had gotten detention for something Snips and Snails had done.

"...But I didn't throw it, Snails threw it trying to hit Snips and instead hit Cheerliee, and I got in trouble for it, GEAHH!" Rot screamed out "Alright I'm done,"

"I would like to call an emergency Prank," Havok stood on his throne and Dramatically pointed to Vile "One that Vile has to do Alone!"

"What?" Vile demanded in shock.

"Great Idea," Rust said immediately "I got my own Solo mission, and It gave me the confidence I needed to face Pinkie and a Frienemy, If Vile can develop that kind of relationship with Fluttershy it should help settle some of his worries, the poor guy's so worried about being judged he hasn't even picked a throne shape yet,"

"I agree," Rot added "Vile's first prank was against Doctor Hooves, and the other he was fighting Storm, he hasn't even faced Fluttershy yet, and frankly, it sounds like a hard path to follow,"

"Yeah, he needs a solo outing," Storm said casually as she looked over a piece of paper with Prank ideas written on it.

"Then we all agree," Shade asked, Vile was shaking as the rest of team Chaos turned to him.

"Motion carry," Havok Cheered "Vile you'll face Fluttershy in a solo prank, you wanna make it yourself, or should we help you with it?" Vile sat as tall as he could, trying to ignore his shaking as he looked at his friends.

"I could use a hoof," He pleaded.

"Very well, let's get to work on Vile's big Solo Prank!" Havok cheered, the rest of Team Chaos joining in with him.

Fluttershy let out a quiet yawn as she busied herself with her daily chores, she only had half as many thanks to Discord, Although it had been quite the battle to get him to let her keep half as he had wanted to do all of them for her. At the moment she was making her way down the streets of Ponyvile with an empty saddlebag on her back on her way to purchase some chicken feed. As she arrived at the store she felt an odd chill in the air as a cold breeze hit her.

"Oh," she said as she noticed a large number of rain clouds begin to form in the air "I didn't know we had a rainstorm scheduled for today, I'd better hurry," Fluttershy rushed inside and purchased a few bags of Chicken feed, instead of carrying them home she put a small sticker on each on and they disappeared thanks to Discord, who had talked her into at least letting him teleport all the goods home so she could get them all in one trip. Fluttershy made her way to the door but stopped as soon as she opened it. Instead of Rain, she found the beginnings of a snowstorm before her, with a thin layer of snow already built upon the ground.

"Oh my," She said as she looked in a small panic "Oh no, It can't snow, I have too many animal friends who hate cold weather, and all my reptile friends might catch their death in this cold," Fluttershy began making a B-line to her home when she saw Rainbow dash and a few other pegasuses attacking the snow clouds, with little to no avail. Twilight was also in the sky, attempting to laser the snow away, Fluttershy saw Applejack and Bigmac moving out with their stand back to Sweet Apple Acres to try and harvest as many apples as they could in case the snowstorm was planning to stay long term. Rarity was dressed for the cold and was pulling a cart and handing out her supply of emergency coats, a process that was stunted when Spike refused one and simple walked away with Rarity abandoning her cart to the masses and following after him in an attempt to get him to take it before he caught a cold. Pinkie was the only one not panicking as she was outside with the Cake family and Gingerbread the mare showing the Cake Twins and Gingerbread how to make a Snowpony.

"Um...hello Ponyville," A Voice called out, getting both Pinkie and Fluttershy's attention, Vile was in the middle of the street, standing on the back of Larz, who has a large sock covering his tale, booties, and a winter cap with his ears tucked into them. "I am Vile, and I am here for today's prank, With the warning that this is just for fun so this snow won't affect animals that naturally hibernate or plants, so your pets and apples won't be killed in this storm," Vile looked around and found most of the ponies were ignoring him, save for Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.

"Oh good," Pinkie cheered, she shot away for a second and returned instantly, now with Gummy chilling in her mane " That means Gummy can play too! Alright, Gingerbread now we need to add a button for a nose," Vile looked over to Fluttershy who let out a sigh of relief.

"I guess I should go gather up my friends to end this then," She said as she opened her wings and made to go get Rainbow Dash.

"Actually," Vile said raising his hoof "This Prank can only be ended by you, and you alone," Fluttershy looked up at him and closed her wings. After a few moments of the two silently staring at one another Vile cleared his throat, realizing she was waiting for him to explain the rules. "Yes, Rules of the game, yes um...sorry, um the rules are simple, you just have to knock me off of Lars with a snowball, and I'm not allowed to move" Vile and Fluttershy looked at each other for a few moments when Havok suddenly popped out of the ground and startled them both, he was wearing a directors hat and holding A clapperboard.

"This is the part, where you start throwing snowballs," Havok whispered to Fluttershy before clicking the clapperboard. Fluttershy hurriedly made a snowball and tossed it at Vile, missing by a mile. Fluttershy and Vile look to where the ball had landed only for Havok to click the clapperboard again "Take two, this time with magical aim assist," Havok clicked once more and magic echoed out from the clapperboard filling Fluttershy with the power of great aiming. Fluttershy looked at her hoof for a moment and then created another snowball and threw it. it sailed through the air towards Vile but right before it hit him Larz took a side step.

"Hey," Fluttershy complained.

"Never said Lars couldn't move," Vile noted with a smile "Let the games begin!" Upon Vile's words, Lars turned and began merrily skipping away from Fluttershy.

"Oh, come back here you cheat!" Fluttershy called back before giving chase. Havok watched the games begin and sighed before turning into a snow dragon just as Rainbow dash slammed into where he had just been.

"Hey," She said as she angrily shook the snow off of herself. Havok's head popped out of the ground, now lacking his directing accessories. Rainbow looked down at him angrily "What's the big deal!"

"Relax it's fake snow, plants and animals are safe"

"Screw you man," Rainbow shot back angrily "Fake or not we have a rainstorm scheduled in three hours and your snowstorm has set back all my work! How do we end this..."

"Today is Fluttershy day," Havok replied "Only Fluttershy's may play,"

"Why snow?" Rainbow demands "Of all the things to give as a prank to Fluttershy why snow?"

"I dunno," Havok responded reasonably "It made the least amount of sense I suppose," Rainbow began grumbling and Havok smiled "You mad you don't get to play today?" Rainbow smacked at Havok only for him to pop back into the ground before she could hit him. he popped back out to her right. "To slow,"

"To sl...oh buck you," Rainbow smacked at Havok and he once again moved positions, avoiding her, she swung again and he popped back into the ground, this time two Havok heads popped to either side of her.

"To slow," They chuckled. Rainbow gave a noise of anger and began smacking at Havok, anything she managed to hit him he would explode instead of popping back into the ground. After doing this for a few minutes Rainbow suddenly stopped and then cried out.

"Why am I doing this?"

"I dunno," one of several Havok's replied "you just started swinging at me, and I just kind of rolled with it," Rainbow took to the sky, ignoring Havok and attempting to get back to work and force the fake storm to move.

Shining inspected the snow in silence. It felt cold to the touch but not the kind of cold snow should make, as soon as he dropped the snow his hoof felt warm again, any trace left behind turning into steam.

"Man Chaos is weird," He muttered only to be scared out of his skin as a Manticore ran past him, before he could properly react Fluttershy rushed past, throwing snowballs at the Manticore and apologizing to Shining as she ran past him. Fluttershy ran as fast as she could after Lars and Vile. It was clear Lars was only going fast enough to keep distance, but not fast enough to actually get out of Fluttershy's throwing rang. Fluttershy tossed another snowball, this time it was blocked by Lars's tail swatting it away. The chase had led them out of town and they were now running around a Frozen pond where team Chaos was playing on the ice.

"Good luck Vile," Rot called to him "Try to make it last!"

"We should add an ice rink to Castle Chaos," Rust noted as she skated across the frozen surface of the water. Before anyone could say anything Havok spun into existence on the frozen lake.

"Rainbow is pissed," He noted, Aj probably will be too,"

"Excellent," Rot sung back merrily "Mad Applejack's hit the hardest,"

"Havok," Shade called as she skated past "Wanna skate with me?"

"Of course," Havok replied as he joined her in sliding across the ice.

"Well ain't that sweet," Storm noted with a chuckle, she was laying on a cloud instead of skating on the ice and was casually watching Fluttershy's attempts to peg Vile. As Fluttershy chased after Vile and the rest of the town was distracted by the snow a figure wearing a white hooded cloak walked through the streets of town unnoticed. It walked silently across town and stopped a ways away from Sugar Cube corner. her eyes focusing on Gingerbread the mare for a short while before turning her attention to the snow on the ground. She patted at it and found the same results as Shining had. She said nothing and instead walked towards the Everfree forest.

After a while, she found herself outside the property of Castle Chaos, which was only just outside the effects of the snowstorm. she took a step forward to the edge of the property line, her cloak taking on the colors of the forest once she left the snow. as soon as she touched the property hundreds of living armors all popped out of the ground like carrots and stared at her. She removed the hoof and they all slowly sunk back into the ground, leaving no hole behind. After a moment she pulled her hoof up and tugged on the bowtie around her neck.

"Did you get that boss?" Octavia asked her neckwear, a Distorted voice replied back to her.

"Yes, well-done number 5, return to civilian life until further notice," Octavia said nothing as she turned back and made her way home, her cloak once again turning white as she entered the snow.

Fluttershy ran as fast as she could, still throwing snowballs at Vile who had been pegged a handful of times and was now barely managing to stay on Lars due to the no moving rule. Several ponies were now watching the event and while most cheered on Fluttershy to end the snow, a fair number of children called to team chaos to keep it snowing. Fluttershy was holding a snowball but was waiting for the sweet moment when she could hit Vile and Larz couldn't stop her. Suddenly Larz jumped onto the ice in an attempt to escape from Fluttershy, who took the sharp turn and threw her snowball, nailing Vile in the face and sending him sliding across the ice on his back, coming to a stop at his teammates.

"Ow," He said as his teammates helped him back up. the snow and clouds dissipating.

"Ha," Storm laughed, her team looked at her for a second before dropping into the now unfrozen lake. "I saw that-" Storm was cut off when Rainbow shot below her, dissipating her cloud and sending her into the water as well. "Hey!" she complained once she emerged with the rest of her team from the water.

"That's for messing up my workday!" Rainbow called angrily. before Storm could reply several ponies from the shore called out with similar complaints. Before Chaos could say anything Applejack's voice cried out in rage.

"Where are they!?"

"Oh fuck that," Rot said and exploded into ice cubes, her friends quickly following her lead. They arrived back at Castle Chaos and all froze.

"Someone set off the alarm," Havok said as he and his friends listened to the alarm that only they could hear "Well this day kind of ended poorly,"

"Maybe snow was a bad idea," Vile admitted with a sigh "Grown-ups do spend weeks preparing for it,"

"It'll be fine," Havok said as he snapped and a new Tapestry formed, featuring Vile riding Lars with Fluttershy throwing a snowball. "Where Chaos, not everyone's gonna enjoy our games, but what I'm more worried about is who was trying to snoop around our castle,"

"I can answer that," Luna said as she dramatically revealed herself to be sitting on her throne. which had been moved above the rest of the throne room and now had its own small balcony overlooking the entire throne room.

"Oh, sweet Mother of mine!" Rust called out as she held her hoof to her chest "I forgot we put her throne up there,"

"One of me and my sister's spies was testing if you had defenses, they were scared off by your living armors and I doubt they noticed whatever it was that notified you of the instruction," Havok snapped and Luna hears the sound of their alarm, the sound of a chicken clucking to the tune of old Mcdonalds had a farm. "I don't know what I expected," Luna said with a head shake as Havok snapped and turned the alarm off. In doing so the armors unburied themselves and continued their patrols.

"Why were they buried?" Luna asked as they popped out of the ground around them as well.

"Well we don't want people bothering us while we're here, but we have them burry themselves while we're away" Havok replied "this way intruders will actually try to get in. If we hadn't buried them our would-be intruder would never have attempted entry and we'd be none the wiser of their existence," There was a moment of silence before Havok pointed at Vile "it was his idea,"

"How very sneaky of you," Luna noted "So Vile, did you pick a lane?"

"I did," Vile replied with a smile, his friends turning to him in surprise "I've decided that we all can't be Rust, so I'm just gonna do what I feel comfortable with, using Animals for my chaos,"

"Behold the Fluttershy of Chaos!" Havok cheered "And his sidekick Lars the Break dancing Manticore!" Vile scratched his chin and smiled.

"I like it, I am Vile! The Fluttershy of Chaos!" He chuckled "now that I have a theme it's time to work on my throne!"