• Published 27th Aug 2021
  • 4,870 Views, 277 Comments

Spike: The Unwilling God of Chaos - Silver Butcher

Discord is giving up his role as god of Chaos so he can spend all his time with Fluttershy and picks Spike for the job, Spike uses this to try and get Twilight to treat him as a true equal, and brings a few of his own friends to help him

  • ...

Attack of the Yodeling Cows

Spike was waiting for the rest of team Chaos to gather, he was laying on the floating chunk of land, sitting next to him was Sweetie, who had bought herself a few comics and asked if he wanted to combine the ones they had gotten and read them together. Instead of just reading they were watching as the Pictures moved with Spike narrating the males and Sweetie covering the ladies. They had just gotten into a story about a Diamond dog with a Chainsaw hand named Ash-Tail Williams when they realized their friends would be arriving soon.

"Shame about Linda," Sweetie said with a shake of her head as Spike snapped their collection of Comics to a safe place as Shade and Havok appeared in their thrones just as the rest of Team Chaos began arriving, the first one was Vile, who came in proudly riding his new throne, It crawled on large a combination of Crab and Spider Legs, The Phonix Wing, Insect Wing, and Scorpion tail moving as it walked, the Snake armrest was twirling in place, the other armrest was the body and head of a goat, the mouth moving in a chewing motion, vile had added a pillow for the seat of his thrown with little Break dancing Larz on it, the seat part of the thrown had simply been given a partial Fur and Feather texture running across it. Havok and Shade watched as Vile's throne took its place in line with the rest of the thrones. Havok frowned slightly, a sight that didn't go unnoticed, Vile tried to pin the problem and figured it out instantly as he looked around, Sweetie had made an Organ shaped throne, Scootaloo had used her wings, Applebloom used Apples, Rot had gone with paints, but Spike was just a throne covered in gems with simple gold trimming. As Vile thought about this, the rest of Team Chaos arrived, with Storm ironically arriving last.

"Sorry," She said as she appeared on her throne "Lost track of time,"

"No Problem," Havok replied as he leaned back in his throne, he then pointed to VIle, who recoiled, knowing he had been caught staring. "Vile, I sense you want to tell us something, care to speak your mind?" The rest of team Chaos turned to Vile, who took a deep breath and then loudly declared.

"Spike your throne sucks,"

"Hey!" Rot said as she grabbed Vile by the ear with her tail and pulled him closer to her face "You can't just dis him like that, he's the boss, even if he does act like we're all equal he is the only one who is an actual God, and the only one who didn't agree to it," as Rot let him go Vile slunk back in his throne only for Storm duplicates to pop out the side and shove him into the back of his throne as they glared at him, "So how about you show your boss, and literal God, some respect Rumble," Havok clapped and all of the agents turned to him, his eyes glowing red.

"Chill," He said angrily, the Storm duplicates dissipated and Havok's eyes turned back to normal and he spoke in a calm tone, "I Told Vile to speak his mind, and Storm I'd appreciate it if you didn't use Vile's other name as a way to disrespect him, now Vile, I can tell that the thrones mean a lot to you, and I can see how mine does suck compared to all the others, seeing as I, as the god of all Chaos, can't just choose a theme as I usually head the different games and pranks and leave you all to warp it to your respective themes, But I would like to hear how you think I or any of the others, could improve our thrones,"

"Well," Vile said as he made his throne move "If all our thrones were mobile we could ride them in on our pranks, and since this is the first time we all have one I thought we could ride in on them for this prank," Havok nodded but could still feel a few angry eyes on Vile, after a quick check he confirmed it was the original three, with Rust looking confused at the sudden outburst from her peers.

"I'm sorry," Storm said after taking a deep breath "Havok you have given us a lot, and I guess I just don't like it when people don't give you the respect your due,"

"Alright chill," Havok said as he stood in his throne "I don't care if I'm the only one that's technically a God, you guys are my team, and frankly agreeing to join me in Chaos is the greatest Honor anyone could offer me, so it's ok, he probably only said it because I was upset I didn't think to make my throne mobile and honestly-" Havok turned to Vile "-Vile your throne is amazing,"

"Thank you," Vile smiled, "And your throne doesn't suck, It's just...It's not worthy of you,"

"There," Storm said, her anger visibly melting away "That's a lot better, and you know what, he's right, Havok that throne isn't worthy of being your throne, we need to trick it out," Havok smiled.

"Alright, we can all come together and make me a new throne, but first we have a prank to get to, Vile our grand throne entrance will just have to wait until the next prank, not sure it would work with this one either way," Vile moved his throne back into Position and when Havok turned to tell Shade something he turned to Rot and Storm.

"I'm sorry," He whispered.

"Just don't let it happen again," Rot said sternly "I know this is all fun and games for you, but just remember, Spike never agreed to this so our job as his agents are to make sure every second of his time as the God of Chaos is something he can smile about," Vile said nothing and simply nodded.

"Guys deserves to be happy," Storm decided with a nod.

It was a sunny day in Ponyville, Pinkie was happily skipping down the street with Twilight, the two were on their way to the Swimming hole, as they walked Twilight asked Pinkie about her newest friend.

"Oh I can't wait for next Friday," Pinkie said happily "I'll be introducing Gingerbread to Cheese Sandwich," Pinkie leaned in "I've told him about her and he thinks we should adopt her into our family since she has no other family other than me, do you think Havok would make her a foal if I asked him to, that way she can experience life from the start, I kind of feel bad she has to start her first year in her mid-thirties,"

"Havok seems pretty fair," Twilight replied as she thought on the question "he'd probably do it for you if you asked,"

"I mean I know he would do it," Pinkie said with a laugh "But how do I ask him?"

"Pinkie, I don't know Havok all that well, he and I only really fought on his first prank and since then It's mostly either been all of us at once or him training his team against backup Harmony," Far from where Pinkie and Twilight were Havok and Shade appeared next to a wooden fence, a barn not too far from it, All across the field they could see cows and bulls, enjoying their simple lives.

"Alright Shade," Havok said quietly "be ready with the Banjo," Shade pulled her Banjo out of nowhere with a smile.

"Ready," Havok made his way onto the grass and snapped, he was enveloped in shadows and after a moment he had taken the shape of a normal-looking Kirin, as he did so Sweetie turned herself into a Female Kirin.

"Anyone here like yodeling?" The Number of Cattle that gathered around him was enough to make Shade chuckle.

"Oh a Bard," Daisyjo said as she made her way to the front, "How exciting, He looks so exotic," Havok chuckled.

"Greetings Cows, Bulls, and Cattle of nonspecific genders, I am the Great Yodeling Kirin"

"Pleased to meet you, sir," Daisyjo said "May I ask your name?"

"I have no name," Havok replied bluntly.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Have no name, my name is Daisyjo," Havok chuckled before clearing his throat and saying loudly.

"Come one come all, it's time for Have no name the Great Yodeling Kirin to Preform, Free of charge, please welcome my lovely Assistant,"

"What's her name?" Daisyjo asked kindly.

"I don't have one," Shade replied.

"Oh, well hello Don't have one, I must say you two have some funny names,"

"Quite," Havok said as he stood on his back hooves, "Don't have one strum away," Shade began strumming and Havok took a Deep Breather.

"Now Listen up, There are Cows in these here Parts, who doubt I have any smarts! but listen as I show to you, the catchiest of tunes I can do! Because I can Yodel-Adle-Eedle-Idle-oo!" As Soon as Havok began Yodeling all of the cattle around him suddenly stood up straight, their eyes going yellow as they repeated his Yodel, "Now yall are getting it! What say you, how about we share our tune with the world!?" The Cattle all Yodeled merrily and began walking around the pin, Daisyjo taking the lead as she led the entire herd in a straight line directly towards Ponyville. Shade turned back into herself and Passed her Banjo to Havok, who was still a Kirin.

"Alright Shade I leave the rest up to you, But I gotta keep up with my choir who can moo!" Havok jumped onto the back of a Bull and began playing the Banjo, Yodeling along with the Cows as they marched to Ponyville. Shade watched him go with a smile before teleporting away, She arrived at the edge of Ponyville where the rest of Team Chaos was waiting. She cleared her breath, nervous for her first run as leader of the group.

"Attention Elements of Harmony," She said, her voice echoing across Ponyville "We've missed you, did you miss us? Meet us on the path to Sweet Apple acres so our next game can begin," Shade turned off the echo and looked to her friends. "How was that? You think it was good,"

"I like it," Rust decided.

"Yeah, the We've missed you part was pretty good," Vile decided "I'd give it 3 turtles out of 4 doors,"

"Oh high praise," Storm said "I agree," Team Chaos gave Shade a slow clap for half a second before going back standing their ground as Twilight and Pinkie arrived, Twilight's facial reactions to Team Chaos being children made Shade snicker.

"So what, today's prank is you being children?"

"Oh," Pinkie said looking guilty, "I think we forgot to tell you and Fluttershy, yeah all of Team Chaos is made up of Children, oldest member is 12, and surprise surprise it isn't Havok,"

"Wha-what?" Twilight looked to the children in front of her for a moment "Where is that Dragon, he thinks I'm gonna let him turn children into his evil minions, he'd better think again"

"I'm older than he is," Rust complained "Don't go making him the Bad guy...or the only one anyway, we all agreed, no tricks, Just ask Pinkie she knows who we all are,"

"I'm sorry what!?" Twilight demanded.

"Pinkie Promise," Pinkie replied simply.

"Pinkie the God of Chaos is turning children into mini Gods of Chaos, your Pinkie Promise isn't as important as stopping this from spreading!"

"How dare you," Pinkie said turning away from Twilight with a huff, "Although I guess I shouldn't be surprised since you've broken a Pinkie Promise in the past,"

"Photo Finish doesn't even know who Spike is, I doubt she cared," Twilight replied "But Pinkie, this is serious,"

"Yeah, this is, but if you think, for a fraction of a moment, I would ever break a Pinkie Promise, you've gone Looney Twilight, Maybe Even Tooney! Also since you seem to be ignoring this, Havok is also a Child, say it with me now, who is a child,"

"I don't care that Havok is also a Child, I can't let him spread...this around, as for you 5 you should be ashamed of your selves,"

"Oh no, shame," Storm said, her voice dripping with sarcasm "My only weakness, oh boo, a boo-hoo,"

"Yeah but seriously we have zero regrets," Rot said simply "And for the record, Havok asked us, we could have said no, we're just as much to blame as he is, if not more since he didn't get the option to say no," As they were talking the rest of the Elements had gathered.

"Oh, is this today's Prank?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oops," Rainbow said with a chuckle, "Uh, Fluttershy they're all actually Children, oldest one is Twelve,"

"Oh," Fluttershy repeated before looking to Vile "How's Larz,"

"He's napping," Vile replied casually. Twilight just shook her head at Fluttershy's lack of concern at fighting Children.

"Alright, so where's Havok? Waiting for me in the Town center or something?"

"That's how you end today's prank," Shade said simply "One of you that has been paired up with Havok will just have to find and touch him to end the prank, similarly once we all separate out and start the side games the same rules follow to defeating each of us"

"And the prank?" Rainbow asked suspiciously.

"As per the Request of one-" Rust pulled out a flashcard, being the only one who legit didn't know who Pip was "Pip Squeak, today's prank is...Yodeling Cows," Exactly on queue all of Ponyville could hear the low rumble of distant yodeling getting closer.

"Yeah good luck with that," Shade said with a chuckle "Storm, Rot distract Applejack, and Rainbow dash with Violence!" Storm and Rot both tackled, however much to the elements surprise Rot went for Dash while Storm slammed into Applejack, the unexpected attack from the wrong opponent threw the two off and both Storm and Rot Stole their opponents away at great speed.

"What the-" Rarity attempted to ask only to jump back as a slash of black ink went near her feat, "-No, not ink!" Rarity ran in fear as Rust gave chase, cackling as she held a Bucket of Ink with her tail. Vile took a deep breath and cried out loudly, "Oh Poor Harry," he said as a Bear emerged from behind him "He is all alone and has no one to help him with his Picnic Party,"

"Oh I know I'm being baited but I've always wanted to throw a Bear a Picnic Party!" Pinkie cheered "Come on Harry, Vile I'll need you on translation!" Pinkie ran away with VIle and Harry in pursuit, leaving Fluttershy and Twilight with Shade.

"I choose Twilight, Have fun with the cows Fluttershy," Shade lit her horn and Fluttershy found herself all alone.

"Oh," Fluttershy said in realization "I get to be Havok's Partner today, how fun," Fluttershy made her way to the source of the yodeling, humming along with the synchronized tune of the cows. Fluttershy found them all marching in a line and attempted to find Havok, instead, she only saw a Kirin playing the Banjo singing along with the Cows.

"Um, Excuse me," She said, "I'm looking for the God of Chaos, He's a dragon have you maybe seen him?" The Kirin looked at her and waved, still Yodeling.

"Be Prepared, be Prepared, and unless you got a spare, you only got one life so handle it with care," Havok sang out "Keep your hoofs inside the Cow line at all time, Yodeladely, Yodelala,"

"Havok," She said, recognizing his voice "That's a nice look on you," Havok saluted her and kept singing. "Oh I see, I bet if you stop singing it ends the prank, I gotcha, well ready or not I'm going to get you," Fluttershy laughed, knowing fully well Havok would move as she rushed him, Havok Did a backflip, taking the Banjo in his magic as his game with Fluttershy began.

Applejack slid to a stop as Storm flew above her, Storm waving at her from the air. "So word around the grapevine is you don't plan to fight Rot now that you know she's a child,"

"Your darn right," Applejack called back "And I'm not fighting you either,"

"Fine by me," Storm replied "Havok is having a blast singing so, by all means, don't fight back, we'll win and Equestria will be buried in a dark cloud of...of..." Storm was laughing as she tried to finish her own threat, "a dark cloud of Yodeling Cows,"

"And how exactly do you plan to stop me Storm?" Applejack demanded, "You gonna hit me with your diet sugar-free soda rains?"

"Oh no, since the song of Brutal honesty I've been improving my craft so I can now proudly declare that my Diet Sugar-free soda rains, are now a little drip compared to what I can do," Storm raised her hoof and Applejack watched as Chaos magic began gathering in Storms raised hoof. "Behold, my new signature attack, Sticky Storm Suprise!" Storm unleashed her magic and all of the clouds in the area began swirling above Applejack, turning into a menagerie of different colors with different added shapes to them.

"The Grey ones with Green swirls are the Sugar-free Diet Soda," Storm said as she landed "The rest are something else," Storm declared, Applejack jumped at Storm and she exploded on contact.

"Oh good try," Applejack's ears went flat as she turned to look at the sound of Storm in stereo, the Clouds broke apart and 6 of them lowered to different elevations, each with their own Storm, the rest spread out across Ponyville to add a little extra chaos until the Cows arrived "Sadly you don't get to go play with Havok until you can grab the real me," Applejacks irritation was quickly increased when she heard the sound of Yodeling being coming close enough for her to make out the words being added to it. "Better hurry, the Cows are a-comin'"

Applejack looked at all of the Storms, there were around 6 of them on special clouds, she stood in wait and Storm frowned before realizing what she was doing. "Oops," One of them looked to another and it nodded in understanding "I forgot to start the rains, sorry" Applejack spied the one who had spoken as the cloud burst and she was pelted with ice-cold lemonade and small ice cubes from the Storm closest to her, Applejack ignored the obvious attempt to get her attention and Instead snatched on of the ice bits and chucked it at the storm who had spoken, it hit her in the face and she cried out.

"Ow," She complained before exploding, her storm cloud floated away, raining out a stream of Orange juice and soggy toast.

"Alright not that one," Applejack attempted to grab another ice cube, only for them all to melt, Applejack changed tactics and grabbed a rock.

"Give her the ice back," One of the Storms demanded, the one who spoke immediately ducked out of the way as the rock was thrown at her, The Storm turned to her and moved her cloud, raining out sticky green slime, to rush at Applejack, who threw another rock, Storm Side stepped and laughed at Applejack, who then ran froward with another rock and threw it at the cloud, it went through it and nailed the Storm in the chin.

"That really hurt," She complained before exploding and leaving her cloud to drift. Applejack looked to another Storm when there was a banging sound and she turned to see a 7th storm waving at her from a stand offering free bouncy balls.

"Alright you got us, here's some ammo that doesn't leave a mark you crazy Applefarmer," Applejack took a ball, and then leaned over and poked the Storm at the stand. "Nice try," She said before exploding. Applejack looked at the 4 remaining Storms and picked one riding on a cloud that had a tiny Spaghetti Twister twirling beneath it with added Hayball's, Applejack threw the bouncy ball and the Storm's all called out.

"Attack as one!" Applejack stood her ground as the Orange with grey stripe Lemonade storm and the plain yellow Spaghetti Twister combined with the other remaining two, a Storm riding a Discord classic cotton candy cloud raining Chocolate Milk and a Storm riding a swirly pink cloud that was raining out ice cream and french fries. After combining the four Storms stood on their separate clouds as the storms combined in the Twister Applejack smiled at the Spaghetti, Ice cream, fry, and Hayball Twister with Chocolate milk and Lemonade. Applejack simply took one step to the side and knocked the pile of Bouncey balls over, leaving them to all roll into the Twister.

"Wait a second!," One of the Storms realized what was about to happen and ditched the super storm as the Bouncy balls bounced all around in the storm messing up its flow and tearing away at the clouds. The Three remaining storms cried out as the Bouncy balls dissipated their clouds and they all exploded upon hitting the ground. Applejack shook her head and turned to find the last Storm standing was the Lemonade Storm.

Applejack grabbed an arm full of Bouncey balls and began throwing them, not at Storm but her cloud. Storm looked down as her cloud began dissipating.

"Mental note, make clouds stronger," She decided before falling and hitting the earth with a plume of dust.

"Well that didn't last very fucking long," She complained as Applejack walked up to her.

"A filly of your age shouldn't be using such language," She said sternly before touching Storm's head with her hoof.

"Too bad," Storm said simply and exploded into a custom Banjo with her four wings worked into the handle, making it nigh impossible to play with hooves as the wings would get in the way. Applejack looked at the Banjo and left it on the ground as she ran to help whoever had been paired up with Havok.

Rainbow slid to a stop as Rot stood before her, Rot pranced in place in excitement.

"Come on Dash, just one touch and you win," Rainbow shook her head sadly.

"Kid I'm faster than you and a Pegasus, how do you plan to get away from me?" Rot stopped prancing and instead pushed one hoof into the dirt and the earth all around her exploded with plant life. Rainbow shot into the sky as vines attempted to grab at her hooves, Rainbow turned to Rot and found her waving on the ground.

"Come on, just one touch," Rot stuck her tongue out and Rainbow flew in, only to be snatched out of the air by a Vine and swung into a large flower at the edge of Rot's plant zone. The Flower was a very soft Landing and Rainbow got to her hooves, Rot still standing still. "Oh I must have forgotten to mention, If you fly my vines will pluck you out of the air, and if you move too fast the vibrations will make them mad,"

"You mean to tell me-" Rainbows question was answered before she could ask as she attempted to run at Rot, only for a Vine to shoot out and force her back onto the Flower.

"Slow and steady Rainbow Dash, Slow and Steady," Rot lay on her Flower and chuckled as she pulled a Comic book out "Have fun with that," Rainbow judged the distance from her and Rot, it would take a little over a minute to walk, Rainbow slowly stepped on the ground and walked as slow as she could towards Rot, She was about halfway there when she heard a scream and Rarity rushed past her, Rainbow fell and she and Rot watched as Rust cackled like a supervillain, pouring a trail of ink on the ground as she followed Rarity around.

"She's having fun," Rot noted as the Vibrations of Rainbow's fall caused her to be pulled back to the start. Rainbow took a deep breath, and began her walk again, making it about the same distance when Pinkie suddenly appeared next to her.

"Ah!" Rainbow yelled and jumped back, the vibrations resulting in her being at the start again "Pinkie!" She said angrily

"Sorry Dash, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to come to a Picnic Party, there's gonna be a Bear!"

"Pinkie we're in the middle of a game of Chaos, go beat whoever it is you're linked to,"

"I'm with Vile, he asked me to throw the Party"

"Pinkie go and tap him on the head," Rainbow spoke slowly as she moved, not wanting her voice to cause too much vibration "And then help catch Havok," Rainbow moved, getting closer and closer to Rot, and Then Rarity's Scream came back and she ran across the Plants, Rainbow was pulled back to the flower and she face hoofed. "I didn't even fall that time!" She said angrily.

"Rarity must have made vibrations," Rot replied as she looked to Rust, who was now riding in a blimp, pouring ink on the ground behind Rarity, still laughing maniacally. "Rust what comics have you been reading to come up with that? and Can I borrow it?"

"Power Ponies Apocalypse volume 57," Rust called back "I just replaced the lava with ink and called it a day," Rainbow was about to keep walking when Rarity came back and jumped on her.

"Rainbow please, help I-"

"Rarity you are a Unicorn," Rainbow said irritably "Just levitate Rust to you,"

"Rainbow I'm far too frazzled to do that," Rainbow Groaned and then turned, grabbing Rarity and flying, the Vine snatched her out of the air and she threw Rarity at Rust, the two collided and the AirBalloon disappeared as Rust had to focus on making sure Rarity safely made it to the ground. Rot and Pinkie watched Rust hit the ground, turned and Rarity came to a halt with Rust in her hooves.

"Cheers," Rust said before exploding into a Keytar with a Paintbrush shape on the end.

"Oh, Classy," Rarity said as she looked it up and down.

"We get free instruments!?" Pinkie demanded before running away "Vile I want a Kazoo!" Rot just sighed and watched as Rainbow was about to take a step only to be enveloped in magic.

"Allow me to return the favor," Rarity said before throwing Rainbow at Rot, as Rainbow was not using her wings to fly the vines didn't stop her as she shot at Rot, who exploded to avoid hurting Rainbow. Rainbow was caught by a Flower and then Rots Garden disappeared, leaving only a pair of symbols with apple trees engraved on them where Rot had previously been.

"Call it even?" Rainbow asked as she took her stupid prize.

"Agreed," Rarity replied "Let's go take care of Havok,"

Shade and Twilight were standing in front of Twilights castle,

"Yodeling Cows," She asked bluntly.

"We took a request," Shade replied as the yodeling started getting louder "Havok was really into it, and he is the boss," Twilight shook her head.

"Shade listen to me, Havok is the God of Chaos, he's probably just saying he didn't agree to it so he could draw you and the others in,"

"Stop," Shade said, her eyes glowing red for a moment "You don't know him, you don't get to make judgments on his character just because he's a mild annoyance for you personally," Shade lit her horn "And the fact that he didn't agree only ever came up because we asked why he took the job out of curiosity, I've known Havok since before he even was Havok and you know what? If he had been asked he might have agreed to it, he might not have, but I don't care about what could have happened, I care about what did happen," Twilight lit her horn and the two fired a constant blast of Magic at one another.

"Why should I trust you," Twilight demanded "You're a child, for all you know he might be using you,"

"He's a child too," Shade snapped back "Why do you keep glossing over that fact? Do you just have a bias against Dragons, maybe I should tell that little assistant of yours," Twilights reaction was instant as she went from blocking Shade to pushing back at her.

"You don't go anywhere near him," Twilight said venomously.

"Look who suddenly cares," Shade shot back "Tell me when was the last time you made Spike know you cared? you worried he might join up because he feels unloved?" Shade could feel she was losing ground but she didn't care. "Oh did I touch a nerve, Princess? Tell me how old is Spike? has he ever been to a school, socialize with others his own age, maybe he wouldn't have been drooling over a full-grown mare if you'd let him bond with the children of this town, instead of raising him to serve you like a tiny slave," Shade was blasted off her hooves and slid across the ground as Twilight hit her with a wall of Magic. Twilight stood her ground, breathing heavily at Shade's words when the door to the castle opened and she turned to see Shining peak out.

"Spike doesn't go to school?" He asked in shock.

"He's homeschooled," Twilight replied simply "He knows more than most kids his age,"

"What about the school of Friendship?" Shining asked, "Don't you think it would be better for him to at least mingle with kids around his own age?"

"He has friends," Twilight said defensively.

"Oh yeah," Shade chuckled as she got up, wiping at a slash that was on her cheek "Name one who isn't an adult," Shade and Shining looked to Twilight, who teleported and grabbed Shade.

"Game over," She said simply, Shade followed the rules and exploded into a Snare-drum.

"Twilight," Shining said looking at his sister.

"We can talk when this disaster is over," Twilight replied simply before walking away, Shining frowned at his sister before going back into the castle.

"Spike?" He called out "Spike I wanna have a chat if you have a moment,"

Fluttershy sighed as she looked up at Havok, who was hopping around from cow to cow at random. The Cows had passed the area Team Chaos had been and were now entering Ponyville from multiple areas. A fair number of residents were aware of what was going on at this point and most were trying to escape the repetitive yodeling sound. a Few seemed to be liking it.

"Vinyl I swear to Celestia," Octavia said when she saw Vinyl leaving the house with a Microphone and a boombox on her back "You better not be going out to record that sound,"

"I can make anything sound good," Vinyl shot back "And it's not like the Chaos guys are gonna put me on their backup reserve for the backup team or something," Vinyl left and Octavia simply pulled on her bow tie and said.

"Boss I'd like to volunteer myself to be on the Castle Chaos Search team, they just made it personal by introducing my Marefriend to Yodeling,"

"Understood and...sorry to hear about that,"
Doctor Hooves was happily walking among the cows, clearly unaware this was a prank as he attempted to find out if it was the cows that were throwing a Yodeling Parade or if the Kirin had planned it.

As the Cows got deeper into the town most of the elements began converging on Fluttershy. Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow arrived almost all at once, Applejack had to do a double-take when she saw the Symbols around Rainbow's neck and Rarity's Keytar.

"Oh, you two kept yours?"

"I'm gonna give them to Pinkie," Rainbow said simply, on queue they heard the sound of a Kazoo and a secondary Banjo as Pinkie walked over to them, in her mouth was a Kazoo shaped like a winged Snake, and around her neck was the Banjo Applejack had decided not to take.

"Guys I found a Banjo just laying on the ground!" She cheered "So where's Havok?"

"He's the Kirin playing the Banjo," Fluttershy said as Havok waved at them, still yodeling away as he jumped from cow to cow.

"So this is the part where we chase, chase, and eventually catch," Rarity noted "I suppose I'm rea-" Without any warning Twilight dove in and Grabbed Havok in her magic, grabbing Fluttershy as well and tossed the two into each other. In a split second, Havok tossed the Banjo and Grabbed Fluttershy, making sure she wasn't hurt by the sudden disorientation. Havok and Fluttershy looked at each other for a second before Havok realized he'd been beaten.

"Oh that was just cheap," He said looking up at Twilight, who was already flying away "Oh you better believe the next prank is being aimed Directly at you Sparkle," He said before exploding into a wind chime that had a little crystal version of the Elements and Team Chaos.

"Oh," Pinkie said sadly "But I didn't get to jump on any cows,"

"Speaking of cows," Applejack said with a sigh as the confused cows all looked around, trying to figure out where they were "I have some serious herding to do,"

Shade and the rest of Team Chaos were waiting for their queue to jump in and start cheating when the Elements got too close to Havok, but instead of getting notified that it was time for the end of the game Havok appeared on his throne looking down.

"What?" Vile asked upon seeing him "Aren't we suppose to come to you?"

"Twilight threw Fluttershy at me and I panicked," Havok groaned as he raised his hand and snapped, a Tapastre of Kirin Spike riding a cow while stunning on a guitar burst to life on the wall of tapestries.

"OH that's just cheap," Rust said with a shake of her head "Havok I'm sorry but we're gonna have to ban you from having Fluttershy as your play partner if Twilight's gonna go weaponizing her like that,"

"Seems fair," Havok replied as he turned to Shade "Although I imagine she was just mad because Shade gave her an ear full," Shade's eyes went bright pink.

"You heard that!?" She demanded

"I am also Spike," Havok pointed out "and not only was my Dobbleganger watching from one of the balconies, but Shining also started asking me a few questions about living with Twilight," Havok shook his head "I don't know how he felt about my answer,"

"Well tuff dung on Twilight," Rot said "Wish I had thought to give her an ear full, why aren't you in school? Do you know how much fun it would be to have you in class? Together we could own at Dodgeball!" Havok and his team all chuckled before Havok clapped.

"Alright so we got cheated, but we cheat all the time, too bad so sad, let's move on to our after prank activities, I know we agreed to fix up my throne, but I think we all need to follow Vile's example, so Vile, any idea how we could make the other thrones move other than just having them float?" Vile had a shine in his eyes.

"I was hoping you'd ask me that, he Said as a scroll appeared in front of him and he began reading off different ideas on how the others could move around on their thrones.

Twilight made her way into the castle, and Found Shining was no longer alone as Starlight and Ms.Cheerilee were now sitting at a table talking with him.

"Twilight," Starlight said waving her over "Done already?" Twilight knew what was happening and silently took a seat next to Shining.

"Ms.Cheerilee and I have been talking about her school becoming a part of the School of Friendship, and Shining asked that we come to talk about Spike joining her class once we merge,"

"I've talked to Twilight many times about Spike joining my class," Cheerilee said simply "And she always turns me down,"

"Well as it would happen, Shining said simply looking over to Twilight with a smile "Twilight might be Spikes, legal guardian at the moment but there is one pony whose decision overrules hers,"

"Who?" Twilight demanded "Mom or maybe Dad?"

"I'm thinking more the pony who is legally speaking, his Mother," Twilight looked taken aback.

"Uh...mom?" She repeated in confusion.

"Mom didn't meet the legal requirements to Raise a Dragon," Shining said simply "So to make sure we could keep him, someone else had to sign,"

"And that would be me," Twilight nearly jumped out of her skin as she looked next to her, Where Celestia and Luna were casually sitting.

"How long have you been here!?" She demanded.

"We were hiding in the corner," Luna said simply "And I just want to say, why wasn't I told I was an Aunt?"

"What about Cadance?"

"She's an adult, and frankly we don't talk much," Luna replied "But Spike and I talk from time to time,"

"Luna please," Celestia waved at her sister "As Spikes Legal Mother I have already signed the Papers, he will be joining Cheerilee's class starting next week,"

"But-" Twilight attempted to argue only for Celestia to lean in closer.

"This my dear friend, is not up for debate," Celestia said simply, there was no anger no sign of judgment, "I understand you feel attached to Spike, but what if I had done the same and not let you leave for Ponyville? Think of all the friends you would have never met," Celestia got up and Luna jumped up.

"Good we're done," Luna turned "I'm gonna find Spike and take him to an amusement park,"

"Luna," Celestia called back.

"No, your right, I Should wait until he has some friends so I can bring them all," The Two Princesses Teleported away. Twilight turned to her brother who chuckled awkwardly.

"I'm not even slightly sorry," He said simply as Twilight walked away. "But I will take him shopping for school supplies if you want," He added as an afterthought as he followed after his sister.

"I should make sure my school house still has fire protection charms," Cheerilee decided as she sat her drink down.

"Oh I can help with that," Starlight said as she put her drink down as well and lit her horn, teleportinging herself and Cheerilee away.

Author's Note:

Yeah, not every chapter will include a personal Challenge from all of team Chaos, but I'll make sure the ones who get really good games are shown.