• Published 27th Aug 2021
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Spike: The Unwilling God of Chaos - Silver Butcher

Discord is giving up his role as god of Chaos so he can spend all his time with Fluttershy and picks Spike for the job, Spike uses this to try and get Twilight to treat him as a true equal, and brings a few of his own friends to help him

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The Children of Chaos

It was a quiet day in Ponyville, it had been several days since the Team of Chaos had last made a disaster, and at the moment they were all busy spending the day at their castle with Luna. Havok and Rot were engaging in a dance-off with the Break Dancing Manticore who had made its home in their front lawn along with the Living Armor. Storm was in the Floating Tower, taking her time as she made it into a room for spying on the residents of Equestria, Shade was on the floating chunk of land, attempting to use the Royal Canterlot Voice as a Weapon to clear the thorn clouds that floated over the Forest. Inside the Throne room with Princess Luna was Rust.

"How's this," Rust said as she held up a piece of paper and folded it into a bird that flew away "Living arts and crafts?"

"If that's what you want to do," Luna replied as she polished one of the living armors and inspected its sword, "I remember when my sister and I were younger, I wanted to be a swords mare," Luna took the sword in her magic and slashed the paper bird cleanly in two as it flew behind her, "I've never really had the chance to use my skills in a proper fight, but I still practice, you never know,"

"Think you could teach me?" Rust asked "I bet arts and crafts mixed with chaos and the skills of a sword's mare would make an epic combo against Pinkie, she seemed excited to be fighting me,"

"I don't see why not," Luna replied "Would be nice to see my skills go to use, even if it is only for prank-like disasters, when is your next prank planned? With your powers, it should only take one lesson and you should be able to develop on your own,"

"It's today actually, I'll be the only one who'll be participating in it however, the others will need to be there in their normal forms so they can spy on our potential teammates, But we have a few hours, were not starting it until school ends today,"

"Should you not be in class?" Luna questioned.

"Everything our Doppelgangers do we also do, so once I become one with it it'll be like I did both things, saves us from being held back by the chains of education, without actually losing our education,"

"Fair enough," Luna replied "Now, I would recommend you make a sword out of something that falls in line with your planned theme of arts and crafts, a needle, or scissors, or if you'd prefer you can use something that isn't sharp and wield it as a sword," Rust tapped her chin in thought for a moment before smiling and putting her hoof together and created a Large Paintbrush dripping with black ink, she wrapped one foreleg around it and smiled.

"What do ya think? wield it as a weapon, and create living art pieces for fighting,"

"I like it," Luna said with a smile "Let's see, wielding it like a great sword or large hammer should do, could you provide me with one?"

"I'd be happy to," Rust replied.

Rumble was sitting at the ready as he looked at the clock on the wall, ticking down slowly, he had his hoofs on the desk, begging for time to go faster while Cheerilee's lesson came to an end.

"...and remember to practice your multiplication tables for the test on Friday," The bell rang and Rumble practically ran out of the schoolhouse.

"Oh man," he groaned "I can't wait to get home and just do nothing," He was almost at the front gate when music began playing and a stage rolled out to block the exit. Before Rumble could even guess what was happening Rust appeared on the stage.

"Whoa," Diamond Tiara said in shock "Isn't that Rot?"

"No, I'm Rust," Rust called back "Rot's wearing a bow now, I have a giant Paint Brush," Rust turned and showed off the Paintbrush strapped to her back before turning back to the children, Cheerilee looked out, saw an agent of Chaos, and slowly closed the door and hid inside. "But enough about me, Today I am here to present you with a special, one day only opportunity for the children of Ponyville," Rust raised her hoofs and cried out "Who wants superpowers!?"

"I do!" Pipsqueak called out.

"Then my dear lad, come on up on stage," Pip made his way up and a Crate appeared, full of plain-looking disks "Just put one of these against your chest and you'll be coated in a unique armor, warning, these things fall apart instantly if you get 'em wet with water, wet with anything else is fine though," Pip picked up a disk and put it against his chest and was instantly covered in a suit of armor that fit him perfectly, it was styled just like that of the armors at the castle of the two sisters, a detail that none of the children noticed. Pip looked himself up and down.

"Ma'am I don't feel anything,"

"Well yeah," Rust replied "it's the armor, not you, think and the armor does," Pip looked at his back, and after a second sprouted wings and started flying, Pip let out a squeal of glee.

"Show of hoofs, who wants one?" All of the foals' hoofs shot up and Rust smiled.

Twilight sighed as Spike locked himself in his room, Rarity sat in front of the door apologizing to him to no avail.

"Come on Rarity," Twilight sighed "Let's leave him be," The two made their way downstairs and left the castle to go out for lunch and talk, only to find all of Ponyville being attacked by small living armor.

"This is the worst time for this," Rarity said when she saw three of the armors running towards them, before they could react they slid to a stop.

"Hi sis," one said, almost making Rarity faint.

"Sweetie Belle?" She demanded, "What are you wearing!?"

"Rust gave all the children of Ponyville Chaos Armor," Scootaloo said "We all have superpowers, We came down here to give one to Spike,"

"Sorry," Applebloom said with a shrug "But Rust said no grown-ups allowed,"

"What?" Twilight asked only for Sweetie to teleport her friends past the two.

"Cutie Chaos Crusaders," They Cheered as they ran to find Spike, with Rarity actually fainting at the sight of Sweetie Teleporting. Twilight grabbed her friend and rushed to Ponyville, looking for the team of Chaos so she could find out how to stop the children of Ponyville from tearing it apart. She Found her Friends all having different Reactions, the one who was taking it the best was Pinkie, who was having a blast as several foals made candy rain on her.

"This is even better than the Bouncy Castle," She cheered as she did her best to grab as much of the candy as she could, her method at the moment was a shovel and a wheelbarrow.

"Pinkie," Twilight called.

"Oh come on Twi, just 5 more minutes," Twilight sighed as she saw Rainbow, Thunderlane, and a few other Pegasi racing a group of armored Pegasi Foals. Rainbow was covered in sweat.

"Alright," She said when she saw her friends "I gotta go with Twilight, you guys keep going without me,"

"You got it," Thunderlane said "Come on Rumble, you can do it,"

"You bet I can," Rumble called back as Rainbow landed.

"Oh man," She said "So many consecutive races,"

"Applebloom!" Applejack called out with Big Mac at her side, "I don't care what all the other Fillies and Colts are doing, you get out here and take that cursed Armor off this instant,"

"She and the rest of the Crusaders just gave Spike a set," Twilight said as Rarity started coming to again "Relax Applejack, just need to find our Chaos Counterparts and have them tell us how to stop this,"

"Oh, there they are," Fluttershy's voice called out to them and they turned and found her and Rust walking up to them.

"Nice Paint Brush," Pinkie said, spying the large brush on Rust's back.

"Thanks," Rust said, "Anyway, hello I am Rust and, Everyone else was busy,"

"What?" Twilight demanded.

"Storms busy doing housework, Shade's trying to master some stolen Magic, and both Havok and Rot are in the midst of an epic dance battle with a Manticore and some living armor," Rust smiled before adding "Apparently his name is Lars"

"He use to be part of a circus act," Fluttershy explained "But I was asked to help integrate him back into the wild, we made great progress, but he never stopped Break dancing," Rust chuckled at the story when Spike cheered.

"Yes!" The team looked towards the castle and found a pile of Fire Ruby's on the lawn "I feel so much better,"

"Alright well this is nice and all but how do we stop it,"

"Water," Rust said with a shrug "If the armor's get wet they'll Rust away,"

"Rainbow go up to Cloudsdale and get us a rainstorm. Rust turned away and climbed up on a Barrel before calling out in a Magnified voice.

"And Rainbow Dash is off, heading to clouds dale to start a Rainstorm and destroy all the Armor," Rust looked around expectedly, but almost all of the foals ignored her and her face fell. "Oh come on, none of you wanna join in?" Rust sighed and Rainbow shrugged when a Rain of Sour Gummies started Raining upon her.

"Hey," She complained, above her, Rumble was jumping on a Cloud and practically singing.

"Whoa, Chaos, Chaos, everywhere,"

"Yeah!" Rust called up to him "If you can stall her for 15 minutes you can pick our next disaster as a prize, I'll take care of the rest" Rust pulled out her Paintbrush and looked at Harmony with a smile.

"First one to move gets painted in black ink," Pinkie squinted and moved her hoof, Rust moved slightly and Pinkie now had an Ink Mustache on her face.

"Oh, it's even Three Dimensional," Pinkie gave Rust a large grin "Girls leave this to me and Dashy, I wanna take my new Enemy on one v one,"

"Applebloom," Applejack called out, running away from the two when she saw the crusaders and Spike run by. "You take that off or I'll dump a bucket of water on you,"

Rainbow was flying through the air with Rumble right behind her, forming balloons full of honey and throwing them at her, trying to stick her wings.

"Give it up kid," Rainbow said "Your brother can't beat me, and neither can you,"

"I don't have to beat you, I just have to stall you," Rumble called back as he raised his hooves, at once all the clouds around them took the shape of birds and began chasing after Rainbow.

"And all I need to do is splash some water on you," Rainbow replied as she spat back at him, Rumble dodged the water-based attack and laughed.

"And all I have to do is avoid it," He said as he clapped his hooves and Rainbow's mouth suddenly felt hot, way too hot, she spat out red liquid and realized that her mouth was full of Hot Sause.

Pinkie and Rust were attacking each other at speeds no one else could see, splat, Pinkie suddenly had a monocle, splat Rust had a Cupcake in her eye, Splat Pinkie had a top hat, Splat Rust had Harmony written on her back in frosting.

As the two elements were engaging in their fight Twilight and Rarity continued on their way to lunch, while Fluttershy joined in the quest for Applebloom, wanting to check to see if Spike was doing alright.

Rust and Pinkie stared at one another in silence, pinkie now wearing a Dapper ink suit, along with a Cape, and Rust now decorated in several layers of frosting, with whipped cream and a cherry on top.

"It hasn't rained yet," Rust noted.

"Guess Rumble gets next prank," Pinkie agreed, "Well played Babs," Rust's Cupcake free eye went wide and Pinkie winked.

"I was your assistant remember, I saw the card in your comb case when you opened it, congrats. I won't tell, Stick a Cup Cake in my Eye and hope to fly, or I guess I stuck it in your eye this time," the two chuckled when they heard the sound of thunder and rain began falling, washing the ink and frosting off of them both.

"15 minutes," Rumble cheered as Thunderlane Flew him to the ground "I get next prank! Woot, Woot,"

"Congrats Little bro," Thunderlane cheered "Let's not tell Mom or Dad though, they'll get mad at us both,"

"Agreed," Rumble said with a shake of his head. Rust smiled and bowed to Pinkie, Rumble, and Thunderlane.

"Thanks for the help, we'll be in touch for that prank," Rust smiled before exploding into a puddle of ink. Rumble smiled proudly and heard a groan and saw Applebloom being dragged away by Applejack.

"Granny will be hearing about this," the farm mare said irritably.

"She'll probably just laugh about it," Applebloom replied, her friends saluted her sacrifice and ran away when they saw Rainbow looking at them as she landed.

"Hot Sause?" Rainbow asked Rumble, "Nice touch," Thunderlane waved for him to follow him. Rainbow watched them leave and looked over to see Fluttershy walking with Spike.

"Yo, squirt," She said to Spike, "How ya doing? Rarity do as she said she would, want I should do the old Hot Sause in the Cereal prank to get back at her?"

"Why is that always everyone's go-to prank," Fluttershy asked in confusion "Need to make something funny, add Hot Sause,"

Rumble was waiting in his room, his desk a mess, his bed unmade, and his clothes wadded up and in the corner.

"Perfect," he said, "Gotta make a good first impression, now, prank, prank, prank, what would be a good prank, Cheese Rain! no that's stupid, Water into Jell-O? no that's too easy, Land Pirates! ha' Pip would like that one, maybe turn the world into a comic book?"

"Oh I like that one," Havok said making Rumble jump "Someone write that down were stealing that one,"

"Oh hey," Rumble said to team Chaos "What up dudes,"

"So many fun ideas," Havok said as he held out his hand and presented to Rumble a Card, who looked at it in confusion and read it.

"Would you like to join team Chaos, just eat this card to join," Rumble instantly stuffed the Card in his mouth and gagged.

"Ah, it's Spicy!" He cried out as magic sparked around him.

"Rumble my boy," Havok said as he turned into Spike "Good on you,"

"Spike!" Rumble demanded "Yo what the...The Princess is gonna have a stroke!" Spike laughed at that.

"Yeah...yeah she might," he agreed, "any way allow me to introduce you to" Shade, Storm, and Rot all turned into the CMC and Rumble tumbled out of his chair.

"All of the elements of Harmony are gonna have a stroke," He cried out with glee "You guys are the worst, I love it!" Rumble turned to Rust excitedly.

"What about you, who's hiding under there?" Rot turned into Babs and Rumble stared at her for a moment.

"I dunno who that is," he whispered to Spike.

"That would be my Cousin Babs," Applebloom said simply, Making Rumble laugh again

"Oh man, Your Sister is gonna be so mad," Rumble did his best to catch his breath, "Oh man, do I get a code name, can I pick it?"

"Calm down," Spike laughed as he snapped and a Fake Rumble came out of the Laundry pile. "First meet fake Rumble, so no one will notice you're gone while you're with us, cause you technically won't be," Spike snapped again and they ended up inside the castle of Chaos. Spike snapped and a Tapestry joined the wall with a picture of Ponyville being swarmed by Armor-wearing children.

"Alright now that we have a full team, let's get to work on your Alter Ego, and then we can talk about that prank we owe you," Spike said happily.

Author's Note:

Sorry this one is short, I thought I could make it longer but all the other versions where kind of dull, so I just decided to keep this one a little short since I didn't wanna start over from scratch.