• Published 17th Apr 2022
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 14 - twilightsparkle3562

Welcome to Season 14 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Episode 19: "The Return of Queen Opaline, Part 2"

Author's Note:

Episode Summary: As Twilight and her friends lock down Maretime Bay in anticipation of Queen Opaline's arrival, Starswirl, Starlight Glimmer, Celestia and Luna meet her cursed son, Calibos, while searching for Perseus.


Tara Strong as Princess Twilight Sparkle/Evil Twilight

Ashleigh Ball as Applejack/Evil Rainbow Dash

Andrea Libman as Pinkie Pie/Evil Pinkie Pie/Evil Fluttershy

Tabitha St. Germain as Luna

Nicole Oliver as Celestia

Kelly Sheridan as Starlight Glimmer

Chris Britton as Starswirl the Bearded

Kazumi Evans as Moondancer

Athena Karkanis as Queen Opaline

Michael Gambon as Mayor Candy

Claire Bloom as Mrs. Cotton Candy

Steve Blum as Lord Zedd

John DiMaggio as Rito Revolto

Tom Wyner as Master Vile/Tenga

"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" Season 14, Episode 19

"The Return of Queen Opaline, Part 2"

Written by Jeff Snyder (TwilightSparkle3562)

Edited by SuperPinkBrony12


Starswirl: "No, it can't be! How did you escape imprisonment? She's coming for his spirit!"

Queen Opaline: "You took your sweet time getting here, Misty! I can still cast spells!"

Twilight Sparkle: "Queen Opaline, King Sombra's wife! She's escaped!"

Rainbow Dash: "King Sombra had a wife?! When did that happen?!"

Celestia: "Our magic wasn't enough to hold her."

Applejack: "If they want the Crystal Empire, why don't they just go there?"

Starswirl: "It's Perseus, he's alive!"

Twilight: "Sombra's youngest son, doomed to be a beast for his actions. Let's get to Maritime Bay on the double!"

Moondancer: "If they are just like I studied a while back…"

Having heeded Twilight's orders, Starlight, Celestia and Luna accompanied Starswirl on his quest to free Perseus from his imprisonment. Following the summons that emanated from his student's spirit, Starswirl followed the summons into the Everfree Forest, where Calibos was believed to be hiding.

"Well, that didn't get us far at all." Starlight remarked, realizing that they were standing over a cliff overlooking the Everfree Forest.

Starswirl looked up at his horn and grunted in frustration. "You're right, he's probably tricking us by throwing us off the trail," Starswirl groaned. "Calibos may be a monster, but he's wise beyond his years."

"What's he doing now?" Starlight asked.

"He's trying to silence Persus' spirit," Starswirl sighed while briefly lowering his head. "But, I won't let that happen! Perseus is strong willed…if he was able to survive all this time."

Just then, Starswirl felt another vibration from his horn, pointing to the east. "This way! Quick!"

Activating his teleportation spell again, Starswirl teleported the group to a rocky canyon on the outskirts of Ponyville. The sounds of growling were heard, which signified that the quarry eels were present.

"Great, quarry eels," Luna sighed. "Just what we need."

"I've got a feeling that they might be in cahoots with Calibos," Starswirl declared while looking around. "Stay alert. This could be a trap."

As they entered the canyon, another growling sound was heard that caught Luna's attention. A shadowy ponylike figure quickly moved through the top of the canyon. "Wait!" She said quietly and gestured a hoof. "Up there! I detect something."

"What is it, Luna?" Starlight asked.

The former princess of the night had her suspicions that the figure that they were looking for already was in the canyon.

Just then, the sounds of growling from one of the Quarry Eel caves were heard. "It could be him," Luna ominously explained. "It might be Calibos."

"How can you be sure, Luna?" Celestia asked.

But Luna didn't answer her older sister, instead flying up to the top of the canyon. Using her horn, she detected the footprints of a half pony, half flatfooted creature.

"Luna, it's probably nothing," Celestia suggested, but Luna wasn't backing down. Slowly, she walked along the path of the tracks. "Luna! Please, sister, you're vulnerable up there!"

But Luna kept following along, trying to stay focused on her search. Like a bloodhound, she then began to pick up a scent coming from one of the caves. "Impossible," She whispered to herself, before going over to the edge to gesture to Celestia, Starlight and Starswirl to come up to her location. "It's almost too easy. It's like he wants us to find him."

"Luna, what is it?" Starlight asked, only to be silenced by Luna's hoof.

"I think he's in here," Luna whispered, gesturing to them to come forward. "Follow me, quietly."

Doing as they were told, the rest of the group followed Luna into one of the caves. The sounds of growling were heard and Luna quickly lit up her horn, trying to light up the entire cave. But much to their chagrin, the group discovered that the cave was empty.

"I knew it! This was a trick!" Luna angrily muttered, pounding the ground with her hoof. "He's very crafty, that Calibos!"

But Starswirl slowly walked into the cave and tried to detect any more spirit detection. Alas, he found none. "Calibos must have harnessed the power of his shadow magic," Starswirl concluded. "Absolutely wise beyond his years if Sombra taught him well."

"What do you mean?" Celestia asked her former teacher.

"I mean that he could have captured Perseus' spirit and imprisoned it in the shadows," Starswirl continued, picking up what appeared to be a piece of long hair. "This hair was from Calibos, likely during one of his phases between shadow forms."

"So?" Celestia asked, but as she did, Starswirl felt another vibration in his horn going in the easterly direction.

"So we continue to follow," Starswirl answered, once again activating his teleportation spell on the group. "We must stop Calibos at any cost!"

Meanwhile, at Maretime Bay, the town's mayor received Twilight's warning about Queen Opaline and was already locking down the town, much to the chagrin of some of the residents.

"It was only a matter of time," The mayor lamented as he and his wife hid in the basement of their home. "She couldn't be kept locked up forever."

"Candy," The mayor's wife whimpered as she watched him light a candle with his magic. "Do you think that she is coming here to take back her castle?"

"Castle Sombra hasn't been touched in years, Cotton," Mayor Candy replied in a gruff tone of voice. "It's practically a safety hazard…hopefully."

Walking over to his closet, Mayor Candy ensured that his weapons were ready at a moment's notice: A knife and a rifle.

"Do you think that the princesses will be here in time?" Cotton nervously asked, causing Candy to sigh deeply.

"I hope so, Cotton," Mayor Candy answered after shutting the door to the closet. "As I live and breathe, I hope so. Without them we stand little chance of stopping Queen Opaline," Just then, a scroll magically popped out of his horn and he read it. "Queen Opaline is only fifty miles away from here according to intelligence."

Cotton gasped! "Fifty?!"

Mayor Candy nodded back. "Yes, fifty." The sounds of the mayor's voice gave a hunch that the fear was already starting to set in. Queen Opaline was getting closer and closer to her destination. Suddenly, he heard the sounds of knocking coming from upstairs.

"What was that?" Cotton whimpered as she dove under the coffee table.

"She's here," Mayor Candy answered quite firmly. He immediately walked to the closet and pulled out his rifle, cocking it to ensure that it was loaded. "Wait here. I'll be back."

Slowly, Mayor Candy made his way up the basement stairs in anticipation of the arrival of the deposed queen of the Crystal Empire. Approaching the door, he heard the knock again. "Who's there?" he called, cocking his weapon. "If it's you, Queen Opaline, you will not walk out of here alive!" Nervously, he placed his hoof on the doorknob and slowly began to open it.

Mayor Candy turned the doorknob with one hoof and kept his rifle in the other hoof. His wife, his town, his own life was at risk. "Okay, she's probably there now," He thought to himself. "On the count of 3, I'll start shooting. 1…2…" Taking the rifle, he flung open the door. "3!"

But rather than using the weapon, Mayor Candy was placed back against the kitchen table quickly, and struggled against the two ponies restraining him! He then looked to see Applejack and Rainbow Dash were the ones holding him down. "Princesses!" He gasped, getting himself up and off the table, hastily bowing to them. "I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd…"

"Well, that's a fine way to welcome your sweet overlords!" Pinkie Pie remarked as she bounced into the house, followed by Rarity and Twilight. "We come in peace, you know!"

"Sorry, your highnesses, a thousand pardons," Mayor Candy stammered. "I thought you were…"

"Not yet, and you should be lucky we got here before she did," Twilight interrupted, suddenly taking notice of the loaded weapon Mayor Candy had on him. "What's with the gun?"

"It's to protect myself and my wife," Mayor Candy answered in a rather embarrassed tone. "Surely you can understand?"

"And where is your wife?" Twilight asked him.

"In the basement, your highness," Mayor Candy answered. "I can assure you that Maretime Bay is safe and secure, at least for the time being."

"Good, but it won't be like that for long," Twilight said as she gestured outside the house to Spike and several pony soldiers. "I'm ordering that a barricade be placed at the entrance to the town. My royal advisor, Spike, will oversee it. Opaline won't get into town without a fight!"

"Will she listen?" Mayor Candy hesitantly and reluctantly asked.

"No, Mayor Candy, she won't," Twilight shook her head from side to side. "This is only to buy us some time. She will undoubtedly break through, or at least attempt to. We must do whatever we can to slow her down."

Mayor Candy gulped nervously at Twilight's prediction, but unlike him, neither she nor her friends were fazed by Opaline's impending arrival.

"This isn't our first rodeo, Mr. Mayor," Applejack said as she ensured that her rope was ready to be used, tightening it. "You can be sure of that. We've tackled many bad guys and gals before, and this will be no different."

Meanwhile, Starswirl and his companions had arrived at the Treehouse of Harmony, much to their further confusion.

"Why are we here at the Treehouse of Harmony?" Starlight asked. "I know that all of the students are accounted for. They were all sent home because of the threat. Why would Calibos come here?"

"He could be testing us again, trying to trick us," Starswirl remarked, beginning to grow impatient. "Calibos! I know you are in there! Come on out with Perseus and show yourself!"

But no sound emerged from the treehouse.

Again, Starswirl hollered and bellowed "Calibos, I demand you come out here this instant! Show yourself if you're not afraid!"

Slowly, Starswirl walked towards the stairs leading up to the treehouse, once again finding the footprints of the half pony, half monster creature. "You have nowhere left to hide! Come out and meet your doom!"

Just then, Luna looked up and saw what appeared to be glowing red eyes coming from one of the branches. "Starswirl!" She called. "Up in the trees! Look out!"

Celestia and Starlight also illuminated their horns as multiple red eyes began to reveal themselves in the treehouse. Before any of them could react, the creatures emerged loudly cawing and flying, revealing themselves to be purple crow-like creatures.

"Who and what are they?!" Starlight screamed as Celestia fired at one of the crow-like creatures, while they danced around the headmare and her teachers.

"You must be the headmare and the teachers," One of the crow-like creatures remarked, pointing to them. "Nice to meet you! We're the Tengas!"

"Celestia, what do we do?" Luna asked.

"We fight," Celestia growled, firing her magic at the Tengas as Starswirl dashed into the treehouse. Quickly, he dashed from room to room, but he once again could not find his student. Just then, several Tengas flew in and Starswirl fired his magic at them!

"Who are you?" Starswirl cried as the Tengas quickly overpowered him.

Meanwhile, in the M51 Galaxy, the evil clone of Twilight was watching what was going on from a viewing globe. "Excellent, who knew that a bunch of birdbrains could carry out such an order?" She remarked while turning to her fellow clones, all gathered in one of the conference rooms. "Getting the deposed queen of the Crystal Empire and her children as allies is so far, easy as pie."

"Oh, I love pie…" The evil clone of Pinkie Pie sarcastically remarked. "Not!"

"Master Vile needs all the allies he can for his grand invasion of pony and humankind." Evi Twilight replied.

"Since when do we work for that octopus?" The evil clone of Fluttershy remarked as Evil Twilight stepped over to her.

"That octopus, I'll have you know, has been generous enough to give us a second chance, and I want to make the most of it!" Evil Twilight insisted! "With Grogar gone and the Legion of Doom reformed, Master Vile is all we have left."

Just then, they all heard a knock on the door of the room.

"Uh, Dad's just wondering how your idea is coming along?" Rito Revolto questioned, peeking into the conference room.

"Tell your dad that everything is going in place, bone boy." The evil Rainbow Dash chuckled.

"Oh, okay…see you, then!" Shutting the door, Rito proceeded towards his father's throne room where Goldar, Rita, Zedd, Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker were all sitting with Master Vile.

"Is everything in motion?" Master Vile asked.

"Yeah dad, the Tengas are already taking care of beard boy and his friends." Rito answered.

"So it seems that is the case, but that's just a piece of it my friends," Master Vile remarked. "As you can see, our main concern is getting closer and closer to her destination." And Master Vile pointed towards two small blips on the screen moving faster and faster towards Maritime Bay.

"I hope this plan of yours works, Vile," Zedd replied. "What can you prove to us that conquering Equestria will give us the advantage of invading Earth again?"

"Much," Master Vile snapped, looking back at Zedd before turning to the screen. "Much more than you will ever realize."

And Master Vile could only hope for the best as his plan for his newest ally to rise to power again continued to fall into place.