• Published 17th Apr 2022
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 14 - twilightsparkle3562

Welcome to Season 14 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Episode 2: "Judgment at Canterlot, Part 2"

Author's Note:

Episode Summary: As the Mean 3 admit their guilt, Discord pays a visit to Grogar in the Canterlot Dungeons and attempts to get him to mend his ways.


Tara Strong as Princess Twilight Sparkle

Ashleigh Ball as Applejack/Rainbow Dash

Andrea Libman as Pinkie Pie/Fluttershy

Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity

Cathy Wesluck as Spike

Mark Acheson as Lord Tirek

Kathleen Barr as Queen Chrysalis

Sunni Westbrook as Cozy Glow

Doc Harris as Grogar

John De Lancie as Discord

Emily Blunt as Fizzlepop "Tempest Shadow" Berrytwist

"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" Season 14, Episode 2

"Judgment at Canterlot: Part 2"

Written by Jeff Snyder (TwilightSparkle3562)

Edited by SuperPinkBrony12

Previously on "My Little Pony"

Spike: "How many more must suffer like this?! I mean, hasn't Grogar done enough damage?"

Twilight: "He has. But even if he is locked up and awaiting trial, I have a feeling that this is going to take time to heal."

Cozy Glow: "If…if we admit our responsibility to Twilight and the others, what do you think might happen to us? Could we end up being turned to stone again? Or worse?"

Tirek: "All I can hope for is that Princess Twilight and her friends show mercy on us, even just a little."

Twilight: "Equestria's chief attorney is going to be prosecuting the case."

Cozy Glow: "He…he harmed me many times when we were living in your kingdom, Tirek. Every time he lost, he needed a punching bag and I was the only one for him."

Tirek: "Grogar needs to be shown for what he is…a monster! A monster with no soul at all, not even one as black as night! Only one with no soul could do the things he did!"

Tempest Shadow: "Your highnesses, the accused have arrived."

Twilight: "Is there anything that you wish to say to us before we declare the terms of your plea?"

The three villains of Equestria stood before the princesses not in Canterlot Castle (or even the Castle of Friendship in Ponyville for that matter), but in Canterlot General Hospital hoping that Twilight and the others would show mercy towards them after all they had done. Both Tirek and Chrysalis wanted nothing more than the best for Cozy Glow after her startling confession.

"Princess Twilight, I implore you…" Tirek began to say only to be silenced by Twilight.

"Hold your tongue!" Twilight commanded in a firm voice, before looking down to the document detailing the trio's guilty plea. "Now, are you solemnly swearing to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you three?"

With a nervous glance at each other, Tirek and Chrysalis both gulped at each other, wondering just what was going to come out of this. "We are." They both said.

"Uh, before we go further with yer guilty plea," Applejack inquired, raising an eyebrow in suspicion of their intentions. "Y'all aren't plannin' somethin' against us are you?"

"No, Applejack…" Cozy Glow whimpered.

"That's Princess Applejack to you." Applejack said quietly, but firmly towards Cozy Glow. Being the Princess of Honesty, Applejack wasn't taking any chances in regards to probing what these three enemies of Equestria were planning.

"By pleading guilty, you understand the terms of what comes with it?" Twilight asked as the three villains silently acknowledged Twilight's words. "You know that by accepting these terms, we will have you sentenced to a lesser sentence than what Grogar and the other defendants are facing. But it will still be a punishment. You may have defected from him in the end, but you still aided and abetted him willingly at various points."

As Twilight spoke, Tirek couldn't help but notice the bandage on Twilight's forearm from her most recent blood drawing. He began to think of whether or not Cozy Glow would have to undergo a similar treatment.

"And…" Twilight continued, taking in a deep sigh as she spoke. "There's something else we must acknowledge…"

Tirek held Cozy's hoof as he took an enormous gulp, trying to avoid possibly having the punishments he used to have under his father's claws.

"Each of your recent crimes against Equestria, dating back to my brother's wedding to Princess Cadence, warrants a sentence of life imprisonment in Tartarus or even a death sentence. Knowing you three, you would have fought the charges in a court of law and yet…you admit to your guilt. What is your confession behind this?" Twilight inquired.

Taking a gulp of her own, Chrysalis faced the pony that up until that moment, she'd tormented and targeted all because she'd had been denied the chance of feeding her hive.

"P-princess…" Chrysalis stammered, stepping forward with the sounds of her chains piercing the silence of the royal suite. "Up until we joined forces with Grogar, all of us thought that we were above the law, willing to put down those who stood in our way. But Grogar was worse than any of us combined. Even as a queen, I had standards."

"Such as hanging us upside down like we were bats?" Pinkie Pie asked. "I think I had a dozen headyaches after that! And that wasn't even the worst part of it!"

"Well, yes…" Chrysalis said, looking away in embarrassment. "Because that's how I was taught to deal with my enemies."

"I think also being in love with Tirek must have done something to you," Rarity commented, causing the three villains to look at her. "Tell us something, Queen Chrysalis, do you love Tirek or not?"

A scared look befell on Chrysalis' face, realizing that she had to confess her love for Tirek right in front of her enemies.

Elsewhere, a ghostly figure floated through the halls of Canterlot's dungeons. Eventually, the figure found himself going through the doors of the room that Grogar was being kept in. Entering, the figure saw Grogar chained in a cage with the chains reaching out, stuck in the wall.

Floating, the ghost of a donkey soldier made its way up to Grogar and scowled at him, much to Grogar's irritation. After a moment, the figure floated away and landed in front of Grogar. Suddenly, with the snap of its hoof, the ghost transformed into Discord who could only scowl Grogar's predicament.

"I never thought I would see the day," Discord remarked, holding a telescope close to Grogar's face. "Grogar, once the ruler of Equestria, treated like a common criminal. How does it feel?"

"Have you come to mock me, creature of chaos?" Grogar asked in a bitter voice. "If you are, then leave me at once before I destroy you!"

"Um…look around your neck, buddy," Discord said, pointing to the missing bell that was no longer on Grogar's necklace. "Your bell is no longer there. And without you have no powers."

"Of course it's no longer there!" Grogar snapped, trying to reach Discord but was held back by the chains. "Those ponies stole it from me, but I will get it back and you will help me!"

But Discord could sense Grogar's lies and merely smugged at his enemy's response.

"Or else you'll do what? Whip me like you did to fire boy and Cozy Glow?" He remarked, referencing the moment Grogar had Tirek whip Cozy Glow and Lavan. "I doubt it because Princess Twilight and her fellow princesses are much better rulers than you'll ever be! They defeated you like they defeated countless evils before, you are no different."

Snarling, Grogar again tried to reach Discord, but he couldn't and Discord taunted him with a raspberry. "Just face it, goat boy, you've lost and are about to learn your fate," Discord said. "And who knows? I hear that Tartarus is very nice this time of year! Ask Tirek, he'll tell you. Honestly, I'd say Tartarus is almost too good for you, and that's if you're lucky."

And to prove his point, Discord showed a "brochure" of Tartarus in the form of a resort, to which Grogar scoffed away with a huff.

"Oh come on, Grogar!" Discord remarked in a huff. "What's wrong with having to go through the whole aspect of a trial? Don't you think everypony and everycreature has had enough of someone like you? Just plead guilty and end this, please? For Fluttershy's sake…or should I say, Princess Fluttershy?"

Discord then produced a replica of Fluttershy's crown to prove his point, but still Grogar refused to budge or plead for mercy.

"I will never surrender or bow to Princess Twilight and her friends!" Grogar thundered at the top of his lungs! "I will escape and I will exact my revenge upon you all! Now leave me be or help me escape!"

"Oh sure, and get us both in trouble!" Discord taunted, donning a police pony's uniform. "I've already done my time for aiding a traitor and going behind Equestria's back. I would much rather like a clean slate with my friends, far better to work with harmony than against it. Tell me something, if you were in my shoes, would you do the sensible thing and…?"

Grogar attempted to use his magic to make Discord disappear, but the chains holding him prevented him from doing so.

"Time to face facts, Grogar," Discord coldly taunted. "Nopony and nocreature is on your side, and Princess Twilight isn't going to show you any mercy. Not after a war in which lives were lost, not after the crimes you've committed against any who would oppose you. Not since The Storm King has Equestria faced a creature with no regard for anyone but himself. And we both know what became of him in the end."

"I have powers far greater than you will ever know, Discord," Grogar growled, angry breaths coming out of his nose. "You may be a creature of chaos, but I am Equestria's true emperor and I will return to power! You will see…"

But Discord remained unfazed by Grogar's threats and began to float away from the cell. "It's over, Grogar!" Discord declared, his friendly demeanor turning serious. "If I were you, I would throw myself to the mercy of Twilight and her friends, if you know what's good for you. And who knows? You may get sent home quicker than you think."

Assuming a ghost form again, Discord went through the door and left Grogar alone, much to the overthrown emperor's ever growing anger.

Despite all that was against him, Grogar would not surrender, no matter what might come of such an action.

Back at Canterlot General Hospital, the impromptu hearing concerning the former Legion of Doom's guilty pleas continued as Chrysalis was now being put under the microscope, forced to confess her love for Tirek to the princesses.

"Answer the question!" Tempest ordered, pointing her broken horn at Chrysalis. "Say something, unless you wish to forever hold your peace!"

"I do love him." Chrysalis whispered in a hushed voice.

"Speak up, Chrissy," Fluttershy suggested. "You speak softer than me."

"I do love him," Chrysalis said quietly again, but slightly louder for the princesses to hear. "I do love him."

Having heard this confession, Twilight sat back in her chair and took in what was said.

"And Cozy Glow…" Chrysalis further confessed, looking over at the frightened filly. "Is our daughter."

All of the princesses raised an eyebrow of suspicion at the three villains, somewhat taken aback by Chrysalis' confession.

"Um, when you say that you are her parents…" Pinkie Pie asked. "Do you mean that-"

"-We do!" Chrysalis declared in a crying voice. "I may be a villain, he may be a villain and she may be a villain, but we love each other and nothing is going to keep us away whether we plead guilty or not! If there's anything good that came from working for Grogar, it's that it helped us draw closer to one another."

Everyone in the room was stunned to hear this confession!

Twilight rose to her hooves and pondered the situation, walking over to the window outside her royal suite, looking down at the repairs and damage assessments that were taking place as a result of the war.

"Twilight," Rainbow Dash whispered to her fellow flying buddy as she joined Twilight at the window. "Are you going to believe this?! I mean, Chrysalis, TIrek and Cozy Glow as one big family? I sense something fishy going on here! What if this is all just another ploy or trick?"

But Twilight remained in deep thought of her decision.

"If they say that they love each other, then I believe them," Twilight whispered to Rainbow Dash. "Don't you see? By accepting their plea, we could send Grogar back where he belongs sooner than we think! The evidence is there, Rainbow! They're willing to help us despite all that we have done! Why shouldn't we take them at their word this time?"

"Um, hello?" Pinkie Pie called over to Twilight and Rainbow. "We're in the middle of a hearing here."

Having heard Pinkie's call, Twilight and Rainbow joined the others back at the table as Chrysalis and Tirek nervously awaited a response from the supreme princess.

"If you say that you love each other," Twilight said, sitting back down at the table. "Then I don't think that there is any reason to believe that I should doubt you otherwise. Each of your crimes against Equestria do, in fact, warrant a life or death sentence if you plead no contest. Do you know that the sentence we are about to impose on all three of you is to run according to the laws of Equestria?"

"It doesn't matter as long as Cozy Glow gets help." Tirek pleaded, causing all of the princesses to have their eyes pop open in surprise!

Just then, Tempest noticed several deep markings on Cozy Glow's back, each one deeper than the one before it. "Wait, Princess Twilight!" She cried, looking at Cozy Glow's back. "There is something that I think you should all see!"

Once again, Twilight rose to her hooves.

"It's on Cozy Glow's back!" Tempest explained as quickly as she could.

Clearing her throat, Twilight tried to figure out what was going on and could only wonder what was on Cozy's back. "Cozy Glow," Twilight ordered. "Let me see what is on your back. Please"

Doing as she was told, Cozy turned around for all the princesses to see. Her wounds from Grogar's abuse were finally revealed to all!

All six princesses could only stare in disbelief at the markings that Cozy Glow had on her back.

"Who did this to you?" Twilight asked as Cozy Glow took a deep breath. "Answer me, Cozy Glow!"

"It was Grogar," Cozy Glow whispered, a hint of fear and embarrassment in her voice. "Grogar did this to me!"

"Is this true?" Applejack asked, now beginning to feel the slightest bit of sympathy for the pegasus filly. "Grogar did this to you?"

"He did," Cozy confessed as she began to choke up while turning to face the princesses. "He had to have a punching bag, so he chose me!"

Emotionally distraught by what she was hearing, Fluttershy had to turn away for a brief moment, given the sensitivity of the dark nature against Cozy Glow.

All Twilight could do was question. "How long was this going on?"

"Very long, Princess Twilight," Cozy whimpered. "But I didn't tell anyone until now."

Realizing what she and her friends were dealing with, Twilight immediately motioned for Tempest to summon the hospital staff.

"What's going on?" Tirek asked as he saw Tempest leave the room. "Why did she leave?"

A few moments later, Tempest returned with several guards and hospital orderlies, who then approached Cozy Glow.

"What are you doing?!" Cozy cried as she was released from her chains and placed on a stretcher. "Let go of me!"

"No one is going to hurt you, Cozy Glow," Twilight explained. "We just want you to be checked out as a precaution. Cooperate and make this easier on yourself. I promise, you'll be in good hooves."

Cozy tried to get up but was forced back down onto the stretcher, much to Tirek and Chrysalis' shock.

"Don't you dare hurt her, Twilight Sparkle!" Chrysalis thundered, pointing at Twilight sharply.

"I am not going to hurt her, Chrysalis," Twilight replied. "I want her to be checked for any mental or physical injuries that would otherwise go untreated. In fact, I've come to a decision or I should say 'We've' come to a decision."

But to Tirek and Chrysalis, whatever Twilight had to say was no longer of any importance to them. All they wanted was to be with their daughter.

"By pleading guilty to your crimes," Twilight declared. "We, the six princesses of Equestria, sentence you to time served for your crimes against Equestria as well as probation for life."

Both Tirek and Chrysalis looked at each other with a confused look at what was said by Twilight.

"Furthermore," Twilight continued. "You are hereby ordered to perform one thousand hours of community service and are ordered to undergo anger management therapy. Failure to comply will result in restoration of the original sentence against you from before you were set free by Grogar. Do you agree to these terms?"

"Yes, yes, we do, Princess Twilight!" Tirek cried. "We'll do anything, including testifying against Grogar and his followers! Just don't hurt our child!"

Motioning to the guards, Twilight ordered them to move Tirek and Chrysalis out of the suite. "This meeting is adjourned." She declared, banging a rainbow colored gavel on the table as Tirek and Chrysalis were removed, their minds clearly focused on Cozy Glow.

With Tirek and Chrysalis gone, Twilight removed her crown and sat back in her chair, wondering what was to come next.

"Glad that's over." Applejack said as she went over and doused a washcloth in water to rub on Twilight's forehead.

"Thanks," Twilight sighed as she felt the warm water on her forehead. "Thanks, Applejack."

"So what happens now?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Do we prepare for the big one?"

"Guess so," Twilight sighed as Rainbow and Applejack helped Twilight to her hospital bed. "Now…we focus on the main event, girls."

"Not until you are back to full strength," Fluttershy firmly declared. "This clearly took a lot out of you, Twilight."

"We'll get a nurse to come in here." Rarity said as she and Pinkie Pie left the room while Applejack hoofed a stuffed teddy bear for Twilight to hold.

As Twilight recovered from the hearing, her attention was now being focused back onto Grogar, and the other defendants to be tried and likely convicted.

But just as Twilight was being tended to, Tempest returned to the suite with a troubled look on her face.

"Tempest, what is it?" asked Applejack, not wanting Twilight to be disturbed. "Can't you see that Twilight…?"

"It's Lavan, the fire demon," Tempest answered. "He's been found in a cell at the kingdom of the distant lands…Him and a zebra, dead."

All Twilight could do was wince at the intelligence that was given to her and now, she had to likely prepare to add another charge against Grogar for the possibility of murder was commited, although that was not a surprise given Grogar's crimes against Equestria.