• Published 17th Apr 2022
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 14 - twilightsparkle3562

Welcome to Season 14 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Episode 8: "Blazing Sassy Saddles"

Author's Note:

Episode Summary: Having lost her home in Canterlot to a fire, Sassy Saddles takes up residence at Rarity's Boutique.


Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity/Canterlot Receptionist

Kelly Sheridan as Sassy Saddles/Trottingham Receptionist

Peter New as Doctor Stable

Paul Dobson as Firefighter

Nicolas Cage as Sgt. Howler

Benedict Cumberbatch as Pepto Gizmo

"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" Season 14, Episode 8

"Blazing Sassy Saddles"

Written by Jeff Snyder (TwilightSparkle3562)

Edited by SuperPinkBrony12

Another day had come to an end at Carousel Boutique and the princess of generosity was getting ready to close up for the night. Rarity had made herself a nice soup to consume for her supper and was looking forward to eating it.

"Another day, another satisfying business venture," Rarity sighed as she sat down to eat. "All right, Rarity. Enjoy your scrumptious soup."

Yet as she ate, the fashionista suddenly heard a knocking at the door. "I'm sorry. You'll have to come back tomorrow, we're closed now," She declared, her attention focused on her food. But the knocking continued, much to her annoyance. "I said we're closed!"

Getting up from the table, Rarity stormed to the front door and opened it. "Who is making that racket?!" But instead of a customer, she saw her personal bodyguard Sergeant Howler, who was taken slightly aback by her sudden behavior.

"Sergeant Howler," Rarity nervously chuckled. "You'll have to excuse me. I was just about to eat dinner when…"

"-I've got urgent news from Canterlot's east side." The sergeant reported.

Rarity blinked slowly. "Oh? What kind of news?"

"It's…it's involving Sassy Saddles." Sergeant Howler struggled to get the words.

Immediately, Rarity could see that the look on her bodyguard's face was a look of despair. Something awful had happened. "Well don't just stand there! Tell me what's going on! What's happened to Sassy?"

"Her house caught on fire this afternoon." The sergeant explained.

At first the news was of little consequence to Rarity, but then the reality of the situation set in. "Of course, her house caught…WHAT?! What do you mean it caught on fire?!"

"All I'm saying is that…" Howler began only to be interrupted!

"-There's no time to lose!" Panicked, Rarity quickly raced outside, completely ignoring her dinner as Sergeant Howler looked on and followed his princess from her boutique!

"Princess, wait!" The sergeant called, trying to keep up with her! "Wait!"

But Rarity wouldn't listen. She was focused on trying to reach her Canterlot manager as fast as she could! "Hang on, Sassy, I'm coming!" She gasped as she ran off! "What could have caused her house to catch fire?"

Rarity would find out soon enough.

It took a while, but Sergeant Howler ultimately caught up with the princess. "Princess, what is wrong with you?!" He cried and gasped while looking up at Rarity. "We should have…"

"Tell me what happened!" Rarity frantically demanded, hastily interrupting the sergeant and shaking him like a ragdoll. "Tell me what's happened, I've got to know! Is Sassy okay?!"

"Sassy's all right," Sergeant Howler explained. "She's being examined at Canterlot General Hospital as a precaution."

This made Rarity even more concerned for her Canterlot manager, and she soon found herself looking at the remains of her manager's home, not far from the boutique. "Oh, my Celestia!" She exclaimed as she went over to a firefighter. "Excuse me, firefighter!"

The firefighters bowed at Rarity, who immediately motioned for them to rise. "Get up at once, no time for that formality!" She gasped. "What happened here?!"

"Your highness," One of the firefighters replied while motioning for her to calm down. "Your friend is all right, but her home has been badly damaged."

"I know it's damaged!" Rarity cried, directing the firefighter to look at the carnage behind him. "How did this happen?!"

"We're still investigating, your highness," The firefighter explained. "It may take a while before we know for sure what started the blaze. But I can assure you that your friend is lucky to be alive. It looks like, once this fire got started, it spread rapidly."

Sighing, Rarity looked up at her Canterlot manager's house and saw some of Sassy's burned possessions being hosed down with water as the firefighters pumped on. "Is there anything of Sassy's that can be salvaged?" She hopefully inquired. "Anything at all?"

"We're doing everything we can, your highness. But it looks like everything inside is a total loss at this point." The firefighter replied and then turned back to extinguishing the blaze.

Sighing deeply, the fashionista unicorn knew that the first thing she needed to do was to be at her manager's side.

And so, immediately, Rarity made her way to a place that she was all too familiar with by now: Canterlot General Hospital.

Immediately, the receptionist mare recognized Rarity.

"Sassy Saddles," Rarity asked in a concerned tone. "Where is she?"

"She's in recovery right now, Princess Rarity," The receptionist responded. "I must advise you to…"

But Rarity didn't listen and proceeded straight to the recovery room. She eventually arrived and saw Sassy lying on her side on a hospital bed. Her body was covered with burns and her mane had been clearly singed by the flames if the black marks were any indication. "Sassy," She whispered, nudging her manager's foreleg. "Sassy! It's me, Rarity!"

The young unicorn mare weakly looked up at Rarity, and a small tear came to her face. "Rare…Rarity," Sassy whimpered, her Trottingham accent shaking. "Rarity…"

"Shh, shh, it's okay, Sassy. I'm here." Rarity whispered, her face painting a picture of sympathy for one of her hardest working employees.

"It just…it just happened so suddenly," Sassy sobbed. "I was…I was working on the fall line when I smelled smoke. I wanted to get out, but I couldn't leave the…"

Immediately, Rarity sensed pity for Sassy. She had been doing her duty, but at the risk of her own life.

"Rarity, the fall line model, my home, my clothes, everything…it's gone!" Sassy cried, her sobs preventing her from speaking. "I'm sorry…I'm so sorry!"

Rarity then looked up at the ceiling and sighed deeply. To her, the fall fashion line wasn't important. The life of her most dedicated employee was. "It doesn't matter, Sassy," She whispered while stroking Sassy's mane. "All that matters is you're okay. I've talked to the firefighters, and they're going to recover anything that survived."

Just then, Doctor Stable walked into the recovery room and approached Sassy Saddles' bed.

"Doctor." Rarity declared as Doctor Stable bowed his head in acknowledgement of Rarity's presence.

"Your highness," Doctor Stable spoke up as he cleared his throat. "Your manager is lucky to be alive right now. That fire moved at a fast pace. Ms. Saddles, you inhaled a good deal of smoke, so your lungs are damaged."

All Sassy could do was moan as Rarity held her hoof tightly, mentally preparing herself for the worst.

"And you've also sustained second to third degree burns on certain areas of your body." The doctor explained further as Sassy felt a sharp burning pain on both of her hind legs. She then coughed and felt a sharp pain in her chest that made her eyes water further.

"Easy, darling," Rarity cautioned. "Easy."

Doctor Stable then went behind Sassy's back and proceeded to tap down gently as Sassy whimpered.

"Ow, stop it!" Sassy cried as she felt the pain intensify! And Doctor Stable stopped immediately.

"What was that for?!" Rarity frowned.

"I was checking to see if there is any more damage to her lungs," Doctor Stable explained. "Those pains you felt is where the greatest damage is, Ms. Saddles."

Another painful cough came out of Sassy's mouth as Rarity suddenly began to get an idea on how to help Sassy out. "Does she have any next of kin that we can notify?"

"My dad…" Sassy moaned. "In Trottingham."

"Are there others?" The fashionista inquired.

Sassy weakly coughed out. "Just him."

"Doctor, if it helps," Rarity interjected. "Sassy can stay with me until everything is sorted out." Sassy's eyes widened at the thought of her boss taking her in at her moment of need.

"Boddles and bobkins, Rarity!" Sassy gasped even though it filled her lungs with pain. "You don't have to…"

Rarity shushed her co-worker. "Not another word. I'm taking you in as soon as you are discharged. Or at least until we notify your father."

Doctor Stable tried to intervene. "Princess, I can assure you that it would be in the best interest if she…"

But Rarity quickly interrupted. "Sassy has nowhere else to go here in Canterlot, and all my other associates are in Manehattan. If Celestia and Luna can move in for Twilight's sake, then Sassy will get the same treatment with me."

"All right," Doctor Stable reluctantly agreed. "If you say so, your highness. We'll release Sassy unto you when she is discharged. But that won't be for a while still, we may have to keep her for observation until we can be sure her condition is stabilized." Then having said his peace, he departed the recovery room and left Sassy and Rarity alone.

Meanwhile, from outside the recovery room, Sergeant Howler had been listening in on everything that had been going on. And soon as Doctor Stable had exited, he entered. "Princess Rarity?" He asked, approaching his superior. "I can find Sassy's father for you and summon him here if you want me to."

Sassy looked up weakly at the young unicorn stallion as she let out several painful coughs. "Sergeant…"

"Yes, Sassy. It's me, Sergeant Howler," Sergeant Howler replied. "I'm going to find your father and bring him here to you."

Sassy nervously commented. "Are you…?"

Sergeant Howler nodded. "Yes, I am."

"Are you certain that this is what you want to do?" Rarity asked. "I mean, you'll be gone for a while and…"

But Sergeant Howler raised a hoof to silence Rarity. "I must do this, your highness. I protect you every day, now you must protect Sassy. With your permission, I'll leave at once."

With very little choice, Rarity granted her bodyguard permission. "Very well then, I will let you find Sassy's father in Canterlot."

But just as Sergeant Howler was about to leave, Sassy stopped him. "Wait," she coughed. "My father is named Pepto Gizmo, he's a surgeon in Trottingham."

Saluting Rarity and taking this news to heart, Sergeant Howler set out on his mission.

As the night continued, Sergeant Howler rode the late night train towards Trottingham, determined to get in touch with Sassy's father and inform of what had happened to his daughter.

As the train neared Trottingham, the sun rose and Sergeant Howler was one of the first passengers off of the train.

Trottingham was one of the classiest places Sergeant Howler had ever seen. Everyone was rich and the social status was at a high level. "Wow! This place would give Canterlot a run for its money." He thought to himself.

The sergeant then made his way into a coffee shop and proceeded to ask where Pepto Gizmo's office was. After getting the directions he needed, Sergeant Howler arrived at a brick building that read: "Pepto Gizmo: Surgeon" on the glass door. Stepping inside, he proceeded towards the receptionist.

"Excuse me," Sergeant Howler asked the mare behind the desk. "I'm looking for Pepto Gizmo, is he..?"

"I'm afraid he is with a patient," The receptionist replied in a Trottingham accent. "May I help you?"

Sergeant Howler bowed his head. "I am here on behalf of Princess Rarity of Equestria and…"

"Unless you have an appointment, I must ask you to leave. Those are the rules." The receptionist replied without looking up.

"Listen to me," Sergeant Howler cried in an urgent voice. "His daughter was in a fire! I must summon him to Canterlot per Princess Rarity's orders!"

Immediately, the receptionist understood the gravity of the situation. "Sassy?!" She gasped in a quiet voice and immediately proceeded to press a button. "Dr. Gizmo, there is someone here from Canterlot with urgent news about Sassy."

A few moments later, a bluish green coated unicorn stallion peaked out into the waiting room and saw Sergeant Howler. He was in yellow protective gear and a face mask. "Are you from Canterlot?" He asked in a Trottingham accent. "What's happened to my daughter?!"

"She was in a fire," Sergeant Howler answered. "I'm sorry to have to bring you news to this in this manner, but it's urgent!"

"Wait here," Pepto whispered, gesturing to Sergeant Howler to wait in the waiting room. "I'm almost done with a patient."

So Sergeant Howler reluctantly remained in the waiting room. Ten minutes later, the surgeon came out wearing a red cloak and blue suit.

"Dr. Scalpel is in charge until I get back." Pepto said to his receptionist.

"Doctor!" The receptionist cried out, catching Pepto's attention. "I hope she's all right!"

Gesturing, Pepto followed Sergeant Howler out of the office and towards the Trottingham train station for the abrupt journey to Canterlot to be at Sassy's side.

When Sassy was finally released from the hospital, she immediately took up residence at Carousel Boutique as per the arrangements. The pains in her chest as a result of the damage to her lungs, however, prevented her from working any further on any projects for Rarity's businesses.

"Look, Sassy, you should rest," Rarity said in a concerned tone as Sassy tried to work on a model for the fall line. "Let me worry about this."

"But I like doing it…" Sassy pleaded, before coughing some more pain out of her chest. "We have to…"

"-Sassy, I want you to rest and I'll get somepony or somecreature to help us out with the fall line," Rarity ordered. "Until you are fit, I must place you on clerical duty. I won't take no for an answer. Your health comes first, the customers will understand."

Not wanting to place an argument with her friend and boss, Sassy agreed to Rarity's order.

Meanwhile, the train from Trottingham pulled into Canterlot and Sergeant Howler and Pepto Gizmo were among the first off onto the platform.

"Your daughter is at Princess Rarity's Carousel Boutique," Sergeant Howler explained. "It's in Ponyville, though. So we should get back on and…"

"-I want to find anything that I can salvage for Sassy, for my daughter." Pepto Gizmo insisted and proceeded towards his daughter's burned out home, which had been roped off by yellow caution tape. As he approached the tape, he was stopped by a firefighter.

"I'm sorry sir, you cannot enter here," The firefighter replied. "It's not safe, the structure has been compromised and we can't be sure it will hold."

"Did anything of value survive in here?" Pepto Gizmo asked.

"There were some items recovered," The firefighter explained. "But they are being cleaned and inspected for any damage," Then he turned to Sergeant Howler. "And Sergeant?"

"Yes?" Sergeant Howler asked with concern. It was rare for firefighters to speak to him directly.

The firefighter reached into his coat and pulled out what appeared to be the charred remains of a small stick.

"What is it?" Sergeant Howler questioned.

"It's a match," The firefighter answered. "We found it on the west side of the house. Somepony or somecreature must have carelessly tossed it next to the house while it was still lit."

"Princess Rarity will be notified of this at once! And when you find the culprit, inform her immediately!" Sergeant Howler sternly declared as he seized the bag containing the match.

As he left, Pepto Gizmo could only scowl at the prospect that someone had carelessly put his daughter's life in mortal danger and he was not going to rest until the guilty party was found and held responsible.