• Published 17th Apr 2022
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 14 - twilightsparkle3562

Welcome to Season 14 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Episode 9: "Who's Responsible?"

Author's Note:

Episode Summary: Rarity discovers that the fire that destroyed Sassy Saddles' home was caused by a pair of delivery ponies working for her rival, Suri Polomare.


Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity/Suri Polomare

Kelly Sheridan as Sassy Saddles

Joel Fry as Jasper

Paul Walter Hauser as Jinx

Nicolas Cage as Sgt. Howler

Benedict Cumberbatch as Pepto Gizmo

Maurice LaMarche as Chancellor Neighsay

Emily Blunt as Fizzlepop "Tempest Shadow" Berrytwist

Jim Miller as Intercom Voice

Andrew Francis as Royal Guard

"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" Season 14, Episode 9

"Who's Responsible?"

Written by Jeff Snyder (TwilightSparkle3562)

Edited by SuperPinkBrony12

Sassy Saddles had left her home in Canterlot the day her life was turned upside down. Little did she know of the horrors that were just down the street, waiting to do their work.

Not far from Canterlot Carousel, a pair of earth ponies were reading a pair of newspapers while hiding out in an alleyway.

"There she goes, Jinx my friend," A purple coated earth pony dressed in unclean clothes remarked. "Out for her daily constitutional, like always," Lowering the newspaper, he took a keen look at Sassy Saddles as she left. "Ah, what a lovely mare, I see," He said with a smile. "Around the jolly corner and off to the boutique. And she hasn't a clue what lies in store for her."

But, his friend, a blue earth pony also in unclean clothes, seemingly was against what they needed to do. "Eh, I…I don't like it, Jasper," He spoke up as he bit his lip. "One more pinch and they'll throw the keys away."

"Oh, come of it Jinx," Jasper snickered. "We're getting plenty of boodle for this. Boss promised we'd make bank if we carry out our orders to the letter."

But Jinx had his reservations. "Yes, but, uh, I've been thinking…"

This made Jasper grab his friend by the scruff of his shirt. "You've been thinking?!" He remarked, pulling his partner to his face "Now look here, Jinx. I warned you about thinking! It's not good for you! Just keep it mum."

Releasing his grip on Jinx, Jasper focused on what they needed to do. "I've got the knob for this job, so let's get on it. We'll be out and on our merry way by the time she realizes we were here."

Leaving the alleyway, they emerged carrying a stack of boxes that contained merchandise from Suri Polomare in Manehattan. Slowly, they approached Sassy's house and Jasper pulled out a match.

"Nobody home but those soon to be stolen designs," Jasper laughed, taking the match and carelessly flinging it against the side of Sassy's house. "You just leave it to old Jasper. He can handle her real diplomatically."

"But, how long is it going to burn?" Jinx wondered.

Looking up to the ceiling, Jasper could feel the warm and humid air breathing down upon them. "As long as the weather is what it is," He smirked. "Now, come on. Let's get these designs delivered. There won't be a thing left to salvage that'll be worth selling."

Turning around, the two goons left Sassy's house as the hours passed and the ground got drier and drier. Soon, Sassy would experience her worst nightmare.

It had been several days since the fire at her home and Sassy Saddles was now staying temporarily with her boss, Rarity. All she could do was try and focus on her work, trying to get the idea of her home being destroyed out of her mind.

"Sassy, sweetie, must you throw yourself into your work?" Rarity asked as she prepared to open her shop in Ponyville. "You have been up all night for several nights. Come and have something to eat."

"I can't," Sassy said while trying to sew a frock together. "I can't eat or rest. Those designs that were destroyed…"

"-Don't matter anymore," Rarity firmly replied, snatching the needle out of Sassy's aura. "All that matters is that you are safe with me. Besides, I think your fragile mind shouldn't be more broken than it already is."

Following Rarity, Sassy couldn't help but think of what could have been. She needed to find a distraction for herself to hide from the nightmare that she was living.

"If it's any consolation to you, darling," Rarity added as she poured her Canterlot manager a cup of tea. "My guards did find some more clues as to who started the fire at your home." Handing Sassy the teacup, Rarity suddenly began to develop a scowl on her face, a look that meant somepony she knew was out to damage or cripple her business structure.

"But I don't understand, Rarity," Sassy cried as she sat down. "Who would want to go after me? I mean, sure, I did some crazy things in my life. But I've learned from them."

"So have I, Sassy," Rarity replied. "I can assure you that this has nothing to do with the Princess Dress from when you first started working for me. Sure, you may have gone overboard, but not even that could warrant something as low as this."

But Sassy wasn't prepared for what Rarity said next. "And I think I know just who might be responsible for this."

Meanwhile, a few days earlier at her flagship store in Manehattan, Suri Polomare stood at the doorway, waiting for somepony to arrive. Just then, she saw Jasper and Jinx arrive with the empty cart behind them. An evil smile befell her face knowing that these ponies had committed the atrocity she'd tasked them with carrying out. "I trust the delivery went well," she said to them.

"It did, Ms. Polomare," Jasper answered. "Arrived safe and sound at your Canterlot store."

"And…?" Suri questioned.

Jasper responded to the other part of his boss's question with a smile. "It's been done, Miss. 's employer is going to be out of commission for a while, I will say."

But Jinx had his reservations even though he silently said nothing.

"More like forever," Suri coldly snuffed. "One way or another, she's not going to be making dresses for Rarity again. With Sassy Saddles out of the way, we can focus our attention on overpowering Rarity's business once and for all. Take down the dream store and the rest will follow in short order," She then reached into her desk and pulled out a pair of bags containing bits for the two stallions. "Here's your extra pay," Suri hastily told them. "Now get out of here and tell nopony what you did."

Nodding, Jasper left happily with his extra pay.

But Jinx had other ideas. In his mind, he had helped try to kill somepony and was immediately feeling guilty about the actions he had committed.

Back in the present, Chancellor Neighsay sat in his office at the Canterlot School of Magic, seemingly waiting for a call to come in. Just then, he heard a voice on his intercom.

"He just arrived, Headstallion."A secretary on the other line reported.

"Send him in." Taking a deep sigh, Neighsay waited a little more for his guest to arrive and a few moments later, he heard a knock at the door. "Enter!" He called and the door opened to reveal Pepto Gizmo on the other side wearing a medallion similar to Neighsay's.

This made Neighsay rise to his hooves and trot over to his friend. "Pepto, please know that I am sorry for what happened to your daughter."

"I know you are, Neighsay," Pepto replied and bowed his head in respect. "But as your closest friend, I must ask you to assist me. I need you to help me find who did this to Sassy. You are the only one who shares my unique gift."

Neighsay took notice of the medallion that his friend was wearing. "Are you quite sure of this?" Neighsay asked. "I think we should let…"

"-No, Neighsay," Pepto firmly answered. "I cannot let Princess Rarity or any of the other princesses be alone in this fight. At this point, I cannot let the system run its course."

Neighsay took an enormous gulp at what was said to him. "Very well, Pepto. But please remember that by coming to me, you are risking my own career as well as your own. If anything, you have to remember what we learned on Kamar-Taj."

Turning his back on Neighsay, Pepto considered his options and realized that there was no other alternative. He needed to carry out this personal mission.

"To not use our magic to kill?" Pepto replied, once again turning to Neighsay. "I'm not going to kill anypony, it's too easy for me! No, I'm going to bring whoever did this to my daughter, to the princesses…alive. They'll decide that pony's fate, after they learn how anypony could be so cruel as to carelessly take the life of another."

Tapping into the medallion on his chest, Pepto created a time hole and looking determined, proceeded into the hole with Neighsay not far behind, knowing that his career and everything he worked for was on the line.

In Ponyville, Rarity had decided to let Sassy catch up on some much needed sleep as she began to open up for business. But no sooner did she open the door to her shop than did she see Sgt. Howler and Tempest Shadow at her door.

"I'm here for Sergeant Howler's own personal safety, your highness." Tempest immediately warned Rarity.

"Oh, um, of course, Captain Tempest," Rarity said in a hushed voice. "Have you found anything about the arson attack, or who might have done it?"

Using her magic, Tempest produced a screen and revealed to Rarity the ponies that had set a lighted match against her Canterlot manager's home.

Rarity didn't recognize either of them. "What are these ponies? Who are they?"

"Someone who lived not far from Suri Polomare's store saw them and overheard what they did," Tempest explained. "With their help we were able to produce this recreation of their 'visit' the day of the fire."

"Aha!" Rarity cried, stamping her hoof down. "I should have known that viper, Suri Polomare, was behind all this! Never thought she could stoop so low. Who are those ponies?! What is their connection to her?"

"They claim to have been working as delivery ponies for Suri," Sgt. Howler answered. "If you want us to bring them in…"

"Yes. And I want to see Suri personally when she is brought in," Rarity firmly ordered. "I can't wait 'til I see her and make her pay for this revolting stunt! I'll see to it that she never works in Manehattan or any other city ever again," Then she asked. "Has Twilight been notified of this?"

"She has as has the rest of your friends," Tempest nodded and then asked. "Shall we bring them to you? Or do you want us to bring in the arsonists?"

Without any hesitation, Rarity dispatched Tempest and her bodyguard to find the culprits.

Meanwhile, Suri was aboard the train from Manehattan to Canterlot to visit her Canterlot store. She was feeling quite satisfied with herself over what her hired help had done. In her mind, she had severely crippled the operations of her rival's business.

Rarity had been foolish enough to admit that opening a boutique in Canterlot had been her lifelong dream. That made it the perfect target for an act of revenge, the perfect place to crush and break Rarity's spirits.

"All right, now that the competition is out of the picture," Suri said as she stepped onto the platform. "Time to increase the profits! This city's not big enough for the two of us, I'm the only one who will have this city eating out of my hoof!"

But little did Suri know that hiding amongst the crowds of ponies and creatures, that two pairs of eyes were watching her. Once Suri was in plain sight, the cloaked figures leapt from the crowds and grabbed her!

"What the…? Hel…!" Suri cried, only to be hit with a silencing spell by one of the two cloaked ponies. The other cloaked pony placed a stunning spell on Suri, knocking her out cold. With Suri knocked out, the two cloaked ponies dragged her away.

A little while later, Suri opened her eyes and found herself tied down to a chair in an undisclosed location. The two cloaked ponies stood in front of her and pulled off their hoods, revealing themselves to be Pepto and Neighsay.

"Do you know who I am?" Pepto asked, but Suri didn't answer. This made him furious. "I said, 'Do you know who I am?!'"

"Answer the question!" Neighsay demanded with his horn glowing!

"No…" Suri groggily answered as the effects of the stunning spell slowly wore off. "Where…where are we?"

"That doesn't concern you," Pepto coldly answered. "What does concern you is that you personally tried to kill my daughter!"

"What daughter?" Suri blinked in confusion.

Angered, Neighsay cast a spell that tightened Suri's muscles in her hind legs, causing her great pain.

"Ugh, I don't know who you are talking about!" Suri cried as the pain grew tighter. "Really!"

"Actually you do!" Pepto snarled. "The pony whose home was burned down by you, Sassy Saddles, is my daughter! My only child!"

"She's yours?!" Suri groaned as Neighsay shifted his focus to Suri's forelegs as well as hind legs. "I mean, she's your daughter?! It's a small world after all!"

But the tightening of Neighsay's spell on her legs made Suri grow more and more pained.

"Don't mock me, Suri Polomare!" Pepto cried. "I don't like a smart aleck pony making personal comments against my family!"

Turning to Neighsay, Pepto ordered Neighsay to release his grip on Suri.

"Your daughter chose the wrong pony to work for!" Suri gasped, an angry look befell her face. "Rarity is my rival and what I did was strictly for business! And when you work in the business as long as I have, you have to be willing to bend the rules to stay in the game."

"By attacking my friend's only child?" Neighsay added. "And you call yourself a savvy businesspony? You are a disgrace to Equestria! A monster as bad as Grogar was!"

"So what if I am a disgrace?" Suri spat at the ground. "This is business, something you'd never understand! I learned from a young age that you have to do whatever it takes to survive, to stay alive. Either you take, or you get taken! Those who don't do the crushing are the ones who get crushed!"

But neither Neighsay nor Pepto were convinced by Suri's words.

Just then, they heard the doors of the cellar door open and a loud voice barked out. "ROYAL GUARD, FREEZE!"

Just then, both Pepto and Neighsay were ordered to get down on the ground and Tempest entered the basement as several guardsponies surrounded Suri.

"Arrest them!" Suri demanded to Tempest, who looked unconvincingly at Rarity's rival. "They kidnapped me in plain sight! I have witnesses! I'm the victim here!"

"I think from what I see," Tempest coldly said as the guards lifted her up, still tied to the chair. "You are more wanted than they are. Suri Polomare, you are under arrest for the attempted murder of Sassy Saddles. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you…"

A little while later, Rarity had just finished waiting on a customer when she got word of Suri's arrest.

Under heavy security, Rarity was escorted to the Canterlot Dungeons and there, sitting in a cell was Suri Polomare and her two cohorts, Jasper and Jinx.

"Suri Polomare, how dare you!" Rarity cried. "How dare you go after one of my managers! Especially the one who never did anything to you and never knew about you! Do you even realize the trouble you've found yourself in?"

"Business is business, Rarity," Suri said with a swish of her tail. "I couldn't let you take over the entire fashion world in Equestria now, could I? You never did consider that Manehattan was my stomping ground before you came along and ratted me out. I was the one everypony said was destined to make it big in Canterlot, not you!"

"By nearly murdering Sassy Saddles for the sake of your own business growth?" Rarity remarked and rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah, that's real business pony-like for you! Just when I thought you couldn't get any more despicable after what you did to Coco! I hope you are happy with yourself, Suri. I for one am not. To think, we were friends when you were in Ponyville."

"Either way, what's done is done, sweetheart," Suri remarked in a snide tone of voice. "You will see that there will be nothing against me compared to what happened to me. Rarity. Just admit it! The law has nothing on me, but everything on those ponies you sent after me! I know they were there on your orders."

But Rarity stood her ground, not wanting to be intimidated by a pony who was more likely going to lose her chances at trial. "The writing is on the wall, Suri. You are more than likely facing time behind bars if I have anything to say about it. I'd look into a good lawyer if I were you, you'll need it if you don't want to spend the rest of your life in jail."

"Will I?" Suri said with a grin and a fiendish smirk.

But Rarity chose not to respond and instead motioned for the guards to take her away from the dungeons. Upon leaving the dungeons, she saw the released Neighsay and Pepto waiting for her.

"Is she going to lose at trial?" Pepto asked.

"That's not for me to decide alone, Pepto," Rarity advised. "If I were you, I'd focus more on Sassy's well being."

Then Rarity turned to Neighsay. "And as for you, Headstallion Neighsay…I would focus on running the School of Magic. Consider that as a warning to you both. Even if you claim you're doing the right thing, if you keep breaking the law to do it ponies will start to take notice. There won't be anything I can do to protect you both then."

Heeding the princess of generosity's warning, both friends and time travelers produced time holes that they went through while Rarity looked on in shock. "Well, I might as well be getting used to that if necessary." Rarity said as she proceeded to leave the Canterlot dungeons, knowing that the pony who orchestrated Sassy Saddles' attempted murder was behind bars for the time being.