• Published 17th Apr 2022
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 14 - twilightsparkle3562

Welcome to Season 14 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Episode 4: "Judgment at Canterlot, Part 4"

Author's Note:

Episode Summary: Having been found guilty and sentenced to death for his crimes, Grogar is approached by Twilight one final time and drops his guard against her.


Tara Strong as Princess Twilight Sparkle

Ashleigh Ball as Applejack/Rainbow Dash

Andrea Libman as Fluttershy/Pinkie Pie

Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity/Luna

Cathy Wesluck as Spike

Nicole Oliver as Celestia

Patricia Drake as Twilight Velvet

Charles Demers as Night Light

Mark Acheson as Lord Tirek

Kathleen Barr as Queen Chrysalis

Sunni Westbrook as Cozy Glow

Doc Harris as Grogar

Alvin Sanders as King Sombra

John DiMaggio as Arabus

Emily Blunt as Fizzlepop "Tempest Shadow" Berrytwist

Julie Andrews as Gentle Breeze

Dick Van Dyke as Gentle Gust

"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" Season 14, Episode 4

Written by Jeff Snyder (TwilightSparkle3562)

Edited by SuperPinkBrony12

Previously on "My Little Pony"

Twilight Sparkle: What do you mean Lavan is dead?

Tempest Shadow: Him and his zebra friend, in a cell where Grogar had his operations. Alas, pitiful Storm King. I knew him, Princess Twilight, a creature of false promises.

Twilight Sparkle: Remove the tarps, I want to see them for myself. Chirin just added another charge to his crimes.

Pinkie Pie: That's not ketchup or tomato sauce on that spear is it?"

Twilight Sparkle: It's blood! I want to personally question King Sombra on his possible involvement.

King Sombra: Why are you getting so hung up on a measly little spear? Does it look like I am responsible?

Twilight Sparkle: "You would do anything to win Grogar's respect even if it meant killing. Did you hold onto this spear and kill them? Answer my question!"

King Sombra: Yes, I did. By my emperor's orders.

Spike: You've got some nerve, Sombra.

King Sombra: The work is done, isn't it?

Slowly opening her eyes, Twilight found herself back in her hospital bed surrounded by the ponies she cared for and loved. It had been a short time since Sombra had been taunting her during his interrogation. "Wha…what happened?" Twilight moaned as she felt a hoof touching hers…that hoof belonging to her mother. "Mom…what are you doing here?"

"The hospital notified us that you had a breakdown, honey," Night Light answered as Twilight looked towards her father on her left. "Just relax now."

All Twilight could do was sigh in disbelief that she had suffered another panic attack. In her mind, she was Equestria's supreme princess and was now spending more time in the hospital than in her castle or even her royal suite. She should be better than this.

"Sombra's been locked back up now, Twi," Applejack declared with a look of relief befallen on her face. "I also had him flogged for puttin' you in this situation."

"Meaning he's been whipped in the back, forty times in fact," Rainbow Dash added, much to Twilight's dazed shock. "What? I'm a princess and I give orders. No one hurts one of my friends and gets away with it! It's the least he deserves!"

Just then, the door to Twilight's hospital room opened and in stepped Gentle Gust and Gentle Breeze with the latest lab work from Twilight's recent blood drawings.

"Good morning, Twilight," Gentle Gust greeted. "Sorry you had to go through…"

"-I'm used to it by now, guys," Twilight sighed, slowly regaining her composure. "Sombra wanted me to crack and break down under the pressure, and he unfortunately succeeded. But, I'm fine now."

"Perhaps that's a good thing," Fluttershy sighed as she filled a glass of water for Twilight. "You could have ended up worse if we didn't intervene. This breakdown seemed especially bad."

Hoofing Twilight the glass of water, Fluttershy watched as Twilight sipped it, grateful for the gesture. Still, there was a far more pressing matter for the six princesses of Equestria.

"Actually Twilight, some of us were discussing last night," Rainbow Dash suggested, looking towards the rest of the princesses. "You know the evidence is overwhelming on Sombra, Grogar and Arabus. Why not avoid the spectacle of a trial and just find them guilty? Equestria's been through enough already."

Another deep sigh came out of Twilight when she heard this suggestion. "What do you want me to do, Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asked. "They need to face their accusers, the ponies and creatures they killed and tortured. What else will give them closure, hmm? As heartless as our enemies might be, they deserve their day in court. If only to prove we're not monsters like they are."

"Twilight, listen to us, darling," Rarity advised as she smoothed out her friend's hospital bed covers. "It's not just you we're worried about. It's our subjects too, you know. We are responsible for their well being just as much as yours."

Standing from a short distance at the small table, Spike was watching and could only agree with what his crush was saying.

"But the formalities, do we have to break tradition again?" Twilight wondered

"In this case, yes," Spike said firmly as he flew over to Twilight's bed. "As your assistant, royal advisor and younger adoptive brother, among other things, I think it's reasonable to break tradition again. We broke tradition once and look what it got you," To prove his point, Spike gestured to Twilight to look at her friends and fellow princesses along with her parents. "Sombra alone is proof that they have no remorse for anything they've done. They won't change their ways like Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow did."

"My only concern guys is not giving the Legion of Doom's accusers and victims closure," Twilight declared, coming around yet again. "I mean…did Celestia and Luna ever deny their subjects closure while they were on the throne?"

Almost as if on cue, the former royal sisters entered the hospital room, Celestia's arm still in a sling from her injuries sustained in the fighting.

"What was that you said about us, Twilight?" Celestia asked while curiously looking at her daughter figure.

Feeling slightly embarrassed, Twilight tried to correct herself. "I… I meant…"

"-About denying our subjects closure of something traumatizing?" Luna asked as she and her sister walked over and sat down at the small table. "Because we did…according to the laws of a ponies' mental health."

"Which is what we all think should be done, Twilight," Gentle Breeze suggested while placing a cup of hot cocoa next to Twilight's glass of water. "Not just for all those affected, but especially for Equestria's supreme leader who just so happens to be our favorite patient."

"We all love you, Twilight, honey Twilight Velvet added, clutching her youngest daughter's hoof even tighter. "Please…we all want this to be over. And I'm not just saying that because I'm your mother."

It was clear that Twilight was about to face a tough decision about whether to go ahead with the trial or not.

Meanwhile, the creatures who had pleaded guilty to their crimes were down in another hospital room, sitting next to the bed of their daughter, Cozy Glow, still knocked out from the sedatives that had been given to her.

"She's finally asleep, Tirek." Chrysalis sighed in relief.

"Thank the maker for that," Tirek added as he draped an arm around Chrysalis' neck. "I can't believe Grogar would do this to a filly…let alone a filly who looked up to me once."

"But did you hear King Sombra taunting Princess Twilight last night?" Chrysalis asked, turning to face Tirek with a worried expression. "The fact that he had killed Lavan and Zeb on Grogar's orders. If I hadn't seen the light…"

But Tirek silenced his girlfriend again and walked over to the hospital door, shutting it quietly so as to not wake Cozy Glow.

"And yet…you did," Tirek commented. "Let's face it, Chrysalis. The maker brought us together because he knows we can be redeemed of our errors, despite all we have done."

Tirek took a deep sigh as he touched Cozy's right hoof, lightly tapping it. "Princess Twilight, despite our previous hatred for her and her friends…gave us a new chance on life and I want us to make use of it. But…I first want to see Grogar pay dearly for putting Cozy Glow in this situation!"

"And how do you propose we do that?" Chrysalis asked.

"We don't, Twilight and the others will handle it for us. They are our princesses now and we will do as they say," Tirek reluctantly commented. "It's best if we don't give them any reason to revoke our plea deal, for Cozy Glow's sake."

Just then, they heard the sounds of hoofbeats coming towards the hallway and opening the door, they saw another badly injured pony being wheeled into the operating room along with a nurse pony who was holding a jar of blood.

Seeing the blood made Tirek think back to when he was frequently abused by his father, King Vorak. Feeling sick to his stomach, he pulled himself back into the room along with Chrysalis and shut the door. "That could have been us had we not plead guilty, Chrysalis!" He gasped.

"Don't be silly, they wouldn't go that far," Chrysalis remarked. "Worst case, we'd be turned to stone again."

But Tirek still had reasons for being afraid.

Back in her hospital suite, Twilight continued to be persuaded to avoid the prospects of a trial, especially when all the evidence was overwhelming against the accused.

"Twilight, if you want any further reasoning for avoiding a trial," Gentle Gust advised, looking at Twilight's most recent paperwork. "We did detect some nerve agents in your bloodstream from your recent panic attacks. If you avoid the trial, then the continued risk of these agents will be lowered dramatically."

"I agree with Gentle Gust," Gentle Breeze added. "Because I can assure you that I have seen enough blood to make us want to retire."

Taking in all that had been spoken, it was clear to Twilight that the chances of holding a long awaited trial were getting smaller and smaller. Her own mental health had been greatly damaged again and Twilight was beginning to wonder if dragging those closest to her through a trial was the right call.

"Sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do," Celestia said as she looked down at Twilight. "This is one of them, Twilight. A trial would only extend the suffering. History will rightfully judge Grogar and his forces for what they've done. It's time for us to move on so that we can all help Equestria heal."

After several minutes, Twilight took a deep breath and knew just exactly what needed to be done for the good of her kingdom, her friends, her family and especially herself. Knowing what Grogar had already done to Lavan and Zebb, she couldn't risk the possibility of him eliminating any more of his conspirators either present or past.

Reluctantly, the extreme option had become the only option.

"If there are no objections," Twilight spoke up. There were none. "Then it is official. I pray that we will only be judged accordingly for the consequences of this decision."

Down in the Canterlot dungeons, the caged Grogar was awoken by the sounds of hoofbeats, and he found Tempest Shadow flanked by two guards ponies and holding what appeared to be parchment. Restrained by the chains holding him, Grogar couldn't move forward and couldn't lay down.

"Grogar, former emperor of Equestria," Tempest Shadow read from the parchment. "Supreme Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria and her fellow princesses of honesty, kindness, generosity, laughter and loyalty, have found you guilty on all the charges made against you on the charges of crimes against Equestria. You are hereby sentenced to death and your spirit released to a realm at the princesses' discretion."

But Grogar showed no emotion to the conviction and the sentence passed down to him. He didn't care…all he cared about was what could have been.

"Is there any statement you would like to make now, Grogar?" Tempest Shadow asked, but Grogar said nothing. "Very well then. Your silence is noted for the record."

Motioning to the two guards flanking her, Tempest left the cage containing Grogar and she proceeded onto Sombra's cell to which she gave a stern glance at him. "Sombra, King of the Crystal Empire. Supreme Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria and her fellow princesses of honesty, kindness, generosity, laughter and loyalty have found you guilty of all crimes against Equestria and her allies. You are hereby sentenced to death by hanging, your spirit released to a realm at the princesses' discretion and your body left as a warning to any future enemies of Equestria."

"Is that it?" Sombra asked, also showing no remorse. "Killing me won't defeat me. I will just return from whatever dimension you send me to. My spirit loved on without a body before and it will do so again. You'll never be rid of me! As long as there is darkness, I will live on!"

Having heard enough, Tempest left Sombra's cell and proceeded to the third accused, Arabus, the creature of wind. Unlike the two other defendants before him, Arabus was found guilty and instead sentenced to eternity in Tartarus.

"So, it has come to this," Arabus declared. "As long as some pathetic griffon doesn't do me in out of a sense of revenge, I don't care where I end up or what happens to me. I did what I had to do and now I'll reside in Tartarus like a good prisoner, at least until I figure out a way to escape."

"You'll never have the chance," Tempest coldly retorted. "You will be under constant watch until your body expires and your spirit passes on. And that won't be for a long, long time."

Later that day in her hospital room, Twilight was walking around again, having been given the death warrants for Sombra and Grogar. Without hesitation, she signed away on Sombra's warrant (it was more than justified after he'd killed Lavan and Zebb). But, she stopped herself from signing Grogar's.

"Twilight, what is it?" Celestia asked, as she and Luna stood behind Twilight.

"Celestia, Luna," Twilight sighed. "I would like to see Grogar again before he is put to death. Before I sign off on this."

"Twilight, I would strongly advise against it," Celestia warned. "Don't forget…"

"-I'm aware of that, both of you!" Twilight retorted. "But Grogar…I'm sending him back to the flock where he belongs…for all eternity. He must know that."

It was clear to Twilight that she was sending a message. "This is my decision as supreme princess," She declared in a quiet and affirmative voice as she hesitantly took the quill and reluctantly signed the death warrant for Equestria's most wanted. "But I want Grogar to know it from my face…not my writing."

Rolling the parchment up, Twilight passed the scroll to Tempest, who was now left to carry out Twilight's orders.

Once night had fallen on Equestria, Twilight teleported herself to the Canterlot Dungeons and slowly approached the cell containing Grogar's cage. Flanked by her mother and big sister figures, Twilight stood before Grogar, who could only growl in anger at Twilight's presence.

"So, this is what it comes down to?" Grogar remarked. "Have you come to kill me?"

"Yes, from the earth," Twilight replied, standing steadfast against Grogar. "But your spirit…will be going somewhere where it will live forever…Chirin."

Grogar said nothing and snorted through his nose in disgust realizing just what Twilight had planned for him. "You are sending me back to my flock, is that it?" He asked at last, waiting for Twilight to respond but was unable to. "ANSWER ME!"

"Your family has been waiting for you to come home, Chirin," Twilight said as she slowly approached Grogar's cell. "If I don't send you back to them, then nopony will. Grogar, there is no escape. You will be brought back to them. You'll finally be at peace."

Just then, they heard the sounds of hoofbeats going past them as two guards were pulling a chained and shackled Sombra right by them, his mouth bound and gagged, preventing him from speaking.

"Your most loyal follower is meeting his own maker," Twilight ominously declared. "But I would forget about him now. All you can think of is seeing your flock again, Chirin and who knows? You might just see your pet again."

All Grogar could do was stare angrily at Twilight (who was merely unfazed by Grogar's behavior towards her) as well as towards Celestia and Luna, the ponies who had killed Scarface in the first place. Bitter and angry, Grogar watched as Twilight, Celestia and Luna were led away just as Tempest Shadow came forward.

"It is time, Grogar." Tempest said to Grogar.

Meanwhile, rather than going back to the hospital where she should be, Twilight instead sat upon her throne, waiting for confirmation that Grogar's execution had been carried out. For minutes, Twilight sat and waited until finally Tempest walked into the throne room.

"It is finished, Princess Twilight," Tempest said, hoofing two vials to her supreme leader. "Here are their spirits: Sombra in the red, Grogar in the green."

Taking hold of the spirits with her aura, Twilight could only study what she had planned to do next with them, for she would soon be releasing the spirits of Sombra and Grogar to their new homes. Then, as Tempest watched, Twilight teleported herself, Celestia and Luna back to Canterlot Hospital.

Now the time had come for healing and moving on.