• Published 17th Apr 2022
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 14 - twilightsparkle3562

Welcome to Season 14 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Episode 21: "The Return of Queen Opaline, Part 4"

Author's Note:

Episode Summary: Twilight and her friends come face to face with Queen Opaline and Misty while Starswirl and his companions try to escape the clutches of Calibos.


Tara Strong as Princess Twilight Sparkle

Ashleigh Ball as Applejack/Rainbow Dash

Andrea Libman as Pinkie Pie

Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity/Luna/Nightmare Moon

Cathy Wesluck as Spike

Nicole Oliver as Celestia/Daybreaker

Kelly Sheridan as Starlight Glimmer

Chris Britton as Starswirl the Bearded

Richard Ian Cox as Calibos

Harry Hamlin as Perseus

Michael Gambon as Mayor Candy

Claire Bloom as Cotton Candy

Athena Karkanis as Queen Opaline

Bahia Watson as Misty

Richard Ian Cox as Calibos

Barbra Goodson as Rita Repulsa

Steve Blum as Lord Zedd

John DiMaggio as Rito

Kerrigan Mahan as Goldar

Tom Wyner as Master Vile/Tenga

"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" Season 14, Episode 21

"The Return of Queen Opaline, Part 4"

Written by Jeff Snyder (TwilightSparkle3562)

Edited by SuperPinkBrony12

Starswirl: "It's him. It's Calibos, he's finally showed up."

Calibos: "Must you make demands to me…a prince? Surely, in your age, you haven't gone senile."

Luna: "Your battle is with us, not her!"

Calibos: "Oh, but this is her battle too. My family will be restored to power! Come, Perseus is waiting for you all."

Twilight Sparkle: "There is the dark castle. Sombra and Opaline's former home outside the Crystal Empire. Spike, do you think we can destroy it?"

Spike: "Well, it's up to you, Twilight. Not sure what will come out of it."

Twilight Sparkle: "It's a Castle of Evil. It's far too dangerous to let it fall back into Opaline's hooves!"

Rainbow Dash: "I think it's possible."

Twilight Sparkle: "Then do it, Rainbow!"

Master Vile: "I've come with a proposition: You can secure the release of your little friend here, completely free to go his own way. But, that only happens if you surrender all of your magic to me."

Celestia: "You have to trust me on this."

Rainbow Dash: "FOR EQUESTRIA!"

Flying down as fast as her wings would let her, Rainbow Dash struck the castle with tremendous force, destroying it and sending a rainboom shockwave through the town! So forceful was the shockwave that it shattered windows and overturned anything that wasn't bolted down.

The blast was heard as far away as the Everfree Forest, causing Opaline and Misty to stop dead in their tracks.

"NO!" Opaline thundered at the top of her lungs.

"Mom, what happened?" Misty asked.

"They won't get away with this!" Opaline snarled, activating her horn and casting a teleportation spell. "Nopony destroys our family's castle and lives to tell the tale!"

"What tale?" Misty demanded.

But Opaline's blind rage prevented her from answering her daughter's question. The castle was destroyed, and she wasn't going to let the instigator get away with it. After teleporting, the two deposed royal ponies approached an area outside of Maretime Bay, right in the path of the oncoming Sonic Rainboom shockwave.

Immediately, Opaline produced a barrier spell to protect both her and Misty. "That was the Princess of Loyalty who did that," Misty remarked as Opaline lowered the spell and looked back at Misty. "You've been in Tartarus for too long, Mother. Apparently, Princess Twilight has reinforcements. She made all her friends princesses."

"Of which I am not surprised," Opaline rolled her eyes. "But it doesn't matter. No matter the number of princesses, nothing will stop me from getting what I want! Come, Misty!"

So the alicorn queen advanced towards the barricades guarding the town of Maretime Bay as Rainbow Dash returned to Mayor Candy's house.

"I hope you all plan on repairing the damage you've done to this town with your little stunt!" Mayor Candy thundered to Twilight and her friends as they started to emerge from the basement of his home. "And don't you dare say that you plan to tax us further."

"That's what yer worried about? Really?" Applejack remarked, raising an eyebrow. "Aren't you the least bit concerned about that evil alicorn that's comin' after ya?"

"He's very compulsive." Cotton Candy whispered.

"I am not compulsive, Cotton!" Mayor Candy shouted back down to his wife.

But Twilight remained composed in the situation. "Look, let's worry about the damage and taxation later, mayor," She suggested as Mayor Candy inspected the broken windows in his home. "Right now, our focus should all be about keeping Queen Opaline at bay."

Stepping outside, Twilight could see the damage that was done to the town as a result of the Sonic Rainboom. In her mind, the repairs would have to come later, a small consolation of what was really at stake.

Then, another thought came to her mind. Something she hadn't given much thought to until now. "Spike," Twilight whispered. "Do you think that Opaline will cast a spell to reverse the damage done?" Spike said nothing. "I mean, she is an alicorn with powers equal to my own. I think she might have a few tricks up her sleeve."

"Such as casting a reverse spell?" Spike asked.

"Yeah, that," Twilight gulped. She then directed several guardsponies to the barricades and had them take positions at either end. "Something tells me…we might have just made her even more angry. Which means it'll be even more important that we don't let her reach the town!"

Just then, Twilight felt a detection in her horn that confirmed her worst fears: Queen Opaline was in range of Maretime Bay. The evil wife of King Sombra was fast approaching.

Meanwhile, Starswirl and his fellow captives were trying to figure out a way to escape. However, the lead pillar was more concerned about the well-being of his student. "Perseus, I thought you were dead. How are you still alive?" Starswirl gasped as he tried to break the chains holding him by pulling on them.

"After I captured Sombra's wife and children, Calibos captured me and had me sent to the M51 Galaxy," Perseus explained. "Master Vile is a despot who intends to one day conquer the entire universe."

"But, what does he really want with Equestria?" Starlight asked while trying to break her chains with a rock. "For that matter, who is he, really? He looks like an overgrown squid."

"He's the father of Rito Revolto, a powerful skeleton warrior, and Rita Repulsa, a wicked sorceress who is married to her boss, Lord Zedd." Calibos explained.

"Lord Zedd?" Luna remarked, trying to pick at the lock with her horn. "He must be related to Tirek or something."

"He's not. Lord Zedd is a far more dangerous creature, just as much as Vile is," Calibos explained. "In fact, Master Vile has been keeping his eye on Equestria for some time. And from what I understand, his family has already tangled with a world beyond the magic mirror. The world you unknowingly banished those sirens to, Starswirl."

This caused the entire group to stop what they were doing and turn all of their attention to Perseus.

"What do you mean, Perseus?" Starswir asked, realizing that their situation was taken up another level. "What does Master Vile want with Equestria?"

Back at his palace in the M51 Galaxy, Master Vile held the orbs containing the magic of Starswirl and the others.

"Gee dad, that was easy," Rito commented. "Too bad the Power Rangers aren't as accommodating. Getting them to give up their powers was never that easy."

"Well, a bargaining chip is always useful, my son," Master Vile replied. "I've used plenty of them, unlike you."

Placing the orbs on the edge of his fireplace, Master Vile turned his attention back to the group of villains in front of him. "Now, to continue with the next phase of my plan," He went on. "We will use the magic we have obtained and go after our impending slaves. The ponies of Equestria not only have magic beyond my understanding, but from what I've seen they can be easily conquered. They are no match for my monsters."

"And what do you plan on doing with the ponies of Equestria?" Nightmare Moon asked.

"Why, enslaving them, and using their magic for our own ends, of course," Master Vile pointed out. "Although, I assume you will each want some of it for yourselves?"

"Yeah, Dad, you aren't just going to keep it for yourself, are you?" Rito asked. "I mean, there's me, sis, Ed…"

"-Zedd, you stupid skull!" Lord Zedd angrily interrupted, glowing red in irritation of his brother-in-law's mispronunciation of his name. "And I can assure you that some of that will be mine! Unlike you…"

Before Zedd could strike Rito, Daybreaker spoke next. "ENOUGH!" She shouted in annoyance, giving Zedd and Rito a glare. "We will all get a share of the magic, you can be sure of that. Master Vile has been a gracious host and I think what he is doing is generous."

"Why thank you, Daybreaker," Master Vile smiled and patted her head. "Such nice words to come from a clone."

Daybreaker sat back down with a glare at the insult given to her.

"-But as long as the orbs remain in our possession," Master Vile continued. "The plans to obtain our goals will continue. My other plans have failed before, but I have every confidence that this plan will work. This time, no one is going to get between me and what I want!"

And Master Vile placed an invisible cage around the orbs, protecting them from anyone who would even dare to reach them.

However, Rita had an idea. "Um, Papa, can I make a suggestion?" She asked. "Why not place them underneath the Caves of Deception? Surely they can be kept under guard there."

"It's too risky," Zedd snarled. "Remember when that do-gooder Tommy broke in and stole the Zeo Crystal out from under us?"

"Oh yeah, that." Rita blushed as she sat down.

"Yes, that is true. That was an unfortunate setback," Master Vile coldly replied. "But the magic I have now will ensure that these precious orbs will never be touched! They will be surrounded by a magic that will guard them the same way as the Zeo Crystal was guarded."

"You mean that whoever was not absolutely pure of heart will be destroyed if they touch it?" Zedd asked. "You plan on doing what the citizens of this galaxy did with the Zeo Crystal?"

"Of course, just you watch me," And Vile turned to send the orbs out of view and placed them back on the moon directly underneath Rita and Zedd's former palace. "Let's see those ponies try and get their magic back now," Master Vile cackled with glee. "I can't wait to watch them fall before me!"

Back in Calibos' cave cell, Perseus was briefing his mentor and former classmates on what was happening. "So that's what he wants to do," Perseus concluded. "To enslave Equestria and use every single ounce of magic to conquer the entire universe."

"Well, we should do something," Luna firmly vowed. "But not while we're trapped in here. I have a feeling that Master Vile is going to be like the Storm King."

"The who?" Perseus asked.

"A deranged monkey with the personality of a reckless child," Celestia answered. "His ex-lieutenant turned us to stone and enslaved Canterlot on his orders, until he betrayed her…it's a long story. We'll talk about it later."

"But, how are we going to get past Calibos?" Starlight nervously wondered. "For one thing, we don't have our magic to use against him. And even if we did I'm not sure it would be enough."

"True," Perseus nodded. "But I've learned a lot from my time being Master Vile's prisoner of war. Enslaving Equestria is only part of the plan. Opaline and Master Vile made a pact after she was imprisoned."

"What pact?" Starlight asked.

Just then, they saw a pair of Tengas approach their cell and right away, Starswirl began to get an idea of what needed to be done. He could see that the Tengas each had a set of keys on them, tied at their waists. What's more was that the chains holding him were already starting to come undone from all the pulling he had done. "I've got an idea." He whispered.

"What is it, Starswirl?" Luna asked.

Gesturing to Celestia and Luna, Starswirl whispered their plan to break free and get their magic back while also stopping Master Vile's plan.

Back in Maretime Bay, Twilight could see that Queen Opaline was already in range, judging from the fast moving magic barrier protecting her.

"She'll be coming through the barrier in about ten minutes, Twilight!" Spike reported while looking through a telescope. "I don't think the barrier will hold."

"Of course it won't hold, Spike," Twilight answered. "I don't expect it to hold, only to buy us time," She then turned to the rest of the princesses. "Girls, get ready to face Queen Opaline," She ordered. "We must stop her no matter the cost!"

"But she's an alicorn, your highness!" Mayor Candy protested. "And the wife of a dark hearted unicorn king. How can you expect to face her?!"

"By using the greatest magic of all, Mr. Mayor," Twilight said as she passed the telescope back to Mayor Candy. "The Magic of Friendship. It's defeated countless foes before, and it will do so again."

Suddenly, she heard a series of loud magic blasts coming from the barricade and the confirmation was evident…Queen Opaline was arriving.

"I think I should hold on to the cupcakes." Pinkie Pie whimpered.

"Let's get to the barricade, y'all!" Applejack cried, racing over to the barricade as several guardsponies were shot dead with a single blast sickly green magic.

But just before the princesses could reach the barricade, it was blown away completely, and this caused Twilight and her friends to stop dead in their tracks.

"Hold it right there, Princess Twilight!" Queen Opaline shouted, her wings spread out and her horn glowing. "You aren't going anywhere! You and the rest of your fellow princesses took something that wasn't yours to take away! I demand compensation!"

Immediately, a sickening feeling came to each of the princesses' stomachs. They were staring down King Sombra's wife and they didn't know what to expect. Opaline was much more terrifying in pony.

"I think she feels what it's like to lose a home!" Spike whimpered Queen Opaline cast a reversing spell, undoing the damage that Rainbow Dash had done to destroy her castle.

With her strategy backfiring, there was very little Twilight could do in the situation that was in front of her and her friends. Queen Opaline had arrived in Maretime Bay and death was in her eyes.