• Published 17th Apr 2022
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 14 - twilightsparkle3562

Welcome to Season 14 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Episode 6: "Starlight's Corner"

Author's Note:

Episode Summary: In an effort to help the healing process at the School of Friendship Starlight and Trixie suggest starting a poetry club.


Kelly Sheridan as Starlight Glimmer

Kathleen Barr as Trixie

Ian Hanlin as Sunburst

Tabitha St. Germain as Luna

Britt Irvin as Luster Dawn

Brad Swalie as Cherry Tomato

Gavin Longelo as Gallus/Icarus

Devyn Dalton as Ocellus

Katrina Salisbury as Yona

Vincent Tong as Sandbar

Lauren Jackson as Silverstream

Shannon Chan Kent as Smolder

"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" Season 14, Episode 6

"Starlight's Corner"

Written by Jeff Snyder (TwilightSparkle3562)

Edited by SuperPinkBrony12

Author's Note: If you are fans of "Rocky and Bullwinkle," then you will get an idea of what this episode pays homage to.


Starlight Glimmer took great pride as leader of the School of Friendship, but even she wanted to take moments to kick back and read a book. With Equestria healing from the war with Grogar, this was the perfect time for her to do so. What was more was she was testing out a new spell to make her reading more interesting.

Chanting a small spell, Starlight found herself swinging on a swing in an open meadow as she heard her voice read out:

How do you like to go up in a swing,
Up in the air so blue?
Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing
Ever a child can do!

Up in the air and over the wall,
Till I can see so wide,
Rivers and trees and cattle and all
Over the countryside—

Till I look down on the garden green,
Down on the roof so brown—
Up in the air I go flying again,
Up in the air and down!

Just as the voice finished the poem, Starlight took to the air, flying over a green garden and admiring all of the scenery below her. She took in a deep sigh and for a moment, Starlight was in a word of her own. Then a sudden voice rang out.


Stammering, Starlight abruptly ended her fantasy and saw that Trixie was standing at her desk.

“Did I interrupt something important?” Trixie wondered in a curious voice. “You seemed to be…”

“Oh, uh, sorry, Trix,” Starlight nervously laughed. “I was just caught up in this new book of poems that Twilight gave me after her coronation last year. I finally found time to settle down and read it.” Starlight then showed Trixie the book, much to the magician/guidance counselor’s bewilderment. “I take it you aren’t big into poetry?” Starlight asked, much to Trixie’s confusion.

“Well, to be fair, Starlight,” Trixie chuckled. “I usually perform magic tricks and guide students in whatever they need guidance in. Poetry isn’t really my thing.”

“Oh come on, poetry can be fun,” Starlight insisted. “In fact, I was just testing out a new spell that can let you live out what you are reading. Want to try it?”

Trixie didn’t want to, and so she quietly left the office, much to her friend’s confusion.

“Hmm, maybe this book of poetry can lead to something good for the school,” Starlight thought to herself. “I just gotta find the right creatures and ponies who might be interested.” And with that thought, she began to draft a plan to start a club at the School of Friendship. One that would hopefully bring student, teacher, pony and creature together.

That night, Starlight continued to study her newfound book of poetry while also trying to figure out just who would be keenly interested in her new hobby. As she studied, she took notes of the types of poems she felt would be just right for the School of Friendship. Just then, she heard a knock at the door even with her focus still on studying the poetry book. “Come in!” She called and in stepped Trixie, who found her bff still studying like crazy.

“You know, you’re going to give Twilight Sparkle a run for her money if you keep reading that book.” Trixie pointed out

“Don’t you see, Trixie?” Starlight remarked.. “Our students need a little culture to boost their friendship skills. I mean…look at all these poems.”

Trixie peaked over and looked at the list of poems that Starlight had jotted down on a piece of parchment. “Sing a Song of Sixpence,” She read. “Mary had a Little Lamb, Little Bo Peep. These are all…strange titles. I mean, what do they have to do with friendship?”

“Clearly, you’ve been spending too much time with magic tricks,” Starlight interjected. “Poems are artistic, are cultural and full of benefits for our students. I mean, could you imagine Luna teaching poetry to her students?”

“She is a pony of culture,” Trixie agreed. “But there’s something else I noticed. Earlier today, when I went into your office, you had a strange look on her face. Don’t tell me Sombra possessed you again?”

Chuckling in an embarrassing tone of voice, Starlight relayed her revelations to Trixie. “No,” She replied. “It’s a new spell that I learned a few days ago that allows you to live out the story you’re reading about. I was reading this great poem about swings and…”

“-Yeah, yeah, I heard,” Trixie pointed out. “You were swinging and flying through the air over a grassy knoll until I came in and broke your concentration. That wasn’t my intention, of course. Trixie knows that.”

“Of course you do,” Starlight nodded in agreement. “But I’m thinking that maybe I could start a new club, a club that expresses my love for the arts and gets other students to open up. I even have a name for it.”

Intrigued, Trixie was eager to hear what Starlight had to say. “Go on.” She whispered with a smile.

“The Dead Pony Poet’s Society.” Starlight proudly proclaimed.

This caused Trixie’s face to fall on a frown, for she couldn’t believe what her friend had suggested.

“Um, what?” Starlight replied in confusion. “The Dead Pony Poet’s Society is a great title. It honors those pony and creature poets that created these poems.”

“Then perhaps it should be called the Dead Creature Poet’s Society,” Trixie suggested. “No offense to your ideas, of course.”

“None taken, and if students and teachers don’t like it, then there can always be a name change.” Starlight agreed.

Unknown to either unicorn, from outside Starlight’s bedroom, Luna had heard the conversation of a poetry club starting at the school. She became overjoyed with the idea!

The next morning, the students gathered in the lobby for their usual dose of morning announcements and Starlight was eager to present her idea to the student body. “Before you all go,” She said to the gathered students. “I have an extra special announcement to share with all of you.”

“Wonder what it could be,” Cherry Tomato said while looking to Luster Dawn. “Don’t tell me Headmare Starlight has it in for me again?”

“I don’t think so.” Luster Dawn replied in uncertainty.

“I will be starting a new club here at the school called the 'Dead Creature Poet’s Society’. It will be taking place every Thursday after school. Hosted by me, of course. If you are interested, please sign up outside my office.” And with that, Starlight dismissed the students. Then, upon returning to her office she placed parchment and a quill on the door outside.

“How come we never had a poetry corner?” Sunburst asked Starlight as she finished placing the quill and parchment on the door. “For that matter, why didn’t Twilight or one of her friends create one?”

“Because of the war,” Starlight pointed out. “Look at this way, Sunburst; many of us are struggling to get our footing after all that’s happened. Look, we’re both bookworms…”

“-Um, I’m the bookworm, you’re the magic pony.” Sunburst interrupted with a small chuckle.

“But this magic pony has a spell to take any form of literature to the next level,” Starlight proclaimed. “Come with me, let me show you something.” Taking Sunburst into her office, Starlight opened the book of poems and came to a page that had a poem on it called “Rub a Dub Dub.”

“Rub a Dub Dub?” Sunburst wondered. “I always found this to be like a bathtub song.”

Activating her spell, Starlight transported herself and Sunburst into the selected poem and soon, they found themselves in a small bucket on an open sea.

Three ponies in a tub,
And who do you think they be?
The butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker,
And all of them out to sea.

“More like 50,000 miles at sea without even a compass,” Sunburst remarked, his face suddenly turning green with seasickness. “And one seasick pony, Starlight!”

Feeling slightly embarrassed, Starlight casted her spell to another poem and suddenly, they found themselves sitting on a high wall and Sunburst found himself in an egg shaped body.

“STARLIGHT!” Sunburst screamed, suddenly seeing his egg shaped body. “WHAT’S HAPPENED TO ME?”

“Sunburst relax!” Starlight cried. “You’re just in Humpty Dumpty, that’s all!”

“Humpty Dumpty?!” Sunburst yelled as he suddenly started to wobble. “Starlight, do you know what happens to Humpty Dumpty? Do you?!”

Almost as if on cue, Sunburst fell forwards off the wall and in the sound of egg shells cracking, Starlight saw her friend and vice headstallion scattered in pieces.

“And all the king's horses and all the king's mares, could never put Humpty Dumpty together again.” Starlight whispered nervously, much to Sunburst’s annoyance as he looked up at her.

Using the spell, Starlight teleported Sunburst out of the poetry book, trying to shake off what had just happened.

“Starlight,” Sunburst gasped as he got up and dusted off his cape and straightened his black bow tie. “I’m all for poems, but did you have to choose Humpty Dumpty?”

“Well, at least I didn’t awkwardly turn ourselves into foals this time,” Starlight chuckled. “Don’t worry, Sunburst, there will be plenty of other poems that are much safer.”

“I should certainly hope so.” Sunburst nervously replied.

Just then, they heard a knock on the door and straightening her headmare’s suit out, Starlight went over to answer it.

“Um, Headmare Starlight,” Luster Dawn spoke up while being accompanied by Quiet Play. “I just wanted to let you know that Quiet Play and I have expressed interest in your poetry club.”

“I love poems.” Quiet Play said in her quiet voice.

“Great! See you both this afternoon after school!” Starlight chirped as she watched the kirin and the pony return to their class.

But no sooner did they sign up than did Luna appear outside her classroom, eagerly waiting for them.

“We signed up, Professor Luna,” Luster Dawn announced, much to Luna’s delight. “You were right, poetry will do us good.”

“Excellent, Luster Dawn and Quiet Play!” Luna excitedly replied. “I’ll see you this afternoon.”

As the day went on, several more students and teachers stepped forward to sign up and join the poetry club.

Of course, not all the students were big into the idea of a poetry club.

“Come on, Gallus! You’ll enjoy the poetry club,” Silverstream excitedly chirped during lunch period. “I mean, you never know what you’ll find out about it, right?”

“I find that it’s boring and puts me to sleep,” Gallus remarked with a fake yawn as he focused on his lunch. “You remember what happened when Headmare Starlight was looking for a vice headmare, when we had to go to that boring symphony? I mean, who likes that stuff? Not me! It only got interesting when that DJ pony showed up.”

“Come on, Gallus. You’ll never know until you try,” Ocellus suggested. “I mean, I might join myself.”

“I have to agree with Gallus on this one,” Smolder spoked up, siding with the blue feathered griffon. “I was never big into poetry myself.”

“But isn’t your brother a beat poet?” Sandbar remarked.

“True, but just because he is one doesn’t mean I have to have a deep interest in it.” The orange scaled dragon complained.

“Yona has deep interest in poetry!” Yona excitedly proclaimed. “Yak loves poetry…best thing ever, next to smashing!”

“Well, I can say for sure that you guys are going to be missing out on some fun activities,” Luster Dawn told Gallus and Smolder. “Maybe you could join next semester if this goes well.”

“Try and change our minds,” Gallus retorted and got up to leave the table. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got gym class to attend.”

“Me too,” Smolder added, following Gallus’ lead. “See you around.”

That afternoon, Starlight had set up her office in a circle of chairs, excited to get her new pet club off the ground. And no sooner did she set up her office did the first few members arrive, including an excited Luna.

“So, when do we start?!” Luna excitedly asked Starlight.

“Not until everyone who signed up gets here,” Starlight chuckled. “I’ve met plenty of excited ponies in my time, but I’ve never seen you this excited, Luna.”

“I’ve always loved culture like this, Starlight,” Luna explained as she sat down. “I don’t know why my sister doesn’t feel the same way about it..”

“Perhaps because she finds it boring,” Trixie declared as she came into the office. “And I don’t blame her, somewhat.”

“Well, minds can change over time,” Starlight hopefully replied. “It’s not like this is going to be one and done.”

“Not if I have anything to say about it,” Luna remarked, stamping her hoof down. “The arts and the post office are my true loves next to teaching students!”

Just then, Luster Dawn and Quiet Play entered along with Occellus, Sandbar, Yona and Silverstream.

“Welcome, everyone,” Starlight announced in a warm and welcoming tone of voice. “Make yourselves comfortable, everycreature!”

Taking their seats, the club waited for what Starlight had planned for them. But, little did they know of the last minute surprise Starlight had in store

“Very well then,” Starlight began. “I hereby call the first meeting of Starlight’s Corner to order.”

“Starlight’s corner?” Trixie wondered. “What happened to the other title?”

“It was turning students off,” Starlight explained. “Besides, this is more welcoming,” Taking the book of poetry in her aura, She began the first meeting of her club. “Now then, I want to welcome all of you to the first meeting of Starlight’s Corner: Where we eat, breathe and live poetry. Who here has ever read a poem?”

Without hesitation, the entire club raised their hooves, claws and wings, much to Starlight’s delight.

“Excellent!” Starlight happily exclaimed! “How about as founder, I select the first poem for us to read?”

Using a duplication spell, Starlight gave all of the members their own copy. “Let’s begin with a classic, ‘Mary had a Little Lamb,’ what do you say?”

So they all opened their books and a few moments later, Starlight cast her spell that transported the entire club into the poem.

Once they had been free of the teleportation, the club found themselves on a wooden stage.

“What is this place?” Luster Dawn asked before suddenly noticing what she was wearing: a pink frilly dress and bonnet. “And did I just become a character?”

“You are the character of Mary, Luster Dawn,” Starlight explained, floating above the stage with the rest of the club. “And the character of your lamb will be played by…”

Sure enough, Luster turned and saw Yona wearing a sheep skin, much to her own embarrassment.

“Headmare Starlight, what’s going on here?!” Luster Dawn cried.

“This is a spell that allows us to live out the poems,” Starlight explained as she opened her copy of the poems. “Are you ready?”

“Well, yes, but…” Luster tried to protest.

“-Mary had a little lamb,” Starlight read aloud. “Its fleece was white as snow…”

Little did Starlight know that the spell she had cast on them still wasn’t perfected, and deep inside the sheep skin what Yona was actually wearing were fleas.

“...And everywhere that Mary went…” Starlight read on, only to be interrupted by Yona yelping in surprise and pain.

“Ouch! Yona being attacked!” The yak cried as she began thrashing about.

“I think fleas are in the skin she’s wearing, Headmare Starlight!” Luster Dawn cried. “Yona, can you get out?!”

Yona scratched and pawwed repeatedly at the sheepskin costume, but to no avail! “Yona can’t get out!”

Knowing she needed to think of something fast, Starlight casted a spell that allowed a pair of shears to appear in front of Luster Dawn.

“Hold still, Yona! I’ll shave you!” Luster cried! Clumsily holding the shears in her aura, attempted to cut Yona out of the sheep skin, but it wasn’t working as Yona yelped in pain!

“Uh, Luster, that’s her own personal pelt your clipping there!” Sandbar cried!

Acting on her own instincts, Luna casted a spell of her own to allow for Luster to use an alternative method.

“What’s this?!” Luster cried, holding what appeared to be a spray container.

“It’s a substance that can destroy the fleas,” Luna explained. “Use it on Yona, now!”

Acting on Luna’s advice, Luster pressed the spray container and a cloud of smoke came out of it, covering Yona from head to hooves.

After a few moments, the smoke cleared and Yona could no longer feel any pain.

“Yona!” Luster Dawn cried out through the confusion. “Are you alright?”

“Yona fine.” Yona coughed.

Suddenly, Starlight began to feel a hint of embarrassment of what just transpired. “Okay, that wasn’t what I had in mine,” She blushed, realizing she’d now have to come up with an alternate ending to the poem. “Um, so if you have a little lamb, just take a tip from me. If it has fleas as white as snow…”

“-Just use some DDT.” Luna finished as she magically produced the spray bottle Luster had used. And just like that, the poem ended.

Later, the first meeting had concluded and Starlight found herself wondering what could have gone wrong with her spell. “Okay, maybe that didn’t go as well as I hoped it would,” She said to Trixie that night as they headed back to the Castle of Friendship. “Guess I still have to work out some bugs.”

“Don’t you mean fleas?” Trixie couldn’t help but remark. “After all, if Luna hadn’t intervened…”

“Yes, but whoever heard of DDT in a poem? For that matter, what is DDT anyway?” Starlight blinked in confusion.

“Beats me, but it kills bugs according to Luna. Either way, Yona’s okay and everycreature seemed to be intrigued by the idea of a poetry club.” Trixie pointed out.

Starlight nodded, delighted that her friend was coming around to the idea of the club. “I think we could be at the beginning of something great, Trix.”

“Minus the bugs, of course.” Trixie remarked as the two mares shared a chuckle. Then, as they walked inside, they were unaware that Luna was up in her bedroom.

The former princess was reading some more of the poems and had begun to engulf herself in the written works. With nopony in view, Luna transported herself into the book to live out what she was reading.

In a way, despite what had happened, Starlight had succeeded and the School of Friendship had its first cultural club.