• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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I believed in you, so believe in yourself

Universe 11. The Solar Empire. Nightfall.

At Universe 11, the Solar Empire, in Daybreaker's absence, would be run by Sunrise Sparkle and the Radiant Council, the highest officials in the empire. Since this was the big attack that the empire has been waiting on, Sunrise Sparkle was tasked with dealing with other worlds as well. Specifically, the worlds that Necrozma has already absorbed light from.

Those universes were practically uninhabitable now that all of their light has been sucked away. Sunrise Sparkle had pulled up screens of these universes, viewing them all and their darkened appearances.

"Princess Celestia of Universe 1 has been to these lightless Universes, but it looks like she hasn't brought the light back to them. We just had to make sure she hadn't found a counter to Necrozma." She commented while viewing it. "However, there are other worlds we've yet to take the light from and no doubt, Celestia will still try and find a way to restore them. We mustn't let that happen."

"What about here? Princess Celestia's been aiming to shut down our alliance by coming directly to us." One pony said, bringing up how Celestia was now going straight to her enemies' base of operations instead of letting them show up to her world.

"She'll be in for a rude awakening. If she's coming, we'll just give her the surprise of her life. Besides, it is her universe that Necrozma will feast on the most. Out of all the known universes, Universe 1 has the most amount of light. And now that we're on this topic, begin the task to weaken it so that Necrozma will be fully ready for absorption." Sunrise Sparkle smirked, and the other ponies nodded.

"You got it, ma'am."

"Yes, ma'am."

They all nodded and they would prepare to make a move against Universe 1. Sunrise herself would stay back as gateways were opening up, leading to the Main Universe where the action currently is.

However, they wouldn't simply send ships through the gateway. Instead, SunriseSparkle had something else planned. And it involved a powerful item, among the many that are present in the Solar Empire.

As many were setting up, among these ponies was someone who was once a wonderful caretaker but now has a different occupation as part of the Solar Empire. That being Fluttershy. Currently in Ponyville, she was seen crafting items specifically for her animals. Her animals were involved in the Solar Empie as well, acting as work animals, transport, and companions.

It was rather hard for these animals, since for the most part, they've lived their lives in a simple way, always around Fluttershy

But now, with their caretaker not the same, they felt rather distraught. The only way to help them cope is to help them. Fluttershy knew what her animals liked, so she would make sure they're taken care of.

"It's going to be okay." She assured. Angel Bunny, her companion, would squeak to ask if she was truly fine, to which she gave a smile. "Oh, of course I'm okay, Angel. I know I'm maybe not the same Fluttershy I used to be, but I can assure you that I still care about all of you, no matter how I act."

"..." Angel would respond, though his face seemed to convey his true emotions.

"But please, trust me. Everything will be fine." She gave a reassuring smile. Right after that, a small duckling cried, and Fluttershy would pick her up.

"It's okay, little one. You'll be just fine." Fluttershy's voice would become slightly monotonous, which the duckling wouldn't pick up on. Suddenly, a holographic energy would form above them all, grabbing their attention. It was none other than Sunrise Sparkle. Fluttershy saw the face of the pony who used to be her friend, but now, things were different. When Sunrise spoke Fluttershy's name, it wasn't even a first-name basis.

"Are all the items prepared? We've just opened numerous gateways across Universe 1 and her Majesty is currently active there, making her presence known to Celestia."

"Not all of it. Some of the animals are too tired to go anywhere right now. It should be time for their break, Twi- I mean, Commander Sunrise Sparkle."

"Well then, make sure they are ready, because they'll be deployed in less than an hour. The main approach is to cripple that universe so that Necrozma has a far easier time absorbing all the light it has to offer. Make sure you're not slacking. You may have the title of the most gentle and kind hearted of all the elements, but don't forget your place, Fluttershy. The rest will be coming here soon. Be prepared."


"Good." With that, the call would end. Fluttershy was a little worried about the whole thing, but she wasn't scared. Not because of the fact that Sunrise Sparkle would be coming, but rather what the Solar Empire is planning.

The greatest weapon that the Solar Empire has.

The Supernova.

A large machine brimming with so much magical energy, but it's usage was unknown at the moment. At least, to those at Universe 1. Fluttershy and those in the Solar Empire know how powerful it truly is and what it can do. And the name most definitely doesn't reveal it all.

Universe 1. Equestria. Ponyville. Nightfall.

After having their fun in the Human World, The CMC returned to their world, ready to call it a night as they had passed through the Dynamic Portal, talking about how things went today.

"I'd say we showed up for sure," Scootaloo commented. "Next time, we'll do even better."

"If you're thinking about Pokemon Battling, you're not doing it better than Ash. That battle he had with Bea was too good to be topped by any of us." Sweetie Belle pointed out.

"Yeah, I get what you mean. Plus, I got to watch something on a computer for once! It was so great! All that awesomeness in a small screen!" The pegasus's eyes were lit with wonder.

"Well, I got these clothes from that mall. All that work we did paid off and we got a lot of money!" Sweetie Belle said with absolute glee, holding up some bags of human clothing with her magic. "It's a shame Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon couldn't shop with me though. Wonder where they went?"

"Girls! Girls!" Speaking of which, Diamond Tiara ran over to the three of them, showing up right as she was mentioned.

"Ah, there you are! Where were you? I thought we were all supposed to shop together?" The little unicorn asked, promptly noticing a lack of Silver Spoon. "Wait...Where's Silver Spoon?"

"I don't know!" She said with a greatly worried tone. "I thought I saw her with Cozy Glow in the distance, so I went to talk to her. But when I got there, both of them were missing. And I've been looking for them all day!"

"Missing?! In the Human World?!" The trio collectively said.

"I tried and tried, but I just couldn't find her! I think they're both missing!" A worried Diamond Tiara exclaimed. While she was worried for Cozy Glow, she was more worried for Silver Spoon, her best friend. "Please! I need help!"

"Mmm...We're gonna have to back." Scootaloo already decided on it. It seemed like they would have to return to the Human World this late at night.

"Really? But it's so late right now." Apple Bloom replied. "I gotta get home or granny and everyone are gonna be worried sick!"

"Same here. Rarity will faint if I'm gone for a long time without her knowing again." Feeling the same way was Sweetie Belle.

"Alright, alright. We'll tell them what's up." Scootaloo came to a conclusion. "And then we'll head to the Human World, find them and call it a night!"

"You didn't try your Xtransceiver?" Apple Bloom questioned.

"I did! But she didn't respond!" That reply from Diamond Tiara basically made the three of them realize that it was bigger than they thought. Whenever someone can't answer their Xtransceiver in a scenario such as this, it was of critical importance. The CMC looked at each other, knowing that they desperately needed to hurry and find them, fearing the worst may have happened to them.

Pegalysium. Feathercoast.

Ash and his friends had arrived at Pegalysium, as per Shooting Star's call for help. Ash descended from the cloud with Pikachu, making a great entrance by paralyzing and knocking down some of Second Wind's troops.

"Ash! You made it!"

"Yeah. Truth is, we were always on the way here." Ash grinned once he made his descent. "Absol sensed a disaster coming, so we all came together as always. We promised that no matter what, if you guys are in danger, we'll be here!"

"Oh, thank the Seven Clouds!" Ms Sunpuff sighed with glee and relief in her voice, and many of the others did the same. Yet again, Ash and his friends have shown up to help them.

"We'll never be able to repay all that you've done for us..." Shooting Star sighed, lowering his head while smiling.

"Nevermind that! Just deal with them and that!" Garnet bellowed, aiming her hoof at Second Wind's forces and at the Pegalysium Giants in the distance. It didn't take long for Ash and the others to notice the Pegalysium Giants for the first time, their towering figures being rather intimidating to look at.

"Oh. My. Gosh!" Twilight exclaimed. "Are those the Pegalysium Giants?!"

"I knew they would be big but they might be bigger than a Dynamax Pokemon from what I can see!" Rarity stepped back in awe. "Do you think they rain clouds to clean and shampoo their hair?"

"I can't tell if they're a threat or not." Applejack muttered, squinting her eyes.

"I bet their hooves are huge! How heavy would that be?" Pinkie Pie questioned, trying to guess.

"Aren't they supposed to be peaceful? That's what I've heard." Ash asked Shooting Star and he would be 100% correct, if not for Second Wind controlling them.

"They should be. But Second Wind's managed to take control of them. They're never supposed to be outside of their sacred land." Shooting Star explained. "But now that she has control over them, she could move entire islands, mountains or whatever with ease! Second Wind plans to make all of the islands except for one fall to the ground!"

"All of them?!" Ash and Twilight collectively exclaimed.

"All that'll be left will be the Sky Monarch, only because it has the Clock Door," Kaleidoscope spoke based on what Shooting Star told her and everyone else. "But so far...she hasn't managed to open the door, thankfully."

"Really? It was way easier for her to do so before. What happened?" Rainbow Dash questioned.

"Me. I'm the reason she can't open the door." Shooting Star revealed why the Clock Door was so difficult for Second Wind to open, even with the power of the giants, Rift Energy and the Unown. "I managed to place a magic spell on the Clock Door that prevents it from being opened by any being. This includes Second Wind and her allies. It's because of my magic and how it relates to Windkiss that gives it its boost."

"Wow. Nice going, Star!" Rainbow Dash gave the young prince a hoof bump, to which he grinned at.

"But, even with that, it still has a limit and all that protection could be broken at some point." But even Shooting Star knew that it wouldn't be forever, and that Second Wind could still open the Clock Door if she managed to find a way to break the magic spell. "She won't be able to open it right away, but eventually, she will."

"Ooh..." The stunned guards would eventually get up, perplexed by the Thunderbolt from earlier. Ash and his friends soon turned their attention to them. "Oh, you just had to show up now of all times!" The guard snarled as he regained his composure. "Even so, you're still a bit too late!"

"How so?" Applejack questioned.

"Even though the residents here have been freed, a majority of Pegalysium's residents are now spheres of Rift Energy, restrained and unable to do anything. Their ultimate fate is to become fuel for Necrozma."

"You were gonna give them to Necrozma?!" Ash couldn't believe his ears as he looked back at Garnet and the others.

"That's awful!" Fluttershy bellowed with horror in her voice. Such a fate would basically be the end of them without a doubt. This made Ash and the others realize something. How many of them are being taken to Necrozma at this very moment?

"Shooting! Have they taken anyone yet?!" Ash asked, needing to know.

"N-No one's left Pegalysium just yet, I don't think. Even then, I don't know how close they are to Necrozma."

"That means that some of them may have already left with them." Rarity immediately thought how some of them have potentially made an immediate getaway. Such a possibility made some of the ponies here worry and panic.

The troops would simply grin at them deviously, knowing that they have a majority of Pegalysium in a chokehold. Whether by restraining them or intimidating them. And soon, they could become fuel for Necrozma, never to be seen again.

"Some of you are gonna have to get everyone out of here." Ash said to his friends, clenching his hand at such a horrible thought. "We'll make sure no one gets to Necrozma."

"Get them all out of here? But that can't be done in time! There are too many ponies and Pokemon to save! Plus, the animals living here have been turned into Rift Spheres as well!" Fluttershy said, worrying about the fate of everyone here.

"Yeah. There's no way we can get everyone out of here. No matter how fast you are, you won't be able to get out of here in time before Necrozma reaches you." Shooting Star sighed.

"That's no problem." Ash thought otherwise, looking at Twilight and Rainbow Dash. They didn't even need to say anything back to Ash. A single nod from them both spoke volumes as they knew exactly what they had to do. Saying nothing, Twilight and Rainbow Dash would take flight.

"Hey!" The troops cried out once they saw them ascend, attempting to go after them.


"Pika!" Pikachu would get on his back, spinning around while using Thunderbolt, initiating the Countershield. A frenzy of electricity flew around, blocking the troops from going forward. It was powerful enough to shock anyone that tried to get close, forcing them to stay back.

"It's all you! Good luck!" Pinkie Pie would wave, bouncing off as Fluttershy would also take her leave. The only ones left would be Ash, Rarity and Applejack.

"Right." Ash smiled, counting on his friends. "Shooting. I can count on you too."


"You'll get everyone here to safety. I know you can do it. We'll give you all the time in the world for you to pull it off." Ash had full faith in his friend, knowing he could make it a reality.

"Wait a sec! You really want me to do that?!" Shooting Star exclaimed. "But...I'm not ready! I can't-"

"You are ready. You have to believe in yourself." Ash encouraged. "You pulled off saving everyone in Feathercoast, so you can totally do the same for everyone else. I believe in you, so you've gotta believe in yourself.

Shooting Star was taken back, but the words Ash spoke reached him. He would look around and see the fear in the eyes of the other ponies. Fear of Second Wind and her troops, fear of Necrozma taking the light. And fear of being turned into fuel for Necrozma. They couldn't move anywhere, for they would be grabbed by the soldiers if they did so.

"You really think I'm ready for this?"

"Of course. Besides, we're your friends. We'll always have your back. That's what friends are for." Ash grinned.

"...Okay. You got it. I'll try my best." Shooting Star was unsure of himself, but he was willing to give it a shot. He would turn to everyone here, using his magic on them. By spreading his wings, he unleashed a glorious light, enveloping them all. Shooting Star would try and conceal them all just like how he could conceal himself.

With his order, all of Feathercoast would follow him, leaving their hometown. That just meant Ash, Rarity and Applejack would handle things from here. "Why you...!" The troops would then aim their Rift Spears at the trio, ready to unleash Rift Energy on them.

"Sceptile! Frenzy Plant!" Applejack was the first to call her partner as she pulled out a green, grass-type Pokemon. A powerful blast of roots and vines would fly from the ground, intercepting the Rift Beams that were shot at them. They crashed against the vines, but they did not break through them, much to their dismay.

"Milotic, Use Hydro Pump!" Rarity was quick to summon Milotic, who instantly released a high-volume blast of water at the Rift beams, making them lose power as they were engulfed by the water.

"Sceptile! You know what to do." Applejack said as her Sceptile nodded his head. "Frenzy Plant!" He slammed the ground, causing a large mass of roots and vines to suddenly emerge from the ground, rushing towards the troops. They didn't have enough time to react, and the vines would soon wrap around their bodies, rendering them immobile. "Keep them down!"

The troops would struggle to free themselves from the vines that entangled them, but it was no use. They couldn't escape. "Ugh! Curse you!"

"Okay! Right where we want them!" Ash rubbed his hands together, quickly throwing his Poke Ball up to summon his Dracovish. "Dracovish, I choose you!"

"Draco! Dracovish!"

"Ice Fang on the roots!"

"Draco...Vish!" Dracovish would open its mouth wide, digging into the roots at full-force. By doing so, the chilling aura it generated would start freezing the roots rapidly, approaching the troops.

"No! Not again!" The troops would panic, unable to do anything as the vines began to freeze over. Once it completely froze, they were unable to move an inch, leaving them completely frozen. "Gah!"

"There you go! Nice job, Dracovish!" Ash praised his Pokemon.

"Dracovish!" It cried out with joy as Ash gave a thumbs-up to the others. Sceptile and Milotic would cheer as well, but they all knew they weren't done just yet. There would be those who would try and stop Shooting Star, so they had to give him as much time as possible.

Seeing this in the distance was one of the Pegalysium Giants, seeing it all play out. After witnessing this, he would use what appeared to be a form of telepathy, speaking to Second Wind telepathically.

"?!" Her head twitched at this message. "Ash Ketchum and those meddling Equestrians again!" She scowled.

"What should we do about them, Second Wind?" One of the soldiers asked.

"Leave them to me. You take care of Shooting Star and make sure he doesn't interfere with Necrozma's plans." Second Wind would reply, and they all nodded their heads. "I'll go after Ash Ketchum." She then turned to the giants.

"Get these Rift Spheres to Necrozma immediately!" She ordered. "Necrozma will be very happy."

"Yes, ma'am." The troops nodded. "Move out!" They all said as they took flight, adding more ponies to search for Shooting Star and some who would go to Necrozma, intending to meet up with Daybreaker. Paramount and Luminary smiled now that Ash and his friends had shown up here. Once again, they would be in their debt.

Equestria. Outskirts of Canterlot.

Across Equestria, news of Daybreaker's arrival quickly spread, letting them know she was now about to launch her biggest move yet. Naturally, all the residents of Equestria would have to be sent somewhere safe until this all blows over. The previous location that would keep others safe from big attacks such as these was destroyed, so a new one had to be found. And there was one.

The area in question being the universe where Queen Pyrestar lives. A gateway to that universe had been opened up over the outskirts of Canterlot, allowing everyone to enter.

"Everyone! Please! Keep moving!" Luna ordered as she and Cadence would direct the ponies to the gateway. "You'll be away from their eyes in that universe. Stay in there and at all times until this is over."

"Daybreaker's forces are far larger than what Nightmare Rarity had and most definitely far more destructive than what Empress Twilight was like. Keeping everyone safe here might not cut it. Another universe looks to be the key to keeping them all safe and sound."

"You need not worry." Pyrestar said to her fellow alicorns. "My universe is vast and has many places to hide, even if parts of it are parallel to yours. I'm sure we can find a place to keep them safe."

"Thank you, Pyrestar." Cadence bowed her head.

"It's my way of paying you all back for saving my universe from a saddening end." Pyrestar smiled. "Daybreaker might try and come to my universe to absorb all of its light, so do you suppose we could mask its presence?"

"We have no way of dealing with that. You will just have to keep them all safe and your own universe safe. But, we promise to stop them before that can even possibly happen." Luna promised. "My sister and I vow on it. To keep all worlds safe and hopefully find a way to restore those that have lost their light."

"Speaking of which...where is Celestia? I haven't seen her at all. Not even in Canterlot." Cadence asked.

"My sister..." Luna scrunched her face. "She's decided to go to Daybreaker herself, as soon as possible."

"What?!" Cadence exclaimed. "But why?! That's too dangerous!"

"I tried to stop her, but she wouldn't listen. She said that she has to do this. She has to try and stop Daybreaker before it all gets too out of control," Luna explained. "I tried to tell her to slow down, but she wouldn't listen. She wants to end this as soon as possible."

"Oh dear..." Cadence sighed, knowing that Celestia was going to be in danger if she went to Daybreaker.

"I'm sure she'll be fine." Pyrestar said. "Celestia and Daybreaker are one in the same. Although...that does mean their strength is very much equal..."

"I know. But I trust my sister. She'll be able to pull through." Luna said. "I'm sure of it."

"I hope so." Cadence sighed. "I really do."

Equestria. Outskirts. High in the Skies.

The Solar Sword had left the Badlands, finding itself in Equestria, just now entering the outskirts of it. The ship would pierce the clouds, revealing the land below. When looking at it, Daybreaker was reminded of what her Equestria used to look like before it became the Solar Empire. She was feeling a bit nostalgic, but she knew she had to focus on the task at hand.

"We're here." Daybreaker said as she looked at the world below. "Necrozma will be pleased. Equestria's light is absolutely massive. Larger than any other Equestria we've been to."

"Your Majesty. We're seeing on the radar that many Legendary Pokemon are now out of their own regions and are pursuing us from afar." One of the soldiers reported.

"Glad to know they haven't stopped focusing on us. Necrozma has gotten stronger since his battle with Lugia, so now, whoever he faces next, he'll be able to keep up even more and have the chance to grow even stronger as well." Daybreaker said. "Let's give them more of a reason to come after us. Deploy the Siphon Rods. Let's get this light show started."

"Yes, ma'am!" The troops nodded as they began to deploy the Siphon Rods. They were large, metallic rods that were designed to absorb light from the land. The many ships that flew alongside the Solar Sword would open upon, deploying these rods as they came raining down at high speeds.

Like blades, they would stab into the earth, planting themselves there. Once they did, they would start to suck up the light from the land, absorbing it. The light would be transferred to the Solar Sword, where it would be stored in the items labelled as the Prism Core Crystals.

The light would be sucked up from the land, causing it to become darker. The grass would lose its vibrant green color, turning into a duller shade of green. The trees would lose their leaves, becoming bare. The flowers would wilt, losing their petals. The sky would lose its bright blue color, becoming a duller shade of blue. It's efficiency was so great that it could even affect the skies themselves without even touching them.

The Pokemon living around these areas witnessed the light here being sucked away before their very eyes. They were horrified by this, not knowing what was going on. But these rods were the last of their issues.

"Ferali!" A Feraligatr went to attack one of the rods, seeing how it was ruining the beauty of the land. However, a beam of light would shoot out of the rod, hitting the Feraligatr. It would cry out in pain as it was being drained of its light.

"Gator!" It cried out as it was being drained of its light. The light would be sucked into the rod, leaving the Feraligator weakened and unable to move.

"Gator..." It fell to the ground, feeling weak and exhausted.

"Fera! Feraligatr!" A Feraligatr cried out, seeing its partner in such a state. It would rush to its aid, but it would be met with the same fate. Feraligatr's body was so affected by it that it also became somewhat of a siphoning force, taking the light away from anyone who touched it.

"Gator!" The other Feraligatr cried out as it was being drained of its light.

"Pidgeo?!" A group of Pidgeotto cried out as they flew through the air. They were flying towards the source of the light being drained, but they would soon find themselves being shot down by the Siphon Rods. The skies themselves were no longer safe for them to soar across.

"Pidge!" They cried out as they were being drained of their energy. But that was not all.

"For the Pokemon that have and haven't been affected, drop the Flux Capacitors at once!" Daybreaker ordered as the troops nodded their heads. They would drop the Flux Capacitors, which were large storage units meant to capture others.

The Pokemon that were being drained of their light would be blinded by the light, making them unable to see. This would give them the chance to escape, but they were still weakened from the draining. Once inside, those that still had soe light in them would start having it all drained from their bodies.

One by one, these large storage units came crashing down on the Pokemon that started fleeing from the Siphon Rods. They would be trapped inside, unable to escape.

"Pachi!" A group of Pachirisu cried out as they were ran away from the Siphon Rods. They were running through the forest, but the Siphon Rods would start to suck up the light from the trees, causing them to lose their leaves.

"Paaaa!" The Pachirisu cried out as they were being drained of their light. They would be caught in the Siphon Rods' beams, being drained of their light. They would be trapped inside, unable to escape.

Try as they might to flee, the Flux Capacitors were so plentiful that they were able to catch most of the Pokemon. The ones that managed to avoid them were either too fast or too small to be captured.

"Ta?!" A group of Ponyta cried out as they saw the land around them being drained of its light. They were galloping through the plains, but they would soon find themselves being chased by the Siphon Rods. Even their speed couldn't help them escape from them.

"Pony!" They cried out as they were being drained of their light. They would be trapped inside, unable to escape.

"Ponyta!" They tried melting these storage units with their flames, but they were unable to do so. Considering who Daybreaker was and the fact that her flames as so destructive, it was only natural that these storage units weren't so easily affected by fire.

So much light was beginning to accumulate into the Solar Sword as it was all heading to Necrozma. Necrozma could be seen inside of a large tube where he would be connected to anything that drew in a ton of light. He would absorb it all, feeling his power grow stronger and stronger.

"Nice, nice. But obviously not enough. However, this will do wonders for the next Pokemon that tries to stop us."

"Your Majesty! Someone is coming our way!" One of the soldiers said as Daybreaker looked at the radar. She saw that someone was approaching them at high speeds.

"Is it a Legendary Pokemon?"

"No, ma'am. It's just one person. And it appears to be...Princess Celestia?!"

"Celestia?!" Daybreaker exclaimed. But Celestia wasn't showing up on some kind of ship or anything. Instead, she made her presence known in the same way Daybreaker did. A huge amount of magical energy was exuding from her as she could be seen in the distance, generating a veil of golden magic. Celestia would stop flying as this veil would surround her, making her look like an angel.

But this veil wasn't just for show. The sheer aura it let off began interacting with the ships here. Those inside of the ships gasped as their controls were beginning to fizzle all of a sudden. "What's going on?!" The troops exclaimed as their systems were starting to shut down.

Even though the ships were obviously technological, they still had magical properties within them and Celestia's amazing magic was more than capable of messing with that magic.

Celestia and Daybreaker, even though they couldn't see each other right now, would let out sharp gazes at one another. Celestia could easily tell that Daybreaker was in the Solar Sword after all. Deciding to try and stop her as soon as possible, The Ruler of Equestria had shown up, here to confront the Ruler of the Solar Empire.

Meanwhile, with Twilight and Rainbow Dash, the way they would try and save everyone required their best traits. In Twilight's case, a ton of magic. She was in possession of some Rift Magic of her own, thus, she would immediately exude a plethora of it, using it to break the Rift Spheres and free those trapped within.

A glorious cosmic light washed over the area, enveloping the ponies that were once trapped within the spheres. They were freed from their prisons, being able to breathe fresh air again. "Ahh!" They gasped as they fell to the ground, breathing heavily.

"You're safe now." Twilight said as she used her magic to help them up. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"It's okay..." One of them replied. "Thank you for saving us."

"Of course." Twilight smiled. "Now, I need you all to get out of here. Rainbow Dash."

"On it!" Rainbow Dash had her own way of getting them out here as soon as possible. She would approach one of the clouds here, preparing to interact with each of them in a unique way. Rainbow Dash would gather as many clouds as she could, gathering them together to form a large mass of them.

She groaned making this massive mass of clouds float in the air. "Ugh! There we go!" She grunted as she lifted the cloud mass into the air. "Okay, everyone! Get on!"

"Right!" The ponies nodded as they would climb onto the cloud mass, riding on top of it. This was just one mass of cloud that a group would have to take. Rainbow Dash very much intended to make more for everyone else, but for now, this cloud would be made to head down, away from Pegalysium.

"Aw, that's genius! A mass of clouds as one portable cloud!" One pegasus was in awe at Rainbow Dash's plan. "Why didn't we think of that?!"

"I'm just awesome like that." She shrugged, boasting a bit. "Now, can you all help me gather some more clouds into one? I'll need all the help I can get and-" Right before she could finish, a powerful wingbeat was heard from afar. Naturally, it was from one of the giants, but this time, it wasn't because of them moving in the distance.

This time, one of the giants were coming for them. From Second Wind's order, The giant was flying towards them intending to stop them with its superior build. Quite the terrifying sight and a horrible time for the giants to get involved in this. Twilight and Rainbow Dash braced themselves for what was coming next as they would have to save everyone else while a giant was now coming their way.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 547 End.

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