• Published 12th Jan 2023
  • 706 Views, 163 Comments

Pony Rangers - Heroic412227

An alternate version of the Mane Six gets teleported into their counterparts' world.

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Chapter 9: Zords vs. Hydras

The Friendship Is Magic Mane Six along with Pony Rangers Sunset Shimmer, Pony Rangers Princess Luna, Pony Rangers Princess Celestia, Pony Rangers Spike, and Friendship Is Magic Spike were all in the main part of the command center inside the Friendship Castle. They were waiting for the Pony Rangers Mane Six and the Pony Rangers Zeo Mane Six to be done with their training sessions and taking out the legions of putty ponies in the training simulation.

“Both groups of Pony Rangers are almost done with their training in the simulation room. They did an exceptionally great job working together and they were able to get along well too,” Said Pony Rangers Sunset Shimmer.

“That is a great thing, Sunset. Our Pony Rangers have definitely done a great job. They have come a long way and they have us to thank too because we have helped them out countless times, especially you my daughter. You are a great valuable trusted ally of theirs,” Said Pony Rangers Celestia.

“Thanks mom for that and my brother Spike has helped them out all the time too with there specific technology like the command center in our universe me and him helped build it and he also helped me build the one in this universe too along with the communicators which now can be used to teleport and for better communication use too.” Said Pony Rangers Sunset Shimmer.

“Yeah I definitely agree with thou it is amazing and great and I still need to learn how to speak better. I need some help with that because it has only been a short time since I was turned back from Nightmare Moon.” Said Pony Rangers Luna.

“It looks like the Pony Rangers Mane Six and Pony Rangers Zeo Mane Six are finally done with their training exercise because I heard it go off in the room they were in and I heard them powering down just now.” Said Friendship Is Magic Spike.

“Okay the training is over now it is time to relax and hopefully we can find some drinks anywhere around here and maybe even find out some more information about anything.”
Said Green Ranger Twilight Sparkle.

Meanwhile back in the Pony Rangers universe the Nightmare Moon that existed there was still coming up with a plan and waiting for the right time to meet the Friendship Is Magic Queen Chrysalis and then get started on working on the plan the two talked about and waiting on the right time to leave the universe she was in but she had other plans on her mind too.

“Ah soon it will only be a matter a time before I can leave this wretched place and never see it again because what I plan to do before I leave this universe is that I plan to destroy it so it will be wiped out from existence so then my enemies will have nowhere to return to haha!” Said Pony Rangers Nightmare Moon.

“Ah my lord why don’t you test those Pony Rangers with an attack of some kind?” Asked The Pony Rangers Dazzlings.

“I was going to do that already you nitwit idiots. I was going to wait at the right moment to send legions of thousands and thousands of Hydras and even use the copies of the Tantabus again to give them new forms and make them even stronger.” Said Pony Rangers Nightmare Moon.

“Oh that sounds like a perfect plan my mistress and by the way can I have some tacos please?” Pony Rangers Sonata Dusk asked.

“No, you idiot! You can't! Why must I be surrounded by idiots all the time?! All of my other minions let us go and plan our next move and have my monsters, creatures, and armies ready for the fight!" Nightmare Moon ordered.

"Yes, my mistress!" Sonata bolted out of the throne room.

"Ugh…" She groaned, rubbing her temple. "No matter. Once I leave this universe to be erased from existence, I'll have no need for idiotic minions like her. My enemies will be gone forever. And then, the entire multiverse will be all mine!" She cackled so loud it echoed through the walls.

Back at the Friendship Is Magic universe, the heroes sat at the break room, sipping on their drinks. Pinkie Pie FIM let out a loud burp once she was done with hers. "Oops. Excuse me," She blushed. Everyone laughed.

"So, Twilight?" The Green Ranger said. "Did you think about what the plan will be for the fight?"

"It's getting there. I just need a little bit more time to think it all the way through," Twilight replied.

"Got it,"

The clock on the wall in front of them struck twelve, signifying the end of break time. After tossing their empty cups into the trash, they headed for the main computer. Spike FIM got back on the keyboard while Twilight and the others watched.

"Okay. So, we know that the Pony Rangers' Nightmare Moon and her armies are still on the loose. So, we need to know where they are and exactly what they're planning if we're gonna stop them," Twilight FIM explained.

"Uh… How do we do that?" Rainbow Dash FIM questioned.

“By using the map on the computer in the main room of the command center we can track and see what Pony Rangers Nightmare Moon is up to, that is if she hasn’t blocked our signal that we are using to track her.” Said Pony Rangers Sunset Shimmer.

“Okay I will use the computer and go right away to see if we can listen in on maybe conversations she has been having so we can find out if she is going to team up with someone.” Said Pony Rangers Spike.

“Okay I say we give a try right girls now other Spike do your thing with the computer like you did before which was awesome.” Said Twilight Sparkle FIM.

“Okay Princess Twilight I am on that right away right now all I have to do is just type a little button and then we should be able to have contact.” Said Pony Rangers Spike.

“Oh Spikey Wikey you are so marvelous and amazing when it comes to computers darling you are so magnificent and amazing at this kind of work.” Said Rarity FIM.

“Okay sugarcube do you have a visual yet if we can hear it see that other Nightmare Moon’s base at all yet?” Asked Applejack FIM.

“I am still working on doing that for now in the meantime while we wait. Why don’t we tell the others who our Nightmare Moon’s minions are to be precise.” Said Pony Rangers Spike.

“So who are they exactly and what are their names?” Asked Rainbow Dash FIM.

“Their names are Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk, Gloriosa Daisy, Wallflower Blush, Juniper Montage, Abacus Cinch, Vignette Valencia, K-Lo, Su-Z, Lemon Zest, Indigo Zap, Sunny Flare, Sour Sweet and Sugarcoat those are who they are and what their names are.” Said Green Ranger Twilight Sparkle.

“Do you have counterparts of The Dazzlings in your universe too?” Asked Twilight Sparkle FIM.

“Yes we do in fact why do you ask Princess Twilight.” Said Red Ranger Rainbow Dash.

“Because I have fought them before and have dealt with them before, me and the Equestria Girls counterparts of my friends along with the Sunset of this universe were able to beat them. We were able to destroy their pendants and we haven’t seen them at all since then.” Said Friendship Is Magic Twilight Sparkle.

"Oh. Interesting. Yeah, I think we do have those villains in our dimension. We thought they were already taken care of, but I guess we were wrong," Red Ranger Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh. It's okay. We can still beat them like the Rainbooms and I did last time. Did you find anything, Spike?"

Spike sighed, "I'm still looking."

"Right. Sorry," Twilight FIM blushed. “Anyway, what happened to her in your universe, Pony Rangers Zeo, what minions and foot soldiers did your Nightmare Moon use?” Twilight FIM asked.

“Well she had those putty ponies that were in the training room area that we used before to get stronger, she also had Trixie, Gilda, Zecora, Shadowbolts, and a male Griffon wearing armor named George as her minions.” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Twilight.

“Oh that definitely sounds different to what our Nightmare Moon has for minions, the Trixie in our universe is friends with us and likes to do magic shows in our Ponyville all the time and has a pet dog too.” Said Green Ranger Twilight.

“Yes that is what our Nightmare Moon’s minions were, she would also always create monsters to go down to Ponyville to attack it all the time and we would use our Element Dinozords and then later the Element Dragonzord and we would form Ultrazord later on all the time too. She kept on making monsters all the time and then would sometimes send putty ponies to first attack us and then would send down Trixie or Gilda or George to assist them once in a while.” Said the Pony Rangers Zeo Mane Six.

“How was she eventually defeated?” Asked the Pony Rangers Mane Six.

“Well I forgot to mention that she would send down the Shadowbolts to fight us all the time too. We eventually defeated her by combining the Elements Of Harmony and were able to destroy Nightmare Moon and were able to turn her back into Princess Luna. We also destroyed the Shadowbolts and were able to reverse the effects of the mind control on Trixie, Zecora and Gilda.” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Twilight Sparkle.

“Oh wow that was an interesting story. I can't wait to hear more and wait a minute. What is that noise?” Asked Pony Rangers Zeo Pinkie Pie.

The alarm system then goes off inside the command center and the computer that Pony Rangers Spike was using before shows on the screen that legions of thousands and thousands of Hydra’s are getting ready to attack the Ponyville in this universe. All of the group looking at the screen are shocked to see that these Hydras have new different forms and are perplexed at seeing what they look like because they have never looked like this before ever.

“Okay Pony Rangers and Pony Rangers Zeo go and see if you can deal with this threat while me and mom and my brother and Aunt Luna and the other Spike and the Friendship Is Magic Mane Six try to get the computer system trying to locate our Nightmare Moon fixed and better working.” Said Pony Rangers Sunset Shimmer.

“Okay Sunset we hear you loud and clear let us hope this training we did pulls off and are able to fight better too okay girls time to morph IT'S MORPHIN TIME!” Said both Red Ranger Rainbow Dash and Pony Rangers Zeo Twilight Sparkle.

“Magic!” Said Green Ranger Twilight Sparkle.

“Generosity!” Said Black Ranger Rarity.

“Laughter!” Said Pink Ranger Pinkie Pie.

“Honesty!” Said Blue Ranger Applejack.

“Kindness!” Said Yellow Ranger Fluttershy.

“Loyalty!” Said Red Ranger Rainbow Dash.


“Zeo Ranger 1 Pink!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Pinkie Pie.

“Zeo Ranger 2 Yellow!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Fluttershy.

“Zeo Ranger 3 Blue!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Applejack.

“Zeo Ranger 4 Green!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Rarity.

“Zeo Ranger 5 Red!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Twilight Sparkle.

“Gold Ranger Power!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Rainbow Dash.


“Okay, rangers let us go to this Ponyville to defend it against those Hydras. Okay, Sunset teleport us to Ponyville now!” Said Red Ranger Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah Sunset does the same for us too!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Twilight Sparkle.

The Pony Rangers Mane Six and Pony Rangers Zeo Mane Six are then teleported away to the Friendship Is Magic Ponyville in streams of colored light which are their respective ranger colors and then the thing that both teams have been waiting to happen finally does happen.

“Alright Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity time to summon the Element Dinozords, alright we need Element Dinozord Power Now!” Said Red Ranger Rainbow Dash.

The Element Dinozords then come into the battle ready to fight as Red Ranger Rainbow Dash goes into the Element Tyrannosaurus Dinozord, Blue Ranger Applejack goes into the Element Triceratops Dinozord, Black Ranger Rarity goes into the Element Mastodon Dinozord, Yellow Ranger Fluttershy goes into the Element Saber Tooth Tiger Dinozord, and Pink Ranger Pinkie Pie goes into the Element Pterodactyl Dinozord. Then each of those rangers are inside the cockpits of their Element Dinozords and log them on and get ready to fight inside them.

“Okay Twilight you know the drill time to use your Element Dragon Dagger to call upon and summon the Element Dragonzord.” Red Ranger Rainbow Dash says to Green Ranger Twilight Sparkle.

“Okay Rainbow Dash I hear you loud and clear now time to summon the Element Dragonzord. I call forth the mighty Element Dragonzord!” Said Green Ranger Twilight Sparkle.

Then Green Ranger Twilight plays the Element Dragonzord summoning song on her Element Dragon Dagger which then the Element Dragonzord then comes forward to Green Ranger Twilight then it stops. Green Ranger Twilight then goes inside the cockpit of the Element Dragonzord and then gets ready to operate it and aid her friends in the battle ahead.

“Wow those other ranger Zords are amazing, they are so awesome they remind us of our old Zords that we used to have a long time ago, girls. Which are no longer with us anymore but now let us join our other ranger selves and let their memories live on alright girls we need Zeo Zord Power Now!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Twilight Sparkle.

The Zeo Zords come forth as Pony Rangers Zeo Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Twilight Sparkle then go into their respective Zeo Zords and then the Zeo Megazord is formed.

“Alright Twilight now do you think it is time to summon the Red Battlezord, Super Zeo Zords, and Warrior Wheel and see them in action and see if the infusion process Cadence did to them before we left our universe to come to this one was successful and was able to work?” Asked Pony Rangers Zeo Applejack to Pony Rangers Zeo Twilight Sparkle.

“Yes Applejack, I agree that is what we should do. Okay now time to summon the Red Battlezord, Super Zeo Zords, and Warrior Wheel now come and aid us!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Twilight Sparkle.

“Okay but first I should call and summon Pyramidas, okay I call upon the Power Of Pyramidas!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Rainbow Dash as she went into Pyramidas.

The Red Battlezord and Super Zeo Zords and Warrior Wheel are then summoned to aid the Pony Rangers Zeo’s Zeo Megazord and are definitely ready to battle and ready for action too. They start to kick away some Hydras and with the Pony Rangers Mane Six they are now also taking down Hydras with their Element Dinozords and Element Dragonzord.

“Okay other me are you interested in seeing what the power of this Element Tyrannosaurus Dinozord can do? You are in for a treat.” Said Red Ranger Rainbow Dash to Pony Rangers Zeo Rainbow Dash.

“Okay show me what it can do and the awesome power it has!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Rainbow Dash.

“Okay then Element Tyrannosaurus Dinozord do your stuff first do your ground breath attack. Now do your laser beam attacks. Now do your laser blast hyper beam attack now go!” Said Red Ranger Rainbow Dash.

“Okay sugarcube don’t get too cocky alright but for now okay Element Triceratops Dinozord do your twin laser cannon attack now and also use the hooks on your horns and hopefully that can be useful too.” Said Blue Ranger Applejack.

“Um okay Applejack I hope these Hydras won’t be too upset if we kill them all?”
Asked Yellow Ranger Fluttershy.

“I don’t think they care at all darling because they are just heartless blood creatures that care nothing about unless seeing things destroyed and damn those Hydras made me mess up my hair oh it is on. Now Element Mastodon Dinozord freeze those things now and use your ice beam!” Said Black Ranger Rarity.

“Oh wow Rarity I wasn’t expecting you to go all out like that but I think it is awesome to look at it and to see. Now Element Pterodactyl Dinozord time to use your laser beams and wing attack now!” Said Pink Ranger Pinkie Pie.

“Okay girls I am now going to try to take some down alright Element Dragonzord do your stuff. Rocket fingers attack go and tail drill attack go! Now time to use the laser blast beam attack now let us wipe out these creatures ok go! Said Green Ranger Twilight Sparkle.

“Okay now time to use the Zeo Megazord Saber and hope they can get rid of those Hydras okay Zeo Megazord final blast!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Rangers 1-5.

“Okay Pyramidas, time to show off using your attacks and stuff and hope we can take some of those Hydra’s down attacks now!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Rainbow Dash.

“So what do you think of my Element Tyrannosaurus Dinozord so far, Gold Ranger me?” Asked Red Ranger Rainbow Dash.

“Well I think it is amazing and awesome especially the attacks it is using and another thing about it that is cool is that it runs on unlimited power and can never be destroyed and damaged whatsoever.” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah you are definitely right about that other me, my Zord is awesome and we have been through a lot together and I am so thankful for that spell Sunset Shimmer did to our Zords, power morphers, and power coins and thankful for Princess Celestia for helping out with that too.” Said Red Ranger Rainbow Dash.

“So how is the battle going on in Ponyville?” The Friendship Is Magic Mane Six asked Pony Rangers Sunset Shimmer.

“It is going well the Zords are not suffering from any damage at all whatsoever. The only downside is that those Hydra’s keep on forming more and more after they get annihilated and their heads chopped off.” Said Pony Rangers Sunset Shimmer.

“Could we help them out in anyway whatsoever?” Twilight Sparkle FIM asked Sunset Shimmer.

“Um yes actually there is why don’t you try to get all of the ponies to try to evacuate Ponyville and try to move them to a safe zone so they won’t get hurt or injured at all in that manner.” Said Sunset Shimmer.

“Okay that does sound like a great plan, okay girls time to help out the Pony Rangers Mane Six and the Pony Rangers Zeo Mane Six.” Said Twilight Sparkle FIM.

So then the Friendship Is Magic Mane Six decide to try to help out in the battle and do the best they can but first before they do that they decide to try to get the townsfolk to safety and make sure none of them get injured or get killed.

They finally arrive at the battle site and decide to try to intimidate the Hydras and try to make them move to a different place so the battle can take place somewhere else so none of the buildings in the Friendship Is Magic Ponyville won’t get damaged and destroyed and demolished at all.

“That is awesome!” Rainbow Dash FIM shouted with awe looking at the Element Dinozords, Element Dragonzord, Zeo Megazord, Red Battlezord, Super Zeo Zords, Pyramidas, and the Warrior Wheel fighting the Hydra’s.

“Okay, team. Time to take those Hydras down!” Twilight ordered.

The zords charged at the creatures. The creatures did the same to them. They butted heads against each other before the Hydras chomped at their necks. But their mouths started aching when they realized the zords’ durabile, metal cover that shone against the sunlight.

Shaking the pain away, they merely used their tails to smack at the mechs. But the robots snatched said tails and hurled them away from Ponyville.

“Um, is that it sugarcube?” Asked Pony Rangers Zeo Applejack to Pony Rangers Zeo Rarity.

“No I am not afraid so, Applejack. It looks like these Hydras keep on coming in unlimited numbers and are now starting to make me mad!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Rarity.

“Um girls, what do you think we should do now I suppose?” Pony Rangers Zeo Fluttershy asked.

“I don’t know Fluttershy, maybe try to lead those dumb things away from Ponyville and have them go somewhere else instead and continue the fight there?” Pony Rangers Zeo Pinkie Pie suggested.

“Pinkie Pie I agree with your idea, why don’t we do that, okay? Pony Rangers Zeo Twilight Sparkle said. "Everyone! To the desert!"

The Twilights' zords dashed over the fields while the others followed her. But the Rainbow Dashes' mech stuck their mechanical tongue out in a cocky fashion. This made the Hydras' blood boil, prompting them to give chase.

They made it to the desert. After skidding to a stop from all that running, the heroes glared with the monsters. The latter scratched their feet against the sand while the former clenched their fists. After a few moments, the battle was on.

They both butted heads, but the mechs kicked the Hydras right into the air. Not ready to go down that easily, they stopped their ascent in mid-air and dove at them.

"Here they come!" Pony Rangers Zeo Pinkie Pie shouted.

But the Zeo Megazord drew out their sword from their back and brandished it, ready to slice these monsters like celery. However, as they were about to strike, their blade got caught by the Hydras' jaws. That's not a problem as the zord merely kicked the creatures away to regain control.

"Ha! Take that, you monsters!" Pony Rangers Zeo Rarity bragged.

The creatures shook the pain out of their heads before growling. They were really mad that the Pony Rangers and Pony Rangers Zeo Zords were able to kill lots of them but more and more unlimited numbers of them just kept on forming and reviving themselves.

“Okay I have had it up to here with these damn stupid Hydra’s now it is time to show them who's boss okay Element Tyrannosaurus Dinozord use your fire attack now to exterminate and get rid of these things once and for all!” Said Red Ranger Rainbow Dash angrily.

The Element Tyrannosaurus Dinozord’s fire attack burns the Hydra’s alive and to a crisp but then more and more still keep on coming and then Red Ranger Rainbow Dash gets really mad and then starts screaming and yelling over the com link and the other Rangers hear here and once she notices that they could hear her during that whole ordeal she blushes in embarrassment.

“Okay Rainbow Dash I am glad you were able to get that out of your system but for now, I am going to use the Element Dragonzord’s rocket fingers and tail drill and energy blast beam attack to take down more of those Hydra’s.” Said Green Ranger Twilight Sparkle.

“A good call on my part darling because my Element Mastodon Dinozord is able to annihilate a lot of these ruffians using its ice beam attack.” Said Black Ranger Rarity.

“But yeah these things are still annoying us a lot now and I hope that the Super Zeo Zords and Red Battlezord are doing alright. We also hope the Warrior Wheel is doing okay too and I hope Rainbow Dash is holding her own against these things too.” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Rangers 1-5.

“Yeah I am doing okay and alright handling these things on my own but I have got the strength and power of the Element Tyrannosaurus Dinozord used by my other self to help me out so I am covered on that front for now,” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Rainbow Dash.

"Right," Pony Rangers Zeo Applejack said. "Let’s just continue on with the fight, okay?"

"Got it," Pony Rangers Zeo Rainbow Dash replied.

The zords came up and brandished their fists at the Hydras. Angered, the creatures lunged at them and struggled against them fist-to-fist. After that, the mechs spun them around a few times before hurling them off in the distance. A final spark of light shined after that, signifying their defeat.

The mechs fist-pumped and gave each other high-fives while the others inside cheered. “Yeah! I knew we’d do it!” The Red Ranger said.

“Phew! That’ll teach those ruffians a thing or two," The Black Ranger said.

“You know it!” The Pink Ranger chimed. “We’ve saved Ponyville!”

“Speaking of which, I wonder if the others are okay, now that you’ve reminded me.” The Yellow Ranger said.

“They could still be trying to fix up Ponyville. Maybe we should check and see,” The Green Ranger insisted.

The Rangers stomped back to Ponyville, causing the ground to shake beneath their zords’ feets.

“Gotta work on that,” The Red Ranger said.

“Yes we do sugarcube.” Said The Blue Ranger.

End of Chapter 9.