• Published 12th Jan 2023
  • 706 Views, 163 Comments

Pony Rangers - Heroic412227

An alternate version of the Mane Six gets teleported into their counterparts' world.

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Chapter 7: The Planning Phase

Back in the Pony Rangers Zeo universe their Cadence was using the last of the remaining energies and powers from the Elements Of Harmony and the new power source she gave the rangers after their Elements Of Harmony were damaged and was infusing it with the Super Zeo Zords, Red Battlezord, and the Warrior Wheel. She was also using her magic on them too along with the Zeo Zords and Pyramidas.

“Alright, rangers that should just be about it, the transfer and infusion process is over now the Zords are ready to travel now they will follow you to that other dimension when you call upon them to aid you in battle. Now me, Luna, and Celestia will combine our magics to create a portal in order to send you to the Friendship Is Magic universe.” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Cadence.

“Okay Princess Cadence we hear you loud and clear should we morph before we go into the portal or wait till we get there?” Asked Pony Rangers Zeo Twilight.

“Um yes I think you should morph before you get there and the portal shouldn’t take you long to get there at all too.” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Cadence.

“Okay Cadence we hear you loud and clear let us get ready to morph and leave girls alright It’s Morphin Time!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Twilight.

“Zeo Ranger 1 Pink!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Pinkie Pie.

“Zeo Ranger 2 Yellow!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Fluttershy.

“Zeo Ranger 3 Blue!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Applejack.

“Zeo Ranger 4 Green!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Rarity.

“Zeo Ranger 5 Red!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Twilight Sparkle.

“Gold Ranger Power!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Rainbow Dash.

Then all six of the Pony Rangers Zeo were transformed and ready to go into the portal which then their Luna, Celestia, and Cadence did that and then they went through the portal to the Friendship Is Magic universe and their Zords followed along with them through the portal too.

But little did the heroes know that fate had other problems for them to deal with. As deep within the Changeling Hive beyond Equestria in the Friendship Is Magic universe, Queen Chrysalis, who was still recovering from her Canterlot invasion, had also made even more changelings thousands upon thousands more of them to be precise. But at that same exact moment the screen in her base came on and who should appear but Pony Rangers Nightmare Moon and she looked flabbergasted to see her because she thought she died a long time ago. This Nightmare Moon was from another universe and not from hers.

“Ah, at last we meet, other Queen Chrysalis. I recall you know about the recent attack on the Crystal Empire. Well that was my idea because now I know my enemies have traveled to your universe. Those forces that attacked the Crystal Empire are now a part of my armies of monsters and creatures. So I would love to propose an alliance so we can take care of both of our enemies.” said Pony Rangers Nightmare Moon.

“What is in it for me?” asked Friendship Is Magic Queen Chrysalis.

“I can be able to make your forces stronger and be able to give you new forces too and we can combine both the magic of the Tantabus copies I have been creating and your Changeling magic and infuse it with our forces and they will be unstoppable. We can also build and create legions of thousands and thousands of giant robots too. So what do you say? Are you in?” asked Pony Rangers Nightmare Moon.

Chrysalis looked at both her armies and then at Nightmare Moon's. This was a pleasant, yet very suspicious offer. On one hoof, she doesn't like having partners as much as she enjoys having servants or minions. This might even be a ruse for this Nightmare Moon to gain trust just to backstab her later and steal her power for herself.

However, on the other hoof, if she agrees to this and it works, then it might be just the bigger advantage that she and her hive needs to even the playing field with those wretched ponies for defeating her. Plus, if this version does backstab her later, she might have the chance to use both armies against her, too.

After a few moments, The Queen cackled and shook the corrupted princess' hoof. "It's a deal,"

"Good," Nightmare Moon replied. "Now let’s get to work. Plan our attack and act slowly so they won’t know about it and keep in contact with each other and then when it is time I will go there and then we can start on creating those new forces and make our forces that we already have stronger and then train them and get to work on creating those legions of thousands and thousands of giant robots that sounds like a clever plan!” said Pony Rangers Nightmare Moon.

"Excellent," Chrysalis replied. "With our combined forces, there will be no one to stop us! Soon, both Equestria and the multiverse will be ours!"

Both rulers and their armies laughed maniacally. As the computer screens that they were using to communicate with each other shut off. Then Queen Chrysalis decided to take a bath but she lost her rubber duckie and she got pissed off.

“Who took my rubber duckie, whoever I find out who took it shall be punished and burned in tartarus!” said Queen Chrysalis. Then the changelings scrambled to try to find the rubber duckie while one of them just sat there laughing.

Meanwhile back in the command center of the Friendship Castle. The Pony Rangers Mane Six, the Friendship Is Magic Mane Six, Pony Rangers Sunset Shimmer, Pony Rangers Luna, Pony Rangers Celestia, Pony Rangers Spike, and Friendship Is Magic Spike were still waiting for the arrival of the Pony Rangers Zeo.

“So what shall we do until the Pony Rangers Zeo get here”? Asked both Pinkie Pie’s.

“Well one thing I want to ask my brother is how you were able to figure out the situation with the computer work and why Princess Twilight was helping trouble with it before?” asked Sunset Shimmer.

“It is quite simple really. I learned how to do that by watching old episodes of Star Trek. That is how I learned and found out how to do that stuff and my other self started laughing at Pinkie Pie’s expression after I started typing away.” said Pony Rangers Spike.

“But yeah this is so cool that there is another team of rangers coming to help us and what also makes it great is their leader is me and I am also the red ranger too. What also makes it amazing is that I have three Zords in that universe and I can’t wait to see what they look like!” said the Green Ranger.

“Yeah I especially can’t wait to find out what their Zords are going to look like in person but I can’t wait for them to see our Zords too and find out what the power source for our powers and Zords is!” said the Red Ranger.

“Yeah those rangers are amazing and I can’t wait to meet them and oh look a portal is opening up I guess they are here now.” Said Twilight Sparkle FIM.

Then at the same exact moment the Pony Rangers Zeo emerged from the portal and powered down and then introduced themselves to the ones they were looking at and were amazed at what the command center looked like.

“Okay we are here and now we are here to stay and help whenever this threat that you told us about is over, our Zords are on stand by and are somewhere safe so when giant creatures and giant monsters attack we will call them and assist you.” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Twilight.

“So these are our counterparts, they look amazing!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Rainbow Dash.

“Splendid, they look exactly like us and oh I can’t wait to throw a party later whenever that will happen.” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Pinkie Pie.

“So um we would like to introduce ourselves. My name is Fluttershy and I am Zeo Ranger 2 Yellow.” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Fluttershy.

“Yeah sugarcube the name is Applejack, I am Zeo Ranger 3 Blue, Pinkie Pie is Zeo Ranger 1 Pink, Twilight is Zeo Ranger 5 Red, Rainbow Dash is the Gold Ranger, while Rarity is Zeo Ranger 4 Green.” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Applejack.

“Yes I am thankful for saying that Applejack I was originally the black ranger but those powers were destroyed so now I am a green ranger now just like our Twilight used to be long ago then she became the white ranger. Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack are the only ones that didn’t change colors. But me, Twilight, Rainbow Dash did.” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Rarity.

“Yes, Rarity is right. I used to be the leader of our Pony Rangers as I was the red ranger before but now I am the gold ranger and I am happy being a ranger again because I really missed it after we lost our original powers.” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Rainbow Dash.

“So other rangers tell us where you are from because before we came here we were able to look you up using the systems in our Power Chamber.” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Twilight Sparkle.

“Okay I will go first. I am Rainbow Dash, the Red Ranger in my universe and I have my power morpher right here and my Element Of Loyalty power coin inside it. I am the leader of my Pony Rangers and I pilot the Element Tyrannosaurus Dinozord and my power is tied directly to my Element too.” Said Pony Rangers Rainbow Dash.

“I will go next, the name is Applejack, I am the Blue Ranger in my universe and I have the Element Of Loyalty power coin inside my power morpher. I also pilot the Element Triceratops Dinozord and my power is tied directly to mah Element just like Rainbow Dash’s too.” Said Pony Rangers Applejack.

“I am Rarity, I am the Black Ranger in my universe and I have the Element Of Generosity power coin in my power morpher. I also pilot the Element Mastodon Dinozord who is a valuable ally to me and me and the other rangers have just figured out new attacks for our Zords too.” Said Pony Rangers Rarity.

“Um my name is Fluttershy, I am the Yellow Ranger in my universe and I have the Element Of Kindness power coin in my power morpher. My power coin along with Rainbow Dash’s, Rarity’s, Applejack’s, and Pinkie Pie’s are silver while our Twilight’s is gold. The Zord I pilot is the Element Saber Tooth Tiger Dinozord and can be a trusted ally and friend to me on occasion too.” Said Pony Rangers Fluttershy.

“My name is Pinkie Pie, I am the Pink Ranger in my universe and I have the Element Of Laughter power coin in my power morpher. The Zord I pilot is the Element Pterodactyl Dinozord and I love to make my friends happy when they are feeling done and I also love to throw parties too.” Said Pony Rangers Pinkie Pie.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle, I am the Green Ranger in my universe and just like Fluttershy said my Element Of Harmony power coin is gold and is the Element Of Magic and it resides inside my power morpher. The Zord I pilot is the Element Dragonzord and is a trusted friend and ally of mine and I summon it by playing a tune on my dragon dagger to awaken it.” Said Pony Rangers Twilight Sparkle.

“Okay. So, how did those elements become coins in the first place? How were they created, along with the Element Dinozords and Element Dragonzord? And who created them?” Pony Rangers Zeo Rainbow Dash asked.

“I will answer that because it was me who did it, I asked the Ancient Pillars Of Equestria in my universe to turn the Elements Of Harmony into power coins. I seeked help from a being named Zordon from another universe to help build the power morphers and the Element Dinozords and Element Dragonzord. The powers and energies that were left over from the Elements Of Harmony in my universe I decided to infuse them with the Zords to make them more powerful and I made it be that there powers would be tied directly to the Elements Of Harmony and the magic I also infused with them too.” said Pony Rangers Princess Celestia.

“Oh. Thank you for explaining that, your majesty,” Pony Rangers Zeo Rarity said, bowing.

The Pony Rangers Princess Celestia giggled. “My pleasure.”

“Okay. Now, then. Let’s see if we can come up with a plan to defeat their Nightmare Moon. Any ideas?” Twilight FIM asked.

“Well, we could try using the main room to find out where Nightmare Moon is and what she’s planning,” Pony Rangers Sunset Shimmer suggested.

“Good idea. Spike?” Twilight FIM ordered.

“On it,” Spike stared at the screen while typing the keyboard, but it showed a red and white message that said ‘Error! Cannot identify potential location!’, accompanied by a beeping sound.

“What?!” They all shouted in unison.

“How? I don’t understand!” She said.

Sunset chuckled nervously. “Did I forget to mention that the signal doesn’t work anti-magic?” She blushed. “Sorry.”

“You gotta be kidding me,” Rainbow Dash deadpanned.

Twilight took a deep breath and exhaled, regaining her composure. “It’s okay. We can still find another way around this. Any other ideas?”

“Hmm…” Pinkie FIM rubbed her chin in thought. “Maybe we could try checking on the Crystal Empire to see if anyone from Nightmare Moon’s armies is coming there. Then, we can catch them and ask them to tell us about her plans and whereabouts,”

“I don’t know,” Applejack FIM chimed. “What if they find out about us and run off to alert her about our plan. No offense, sugarcube.”

“None taken,” She said, her mane deflating a little before Fluttershy comforted her.
Twilight FIM sighed, “What about you, Pony Rangers?”

The Green Ranger stepped forward. “Maybe we should try and get some sleep. That way, we can be able to think of a plan when we’re well-rested.”

“Sleep? B-but what if Nightmare Moon’s armies get in here and attack us?” Fluttershy FIM stuttered.

Rainbow Dash FIM patted her head. “Don’t worry. If anything goes wrong, we’ll just set the alarm system to wake us up before that happens.”

“Yeah. Maybe you’re right,” Twilight FIM said.

Rarity yawned. “I could use some beauty sleep after waiting for the Pony Rangers Zeo to arrive for so long. No offense, dearling.”

“None taken,” Blue Ranger Applejack said.

“Okay,” Twilight said. “Let’s get some shut eye, everyone. We’ve got a lot of work to do tomorrow if we want to stop Nightmare Moon… from another dimension, that is. Spike, can you set the alarm system?”

“You got it.” Spike typed on the keyboard. A giant picture of an alarm clock with a large timer above it showed up. After pressing the green button, he set the cameras and traps around the area to show up in the entrance and on the heroes’ communicators. He turned back and gave a thumbs up. “All set.”

“Alright. Remind me to tell you how amazing you are, Spike,” Twilight FIM said.

“Aw shucks!” Spike boasted, blushing. “Though, I am pretty cool.”

The others simply rolled their eyes and walked up to the exit. Spike followed them, but not before shutting down the lights while the main computers were still on.

End of Chapter 7.