• Published 12th Jan 2023
  • 723 Views, 163 Comments

Pony Rangers - Heroic412227

An alternate version of the Mane Six gets teleported into their counterparts' world.

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Chapter 6: The Command Center

The heroes strolled through Ponyville on their way to Twilight's Castle. After hours of learning what they needed to know in the Crystal Library so far, it seemed right to check out the castle's command center and how it's going to help them in their endeavors.

"Thanks for letting us know about your dimension's version of Discord," Rainbow said.

"Yep. It looks like some things never really change, even in other dimensions," Applejack said, only to earn a few glares from the others. She cleared her throat. "No offense."

"None taken," The Red Ranger said.

"So, this Stygian. I'm so sorry that he died," Twilight chimed. Her voice was fraught with empathy.

The Green Ranger sighed, "It's fine. Let's just see how the center's doing."

“So yeah other me why not in the meantime we talk about more of what we learned in the book about the Pony Rangers Zeo.” Said Twilight Sparkle FIM.

“I agree let us do that because it is still going to take a while for the command center to be constructed and built in your Friendship Castle Princess Twilight.” Said the Red Ranger.

“Yeah it said there Nightmare Moon had minions and foot soldiers with her and then she was eventually defeated and turned back into Princess Luna, then it talked about Discord and the chaos and disharmony he tried to bring upon Equestria but then he was eventually defeated too, then it talked about how evil Queen Chrysalis was and the armies of Changelings she had and the armies she had too and how she destroyed the original Zords the Pony Rangers Zeo had when they still used the Elements Of Harmony as there original power source then how she was eventually defeated, then it talks about how King Sombra returned and what he did when he first appeared and now he has joined forces with a robot empire from another universe now.” Said Rainbow Dash FIM.

“It then talked about the Rainbow Dash in that universe keep on disappearing during battles and then when the gold ranger first appeared they thought it was her but she debunked them and said it wasn’t her and what she was doing was she was going with Princess Cadence to have tests done on herself and to develop a top secret project. It talked about how the gold ranger first showed up to aid the Pony Ranger Zeo and that he kept his identity a complete secret until he finally revealed himself where he couldn’t contain and maintain the gold ranger powers anymore and then with his dying breath he gave the gold ranger powers to that Rainbow Dash. But first she had a hard time accepting the powers but then Princess Cadence used her magic to infuse it with that Rainbow Dash so she would be able to fully accept the gold ranger powers.” Said the Red Ranger.

“It then talked about how upset that Rainbow Dash was when she wasn’t a ranger anymore at that time and she was able to help them out whenever they needed her just to fight foot soldiers of King Sombra. Then it talked about how she helped out Princess Cadence with constructing and building the new arsenal and Zords for the Pony Rangers Zeo and it talked about how Stygian got the gold ranger powers in the first place.” Said the Green Ranger.

“Alright girls I can’t wait to see what this command center is going to be like and also get those communicators too because that is going to be awesome and amazing and cool!” Said both Pinkie Pies.

“Alright why not in the meantime we should go off and train so we will be prepared just in case another attack happens or some mysterious force attacks and returns.” Said Twilight Sparkle FIM.

“I totally agree with that, other me. Let us do that right now and keep doing it until our Sunset Shimmer comes and tells us that the command center in your Friendship Castle is all finished and done with,” Said the Green Ranger.

“But I still think we should go and ask what the progress for the command center in the Friendship Castle is, Sugarcubes,” Said both Applejack’s.

“Yeah I agree to let us go see what the progress is on it so far and hope it is almost done yet and finished with,” Said both Rainbow Dashes.

"Me too," Both Pinkie Pies said. "Jinx!" They both laughed.

They entered the command center, only to become agape by the progress. It had high-tech machines and gadgetry in various parts of the room with screens that showed different parts of the world and beyond. The FIM ponies had never seen anything like this. Twilight was literally frozen in amazement by how much tech was around.

Pony Ranger Sunset strolled up to the gang. "So, what do you think?"

"It… Is…" Both Rarities stammered..

"The Greatest Thing Ever!" Twilight shouted, unfrozen.

"How did y'all do all of this?" Applejack FIM asked.

Sunset giggled, "C'mon. I'll show you." She walked with them down the steps to the center of… the center. "This command center is connected to every part of both the world and places beyond." She then picked up some multi-colored lines near a device. "And these wires are what's needed to make that happen."

"Okay… But what's the power source?" Twilight FIM asked.

"I was getting to that," The flame pony replied.

"Right. Sorry." The alicorn blushed.

Sunset took them down a thin corridor that housed a giant machine with a glass dome completely filled with a rainbow substance. "And this is the power source. Since this realm relies on magic to power things, me and the Princesses from the Ranger dimension used our own magic to fill it up."

"Don't you need that?" Rainbow Dash FIM questioned.

"Don't worry. We've already got it covered," Sunset used a small spell to restore her own magic. Though it did make her feel a little woozy before shaking her head to regain her composure, much to the heroes' concern. "Pretty cool, huh?"

"Yeah…" Fluttershy squeaked.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Sunset levitated some small devices over to the Pony Rangers. "Here are your new communicators."

"Communicators?" Applejack questioned.

"Yeah. For when you need to contact someone, even if they're far away," She explained. "Do you guys want some, too?"

“Yes we would love to have some Sunset thanks for offering them to us.” said the Blue Ranger.

“Okay thanks Applejack this will allow you to communicate with each other and it will also allow you to teleport to other places too because they are connected to the teleportation system in the command center and now time to show you the main room of the command center that is where the alarm system and the screen that you can view stuff is,” said Sunset Shimmer.

She guided them to the main room. Both the Rangers and the FIM ponies looked around in awe at the three large computer screens hooked up to the walls. The left one had a map of Equestria shown with a dotted red line and a small target that said 'Here'. The right one showed a video of the multiverse that also had a target which universe they were in.

"Wow! This is genius!" Rarity said.

"And that's not all." Sunset said.

With a tap on the keyboard, the screen in the middle turned on. A bright blue light engulfed the entire room, making the group cover their eyes from its blindness—Except for the two Rainbow Dashes who simply put on sunglasses. Once the light faded, everyone gasped at what was on screen. The computer showed various systems, such as a target system, sleep mode, and other modules.

"Okay. I take it back. This is the best thing ever!" Twilight beamed.

"Yep," Sunset agreed. "With these computers, we can not only control the systems within this room, but the whole command center itself. It will also allow you to contact other universes using the distress signal button programmed into this computer too. We can also contact places like the Crystal Empire and Canterlot Castle if needed to alert someone of something going on.” said Sunset Shimmer.

“I think we should test this out and call the Celestia and Luna of this universe right now in Canterlot Castle and let them know what has happened like the attack on the Crystal Empire and let them know about the Pony Rangers Mane Six, and that universe and the counterparts of Luna and Celestia and Sunset Shimmer and Spike that are here now.” said Twilight Sparkle FIM.

“Okay Princess Twilight I will get to doing that right away and hope the connection will be great and they will be able to show up on the computer screen and be able to make contact with them and let them know about our situation.” said Sunset Shimmer.

Then Pony Rangers Sunset Shimmer uses her magic to type in the coordinates for Canterlot Castle and then to try to establish contact with the Luna and Celestia of the Friendship Is Magic universe and be able to make contact with them. Then it is able to go through and Canterlot Castle shows up on the computer screen and she sees the Luna and the Celestia of the Friendship Is Magic universe on the screen.

“Sunset Shimmer what are you doing here, I thought you were at Canterlot High with your friends and why are there doppelgangers of the Mane Six, me, Luna, and Spike with you?” asked Princess Celestia FIM.

“I can answer that we are from another universe where I am your daughter and Spike is your son, the Mane Six of my universe are Pony Rangers and have Zords and power morphers powered by the Elements Of Harmony. Which are now power coins instead but with the symbols of the Elements Of Harmony in the middle of them.” said Sunset Shimmer.

“I am afraid she is right about that other Celestia. We have been friends with each other for a really long time. We met when we were fillies but then we had to move away but then 5 years ago we were able to meet and see each other again. We have recently just defeated the Nightmare Moon in our universe and were able to send her minions, foot soldiers, monsters, and creatures to another dimension where they are trapped forever.” said the Green Ranger.

“Thou is all interesting other Twilight but how in fact did you get here cause thou must know now!”. said Princess Luna FIM.

“I was going to get to that, one day I was in the Golden Oaks Library in my universe doing spring cleaning and me and the other rangers found a book about other universes and it somehow opened up a portal to send us to this universe and now we have no way to get home now and are still trying to figure out a way to be able to do that.” said the Green Ranger.

“I don’t know if Shining Armour and Cadence told you this Celestia and Luna but the Crystal Empire was just recently under attack by Ursa Majors, Dragons, and TimberWolves but they looked totally different to what they usually look like the other Sunset Shimmer told us when she arrived at the Crystal Empire Castle.” said Twilight Sparkle FIM.

“Wait a sensed an evil presence inside those creatures that reminded me of the Tantabus and evil magic that caused me to turn into Nightmare Moon.” said Princess Luna FIM.

“Wait, does that mean our Nightmare Moon has returned and was responsible for that attack and those creatures have now joined her armies of monsters?”asked the Red Ranger.

“Yes I am afraid so and it will be only a matter of time before she decides to come here to invade our universe. So we might have to use the computers in this command center and contact with other universes if the fight gets tough.” said Twilight Sparkle FIM.

“Well just in case my new acquaintances and my fellow subjects I will alert me and Luna’s royal guards and the royal guards in the Crystal Empire and other allied nations to aid us in the upcoming fight with the Nightmare Moon from the other universe. Let us hope she doesn’t find more allies to team up with.” said Princess Celestia FIM.

“Okay Celestia that sounds like a great plan and if it gets any worse I can use this new command center to ask for help from other universes.” said Twilight Sparkle FIM.

"Are you sure that's a good idea, Twi?" Applejack FIM asked.

"Positive," The purple alicorn nodded.

"Okay, do you know what universe we should contact Twilight?” Asked Applejack FIM.

"Hmm… I think I might know exactly who to call," Twilight FIM said.

Back at the command center, Twilight tried to type on the keyboard to the main computer, but instead, she ended up pressing multiple keys at the same time. She growled as the screen kept saying 'Incorrect' in a red and white border. "Ugh! Why isn't this working?!"

"Here. Let me try," Spike said, gesturing to Twilight to move out of the way. After cracking his knuckles, Spike got to work on typing down the code faster than a cheetah with an energy drink. The others were so agape by his skill that Pinkie’s lower jaw stretched all the way to the floor from where she's standing.

"Spike. How did you do that?" Twilight asked.

"Oh that's simple," Spike boasted. "Turns out typing on a keyboard is just as easy as playing the piano, at least from my experience."

The others made a confused expression in response to Spike's theory, but simply shrugged it off.

"Okay. Can you contact the other universe and see if they can help us?" She bade.

"With pleasure, Twilight," The dragon got to work on sending a distress signal that surged through the wires and manifested a magic beam that zoomed from the castle through space at a blistering speed.

After a few moments, the signal finally picked up.

"Wow, that was fast," Applejack said.

Rainbow merely grumbled to herself at how a computer signal was faster than her own speed, even her Sonic Rainboom.

"Now, let's see if they're willing to help us," The Green Ranger said.

He clicked on the signal and a video recorder popped up on the screen. The Pony Rangers Zeo finally appeared.

"Hello?" One of the members called.

"Oh, thank goodness you're online," Rarity said.

"What do you need?" She asked. "We're very busy right now,"

"Right. We can see that," The Black Ranger deadpanned.

"Look, we need your help," Twilight chimed. “Our Nightmare Moon from our universe has returned and has made her minions, creatures, foot soldiers, and monsters more powerful than before and what we currently are at now won’t be enough so that is why we contacted you.” said the Green Ranger.

“So why do you want our help?” asked the Pony Rangers Zeo Twilight.

“We have read about you and all of the adventures you had and know you have suffered from some losses and know with your combined strength and powers and Zords to help us our Nightmare Moon will stand no chance against you.” said the Red Ranger.

“So um that is why we contacted you and asked you for help and know your powers are stronger than our Nightmare Moon’s.” said the Yellow Ranger.

“Okay me and the other Pony Rangers Zeo will help you out and we will bring our Zords to help you out too but first we have to ask our Cadence to use the remaining energies and powers of the Elements Of Harmony from our universe to infuse it with the Super Zeo Zords and Red Battlezord so they will be able to fight and operate without having me and the other rangers having to use there cockpits. We are also going to ask our Cadence to use her magic too on our Zords after that we will morph and me, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity will go into the Zeo Megazord after we form it. Then we will take the Super Zeo Zords and the Red Battlezord with us too. Rainbow Dash will also morph and go into Pyramidas and we will ask our Luna, Celestia, and Cadence to create a portal in order to send us to your world then we should be there it won’t take that long at all so see you in a little bit.” said Pony Rangers Zeo Twilight.

"Thank you so much!" Twilight FIM sighed in relief.

The computer powered off.

"Okay, team! Let's get started with a plan until they get here. It may take minutes, hours, maybe even days, but I'm sure as long as we have each other and a well-thought-out plan, there's nothing we can't achieve!" Twilight FIM and the Green Ranger said. "Is everyone ready?"

"YEAH!!!" They all cheered.

"Then let’s do this!" The two Twilights bade.

End of Chapter 6.