• Published 12th Jan 2023
  • 724 Views, 163 Comments

Pony Rangers - Heroic412227

An alternate version of the Mane Six gets teleported into their counterparts' world.

  • ...

Chapter 16: Break Time Breakdown

Back at the Command Center, the heroes gathered to strategize and locate Nightmare Moon and her forces. The room was buzzed with activity as different members took on various tasks. The Twilights, Blossom, Mercury, and Sailor Moon huddled around the main computers, their eyes scanning through universes for any leads or clues. The three Rainbow Dashes, Buttercup, and Uranus unleashed a flurry of punches on punching bags, honing their combat skills. The rest of the other members worked diligently, each contributing in their own way to preparing for the looming threat.

Rainbow Dash groaned, dropping some of the heavy stacks of papers she was carrying in mid-flight. “This is taking forever!”

“Rainbow?!” Twilight FIM chastised.

“Sorry, Twilight, but I think Rainbow does have a point,” Applejack FIM spoke up. “I know we need to be ready for Nightmare Moon’s forces no matter what, but doesn’t any of this seem a little… too far?”

Twilight sighed. “Look, I know this may seem a little… excessive, but after everything we've been through, including during our recent break, we all have to do our part of trying to make sure that doesn't happen again from under our noses."

"Okay, I see your point too," Applejack said.

Pinkie Pie beamed as a literal light bulb appeared from on top of her head. "Oh! I've got an idea! What if we take turns being on lookout duty whenever it's time for the rest of us to take a break? That way, we can both alert the others of any oncoming danger and be well-rested enough to face it before going back to work."

"Are you sure?" Twilight FIM questioned. "I mean, what if Nightmare Moon finds out about this and tries another angle we haven't expected?"

"Then maybe, it'll give us a better chance at finding out what she'll do, which could…" Sunset explained.

"Help us be at least one step closer to figuring out where she is, what she'll do, whatever she's planning, and potentially put a stop to it before it even happens?" Blossom added.

"Yeah," She finished.

"That does sound like a great idea, Sunset and Pinkie Pie," Fluttershy FIM chimed.

Twilight sighed. "Fine," She placed a timer onto the table with her magic and set it to five minutes. "Okay, me and my counterparts will go first."

As the three Twilights stood around the center in search of anything suspicious, the others went back to the breakroom to relax while the timer continued ticking. After a few seconds, Rainbow’s eyes widened as a thought popped in her head. “You know, there’s something I just thought of. What are you guys' backstories?” She asked the Powerpuff Girls and Sailor Senshi.

"Why'd you ask?" Buttercup questioned.

"I just wanted to know," Rainbow shrugged.

"Well, our dad and creator, Professor Utonium, made the three of us in his lab by accident," Bubbles explained.

"Really?" Pinkie bounced up and down on her beanbag, her voice filled with intrigue. "How?"

"Well, it all started when he wanted to make the perfect little girls and make the world a better place. So, he bought three main ingredients: Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice," Blossom explained.

"What happened next?" Pinkie Pie FIM asked, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"That was when the Professor's former lab assistant and our arch-enemy, Mojo Jojo, accidentally pushed him into adding a very powerful and unpredictable chemical called 'Chemical X' that caused a huge explosion,"

"Goodness! Is he okay?" Fluttershy asked, her voice filled with concern for the Professor.

"Yeah, he's fine. Anyway, that's how we were born and got our powers that we use to help others and stop evil. Though, not at first." Blossom sighed, her voice choked with despondency.

"What happened?" The Yellow Ranger leaning against the sofa arm, concerned by the Powerpuff Girls' sadness of what went wrong.

"Well… when we couldn't control our powers after being brought into the world.

So, we accidentally caused so much destruction in Townsville. People were so mad at us, treating us like outcasts, and said so many hurtful things about us," Bubbles squeaked, her eyes welling up at the thought of the citizens' mean-spirited insults. "L-like 'Bug-Eyed Freaks', and…"

Fluttershy patted her head. "Oh, you poor girls. I'm sorry that that happened to you."

"Yeah," Buttercup scowled, trying to keep up a tough act despite sniffling with tears in her eyes like her sisters. "And it gets even worse. You remember what that jerk, Mojo, did to the professor that made him create us in the first place?"

Applejack nodded. "Yes, we do,"

"Well, it affected him, too," Blossom added. "He started out as a regular chimp until the same accident caused his brain to grow and become more intelligent. Since the professor focused on us more than him, he became evil and wanted to take over the world."

"Yeah, and he tricked us with his very first attempt," Buttercup followed with a scowl, her eyes still wet.

"And made the town hate us even more," Bubbles added as well, feeling the urge to cry.

"Well, I'll be! That's terrible! How'd you stop him?" Applejack FIM bellowed.

"We figured out a way to use our powers to stop his plan and save the world." Blossom answered, her sorrow subsiding a bit along with the others.

"And did the town apologize to you for the way they treated you?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah. We were about to get rid of our powers to be normal girls, but then the town apologized for misjudging us, thanked us, and made us the heroes we are. And that's how we became the Powerpuff Girls, saving the world… at least until bedtime." She finished, her and her sisters' despair finally relieved.

"Wow," Pinkie Pie FIM sniffled, wiping her tears away. "That is the saddest and most heartbreaking backstory with a heartwarming ending I've ever heard! You poor girls, caught up in all that!"

"It's fine," Buttercup said.

The gang's sad moment was interrupted when the timer rang, signifying the next volunteer for lookout duty.

"Okay. Who's next?" The Green Ranger called, breaking the somber atmosphere.

Billy Bob and his band members stepped forward. “We’ll take the next shift,” he volunteered, followed by Sunset’s determined voice. “And I’ll join them.”

Twilight nodded, acknowledging their commitment. She and her counterparts reset the timer and retreated to the breakroom, eager to hear what they had missed.

“We were discussing the Powerpuff Girls’ origin,” Rarity FIM prompted.

"Really? What's it about?" The Green Ranger asked.

"Don't worry, we'll tell you about it later," The Red Ranger assured them.

“Hey! Since we’ve still got some time left, what about your origins, Sailor Senshi?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Okay. Though, it may be a lot longer compared to the Powerpuff's," Sailor Mercury

"Relax," Rainbow Dash FIM reassured. "I’m sure there’s plenty of time for one more story, right?”

"Actually… You're right," Twilight FIM nodded. "I guess we do have plenty of time for at least one more story."

"Great! Now, let’s see…" Sailor Moon stroked her chin, trying to figure out where to start with the backstory. Her eyes lit up. “So, it all started at the Moon Kingdom.”

“Moon Kingdom?” Rainbow questioned, only to be immediately shushed by the others, prompting her to keep quiet. "Sorry."

"Anyway, it all started at the Moon Kingdom, a peaceful and prosperous land on Earth's moon. Ruled by Queen Serenity, the kingdom lived in perfect harmony with the people of Earth," Sailor Moon explained.

"However, tragedy struck when a forbidden love between Queen Serenity's daughter, Princess Serenity, and Prince Endymion of Earth, caused a major conflict between the inhabitants of the Moon Kingdom and the Earth Kingdom. Among them, a being corrupted by dark magic named Queen Beryl, who sought to conquer the universe in a way that caused numerous deaths, including the princess and prince in the process." Sailor Mercury continued.

"And then what happened?" Twilight FIM asked.

"Well, Queen Serenity sealed away Queen Beryl and her minions using the Silver Crystal. She also used the last of her strength to send Princess Serenity's soul, along with the other Sailor Senshi, into the future to be reborn when they were needed once again," Sailor Moon finished.

"Wow! That sounds so much like Nightmare Moon," Pinkie Pie FIM chimed. “In a way.”

“There’s more than just that," Uranus stated. "There's also the Dark Kingdom and our own backstories."

"That's great, but I don't think we have enough time to hear all of them since the timer is nearly halfway done and break time can't last forever," Twilight FIM solemnly explained.

"Uh, c'mon, Twilight," Rainbow Dash FIM spoke, her voice slicked with desperation. "Their stories are awesome and we can't just leave them hanging."

"Yeah!" Pinkie Pie FIM chimed. "I wanna get to know them more and maybe this can help us defeat Nightmare Moon and her forces if we really need it, right?"

"No, it's fine. We'll tell our stories another time," Sailor Moon said, she and the others felt a mix of disappointment and acceptance on their faces.

Twilight FIM sighed. "Fine. I'll extend break time, but only for today, okay?"

"You got it!" Pinkie Pie saluted. "This is gonna be super-duper fun!"

"Okay. Now about the Dark Kingdom," Sailor Mercury started. "It all started where the Moon Kingdom left off. A sinister kingdom that was sealed away by Queen Serenity during the fight between the Moon Kingdom and Earth Kingdom. Until their human leader, Queen Beryl, revived and used her loyal followers to awaken Queen Metaria and reclaim the Silver Crystal for immense power and immortality."

"So, what happens next?" Rainbow Dash FIM asked.

"Well… that's it, as far as the Dark Kingdom is concerned," Sailor Mercury shrugged.

"Oh…" The Red Ranger said. "Whelp, looks like that's it for stor—"

"Wait! There's still more!" Chibi Moon spoke up.

"Are you kidding me?" The Red Ranger deadpanned. "We thought you said that was it!"

"Well, for the Dark Kingdom," Sailor Venus corrected. "We haven't even told you about our own backstories and adventures against the forces of evil."

"Really?" The Pink Ranger beamed, her eyes sparkling with content.

"Yeah," Sailor Chibi Moon replied. “Wanna hear each of them?"

"Maybe," Rarity said, rubbing her chin in thought. "What do you think, Twilight?"

“I think it’s fine as long as we have enough time before the timer rings,” Twilight shrugged.

“Okay then,” Rainbow Dash sighed.

"Great!" Sailor Chibi Moon cheered. "Who wants to go first?"

"I'll do it," Sailor Moon called. "It all started when I used to be a normal school girl. That was, until I came across a reincarnation of the very being that would change my life forever. She was a reincarnated cat of Queen Serenity. As my alter-ego, Sailor Moon, I was tasked to protect the Earth and the Moon Princess from various enemies.”

“Really? What happens next?!” Pinkie Pie bounced up and down, her face beaming with excitement.

“Well, I used to be a normal school girl who discovered that I was a Sailor Senshi as well, though I focused more on studying while my mother wanted me to be a doctor, just like her," explained Sailor Mercury.

"And then, what?" Pinkie Pie FIM beamed, bouncing off her bean bag chair and dancing on her back hooves in delight.

"I was a shrine maiden with psychic abilities, martial arts, and very talented singing abilities as a celebrity in my school before becoming a Senshi," Sailor Mars followed.

"Really?" Pinkie Pie asked, her voice filled with intrigue as she bounced towards Sailor Mars face-to-face. "That sounds so cool!"

"Yeah…" Sailor Mars replied, her voice stretched out as she grew uncomfortable of Pinkie’s close position.

“Oh! Sorry," she said sheepishly, backing away and sitting in her beanbag to give Sailor Mars some space.

"Anyway," Sailor Jupiter chimed. "Here's my story. I was an athletic human girl with a passion and talent for both cooking and gardening."

"Really?" Fluttershy asked, a gentle smile graced her lips at how well-versed Jupiter was. "That sounds nice."

Sailor Jupiter sighed, her eyes casted down, "Yeah, it was, until…"

"Until what?" Applejack asked in a concerned tone.

"I became an orphan at a young age and everyone was scared of me due to my immense strength. So, I had to move frequently because of that before I became part of the Senshi," Jupiter sniffled, wiping her tears off her eyes as that painful memory resurfaced in her mind. "It was pretty hard for me to get through that at the time, you know."

"I'm so sorry," Fluttershy FIM said, her voice laden with sympathy. "I had no idea."

"It's okay," Sailor Jupiter said. "It's in the past."

"Okay. Who's next?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

Before they could continue, the timer rang again. "Ugh! Finally!" Sunset sighed, stretching the stiffness off her legs from standing guard for so long. "Anyone else wanna take the next shift?" She asked, strolling back to the break room.

"We'll do it," Red Ranger Rainbow Dash obliged.

"You don't want to hear the rest of the story?" FIM Fluttershy asked, puzzled.

"Nah. You guys have done too much," The Red Ranger explained. "It's our turn to help you back."

"Besides, we're more familiar with our dimension's version of Nightmare Moon. It's personal," Blue Ranger Applejack stated.

"Okay then," Twilight Sparkle FIM said. As the Rangers started their shift, Twilight reset the timer. "This'll be the last time I set the timer for today," She stated before walking back into the room.

Sunset sat on a beanbag chair, fidgeting to get comfortable as she leaned forward to hear what she'd missed.

"Okay. Who's turn is it?" Twilight asked.

Sailor Venus raised and waved her hand in excitement. "Can I go?"

"Of course, Venus,"

"Okay. My story began when I was just a normal girl. For as long as I can remember, I've dreamed of being an idol, someone to look up to when in need of help or guidance," Sailor Venus explained. "Before Sailor Moon became the leader, I was in charge of guiding the group to victory. After that, Sailor Moon was given that role and did a better job at it than I ever could."

"Aww… Thanks, Venus," Sailor Moon said, her cheeks glowing red at her friend's compliment.

"No problem," Venus replied. "Your turn, Pluto."

"Okay," Pluto replied in a solemn tone. "I used to be the guardian of the time-space door and was in charge of protecting the time stream from anyone who dated to abuse it."

"Really? That's so cool!" Pinkie Pie FIM cheered.

"Thank you," She replied, her serious tone unwavering.

"What else happened?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well, I became a part of the team afterwards, but that's just it in terms of my backstory. Sorry about that," Pluto stated.

"It's okay," Fluttershy said. "Your backstory is still amazing."


"Is it my turn?" Sailor Neptune called.

"Yes," Twilight insisted.

"Okay. I was born from a wealthy family. Just a talented girl with great skills as both a violin player and an artist." Neptune explained, her eyes sparkling as she looked back at her privileged past.

"That sounds positively the most wondrous lifestyle I've ever heard!" Rarity beamed.

"It was, until I had to give up on my dreams to focus on my duty as a Sailor Guardian with my partner, Uranus. Still, like the others, I had a job to do in order to keep the planet and others safe from harm. That's my new dream, along with being with my partner."

"Aww!" Pinkie gushed.

“Yeah,” Neptune replied. “Sometimes, you have to make sacrifices to be a part of what you think is important or right.”

“So true,” Twilight Sparkle nodded.

“And so deep,” Pinkie Pie added.

“Can I have a go?” Sailor Uranus chimed.

“Sure.” Neptune complied. “I don't see why not,”

“Okay,” Uranus cleared her throat before starting, “Before I became a member, I used to be a very skilled, tomboyish athlete and an excellent fighter who loved fast cars and racing.”

“Ooo, I like the sound of that,” Rainbow Dash swooned.

“Yep. Anyway, after joining the Senshi, I was given the powers of sky, wind, and speed. And then, that's it,” Uranus concluded.

“Wow! Maybe after all this is done, do you wanna do some racing sometime?” Rainbow Dash asked. “It's gonna be so awesome!”

“Sure,” Uranus replied, giving a thumbs up to the idea. “Your turn, Saturn.”

“Thanks. Back when I was a kid, I had a weak and sickly body growing up. I was also the daughter of a smart, yet twisted scientist who experimented on me to give me supernatural powers.” Saturn explained, looking away.

The other gasped. “Oh, Saturn. I'm so sorry,” Fluttershy said.

“It's fine. Though, I was given power capable of destroying entire planets, but that doesn't mean I can't use them for good, right?” Saturn nervously chuckled.

“Yeah, but that must've been hard what you had to go through as a child,” Twilight Sparkle said, her voice ladened with sympathy.

“I guess so,” Saturn contemplated, rubbing the back of her neck and darting back.

“Oh! Sorry! I didn't mean to—!” Twilight panicked.

“It's okay,” Saturn reserved. “I think that's it for my backstory.”

“Great! Anyone else wanna go?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“I guess that's all in terms of backstories,” Rainbow Dash chimed.

“Okay. How are y'all doing over there, Sunset?” Applejack called.

“Fine. We haven't seen any signs of Nightmare Moon and her forces,” Sunset replied.

“They’ve gotta be up to something big, probably keeping it a complete secret just to let our guards down when–” Rainbow FIM suggested.

Applejack sticks her hoof over Rainbow’s muzzle, “We get it, Rainbow. Let's not scare anyone in here.”

“Sorry,” Rainbow said as soon as Applejack placed her hoof down.

“But Rainbow Dash is right. Nightmare Moon and her forces might be trying something we don't know about yet. So we need to figure out what it is before it's too late,” Twilight chimed. “Is everyone ready?”

They all nodded in agreement.

“Then let's get back to work!” Twilight declared.

Comments ( 29 )

Hello, so I caught up to this and find this an interesting crossover with not only PR but see sailor moon as well.

And I was a little bit curious if both you and your co-writer Fluttershy Rocks.

Would be accepting other people characters for this?

I do have a interesting idea if you both are interested (couldn’t help but read some of your conversation with on another in the comments section and wouldn’t mind giving a idea for a future chapter and such for the story)

Hopefully it’s ok with you both as I don’t know if I have to ask you about this or the co-writter

Comment posted by MatTheBook deleted January 30th


Sweet! Thanks so much, I also mentioned this to the co-writer so they l have all the details about it :pinkiesmile:

You're welcome. Who are the new allies for the story?


A OC character of mine, plus another one canon mlp character.

Like I mentioned, I was able to talk to the co-writer working with you and gave them all the details about him plus the other certain someone as well to join the allies of good

Great! Who's your OC?


His name is Arctic Ace.

Did Fluttershy-Rocks give you all the details about him? And the other person he’ll convince and would be close with?

I am definitely looking forward to reading Chapter 17 because more new allies are coming to help and that is going to be really awesome

Comment posted by FluttershyRocks deleted April 5th

That sounds great and the Pony Rangers Dazzlings are going to leave Pony Rangers Nightmare Moon in Chapter 19 and that is when they will meet your fan character

Yeah it is thanks still waiting on more of Chapter 17 to be written and get to the part I am looking forward to

Yeah it is thanks and the inside of it is going to be a combination of what it looks like inside in Batman 1989 and Batman Returns and Batman 89 comic and The Flash and what happened in that movie is canon too and the timeline that Barry Allen created with the Burtonverse Batman is merged with Earth 789 and that is how those changes happen in the fanfic when it gets to the backstories of Burtonverse Batman, Burtonverse Catwoman, Burtonverse Robin, Burtonverse Batgirl, Burtonverse Batwoman aka Sunset Shimmer Kyle Wayne, and Donnerverse Superman of Chapter 18 in the fanfic.

Comment posted by FluttershyRocks deleted April 16th

Yeah hi so are you having a good day so far and did you get the most recent messages I sent you too and did you read the articles in the links too?

Yeah hi so how was your day today and did you see and read the articles I sent you today too along with the messages I sent you today too?

My day was fine. Yes, I did see the articles and messages you sent me. They were great. How was your day today?

My day was great and awesome yesterday and oh okay I am glad you loved them and those new heroes/new allies that are also going to be appearing in Chapter 17 are also going to be with the rest of the new heroes/new allies on the video screens in the command center when that scene happens.

Hi so are you having a good day and the reason why Earth 789 is the way it is in the fanfic is because the timeline that Barry Allen created in The Flash with the Michael Keaton Batman merged with the Burtonverse and Donnerverse universes and that is how Earth 789 is created in the fanfic along with the changes done to it too in the fanfic.

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