• Published 12th Jan 2023
  • 723 Views, 163 Comments

Pony Rangers - Heroic412227

An alternate version of the Mane Six gets teleported into their counterparts' world.

  • ...

Chapter 13: The Diversion

At the Friendship is Magic universe, the gang continued fighting against the putty ponies. All the Rainbow Dashes had already evacuated everyone from the fight before joining in. However, after a few hours, their exhaustion started taking a toll on them both physically and mentally as sweat constantly dripped from their coats and dark bags came under their eyelids.

The Pinkie Pies started coughing and hacking as they slowly collapsed from the fight. Though, they still kept fighting by simply waving their hooves at the putty ponies. “I think our throats are about to give out.”

The Applejacks huffed, keeping their side away with their bucking. “Ours too,”

“This is ridiculous! How are we supposed to get rid of these guys?!” Rainbow FIM yelled.

“Ahem…” A familiar voice said. The others turned to see the three princesses from the Pony Rangers Zeo dimension standing before them. They stood together with their chins held up high and their horns and wings unfurled. “Leave that to us,” Pony Ranger Zeo Princess Celestia declared dramatically.

“How did you—?” Rainbow FIM asked with a raised eyebrow.

“We came here to assist you. We brought energies from the Crystal Empire in my universe to make you guys stronger. It will also be able to make the Pony Rangers team's Zords even more powerful too. Also Pony Rangers Zeo Mane Six the Element Ninja Zords are in this dimension now all we need to do is use our magic to summon them. We already made the precautions to make them fight by themselves before we got here.” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Cadence.

“Yes, now let us handle these wretched things. I hope we will be able to take them out.” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Princess Celestia.

“Yes dear sister I agree with thou now let us hope we will be able to help out our Pony Rangers and the other Pony Rangers team too. Let us make modifications to the Command Center in the Friendship Castle and make it like the Power Chamber in our universe.” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Princess Luna.

“Good idea. Okay, everypony! Let us get started!” Pony Rangers Zeo Princess Celestia said. She and the other rushed to the battleground and fired magic beams at the putty ponies. The others continued fighting along with them with ease.

“Now, this is much easier,” Rainbow Dash FIM stated in a cocky tone.

“That’s the beauty of it, Rainbow,” Applejack FIM said.

Twilight FIM blasted a few more beams from her horn before seeing more arriving. “But it’s still not enough! I think something’s making more of them!”

“What are we gonna do?!” Fluttershy shrieked when a putty pony nearly crash-landed on her.

“I’ll tell you what we’re gonna do! WE'RE GONNA FIND THE SOURCE AND BREAK IT DOWN!” The Red Ranger shouted.

“Yeah!” Pinkie Pie cheered while launching out the putty ponies with her party cannon. “How do we find it, though?”

“Hmm…” Twilight scanned the area in search for any signs of the source nearby. Until she spotted a green light flashing behind the bushes. That must be where the source is. “There!” She pointed. “C’mon! We’ve got to get to the source and end this!”

“But what about the putty ponies?” Fluttershy asked.

“Okay. Applejack, Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy? Follow me. Rangers? Stay here and continue the fight until we get back,” Twilight FIM ordered.

"But what if they still need us to help them?!" Fluttershy FIM asked.

"Don't worry. We'll go as fast as we can!" Twilight FIM answered.

With that, the FIM ponies dashed off towards the source while the others did their best to hold off as many putty ponies as they could.

"Are you sure about this, Twi?" Applejack FIM questioned.

Twilight sighed. "I know this isn't the best plan, but I don't see any other option right now. I'm sorry."

As the ponies galloped into the fields, the source in front of them got closer and closer within sight. "Almost there!"

Until a giant putty pony stomped in front of them, letting out an ear-piercing screech so loud that it blew their manes back and made them cover their ears.

"You gotta be kidding me!" Rainbow Dash FIM complained.

Twilight FIM ignited her horn. "I'll distract it! You guys get to the source!" She ordered while blasting at it.

"We can't leave you!" Fluttershy FIM exclaimed.

"It’s okay! Don't worry about me! Just go!"

Fluttershy squeaked in fear, but hesitantly went with the others while Twilight kept blasting the creature.

Then in that same exact moment the Element Ninja Zords appeared to help out Twilight Sparkle FIM. She looked amazed at seeing the Zords up close then she decided to run and join her friends to continue their search for the power source.

"Twilight? You're back already?" Rarity asked.

"Yes. Now let’s get to that source!" Twilight charged off with the others until they got close to the bush where the blinking green light emitted from behind. Pushing the bush aside, they all gasped at the source. It looked just like the Crystal Heart at the Crystal Empire, only colored in a bright hue of green. Its aura was blinking a bright glow that almost blinded the team’s eyes. The others darted to the right to see more putty ponies manifesting out of thin air with each blink. “So that’s what’s making them,” Twilight Sparkle FIM stated.

“Well, not anymore!” Rainbow Dash FIM shouted, zooming straight up in the air.

“Rainbow, wait!” Twilight called.

But her cries fell on deaf ears as Rainbow was already high up to the point of reaching the sky above the clouds. She pounded her chest and roared like Tarzan before diving back down. A sense of adrenaline ran through her mind. The others covered their eyes in worry of Rainbow’s recklessness. Tears flew back behind her as she picked up more speed. She got closer and closer at point blank range until…


A combination of a rainbow-colored mushroom cloud and a giant rainbow explosion stretched across the town at the same time, blowing back everything in its wake. The ponies held onto something nearby to avoid being sent flying from the dust, but the putty ponies weren’t so lucky. They all screamed as they disintegrated into nothing.

The heroes started coughing, but as the dust settled, they gasped in awe at what just happened to the source. It shattered into many tiny pieces that laid on the ground. After three blinks, its aura faded away.

Rainbow Dash descended back down to the dust-covered ground. “Well, that’s taken care of. Right, guys?” But instead of getting cheers of success at her victory, all she got were a large row of glares pointed her way. “Guys?”

“Rainbow. You almost destroyed all of Ponyville and got everyone killed!”

The others nodded in agreement.

"Oh… Right. Sorry about that.” She said, rubbing the back of her head.

They all sighed. The Element Ninja Zords rushed by to see them before looking down at the broken source right in front of them.

"What happened?!" The Yellow Ranger yelled.

"I sorta made a huge explosion that nearly destroyed Ponyville in order to stop the putty ponies from destroying it further." Rainbow explained with a nervous grin.

"...You did what?!" The Blue Ranger chastised.

"I said I was sorry," She muttered.

Twilight FIM sighed. "C'mon, guys. Let’s just clean up this mess and get back to the command center."

The other agreed, scattering through the town and helping the ponies sweep up the debris.

End of Chapter 13.