• Published 12th Jan 2023
  • 723 Views, 163 Comments

Pony Rangers - Heroic412227

An alternate version of the Mane Six gets teleported into their counterparts' world.

  • ...

Chapter 8: The Training Phase

In the morning, the heroes in their respective houses woke up and entered the training simulation of the command center. A large room that housed six, smaller individual rooms for each member of the Elements and their counterparts.

"Wait… There's a training simulation in the command center and you forgot to tell us about this, too?" Rainbow FIM deadpanned.

Sunset whimpered. "Sorry."

"Hey!" Applejack FIM chastised. "Cut her some slack, will ya?!"

"Right. Sorry about that," She said.

Sunset and the two Spikes sat in an elongated table across the glass frames of each room. The others entered their respective rooms, ready to train. After tapping on the microphone from the control panel in front of them, Sunset breathed heavily. "Is everyone ready?" She said, trying to make her voice come on the intercoms as clear as possible.

"Ready!" The FIM ponies and their counterparts answered.

"Okay. Let's get started. Twilight, you and your counterparts are going first,"

Sunset pressed a few buttons on the control panel. In the three Twilights' room, a few dummy versions of Tantabus, Timber Wolves, and Ursa Majors rose from the floor. "Okay. In this first test, we're going to work on your accuracy and attack potency with your magic."

"Each of you should try and hit each of your own targets as fast, accurately, and strong as you can. Without missing a single shot," Spike added.

"Got it," All three Twilights got into their individual positions. Lighting up their horns, they maintained their focus on their respective targets before each delivering a thick beam. The smaller targets (Timberwolves) got struck out almost as fast and easily as a speeding bullet.

"Impressive," Sunset said. "While they're doing that…" She pressed on the button for the Applejacks' training room. "Applejack. You and your counterparts are up next."

"You got it," Applejack FIM saluted. "What's up for us?"

"Okay," Spike chimed. "We're going to test each of your physical strengths, specifically your bucking abilities. Here are your obstacles."

The two Spikes nodded at Sunset, who pressed an orange button. The same targets as the three Twilights rose up. "Now, buck each target as hard as you can."

"Can do." Applejack and her counterparts brushed their hooves against the floor, ready to go. They then galloped towards and bucked at their respective targets, which proved to be pretty effective, as pillars of dust expanded enough to leave a large crack on the glass frame.

"...Woah," Both Sunset and the Spikes said together.

"How was that?" Blue Ranger asked confidently.

"Maybe a little bit softer on the power scale, okay?" Sunset bade.

Applejack and her counterparts glanced at the damage they've done and nodded. "Right. Sorry."

"Okay. Now that we know how strong you three are, Rainbow Dashes, it's your turn." Sunset Shimmer said.

"Alright," Rainbow Dash FIM cheered as she and her counterparts stretched their limbs before standing their grounds. "Okay, let's do it!"

"For your test, it will be on speed and reflexes," Spike FIM spoke through the intercom.

The three same targets appeared. Only this time, they're zooming around the room at random succession. All except for the glass frame. It was mandatory for keeping track of the participants' progress, after all.

"We got this," Together, the rainbow trio dashed and circled around the room while dealing blows at the targets effectively, aside from some misses here and there.

"Perfect." Sunset turned towards Pinkie Pie. "Your test: Durability and stamina."

Same targets. Except laced with a few lasers and firearms on each of them. Safe enough to not fatally or severely harm the three Pinkies, but still strong and fast enough to stun them.

"Okay. This'll be so fun," Pinkie Pie FIM beamed as she and her counterparts added a little bounce to their steps. Now ready, the targets fired at them, but they used their tails and manes to negate their effects. All while giggling at their surprisingly ticklish feeling.

"Rarity? Eye-hoof coordination," Spike said.

Targets? Same as the Pinkies', but with white balls and shields instead of firearms. Each shot was fired while the Rarities used their magic to ricochet them back, getting faster and faster in the process.

"And Fluttershies?"

The three mares squeaked.


The three Fluttershies yelped away from the blitzing obstacles that were coming right at then.

"Oops! Sorry. Need to work on the velocity settings for these obstacles. And Should've warned you about where they were coming." Sunset turned the switches down a bit.

"Umm... I think that's enough training for today, Sunset," The Yellow Ranger suggested in a frightful tone.

"Yeah. Maybe we should take a break." Both she and the two Spikes pressed the big red button, shutting off the training simulation.

"In fact, now that you've mentioned it, I am getting a bit hungry," Spike said, hearing his stomach growling. "Anyone up for a hayburger and hay fries?"

Everyone else, except the three Twilights, nodded in agreement.

"But what about Nightmare Moon and her forces?! They could be training right now to take us down at any moment!" Twilight FIM questioned.

"True, but we're not gonna be able to stop them by exhausting ourselves on an empty stomach, right?" Pinkie Pie FIM replied.

The Twilights' own stomachs growled, too. They sighed, "Fine. Let's take a break to get some lunch."

All three groups of the Mane Six decided to have lunch they decided to order from Five Guys which is a burger chain famous for their French Fries. They really enjoyed the meal a lot especially all three Pinkie Pie’s because they got fruit punch to drink and made sure to get a lot of refills too.

“Um girls I thought we were going to have hay burgers and fries?” Asked both the Spike’s.

“We decided to change our minds and to try something new for a change and all of that training made us really hungry and starving and it made us crave Five Guys for some unknown reason.” Said all three groups of the Mane Six.

“So um Sunset can there be a way for our Zords to be able to fit in the training rooms and how would that work?” Asked both Pony Rangers Fluttershy, and Pony Rangers Zeo Fluttershy.

“Ah let me think Fluttershy’s yes they can there is a special kind of room so all of the Zords will be able to fit in me and my brother Spike decided to create this room together and have its own training area where it can take place.” Said Pony Rangers Sunset Shimmer.

“Pony Rangers one thing we would like to ask you is that is there any way your Element Dinozords, Element Dragonzord, power morphers, and Elements Of Harmony power coins can be destroyed or damaged at all?” Asked the Pony Rangers Zeo Mane Six.

“No, there is no way that can happen because of a spell our Sunset Shimmer used on them which made it possible that under no circumstances our Zords, power morphers, and Elements Of Harmony power coins can be destroyed. Our Zords run on unlimited power and combined with our Celestia’s magic and the magic spell Sunset decided to use made them virtually indestructible and cannot be damaged or destroyed at any moment whatsoever. Also Sunset’s spell combined with our Celestia’s magic did the same to our power morphers and Elements Of Harmony power coins so they cannot be damaged or destroyed either.” Explained the Pony Rangers Mane Six.

“That sounds like a good explanation to me and it is awesome that your powers and Zords can never be destroyed unlike ours were but it will be great to finally fight alongside you guys when we use our Zords together for the first time that should definitely be quite the spectacle.” Said the Pony Rangers Zeo Mane Six.

“We would also like to ask you if you guys ever decide to form the Megazord at all?” Asked the Pony Rangers Zeo Mane Six.

“We don’t have to because our Element Dinozords, Element Dragonzord are really powerful and are at equal level with what our Megazord would be and we also love to fight creatures, monsters, etc. We also love using our Zords separately with the attacks they already have and the new ones we just learned during that attack on the Crystal Empire in this universe.” Said the Pony Rangers Mane Six.

“Oh sounds like a good answer to me cause in our universe we use the Zeo Megazord, Super Zeo Megazord. I use the Red Battlezord and Rainbow Dash uses Pyramidas and the Warrior Wheel. They are awesome and amazing Zords for one and our new powers are too!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Twilight Sparkle.

“Although I do miss our old powers all the time, I am still glad to be able to fight alongside my friends again. I also promised Stygian before he died that I would take good care of his powers for him and I will keep that promise. But once the training starts I can’t wait to see my Pony Rangers counterpart’s Element Tyrannosaurus Dinozord in action fighting alongside Pyramidas.” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah they should definitely be an awesome sight to see other me!” Said Pony Rangers Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah pretty seeing all the Zords fighting together should definitely be really awesome and a great test of strength and battle!” Said both the Pony Rangers Mane Six and the Pony Rangers Zeo Mane Six.

“Alright rangers break time is over my little ponies, now it is time for my daughter to show us the more high-tech training room area for the Zords. Friendship Is Magic Mane Six you can watch along with me, Luna, Sunset Shimmer, the Spike from my universe, the Spike from the Friendship Is Magic universe from outside the training room area by displaying it on one of the computers.” Said Pony Rangers Princess Celestia.

“Alright girls time to go to work and start more training alright It’s Morphin Time!” Said both Pony Rangers Rainbow Dash and Pony Rangers Zeo Twilight Sparkle.

The Pony Rangers Mane Six take out their Elements Of Harmony power morphers and hold them out in their hoofs as they open up as they get ready to transform into their ranger forms. The Pony Rangers Zeo Mane Six’s Zeonizers then are summoned on their wrists and move their hoofs in a motion which then causes their Zeonizers to open up and get ready to transform too like the Pony Rangers Mane Six just did. But Pony Rangers Zeo Rainbow Dash’s transformation motion is different; she just moves her hoofs until they cross together then she is ready to transform into the Gold Ranger.

“Magic!” Said Pony Rangers Twilight Sparkle.

“Generosity!” Said Pony Rangers Rarity.

“Laughter!” Said Pony Rangers Pinkie Pie.

“Honesty!” Said Pony Rangers Applejack.

“Kindness!” Said Pony Rangers Fluttershy.

“Loyalty!” Said Pony Rangers Rainbow Dash.

“Zeo Ranger 1 Pink!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Pinkie Pie.

“Zeo Ranger 2 Yellow!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Fluttershy.

“Zeo Ranger 3 Blue!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Applejack.

“Zeo Ranger 4 Green!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Rarity.

“Zeo Ranger 5 Red!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Twilight Sparkle.

“Gold Ranger Power!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Rainbow Dash.

Then both the Pony Rangers Mane Six and the Pony Rangers Zeo Mane Six are transformed and are waiting to go inside into the new training room area that is bigger than the last one they were in before. They wait for Sunset Shimmer to enter the codes to be able to enter the room which then are accepted as they walk into the room. The whole environment in the room changes as it resembles what the Pony Rangers Zeo’s Ponyville looks like. Then unicorn putty ponies, earth putty ponies, and Pegasus putty ponies legions of them to be precise appear and then are ready to fight. The Pony Rangers Mane Six and the Pony Rangers Zeo Mane Six then get ready to take these new opponents down one by one.

“How are we supposed to take these things? I have never seen ponies made out of clay before at all?” Asked Pony Rangers Twilight Sparkle.

“Well we will help you out because these are the foot soldiers we used to fight all the time that our Nightmare Moon and Discord used so over time we got better to easily handle these guys.” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Twilight Sparkle.

“Okay rangers let us do attack formations and do teamwork and split up into groups with our ranger counterparts okay let’s do that right now!” Said Pony Rangers Rainbow Dash.

“Okay Rainbow Dash I hear you loud and clear, are you ready to attack these putty ponies my other ranger counterpart?” Pony Rangers Pinkie Pie asked Pony Rangers Zeo Pinkie Pie.

“Yes I am other me let us summon our power weapons to take these things down!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Pinkie Pie.

“Okie Dokie Loki alright Element Power Bow power up!” Said Pony Rangers Pinkie Pie.

“Zeo 1 Pink power circular shield power up!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Pinkie Pie.

“Um okay girls I am up next, Element Power Daggers now let us see if I can take any of these putty ponies down at all!” Said Pony Rangers Fluttershy.

“Zeo 2 Yellow baton power up, now let us take things down and let me also use my power blaster to take these things down too.” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Fluttershy.

“Alright I am up now sugarcube now it is time to summon my Element Power Lance now alright go yeehaw!” Says Pony Rangers Applejack.

“Ah, I think I am gonna wait to use my power weapon and use it later for now I am just going to use my power blaster and take out some putty ponies with it just like old times, like when I used to use my Element Power Lance.” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Applejack.

“Okay darling, now time to summon my Element Power Axe and see if it works against these ruffians and hope it is able to take them down swiftly!” Said Pony Rangers Rarity.

“I am right on that other me and we should use teamwork like what the others should be doing and are probably going to be doing it sooner rather than later and now time to summon my power blaster to fire!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Rarity.

“Okay now time to use my dragon dagger and see if I can kick away these putty ponies and let us take these things on together!” Said Pony Rangers Twilight Sparkle.

“Okay other Twilight I agree that is what we should do and what should happen next now time to summon the Zeo 5 Power Red and take these putty ponies out!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Twilight Sparkle.

“Okay, now it's time to show these things who’s boss is okay. The Element Power Sword come forth and time to work together with each other me so we can take these things down okay?” Asked the Pony Rangers Rainbow Dash.

“Yes I agree with you other me it will be a privilege to fight alongside you. It will remind me of the time I was the red ranger long ago but now like I keep on saying I am just glad to be a ranger again okay golden power staff do your stuff and show your power now!” Said Pony Rangers Zeo Rainbow Dash.

“Okay they are able to share and use teamwork quite well in this simulation battle so far.” Said Sunset Shimmer.

“Yeah I think it is amazing that they are fighting alongside each other. We enjoyed it too when we did our training with them before.” Said the Friendship Is Magic Mane Six.

“But yeah my other self and my sister agree that both the Pony Rangers Mane Six and the Pony Rangers Zeo Mane Six are doing a great job taking down those putty ponies so far but they do keep on coming and let us hope they can handle that and the tense of it too,” Said Pony Rangers Spike.

"I agree," Rarity FIM chimed. “Those ranger counterparts of ourselves seem like they can handle this and are now working together using each of their weapons which I may say is fabulous and awesome!”.

“I do agree with Rarity seeing my two ranger counterparts using both of their weapons and taking down those putty ponies one by one is so awesome and 20 percent cool to look at,” Said Rainbow Dash FIM.

“Yeah I am still tired from the training I did before that was intense but at least for now I will now be able to move faster and use my magic faster too,” Said Twilight Sparkle FIM.

“But sugarcube this whole training stuff seems advanced but alright to my liking so I would love to do more training soon again so I can kick more ass again,” Said Applejack FIM.

“But um girls do you think we will be ready when the real invasion attack happens?” Asked Fluttershy FIM.

“Yes Fluttershy I think we will be ready for that when it happens especially what our Celestia said before because she will contact all of the allied nations of Equestria so they will be able to aid us in that upcoming attack whenever that does happen,” Said Pinkie Pie FIM.

"Okay," Fluttershy FIM squeaked.

"Good idea, Pinkie Pie," Twilight FIM chimed.

"Thanks," She replied.

"Okay, everyone! Let's get started!" Twilight FIM bade.

All of the heroes leapt for joy before continuing the training. After a few hours of practice, they were finally ready.

Applejack FIM wiped away her sweat. "Phew! That felt good!"

"Yep!" Twilight said. "Alright, everyone! grab your weapons!"

They all went into the weapons bed. All of their zords, coins, elements, etc. stood idly by in a large shelf, ripe for the taking. Which they did.

"Do we have everything?" Twilight FIM asked.

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash FIM replied.

"Okay then."

All at once, they dashed out. Getting ready for what could be their biggest battle yet.

End of Chapter 8.