• Published 12th Jan 2023
  • 723 Views, 163 Comments

Pony Rangers - Heroic412227

An alternate version of the Mane Six gets teleported into their counterparts' world.

  • ...

Chapter 14: A Rangers Only Mission

Meanwhile, in the Pony Rangers Mane Six’s universe, Chrysalis and Nightmare Moon watched the putty ponies' defeat through a large screen in the private chambers of the Hive.

Chrysalis growled, ready to throw a rock at the screen with her magic for the putty ponies' failure. "I can't believe it! Those putty ponies had one job! Twilight and her friends will pay for this!"

"Actually, that wasn't a failure, but merely a test to see how powerful our armies will be."

"Oh, really…?" Chrysalis said, rubbing her hole-covered hooves together. Her voice seething with malice.

Nightmare Moon nodded, "Yes. Soon, when the full power of our armies is ready, we'll be able to complete our plan."

"Perfect…" Queen Chrysalis stated. "And those insolent ponies will be none the wiser. This planet… no, this universe will be no more."

Both Nightmare Moon and Chrysalis cackled so loud that a large echo sounded past the hole-shifting walls of the Hive.

Back at the command center, the heroes are lounging at the break room after facing a long day of fighting off putty ponies in Ponyville. Well… most of them, though.

Twilight, on the other hoof, was busy working with the three Spikes at the main computer in case of any upcoming fights in the future. They tried checking the alert system, but to no avail.

Rainbow Dash FIM, who was busy snoring in one of the sofas before the constant typing made it hard for her to nap, groaned awake. "Ugh! C'mon, Twilight! You've been doing this for hours now! Can't you just take a break?"

"No time!" Twilight FIM shouted. "Something big is coming from Nightmare Moon’s armies and we can't afford to get sidetracked while our universe and others are at stake!"

"Ah think both of y'all have a point. We shouldn't be distracted while Nightmare Moon and her forces are still on the loose, but we shouldn't waste our energy if we want to stop them," Applejack FIM chimed.

"Yeah! Because if we don't relax, then we can't stop Nightmare Moon and save the multiverse!" Pinkie Pie FIM beamed.

"That's exactly what I said, Pinkie Pie," She deadpanned.

"I know. I was just agreeing with you," The pink pony squeaked. "And I wanted to be spontaneous."

Applejack merely rolled her eyes in response before turning back to her break when the alarm system started beeping again.

"Oh, c'mon! Another one?!" Rainbow Dash complained.

Applejack sighed. "Alright, everypony. Let's get—"

“Nope,” The Red Ranger said. “You guys have done enough for this dimension. Leave it to us.”

“Uh… Thanks, but don't you guys need a break, too?" Rainbow Dash FIM questioned.

"Nah. Our coins and power morphers have unlimited power, thanks to the energies of our universe's Elements, after all. We'll be fine," The Pink Ranger chimed.

"Are you sure you all can handle this without us?" Twilight FIM asked.

"Positive,” The Red Ranger boasted.

"Okay…" Rainbow Dash FIM shrugged.

"Let us know if you need our help, okay?" Twilight FIM chimed.

"No problemo," The Pink Ranger saluted.

With that, the Pony Rangers and Pony Rangers Zeo dashed out of the command center.

"Anyone else think they might be in over their heads?" Spike FIM asked.

"Oh, yeah," Rainbow Dash FIM nodded.

They both were met with glares from the others.

Back at Ponyville, things got more heated than usual since the recent putty ponies attack. So, everypony needed to make new precautions if they wanted to avoid another threat. Long ropes of literal bells and whistles were hung along the roofs for any flying foes nearby, leaves and sticks were spread out in case of anyone suspicious stepping on them, and the town was covered with magic inhibitors for anyone with powerful magic to drop by with no chance of using it. Completely foolproof.

Well… Except for one failsafe. And by one, it's actually multiple ones rushing into town. Lyra scouted from the top of both hers and Bon-Bon's house with binoculars at hoof. "Do you see anything?" Bon-Bon asked.

"Hmm…" Lyra squinted to get a better look through her binoculars. That was until she spotted multiple stampeding silhouettes heading this way. "Uh… Bon-Bon?" Her voice quivered.

"What?" Her friend asked.

"You might want to take a look at this,"

Lyra gave her the binoculars. Looking closer, she could see the silhouettes, too.

Both gasped.

"Here they come!" Bon-Bon shouted to the other townsponies, pointing at the threat coming from a distance.

Though, it turned out to not be a threat, but rather the protectors of this land: The Pony Rangers and Pony Rangers Zeo. They made it to the town, only to get caught with each trap.

The Pony Rangers Rainbow Dashes and Fluttershies got caught in the bells and whistles of the roof, tangling them like vines. The Pony Ranger Applejacks and Pinkie Pies stepped on every pile of leaves and branches, which turned out to be ditches with weak piles. And the Pony Rangers Twilights and Rarities tried to use their magic to save them, only to find that it wasn't working.

The citizens rushed out of their homes and buildings to see what they caught, only to gasp at their flimsy plan as they saw the heroes inadvertently caught in their traps.

"Oh sweet Celestia, we are so sorry!" Mayor Mare said.

She and the others helped them out of their traps. But despite that, they were all met with unamused glares on the heroes' faces.

"We thought you were another threat. We wanted to take matters into our own hooves, but I guess we should've looked before we leapt," Lyra added.

Bon-Bon sported the same glare at her. "Nice."

The heroes dusted themselves off. "It's fine. You didn't mean it," The Red Ranger said.

"Yeah. Though, there is another threat headin' this way,'' The Blue Rangers chimed.

"What?!" The citizens shouted.

"Don't worry, everypony! We're already on it!" The Red Ranger boasted.

"Thank you! Wait, what about this universe’s heroes? Aren't they gonna help, too?" Vinyl Scratch questioned.

"No worries. We can handle this ourselves. I'm sure of it," She continued.

That's when the ground started to quake. So much that most of the ponies who couldn't fly could barely feel their hooves underneath. The Red Ranger flew straight up to the sky and squinted her eyes to see what was causing it. She quickly noticed a huge pile of dust growing closer to Ponyville in the distance.

"Uh oh," She stated.

"W-what's going on?!" Lyra asked.

"Here they come!" She zoomed back down. "C'mon, guys! It's Morphin Time!"

The Pony Rangers Mane Six first took out their power morphers and then they opened up and held them in front of them with their hooves and then transformed into the Pony Rangers. The Pony Ranger Zeo Mane Six’s zeonizers then appeared on their hooves and then waved them around in a motion until they came together and then they transformed into the Pony Rangers Zeo and they were ready to kick some ass and defeat the legions of putty ponies and shadow ponies attacking.

“Alright let us see if we can take these things down alright rangers time to use our blasters or power weapons let us go!” Said both Pony Rangers Rainbow Dash and Pony Rangers Zeo Twilight Sparkle.

The legions of putty ponies and shadow ponies skid to a halt as soon as they saw the heroes standing right in front of them. The citizens bolted out of the center of town and hid for safety. Now it was just the heroes and the monsters, both of whom stood their ground against the other. Nostrils flared, burning looks in each groups' eyes, ready for the fight of a lifetime.

Both factions charged at each other, leaving behind a wave of dust that inadvertently caused the citizens to cough. Butting heads with each other, the heroes swiftly kicked the monsters straight into the sky. However, said monsters quickly dove at them. The Pony Rangers Zeo gasped and leapt out of sight.

The monsters stomped the ground. The impact was so powerful that it not only created a large crater the size of a lake, but unleashed enormous pillars of dust that almost engulfed the town and covered everyone in it. Even the Pony Rangers Zeo got caught in the pillars as they coughed out dust from their throats.

Pony Rangers Zeo Twilight stopped coughing and heaved. "It's too dangerous here! We have to move somewhere else or everyone's going to get hurt!"

"Right!" The others nodded.

The Pony Rangers Zeo gestured the monsters at it in a cocky manner. "Hey, monsters! Come and get us!" Rainbow Dash taunted.

A fiery rage blazed quickly into the monsters' eyes at their taunting as they roared and scraped their hooves. They then charged at the heroes with enough force and acceleration to make the ground and the civilians quake. The Pony Rangers Zeo leapt to the outskirts of the town and bolted off into a desert in the distance. The monsters quickly chased after it.

It stopped at the desert and stood their ground, waiting for the monsters to catch up. Eventually, they did with bared teeth and claws scraping at the ground, ready to tear the heroes to pieces. Their mech brandished its fists, showing the creatures that they're not afraid of them no matter what.

"You guys ready for this, guys?" The Red Ranger and Pony Rangers Zeo asked.

"Eyup!" The Blue Rangers answered.

"We can do it!" Chimed the Pink Rangers.

"Let’s teach those ruffians a lesson!" The Black Rangers said.

"Yeah," The Yellow Rangers squeaked.

"We've got this… together," The Green Rangers stated.

"Then let’s do this!" Both Red Rangers declared.

The battle was on! As the monsters charged again, the heroes quickly took out their Zords and let them morph into their Element Dinozords, Element Dragonzord, Zeo Megazord, Red BattleZord, Super Zeo Zords, Warrior Wheel, Pyramidas and the Element Ninja Zords forms respectively. Fully-formed, they all landed around the Pony Rangers Zeo, ready to help them fight.

The monsters then tried to pounce on them, but the mechs proved their dominance as they instantly grabbed at their faces and hurled them off. The monsters tumbled for a bit before skidding to a halt until they saw the heroes launch themselves up to the sun. They all dove back down with the main mech in the lead. The monsters simply watched in shock and awe. Soon, the Pony Rangers Zeo and other mechs stomped them into sludge, leaving behind a huge crater and storm of dust that nearly took out the entire desert area.

As the dust cleared, the mechs shot cool poses despite being stained with essences of their enemies.

"Woo-eee! We did it, girls!" The Applejacks cheered.

"Yep. Never doubted us for a second," The Rainbow Dashes chimed.

"Ew!" The Black Ranger recoiled at the mess they were in. "We just got this mech cleaned!"

"Yeah. Let's get back to the command center, girls," The Green Ranger said.

And with that, the mechs morphed back into their base states and the heroes teleported back to the command center with both Twilights' magic. The others cheered for them as the screen from the main computer displayed the entire fight in action.

"Wow! You guys really saw everything?" The Red Ranger asked, her voice filled with surprise.

"Yeah! That fight was uncredible!" Pinkie Pie FIM shouted.

The others gave a confused expression.

"Unbelievable and incredible? C'mon!" She complained.

Twilight cleared her throat and stepped forward. "Anyway, you all did a great job out there. Sorry for doubting you."

"It's okay. Wait! You doubted us?" The Green Ranger asked, confused and a bit offended.

Twilight FIM and the others shrugged sheepishly.

"Looks like you don't need us to help anymore, right?" Twilight sighed, scrapping her hoof against the floor.

"Hey! You guys are good, too! Sure, we won the fight, but that doesn't mean we don't need your help! It's what friends do, right?" The Red Ranger Zeo asked.

"Yeah. Maybe you’re right," Fluttershy chimed. "We did help you with the other putty ponies despite what Rainbow did."

"I said I was sorry," Rainbow muttered to herself.

"Yep. Anyway, we could use a break, too. That fight was physically exhausting," The Red Ranger sighed. "Did you check and see if Nightmare Moon's armies are planning anything?"

"Actually, the main computer didn't pick up anything, so I think we're good for now." Twilight FIM answered.

The Yellow Ranger sighed in relief. "Thank goodness. I think we've had enough fighting for one day."

"You said, Flutts." The Red Ranger Zeo walked to the couch and melted between the cushions.

The others followed suit for a free day without any battles or problems to deal with… For now.

End of Chapter 14.