• Published 20th Jun 2024
  • 351 Views, 2 Comments

G5 Adventures in Garfield’s Pet Force - ponydog127

The Mane 6 and Sparky head back to Cartoon World and become superheroes once again in order to help their friends defeat the evil Vetvix, who plans on using a dangerous cosmic weapon to enslave the universe.

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Rainbows to the Rescue/The Final Fight Plan

Things were going from bad to worse for the Unity Squad and their Cartoon World friends.

The Pet Force (consisting of the original Garzooka, Odie, Arlene and Nermal) had been blasted by the moscram's Super Scramble mode, and now, they were going after the Unity Squad and the three members of the Royal Force present, since they were now obeying Vetvix's orders.

Of course, our pony friends didn't want to hurt the Pet Force, even if they were scrambled zombies, but they knew that they couldn't be caught either.

This left them with the hardest choice they could ever make... what were they going to do now?


“NOOOO!!!” Jasmine shrieked as soon as she saw the Pet Force get scrambled, since the whole thing was being viewed from inside the studio. “This… this can’t be happening!”

“Odie, Arlene and Nermal are part of a huge monster thing that’s gonna attack the ponies!” Betty gasped in horror. “We’ve got to help them!”

“But what can we do against the Pet Force and their superpowers?” Wally wondered. “The Crazy Crew always has a plan!” Garfield declared before looking over at Jasmine. “...right, Jazzy?”

However, when Garfield looked at Jasmine, he honestly wished that he hadn't.

Jasmine looked livid at what Vetvix did to her friends.

In fact, Garfield had never seen Jasmine look so mad in her entire life... and that's saying something right there.

Finally… Jasmine spoke in a voice that bore hatred at every turn. “Garfield… get on my back… NOW!!”

Garfield wasted no time in following her directions. “Eli, you’re in charge until we get back,” Jasmine said seriously. “And I suggest you take this seriously… cause Vetvix is gonna know how seriously I take payback.

And just like that, she galloped out of the room, leaving Garfield to hang onto her for dear life.


Diamond yelped repeatedly as she tried to avoid attacks from Odie's stun tongue, but she didn't fire her diamond attacks in return. “Odie, please, stop!” she begged. “You have to snap out of Vetvix’s control! This isn't the real you, buddy!”

However, like the Mane 6 predicted, Odie didn't listen to her, and just kept attacking, just like the rest of the Pet Force was doing until all of the ponies were backed into a corner... and quite literally too. “What do we do, Sunny?!” Izzy asked. “Yeah! We can’t hurt our friends,” Misty pointed out, “but if we don’t do SOMETHING, they might end up hurting us!

“And then,” Cobalt pointed out with deep concern, “there’d be nopony to stop Vetvix!”

“Uh… h-hang on, guys!” Sunny tried to think of a solution. “I’m thinking!”

“Well, think faster!” Pipp shrieked. “We’re about to be moscramed any second!”

But, as the group prepared themselves for the Pet Force to attack…

… a sudden rainbow blast of energy firing from one unicorn filly caused the Pet Force to fly into a nearby wall, disoriented and dazed. “LEAVE MY FRIENDS ALONE!!”

“Jasmine, Garfield!” Misty cried in relief. “Boy, are we glad to see you!”

“Quick!” Cobalt cried out in panic. “We gotta get out of here!”

“But we can’t leave Nermal and the others like this!” Lily argued. “We won’t! I mean, we will,” Zipp said, trying to be comforting, “but we’ll be back for them as soon as we have a plan!”

Jasmine nodded before slamming her front hooves on the ground, and when she did this, a rainbow of light stretched from the top of the tower all the way through the city. “Follow me!” Jasmine cried with Garfield on her back. “We haven’t a second to lose!”

Jasmine leapt onto the rainbow and began sliding down it, and the others swiftly followed, yelling out and screaming at the fast-paced ride that they were getting.

Finally, the ride ended as soon as they tumbled into the studio, dizzy and out of breath. “Man… I love slides,” Izzy panted, “but the whole Vetvix thing gives them a whole new meaning!”

“Eli, quick-- turn on the camera system again,” Jasmine said, letting Garfield off her back. “We need to see what Vetvix is going to do next... for better or for worse.”


Back at the tower, the Pet Force cluster argued about which direction to go in to pursue the Unity Squad, the Royal Force and Garfield and ended up falling off of the tower all together... something that made the Mane 6 and the others cringe after watching.


Inside Vetvix's ship, Professor Wally freed himself from the ropes and stood up while the dog guards were still disoriented from the crash. “Ah, all right, Professor!” Emperor Jon cheered. “Way to…”

“Shh!” Professor Wally covered the emperor’s mouth before he could give them both away. The professor then proceeded to free Emperor Jon from his ropes. When the purple dog guard got up, the emperor shoved his crown onto his head and spun him around. “They went thataway!” Emperor Jon told him. “Get them before they escape!”

And like he expected, the guard clumsily walked into a wall and slumped down. “Yes!” Emperor Jon cheered. “Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown,” Professor Wally added before moving to the controls of the ship.


As the ship began to start up, Vetvix fell off of the wing, yelping in surprise as she watched her ship fly off without her. “Wait! Where are you going?!” she cried, but no one answered as the ship took off. However… looking at the moscram gave her another idea. “Let’s see what this baby can really do.”

Setting her eyes on some buildings below, she fired the moscram at them and they all clustered together into a huge, spiraling tornado. That's when the tornado formed into a huge building-made monster, which roared in command to its leader. “Come to me, my lovely!” Vetvix beckoned it. That’s when the monster began to scale the building, only arriving in just a few seconds. And once it got to the top, Vetvix climbed right into the palm of its hand. “That way! Let’s go get my ship back!”

With this being said, the monster dropped from the top of the tower and began to march through Grin City. “Destroy everything!” Vetvix commanded, and the monster began to use its large stature to try and smash through buildings of different varieties. And as it did so, the Pet Force cluster rolled along behind it. “Must obey Vetvix…”


Having seen all of this on the screen, the pony superheroes and all their remaining friends became increasingly worried about their current circumstances. “What can we possibly do against that thing?!” Hitch wondered, cradling a nervous Sparky in his hooves. “Poor Garzooka…” whimpered Betty. “All is lost…” Bonita muttered. “We can’t give up that easily!” Sunny tried to encourage. “Yes, we’re scared, and we’re the only ones in Grin City that HAVEN’T been turned into zombies, but we can still make a difference-- we can still help!”

“It’s already over...” Lily muttered, worried sick about Nermal and the others. “No! When you have hope, it’s never over!” Sunny declared as she flew up and showed her alicorn form, causing the others to gasp. “And we know you still have a shimmer of it.”

Suddenly, Cobalt's cutie mark began to glow, causing him to gasp and giggle. “I see what you mean!”

“Sunny is totally right!” Diamond said as she watched her cutie mark glow as well. “We can do ANYTHING as long as we stick together as a team!”

“Okay… so, what do we do next?” Lily asked, still rather unsure. But before anyone else could answer, an alarm came up on Eli’s computer, and it showed Vetvix’s ship coming down out in the parking lot, causing Jasmine and Garfield to look worried. “Uh-oh!”

Now their objective was clear… they had to deal with this the old-fashioned way.


With bats, golf clubs and any other items they could find in hand, the group snuck out of the studio doors and looked over at Vetvix's ship, which was parked not too far away. “Let’s go,” Garfield whispered, and the group tiptoed as best they could to the other side of the ship, where they would be out of sight for now.

And then, when they saw the ship's door begin to open, Garfield knew that this was the best time to make their move. “NOW!!”

They yelled out and charged at the figures leaving the ship, but once they saw who it was, Garfield smiled and took the initiative to introduce everyone. “Unity Squad, Royal Force and Crazy Crew, meet Emperor Jon and Professor Wally.”

“Hi…” Emperor Jon greeted nervously while Bonita looked shocked. “Wally?”

“Me?” Wally looked at his counterpart with wide eyes. “Fascinating…” the professor muttered, looking at his counterpart as well. “Looks like the Crazy Crew just got crazier,” Eli spoke. “I’ll say,” Zipp spoke as she shook her head. “But can we worry about this later and try and focus on saving the universe?”

Just then, they saw the giant building monster rampaging through Cartoon World... and it was heading in their direction! “Oh no!!” Pipp yelped in terror. “We need a plan!” Bonita declared. “Like what?” Jasmine asked, hoping she had a good idea. “Well,” Bonita said, “fainting comes to mind.”

“The Crazy Crew never panics!” Izzy chirped as the monster drew closer and closer to the studio. “Now might be a good time to start,” Cobalt said nervously. “Good idea,” Betty told the colt before she and Bonita fainted right on the ground next to them. “No no no! Guys, come on!” Jasmine said in exasperation. “You can’t save the universe that way!”

But as she looked across the street, the monster was quickly approaching, and Garfield knew that there had to be a solution. Suddenly... he thought of a plan. “Eli, you and the Royal Force better get the Crazy Crew to safety.”

“You got it,” Eli nodded, and went off to do as told as the monster began to get closer. “Time for me to get involved,” Garfield declared, “big time!”

“Wait, Garfield!” Jasmine interrupted. “I’m going with you!”

“Jazzy, it could be dangerous!” Lily pointed out. “But then again,” Diamond argued, “she and Garfield did just save our necks back at the tower, so… she kinda has the ability to kick butt.”

“And we’ll be part of whatever Garfield has planned too, I’m sure of it,” Sunny said. “We’ll be there to keep your friends safe.”

“Actually… you won’t,” Garfield told the Mane 6. “We need you guys to lure the Pet Force back to the studio while Jazzy and I take care of that monster.”

“What?!” Zipp cried. “We can’t let you take on that thing with only one of you having powers!”

“We’ll be fine, Zipp… trust us,” Jasmine said confidently, and after a few moments, the Mane 6 nodded. “Okay,” Sunny sighed, “but be careful.”

“Cobalt, take Sparky into the studio with you,” Hitch said, handing the baby dragon over. “This may be a little too dangerous for him to handle.”

“Got it,” Cobalt nodded firmly. “Okay, guys… go find the Pet Force and lure them to the studio as fast as you can,” Jasmine told the Mane 6 before turning to the emperor and Professor Wally. “Could you guys give us a lift?”

“Of course!” Professor Wally responded back without hesitation. “Well, what are we waiting for?” Pipp asked with a smile. “We have a mission to get underway!”