• Published 20th Jun 2024
  • 350 Views, 2 Comments

G5 Adventures in Garfield’s Pet Force - ponydog127

The Mane 6 and Sparky head back to Cartoon World and become superheroes once again in order to help their friends defeat the evil Vetvix, who plans on using a dangerous cosmic weapon to enslave the universe.

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Captured by Vetvix/The Takeover of Cartoon World Begins

The Mane 6, Diamond, Lily, Cobalt, Sparky and Garzooka were waiting patiently for the serum to take affect within Nermal, Arlene and Odie's bodies, and honestly hoped that Garfield and Jasmine were taking good care of the Klopman Crystal, in case Vetvix were to come around in search of it.

However, they were unaware that Garfield was merely relaxing in his chair out in the front hard, and Jasmine was practicing with her brand-new superhero abilities not too far away, determined to keep her best friend and the crystal safe from harm.

But unlike Jasmine, Garfield didn't think that the Garzooka that paid them a visit earlier was the real one... just some guy in a really well-made costume.

However, the one thing Garfield couldn't explain how this actor knew that the crown he gave Jasmine was magical, but... as long as Jasmine and the rest of their friends believed it, there wasn't really much he could say or do.

As he watched Jasmine play and try and activate her new superpowers, Garfield reached into one of the cupholders and pulled the Klopman Crystal out of it so he could take a closer look at it.

The crystal glimmered in the afternoon light, and Garfield couldn't help but be impressed by it-- whether that Garzooka character was real or not, he sure knew how to gain expensive gems.

Shrugging, Garfield put the crystal back in his cupholder and took a sip of lemonade, sighing to himself. “This is the life…”

“Hey, Garfield!” Jasmine called from nearby, and waited till Garfield looked over at her. “You gotta see this!”

Jasmine lifted her front hooves a bit before slamming them down on the ground, and when her hooves made contact with the ground, a small, shimmering rainbow flew out of the ground, flying around her before stopping, causing Garfield to stare in shock. “Whoa! Where’d you learn to do that with your unicorn magic?”

“It wasn’t my unicorn magic, Garfield-- it’s part of the new superpowers my crown gives me!” Jasmine explained as she hopped onto the rainbow and flew around. “Not only do I have super agility and strength, but I can create rainbows to fly on, and I can make rainbow blasts and rainbow shields for battling evil! WHOO-HOO!!!”

Halfway during her flight, Jasmine leapt off the rainbow and onto Garfield’s chair (which was big enough for both of them), and the rainbow faded away as she did so. “Man, are we lucky to be trusted with such a big job,” Jasmine smiled. “But… maybe we should bring the Klopman Crystal inside, just in case Vetvix were to come around.”

Garfield sighed, deciding to finally play along with her little game. “I don’t think we have anything to worry about, Jazzy… Vetvix is still in the comic book world, remember? She couldn’t hurt us, even if she wanted to.”

“But, Garzooka came into this world from there,” said Jasmine, “so maybe Vetvix could too! And who knows what she could do to find the crystal!”

Garfield immediately stopped her rambling to become serious. “Kid… you trust me, right?”

Jasmine nodded at this. “Of course I do.”

“Then trust me when I say that Vetvix won’t hurt you-- not while I’m here.”

Hearing this caused Jasmine to sigh. “Thanks, Garfield… I guess it wouldn’t hurt to just relax for a second. Besides, all this superpower testing's really worn me out.”

So, the superpowered green unicorn laid down in front of Garfield and decided to close her eyes for just a second. And once the two got done relaxing, Jasmine would make sure that the crystal would be put in a safe place.

She couldn't let Garzooka and her friends down... she just couldn't.

Just then, a large shadow slowly engulfed the entire yard. Jasmine snapped out of her thoughts, realizing the anomaly going on. “Uh… Garfield?”

The orange cat also felt the apparent lack of warmth as the giant shadow blocked out the sun. “Oh, come on!” Garfield groaned. “There wasn't a cloud in the sky a minute ago.”

That’s when Garfield and Jasmine looked up and gasped at what they saw. A giant airship-looking machine, armed with missile launchers and turrets slowly flew over them, causing Garfield to gulp. “Mommy…!!”

As the massive machine was hovering right over the two, a hatch opened and out came a blue tractor beam, which began raising the cat and pony into the air. The two began to panic as they rose higher and higher toward the airship. “GAH!!! Somepony, HELP!!” Jasmine screamed, but by that point, it was too late-- the orange tabby cat and the young unicorn were sucked into the airship.

The hatch closer behind them, leaving the smoldering patch in the yard. Garfield and Jasmine were brought onto the main deck, both clutching the lawn chair as they turned to see three large dogs in red and blue armor, who smiled and chuckled deviously at the two. “Uh…” Jasmine gulped nervously. “Hi…?”

However, the dogs only growled at her, causing Jasmine to immediately silence herself. Garfield turned the other way and spotted Emperor Jon and Professor Wally tied up in a corner. Of course, he thought they were the normal Jon and Wally from the Cartoon World. “Jon! Wally!” he exclaimed as he and Jasmine walked over to them. “What the heck is going on here?”

However, the reactions Garfield got weren’t what he and Jasmine were expecting. “W-Who are you?” Emperor Jon asked cautiously. “How do you know our names?” Professor Wally asked. “Wha… but, it's us. Jasmine and Garfield,” Jasmine said, now even more confused. “Were there memories wiped?”

“I'm more weirded out they're dressed like royalty,” Garfield muttered. Suddenly, another figure walked up to them, causing them to gasp-- this figure looked a lot like Jon’s friend Liz, but… scarier. “You're now my prisoner, tubby one That's what's going on,” The figure pointed a finger at Garfield… just before she noticed Jasmine beside Garfield, looking terribly frightened. “And who exactly are you? Guard, why is this pony here?”

The guard only shrugged, unsure himself… and that’s when Garfield finally seemed to realize everything. “It’s true! The story about the Pet Force… it’s all true!”

“Ugh, finally! At least now you're getting it,” Jasmine said before gulping. “But… that can only mean that she’s Vetvix! And… she’s a LOT scarier than I thought she was.”

“Where is Garzooka?” Vetvix demanded before turning back to a computer screen. “I scanned for his DNA and got these coordinates.”

Garfield and Jasmine looked at each other. Apprehension was plastered on their faces and they both knew it. “Unless… you are he,” Vetvix said, looking at Garfield before noticing and gasping at the tiara Jasmine wore on her head. “And you must be the new leader of the Royal Force! So that’s why he came here…”

“Me?” Garfield questioned, looking confused. “He?”

“Of course. Ingenious, Garzooka,” Vetvix said, walking around the duo. “How you and this princess did it, I don't know, but that is quite a disguise; hiding yourself within this fat, dumpy, pathetic, little body.”

“Hey!” Jasmine snapped angrily at Vetvix poking Garfield’s stomach. “He is NOT pathetic!”

“And, I hate to break it to you, Miss Megalomaniac,” Garfield added, “but you got the wrong guy.”

“Me? Wrong?!” Vetvix snapped in their faces, causing them to stumble back. “I don’t think so!”

Garfield and Jasmine sat on the floor, mouths agape in total fear while Vetvix grabbed the moscram and turned back to them. “I'd like to scramble you two with that lawn chair,” she spoke with a sneer, pointing the weapon at the two, “but I need the Klopman Crystal to power my moscram!”

The cat and pony looked at each other, then to the lawn chair where the crystal lay in one of the cupholders. Then, while Vetvix was facing away from them, Jasmine leaned closer to Garfield. “If they find the Klopman Crystal, Cartoon World and Equestria are doomed! We have to keep it safe from her!”

Garfield immediately got the memo and inched over to the lawn chair. Being discrete as possible, he grabbed the crystal and dumped it into the glass of lemonade. After such, the two gulped yet acted as ignorant as they could. “Tell me!” Vetvix snapped, causing Garfield to climb onto the lawn chair while Jasmine hid next to it. “Where is it?!”

“Uh… where's what?” Garfield asked dumbly. “Yeah,” Jasmine nodded quickly, playing along. “W-We don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Very well. If you want to play that game, I can oblige,” the woman in yellow said threateningly. “I'm going to enjoy making you two talk.”

She laughed evilly and spun the lawn chair around to face her, causing the orange cat cat and Jasmine to hold each other, now completely terrified, and Jasmine could only hope that their friends realized that they were in danger and launched a rescue mission...

...especially before it was too late.


At the comic studio auditorium, while the stage was being set up, Jon saw Randy Rabbit, Billy Bear, Wally, and Betty at a specific part of the stage, with smiley faces on the walls, and they appeared to be smiling and laughing happily as he approached. “Hey… what’s this, Betty?”

“Oh. It's my new idea. I call it the ‘smile section’,” Betty explained. “Sort of like a coffee break area where people come to think happy thoughts.”

“Wow! What a great idea!” Jon said, and stepped into the smile section as well. He could feel its effects almost immediately, causing him to chuckle. “Hey, it’s already working.”

“See?” Betty smiled. “Alright, people, gather round,” Charles announced to everyone in the auditorium. “Betty. Betty!”

Annoyed, Betty begrudingly led everyone out of the smile section and into the main part of the auditorium again. “Alright, people, let’s go. Quickly, please! Time is money,” Charles told the crew. “Let’s review today’s shooting schedule.”

Betty cleared her throat before beginning to read from the paper in front of her. “First up, we'll have "Garfield"... and-and then the "Life Stinks" comic strip, followed by--”

That’s when Charles interrupted again, seeing that the star of the first strip called was missing. “Where is Garfield?”

“Uh,” Jon raised his hand. “He’ll be here any minute, Charles.”

“Where are the others?”

“Here we are! Sorry we’re late,” Sunny called as she and the rest of the Unity Squad, Arlene, Odie and Nermal entered with Cobalt, Lily, Diamond (the three young ponies in their new superhero forms) and Garzooka, much to Charles' surprise. That’s when Eli spotted Garzooka and shined the spotlight on him so everyone could get a good look at him. “Whoo-hoo-hoo! Holy biceps!” Randy Rabbit cried out. “Who’s that?”

“Oh, baby!” Betty found Garzooka rather attractive, while Wally and Bonita stood shocked, but only the former found his voice to speak. “Is that… Garfield?”

“Not unless he’s been putting something in his milk,” Bonita said back, just as Charles faced the group in confusion. “Who is this?

“It’s Garzooka!” Lily said cheerfully. “He’s a superhero! We’re on a friendly basis with him-- no big deal.”

However, Charles was still surprised and confused all at once. “Superhero?”

“It’s a long story,” Arlene started. “But we’ll have time to explain it all later,” Hitch said. “Right now, we have to tell you guys about--”

However, he and Sparky were knocked down by Betty, who approached Garzooka at a rapid speed. “Excuse me. Are you seeing anyone?”

“Uh… no,” Garzooka shook his head in surprise. “Oh, that’s good. Because you’re perfect,” Betty clung to his leg, “and I’m desperate.”

“Betty, would you please return to the stage?” Charles requested, but Betty refused to move. “I’m stayin’ right here with Mr. Muscle.”


At Charles’ shout, Betty growled at him before turning back to Garzooka. “Now don’t you go anywhere or I will hunt ya down.”

“...good to know,” Zipp couldn't help but cringe as she spoke. “You know, this could be rather fortuitous,” Charles said before approaching Garzooka and trying to pushing him onto the set. Now, Mr. Garzooka, if you would, please…ergh… take the stage. You will have to be a stand-in for Garfield.”

“Uh, Charles, we really don’t have time for this,” Diamond tried to explain. “There’s somepony super bad who could be on her way here and we need to get everyone somewhere safe!”

However, Charles was far too busy getting Garzooka prepped to hear her. “Here’s your script,” he said, handing Garzooka the script before leaving the stage. “Sorry about this, Garzooka,” Pipp whispered. “On the plus side, you’re gonna look great in the strip!”

“Today,” Charles interrupted, speaking to Garzooka, “Garfield refuses to go jogging. He states that the only thing on him that runs is his nose.”

The younger ponies, Arlene, Nermal, Odie and Izzy couldn’t help but try and stifle their laughter at the joke. However, Garzooka remained confused at the skit that Charles had mentioned before. “Why would you make fun of jogging? Exercise and strict diet should be part of everyone's daily routine. It teaches kids to grow big and strong…” he said, lifting the stage with ease, “...like their favorite superhero.”

Needless to say, everyone around them was rather surprised at the development. “Okay, even I gotta admit it,” Zipp said. “That was cool.”

“Garzooka just needs to stand in for Garfield for a few minutes, and then we should be able to check Odie, Arlene and Nermal to see if the serum’s kicked in, right?” Lily asked. “Right,” Misty nodded before sighing. “I just hope Garfield and Jasmine are okay.”

“Believe me, if they weren’t,” Pipp told her, “we would hear Garfield’s screams coming from halfway down the block. But... let me try and give Jasmine a call, just in case.”


Jasmine strained and strained, but it didn't seem to do any good-- she was still caught in the binds that Vetvix put her in.

And worst of all, Garfield was wound up just like a rubber band, thanks to one of Vetvix's torture devices. “Hey, uh, this is kind of uncomfortable. A little more to the right,” Garfield said as Vetvix continued to twist him around. “A little more. Ahh... that's it.”

“You've withstood all of my torture devices!” Vetvix growled in frustration. “I don't understand!”

“I'm a cartoon character,” Garfield shrugged. “We're supposed to squash and stretch. That's what we do for a living.”

“You and your little princess friend here may be resilient, Garzooka, but I'll find a way to make you talk,” Vetvix sneered. “For the last time, where is the Klopman Crystal?”

“Ow!” Garfield yelped as Vetvix pinched him to get a reaction. “We’re telling you, we don't know where the crystal is!” Jasmine said for what seemed like the millionth time. “And he's not Garzooka!”

“Silence!” Vetvix snapped, causing Jasmine to whimper. “I must ponder this... guard! Bring me that lemonade. I’m thirsty.”

Jasmine immediately tensed at this, and the purple dog guard goes to the chair and grabbed the glass of lemonade, which contained the crystal. “That’s simple enough.”

Vetvix took the lemonade glass from the guard and was about to take a sip when she stopped to ask a question. “What would it take for you to tell me where the crystal is?”

Jasmine, although she seemed totally terrified, knew that she had to remain strong... for all of the universe's sake. “We wouldn’t tell you for all the lasagna in Italy.”

Vetvix growled in anger at this. “I want that crystal so bad I could taste it!”

Garfield and Jasmine watched in horror as Vetvix was about to take a drink and reveal the crystal, but since they were still in their binds, there was not much they could do.

That's when Garfield decided to do something so crazy, it might work. “Stop!!” he cried out, stopping Vetvix in her tracks. “Okay, I'll tell you where the crystal is… if you'll, uh, just give me a drink of that lemonade.”

WHAT?!” Jasmine yelped. “Garfield, no! Don't let food and drink consumption make you do something stupid!”

However, Garfield shot her a little wink, letting her know that he had a plan up his sleeve... well, so to speak. “...what an odd little cat you are,” Vetvix said to Garfield before complying, handing him the glass. “Very well. Here.”

As soon as he got the glass in his paws, Garfield drank the entire glass of lemonade and ice, including the crystal, before throwing the glass off to the side.

That's when Jasmine immediately recognized what Garfield was doing, and internally winced-- there was absolutely no way Vetvix was going to fall for this.

At that same moment, Vetvix turned to Garfield with an expecting look. “So...?”

“...so what?” Garfield asked casually, his mouth filled with the crystal. “Where’s the crystal?” Vetvix asked again. “And what's that in your mouth?”

“N-Nothing!” Jasmine spoke for her friend rather nervously. “Garfield is just prone to... sucking on ice. Heh heh...”

However, Vetvix didn't seem all that convinced, and merely walked over to a lever, pulled it, and this caused shades to appear over all the windows of the ship. “You seem to have a certain... glow about you.”

As soon as she said this, she flicked the lights off and something was glowing from inside Garfield, who tried to act casually, despite the glow coming from within him. “I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, lady.”

Vetvix smirked-- it was just as she thought. Quicker than a flash of light, she turned the lights in the ship back on and quickly untwisted Garfield before giving out a set of orders. “Get the crystal!”

“Oh no they don’t!” Jasmine muttered to herself before straining as hard as she could, eventually breaking through her binds and charging forward, knocking the guards off their feet by head-butting them and kicking them away from Garfield. “Stay back!” she sneered at Vetvix and the dog guards, her horn flaring with power. “I got powers and I’m not afraid to use them!”

However, there was one guard that Jasmine missed, and he ended up grabbing her and causing her to scream as Garfield broke one foot free of his own binds and tried to free the other one.

The next thing Garfield and Jasmine knew, they were pinned to the ground, and the purple dog guard reached into Garfield’s mouth and pulled out the crystal. “I got it! I got it!”

“NO!!” Jasmine strained, trying to get free from her grip. Vetvix chuckled and wiped the crystal clean, since it had Garfield’s slobber on it, “Look at you! Ha ha ha ha ha!”

Now came time for the real test.

Wasting no time, Vetvix inserted the crystal into the gun’s container and the power levels rose up. She laughed evilly as she went out onto the deck and stored the moscram into a big blaster. She fired at an old man and his bike, resulting in an old man’s head on the front wheel’s part and the front wheel on his body.

Then, Vetvix activated her microphone and spoke out to the zombies below. “You’re under my control now. You are my zombies!”

“Must obey Vetvix…” the old man bike droned on, and once the zombies were off, slowly trudging away, Vetvix returned to the main area. “Oh, yes! Who’s back?”

“I dunno,” the dog guards answered. “Vetvix is back. That’s who,” Vetvix responded back. “And what’s she gonna get?”

Once again, the guards had no idea what she meant. “I dunno.”

“She’s gonna get Garzooka, and then, the whole universe!” Vetvix proclaimed before going into literal victory dance mode. “Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh!”

“Say, she’s not a bad dancer, is she?” Emperor Jon asked Professor Wally as he gazed Vetvix’s way, causing the professor to sigh. “Oh, dear…”

“Boy, we really blew it, Jazzy…” Garfield muttered to Jasmine, both of them hanging their heads in defeat and shame. “Yes, you did. The real Garzooka and the real leader of the Royal Force would never have been such fools!” Vetvix mocked them, causing Jasmine to wince before Vetvix turned back to one of the guards. “Run the DNA scan again. And this time, don't make any mistakes.”

Don’t make any mistakes. Always givin' me a hard time. One day, she'll make a mistake and…” the guard muttered to himself as he ran the DNA scan once again, and just like before, the computer gave an alarm, alerting them of Garzooka’s whereabouts. “Hey! We found him!”

“Program the coordinates!” Vetvix commanded. “Garzooka is the only thing that stands between me and universal domination!”

Garfield and Jasmine looked horrified as Vetvix laughed evilly, and Jasmine whimpered after a few moments, looking toward her best friend. “Oh, Garfield… what have we done…?”

Garfield wished he could answer her positively, but instead, hugged her around the neck as a sign of comfort.

All they could do now was hope and pray that things would turn out all right…

…even when they knew, deep in their hearts, this whole fiasco WAS entirely their fault.

Author's Note:

I had Indywriter Productions' help with some of this chapter, so I really owe them a lot of thanks!