• Published 20th Jun 2024
  • 350 Views, 2 Comments

G5 Adventures in Garfield’s Pet Force - ponydog127

The Mane 6 and Sparky head back to Cartoon World and become superheroes once again in order to help their friends defeat the evil Vetvix, who plans on using a dangerous cosmic weapon to enslave the universe.

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Returning to Cartoon World/The Pet Force Comic

Upon realizing that the Unity Crystals were summoning the group into action once again, Hitch took Sparky onto his back as the group ran upstairs to grab everything they might need for their brand-new adventure.

Of course, like always, the group wasn't sure what to expect on this adventure, so they just grabbed a bit of everything before they ran up to the Crystal Room.

Once they were standing in front of the Unity Crystals, the ponies' cutie marks sent magic into the crystals making them glow with a white light that got brighter and brighter and brighter until...

...the Mane 6 and Sparky had disappeared into worlds beyond for their next exciting adventure.


A sudden gentle wind picked up just before a portal opened up on a singular street, and the Mane 6 and Sparky stepped out of it.

And it didn't take long for Sunny to gasp upon realizing where they ended up. “You guys! We’re back in Cartoon World! That means we’re gonna have another adventure with Garfield and our Cartoon World friends!”

“Oh, Sparky-Spark, you’re gonna love Garfield!” Izzy told the baby dragon with a smile. “He’s sarcastic, but he’s really funny once you get to know him!”

“And I don’t think the house where Garfield, Jon, Jasmine and Odie live is too far away!” Zipp said as she looked around. “Just a couple of blocks from here!”

“Well, what are we waiting for?” Misty asked. “Let’s go check on our friends and see what they’ve been up to!”


Jasmine Wildbloom carefully levitated plates and cups out to the backyard for the backyard cookout that she, Odie, Jon and Garfield were going to be hosting for all their friends in just a short while.

However, her thoughts were honestly on more ponies that she wished that they could invite… two earth ponies, two unicorns and two pegasus princesses, to be more precise.

“You thinking about our friends from Equestria again?”

Jasmine looked at Garfield with a wistful sigh. “Can you blame me, Garfield?” she asked, setting up the plates and cups. “It’s been at least a month or so since we last saw them, and they left a real impact on us. Right, Odie?”

The yellow beagle on the other side of the table nodded at this. “Yeah, yeah.”

“I mean… all we have left to remember them by is the tree we all planted next to the studio, remember?” Jasmine asked. “We planted it right after our dance routine at Fun Fest, and before our friends had to go back to Equestria.”

“Aww, Jasmine, I know you miss them… we all do,” Jon said as he put some charcoal in the grill to cook the hot dogs and veggie dogs. “But as much as we want them to be here for the cookout, we have to wait and see if the ponies are gonna come back at all.”

“As a matter of fact, Jon,” said a familiar voice, “we ARE back!”

The four immediately turned to look where the voice was coming from, and the Mane 6 leapt over the fence with smiles on their faces. “Hey, guys!” Zipp smiled. “Miss us much?”

“You’re here! You’re really here!” Jasmine exclaimed as she and the boys rushed to meet them with hugs and laughter, having not seen them in a matter of weeks… or maybe even a month. “Oh-ho, man…” Garfiels sighed as he and Misty hugged. “I-It only feels like yesterday that you guys were helping me get my funny mojo back in order to win Fun Fest!”

“I know… it’s so good to see all of you again,” Misty smiled in response. “What have you all been up to since we left?”

“Still taking care of that tree we planted, I hope?” Hitch asked. “I give it a little dose of love and water every time Garfield is shooting for his strip,” Jasmine responded proudly. “As for what we’ve been up to… oh-ho, have we got a BUNCH of stories to tell you!”

“But you’ll have to wait till Diamond and the others arrive for our cookout,” said Jon. “They’re going to be so excited to see you guys!”

“...is Nermal gonna be here?” Zipp asked with concern. “Of course he is-- he is our friend after all. Sure, he almost humiliated Garfield at Fun Fest, but… we’ve learned to forgive and forget,” Jasmine told the pegasus. “Besides… the way Lily keeps scolding him about it makes his apologies seem genuine.”

“Well, that’s good to hear,” Pipp smiled. “We’re excited to get caught up with you guys when they--”


Pipp and Zipp yelped as Diamond suddenly tackled them into a huge hug while Lily, Nermal, Cobalt and Arlene approached and hugged them a bit more calmly. “It’s so good to see you guys again!” Lily smiled. “We were getting worried we would never see you all again!”

“Yeah, it’s good to see you again,” Nermal agreed before chuckling nervously. “I-I-I hope there are no hard feelings about our, uh… last encounter?”

“Don’t worry about a thing, Nermal,” Misty brushed it off. “It’s all in the past… so long as you learned your lesson.”

“Oh, I have!” Nermal said. “Lily won’t let me forget it.”

“And why should I?” Lily said, nudging him harshly with her hoof. “Scaring me while you disappeared for two days to try and persuade Arlene to be your partner instead of Garfield’s? I’m glad you learned your lesson, but I still got my eye on you, mister.”

Nermal chuckled nervously at the tone she began taking. “Point made, Lily-- point made.”

“Well, now that we’re all here, I guess we can get started on lunch,” Jon said as he fired up the grill. “In the meantime,” said Arlene as they all sat around the picnic table, “could you tell us more about your adventures?”

“Absolutely! Ooh, I thought of a really good one,” Zipp smiled. “How about we tell you about the time we got trapped in a computer game with our Mystery Incorporated friends and we had to work our way out of it?”

“Now that,” said Diamond with excitement, “sounds like a story we would love to hear.”


So, the Mane 6 began to tell the tale of their adventure in cyber-space, and everyone listened intently as they munched on hot dogs and veggie dogs that Jon was busy grilling. “So, Bill created the Phantom Virus in order to scare Eric away, in hopes of claiming the quarter-million grand prize at the science fair,” Sunny finished. “And when he thought we were gonna figure out who created the virus, he beamed us into cyber-space and intended on us being trapped in there forever, so we could never get to the bottom of the mystery.”

“But thanks to some new friends, we were able to defeat the Phantom Virus and escape,” Hitch concluded the tale. “A pretty amazing adventure, if I do say so myself.”

“Wow… that sounds a lot more action-packed than the days we’ve had recently,” Diamond said. “We go to the studio, play at the tree we grew while our friends shoot their strip, and then we usually go home and watch Garfield indulge all the lasagna in the house.”

“What can I say?” Garfield shrugged. “I like sticking to a routine.”

“Hey… speaking of which,” said Misty, softly turning to Jasmine. “Have you had any ideas remembering who or where you might have come from?”

“Not really. I keep trying to remember,” Jasmine shook her head, “but… all the pictures in my head are drawing a really big blank.”

“Maybe you need to take a break from all that remembering,” said Nermal, “and focus on something else for a while. Like my Pet Force comic books, for instance.”

Nermal held out a comic book toward her, causing Jasmine to look at it with interest. “Well… it has been a while since I read a good Pet Force comic.”

“I’ve never heard of the Pet Force before,” Hitch admitted. “Who are they?”

“The Pet Force are a team of superheroes from the planet Dorkon who fight villains with their superpowers,” Lily explained with a smile. “Nermal got us ponies hooked on them one day when we were at the library, but this is a new issue that I’ve never seen before.”

“Why don’t you read us some of it, Nermal?” Arlene suggested. “That way we can all hear the story together.”

“Good idea, Arlene!” Cobalt said with excitement. “The ponies got done telling us a story, it’s only fair that we share a story with them in return.”

“What do you think, guys?” Sunny asked her friends. “Feel like listening to Nermal’s comic book for a while?”

“Sure-- it sounds really interesting,” Zipp shrugged. “Lay it on us, Nermal-- start from the very beginning!”

Nermal smiled at this, and with all his friends listening intently opened the comic before clearing his throat and beginning to read. “In another dimension… a galaxy far, far… really far away, at the final frontier of space, lives a planet known as Dorkon where an incredible discovery has been made… but it quickly got the attention of a certain unknown evil beyond the stars.”


It was true-- Dorkon existed in the final frontier of an unknown universe, ruled by an emperor that bared a strange resemblence to Jon back in Cartoon World.

One particular day, a short man by the name of Professor Wally ran into the throne room to speak with him about an amazing discovery and an amazing invention he had just made. “Oh! Emperor! Emperor! I’ve got it! I’ve got it!”

That’s when Professor Wally held out a small, clear crystal for the emperor to see. “The Klopman Crystal! The ultimate power source,” he said before approaching a nearby blaster device. “Now I can finally complete the ‘moscram’ gun. The molecular scrambler, that is.”

Without hesitation, the professor inserted the crystal into the gun’s container and the power levels rose up. “Take a look at this,” he said before turning to the palace lawyer. “If you please.”

The palace lawyer got up from his desk and walked next to the royal dog. “Here, we have the royal dog and the court’s lawyer,” Professor Wally explained. “Now I fire up the moscram, and…”

Without another moment of waiting, Professor Wally fired at the two and their molecules were scrambled, resulting in a dog-headed lawyer and a lawyer-headed dog, amazing the royal guards. “I scramble their molecules… and create a dog who'll not only bring in the paper,” said Professor Wally, “but he'll read it to you as well.”

Emperor Jon yawned at this, pointing to the dog-headed lawyer. “And what’s that?”

“Oh, that. That’s a lawyer who’ll work for treats. Right, boy?”

The lawyer-dog nodded at this. “Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.”

“And whatever you moscram will be under your control,” Professor Wally added before turning to the dog-lawyer. “Read the paper.”

So, the dog-lawyer began to read the paper as he was told to.Man bites dog.

“Oh!” the lawyer-dog howled. “The humanity!”

“To reverse the effect, we simply…” Professor Wally fired the laser at the two, reverting them back to normal. “The moscram can combine anything. Its potential uses are infinite.”

That's when Emperor Jon found a blue button on the side of the device entitled 'Super Scramble', and immediately became curious. “What’s that button?”

“That’s super-scramble mode,” Professor Wally explained. “I’m still working on that modification.”

“Well,” said Emperor Jon with a frown, “the whole thing looks dangerous to me.”

“Really, emperor, there’s no need to be concerned.”

However, the emperor shook his head. “It isn't that, professor. It's... well, look around you. This big royal hall seems so empty without a queen. The royal bloodline will come to an end if I don't find a wife.”

“It’s bound to happen soon, emperor,” Professor Wally reassured. “Are you kidding?” Emperor Jon scoffed at this remark. “I’m too dorky, even for Dorkonian women. No. Any woman who’d marry me will have to come from another planet.”

Meanwhile, outside the palace, a space craft began to descend, and a figure began walking out of it.

Back inside the palace, Professor Wally was still talking about his amazing new invention as if it were the greatest thing in the world. “People will come across the galaxy to see the amazing moscram.”

“Oh, boy…” Emperor Jon sighed… at least, until he heard the doors open. Entering the palace was an intergalactic woman dressed in yellow, along with her dog soldiers. The sight of the woman made the emperor blush in response. “Hello there,” the woman greeted with a sly smirk. “Oh-oh-oh! Welcome! I mean.. Welcome to Dorkon,” Emperor Jon said, trying to be dignified. “I’m Emperor Jon. Uh, Miss…”

“Call me Vetvix, sweetie,” crooned the woman, making the emperor have hearts in his eyes as Vetvix looked around the palace. “Nice place you got here.”

That’s when Emperor Jon suddenly made a quick decision to ensure the royal bloodline continued. “Well, Miss Vetvix, I hope you don't think this is too forward, but… will you marry me?”

“Hmm?” Vetvix looked surprised at such a question. “I know I'm not the handsomest guy in the galaxy,” Emperor Jon rambled, “but I can offer you everything I have-- uh, jewels, my castle… uh…. uh, the keys to my kingdom.”

Vetvix considered this as she gazed toward the professor, who was putting up the moscram blaster and activating the lasers by turning the key. This gave her a diabolical idea. “Why, of course I’ll marry you.”

“Huh?” Emperor Jon seemed genuinely surprised at this. “Wait a minute. You will?”


“Wow!” Emperor Jon rejoiced. “Did you hear that, professor? She said yes!”

“I heard…” Professor Wally said, not trusting Vetvix in the slightest. “Well, what are we waiting for?” Emperor Jon asked, wanting to get right to the ceremony. Professor Wally looked over at Vetvix, who merely waved with a little smirk, causing Professor Wally to sigh reluctantly.

He didn’t want to discourage the emperor, and he did deserve to be happy, so… what choice did the professor really have? “Well… okay…”

As Emperor Jon leapt for joy, Professor Wally pressed a button on the throne’s armchair, getting the place prepped up for a wedding. A dress lady popped out from a hole and put a veil on Vetvix’s head. “Here you are.”

“Oh, that’s nice,” Vetvix smiled at her new look. The organ pipes and its player appeared while the dog soldiers were given bouquets of flowers. Emperor Jon and Vetvix walked up to the stand as Professor Wally became their bishop. “Do you, Emperor Jon, take this... woman to be your wife?”

“I doody-do-do!” Emperor Jon said excitedly. “And do you, Vetvix,” Professor Wally continued, “take this man to be your husband?”

Vetvix shrugged at this. “Why not?”

Professor Wally reluctantly said the rest, not exactly sure that marrying this stranger was a good idea. “I now pronounce you emperor and queen. You may kiss the bride.”

The emperor prepared to kiss Vetvix, however, the woman got one of her dog guards to take her place. Jon’s eyes were closed, so he didn’t notice that he was really kissing the dog… but Professor Wally did. “Blech!”

“That was… wonderful,” Emperor Jon said with a romantic sigh. “Likewise,” Vetvix said sarcastically. “Now, what about those… keys to the kingdom?”

“You bet!” Emperor Jon said cheerfully. “Professor?”

“Are you sure?” Professor Wally asked with a nervous tone. “Of course I’m sure,” the emperor responded. “My castle is her castle.”

Reluctantly, Wally held out the keys and Vetvix instantly grabbed them. “Hey!”

“I’ll take those,” Vetvix smirked and went to disable the lasers guarding the moscram. “Honey? Uh, what are you doing?” Emperor Jon asked, startled. “Uh, be careful with that, honey.”

“This is what I came for!” Vetvix said as she pointed the moscram right at Emperor Jon, causing Professor Wally to instantly take charge. “Guards!”

The guards showed up, one of them swinging his nunchucks like Bruce Lee. However, one of the dog soldiers threw a flower bouquet at him and the man accidentally knocks himself out with his nunchucks. Soon, Vetvix fired the weapon at the guards, turning them into mixed-up zombies. “Your guards are no longer a threat to me,” Vetvix spat. “They’re now under my control.”

“Must obey…” the mixed-up zombies declared while everyone else in the wedding ceremony ran away as the zombies slowly chased after them. And once everyone was out of the room, Vetvix removed her veil with a smirk at what she had just accomplished. “The moscram ray gun is the perfect weapon for an up-and-coming super-villainess like me! HA HA HA HA!!”

“Oh no…” Professor Wally muttered in horror, realizing what they had just done. Vetvix then rubbed her hand over the moscram with a victorious smirk. “With this, I can mutate everyone on the planet into my slaves. Step one on my to-do list for universal domination.”

“You'll never get away with this, Vetvix,” Professor Wally declared. “Not if the Pet Force has anything to say about it.”

“Nothing can stop me!” Vetvix declared… just before the doors burst open to reveal the Pet Force-- leader Garzooka (the superhero counterpart to Garfield) and his teammates Odious (the superhero counterpart to Odie), Starlena (the superhero counterpart to Arlene) and Abnermal (the superhero counterpart to Nermal). As his teammates struck heroic poses, Garzooka took the opportunity to speak first. “We’re here to put an end to your wicked ways.”

“Bring it on!” Vetvix declared just before her guards charged toward the Pet Force. Luckily, Garzooka already had a plan in place. “Let the fur fly!”

Odious made a move first, using his potent stun tongue to push one of the dog guards back.

Then, it was Starlena’s turn, using her icy stare to freeze one of the dog guards in their tracks.

Next up was Abnermal, quick as a blink with pester power of cosmic proportions, as he sped around one of the dogs and took his gun. “Is this your gun?” he asked before speeding around him and holding the guard’s belt. “Is this your belt?”

The dog’s pants dropped down and he tripped backwards. Lastly, it was Garzooka’s turn to fight with his gamma-radiated hairballs-- one of which he upchucked while Odious is seen with the female organ player. However, Vetvix fires the moscram at the two, Starlena, and a flower pot.

However, Abnermal remained too fast for her to blast. “You’re not gonna get me!”

Eventually, however, he did get hit by the laser, along with a little girl’s doll. Now, Abnermal’s head was on the doll’s body while the doll’s head was on Abnermal’s body. “Vetvix is my master. Must obey.”

“Your Pet Force is no match for me!” Vetvix told Garzooka, with him being the only one of the Pet Force left. “I now control them, too! HA HA HA HA HA HA!!”

Hiding behind a pillar, Garzooka barfs out a hairball at the blaster, causing the crystal to pop out and fly through the air. “Hey!”

Luckily, Garzooka was able to grab the crystal before it shattered on the ground. “Got it!”

While Vetvix was angered about the crystal being taken, the professor took the chance to open a secret door under the podium. “Garzooka!”

The professor and Garzooka leapt down into the secret door and ended up in Professor Wally’s lab underneath the palace. However, Garzooka was more focused on getting back into the fight than anything else. “ I must return, professor. My teammates are under Vetvix's control.”

“And only the moscram ray gun can unscramble them,” Professor Wally reminded him. “We've got to keep the Klopman Crystal far away. That'll buy you time to create a temporary Pet Force to defeat her. First, I’ll scan the universe for DNA matches.”

The professor proceeded to go on his computer to check for some matches, and found that the DNA results pointed to Arlene, Nermal, and Odie. “A-ha! There they are! DNA matches to your Pet Force teammates!”

But when he turned, he saw that Garzooka was looking fondly inside a satchel, as if there was something inside that meant something to him. “You know, while you go out in search of the DNA matches,” Professor Wally said, “this might be a good idea to find replacements for the Royal Force as well.”

Suddenly, there came a loud banging outside the door, and Vetvix could be heard on the other side. “Open up!”

Luckily, Professor Wally was able to print off the DNA matches, and once they were printed, he gave them to Garzooka, and he studied their pictures with confusion. “But they don’t look anything like them.”

“They will when they drink the matching green serum,” Professor Wally clarified, opening a suitcase filled with red and green serum bottles. “When they do, they'll gain the Pet Force's superpowers. The red serum will turn them back to their normal forms.”

Garzooka immediately took the suticase from Professor Wally and grabbed the satchel as well. “Program the coordinates into my rover.”

“Let us in!” Vetvix shouted as the pounding on the door continued, just as Garzooka reached his rover. “Hurry, Garzooka!” Professor Wally urged. “You can count on me, Professor Wally,” Garzooka proclaimed as the banging on the door continued. “The Pet Force shall rise again to battle the insidious…”

“Escape now,” the professor said, closing the rover door, “postulate later!”

The professor pulled the lever and launched the hero into space as Vetvix kicked the door open. She watched as the ship left the planet, but she was not worried-- wherever in the universe Garzooka was going, she was sure to follow. “I’ll get Garzooka,” she declared with a snarl, “if it’s the last thing I do.”