• Published 20th Jun 2024
  • 351 Views, 2 Comments

G5 Adventures in Garfield’s Pet Force - ponydog127

The Mane 6 and Sparky head back to Cartoon World and become superheroes once again in order to help their friends defeat the evil Vetvix, who plans on using a dangerous cosmic weapon to enslave the universe.

  • ...

Vetvix Attacks and the Pet Force Arises

The worst possible thing had just occurred-- Vetvix was able to get the Klopman Crystal away from Garfield and Jasmine, and she was now heading to the studio in order to find Garzooka and eliminate him, so she would be free to conquer Cartoon World, Dorkon and whatever other world she could get her hands on…

…even Equestria, if she knew where to look.

Garfield and Jasmine felt horrible about letting the crystal slip away, but with Vetvix's guards still around, there was not much they could do to stop her, especially with Jasmine having superpowers that she couldn't master yet.

They could only hope that their friends would be safe, at least until they could find a way to get off the airship and warn them of the impending danger known as Vetvix.


Back at the studio, a lot of things were going on at once.

While the rest of the comic strip crew worked on what they needed to work on, one half of the Mane 6 (Sunny, Izzy and Pipp) stood with Garzooka, Odie, Arlene and Nermal, waiting for the serum's effects to kick in while the other half (Zipp, Hitch and Misty) used this time to train Cobalt, Diamond and Lily to use their newfound superpowers correctly.

  • Diamond was able to create diamond-like attacks and shields in order to defend herself against enemies, giving herself the alias called 'Diamond Storm'.
  • Cobalt could control various aspects of the weather, such as creating cyclones by flapping his wings a certain way, or by creating thunder and lightning by stomping his hooves, giving himself the alias 'Wild Weather'.
  • Finally, Lily was able to use the magic of her tiara to create anything she thought might be useful, like modes of transportation and even weapons, giving herself the alias 'Green Prism'.

“Oh man, this is totally great!” cheered Cobalt as he ceased the cyclone he created. “With these new superpowers, Vetvix doesn’t even stand a chance!”

“I wouldn’t say that exactly,” Hitch told the pegasus colt. “She may just surprise us. I mean, if she were to get hold of the Klopman Crystal.”

“I really hope that doesn’t happen either,” Misty said, “but just in case it does, we have to be ready.”

“We better keep practicing,” Zipp advised before turning to the trio of younger ponies. “Okay… let’s go through some time-drills one more time. Lily? You’re first.”


Pipp groaned in frustration as she tried to call Diamond for the 100th time, but like always, it went straight to voicemail. After tucking her phone back under her wing, Pipp turned to Arlene, clearly worried. “It doesn’t make sense! Diamond told me that Jasmine always answers her phone on the first ring! Something just doesn’t feel right about this.”

“I’m getting worried about Garfield too,” Arlene told the pink pegasus. “He should have been here by now, and with Vetvix on the loose… it’s hard to think about what might have happened to them.”

Pipp sighed, hoping that it was just her nerves getting the better of her as she and Arlene approached the group again. “Do you notice any change yet?” Garzooka asked, but Arlene shook her head. “Just a headache.”

Odie felt his tongue for any changes, and Nermal let out a burp, causing Izzy to grimace as the kitten sighed. “I think that juice is givin’ me gas.”

“It's taking too long,” Garzooka said with worry. “Vetvix could be here at any minute.”

“I know… and it’s driving us crazy just thinking about it,” Sunny spoke up with a frown. “We just have to keep our hopes up-- if we do that, maybe things will work out and the serum will kick in.”

“I hope you’re right, Sunny,” Pipp sighed before her ear suddenly twitched. “Wait-- do you guys hear that?”

Arlene shook her head, not hearing anything strange. “No.”

“Wait… I think I do!” Zipp said as she listened closely. “It almost sounds like… an engine?”

Sunny, after listening for a few moments, alongside Garzooka, immediately realized what that sound would belong to, fear entering her very being. “Oh no!”

With Sunny activating her alicorn form and Garzooka climbing the ladder, the two of them entered the vent system and went into the attic of the studio, discovering their fears to be correct-- Vetvix's airship was quickly approaching!

They had to warn the others, and fast!

Sunny and Garzooka quickly leapt back down to the ground, causing most everyone in the room to glance over at their worried and stern expressions. “She’s coming,” Garzooka announced, much to Charles’ confusion. “Who’s coming?”

It didn’t take long for the rest of the Mane 6 to realize who Garzooka was talking about, their eyes growing wide. “Vetvix!”

However, Charles was still pretty confused. “Who’s this Vet… AAH!!”

Suddenly, Vetvix’s ship bursts from the wall and debris fell from above. Just the mere sight of it was enough to get Odie, Nermal, Diamond, Cobalt, Lily and Arlene to scream and try and run for cover. However, a huge chunk of debris was about to fall on them, causing Garzooka and the Unity Squad to leap toward them, getting them to safety just in the nick of time.

However, they were not safe just yet. “Oh, Garzooka…” Vetvix called from her ship. “Where are you…?

“Okay,” Hitch whispered from their hiding place, “I totally admit it-- she’s a lot scarier in real life than she is in the comic book!”

“Really? I thought she was scary in both versions!” Izzy whispered back. “And that makes her twice as scary!”

“Guys, focus!” Zipp scolded in a quiet tone. “We can discuss how scary she is later-- it isn’t safe here!”

“Royal Bolt is right. I must get you to safety until the serum takes effect,” Garzooka told the group before pointing to a set of double doors nearby. “This way.”

The group began to crawl, to the best of their ability, toward the doors. “Come out, come out, wherever you are,” Vetvix said to Garzooka, wherever he was hiding, and laughed evilly before she began firing the moscram at a few people, turning them into mixed-up zombies. “Whoa!” Eli cried out from his workstation. “What the--?!”

He quickly pushed a button labeled ‘GET IN’ and his station enters a secret shelter. At the same time as Vetvix was firing at anyone in sight, Garzooka pushed the doors open for the others to go through. “Outside, hurry!”

“Wait for me!” Jon whispered as he crawled through the doors after them, leaving the scene behind. Vetvix then zapped Charles and Keith, resulting in Keith’s head on Charles’ body and Charles’ head on Keith’s body.

More and more Cartoon World citizens were falling under Vetvix’s control, and without the serum taking effect, it would seem less likely that anyone could stop her.


Back on the ship, the guards were laughing as they watched Vetvix turn more and more citizens into zombies, and Garfield and Jasmine watched everything from the lawn chair, feeling terrible about what they had unknowingly allowed to happen. “This is all my fault,” Garfield sighed. “If I'd kept that crystal from Vetvix, none of this would be happening.”

“No, Garfield, it’s my fault too,” Jasmine whispered, trying to be comforting. “I was trying so hard to try and protect you, I let my own guard down. I should have taken the crystal inside the house, locked it up and got you to a safe place while I still had the chance.”

“Jasmine! Garfield!” Professor Wally whispered from nearby. “You can still fix things.”

“How?” Jasmine asked in confusion. “Pretty soon, she'll turn Grin City into Zombie-opolis. And then… Equestria is gonna be next on the list!”

“Remember the Garzooka credo,” the professor told them. “One cat can make a difference.”

“How?” Garfield wondered, and Professor Wally instantly came up with a plan. “Quick. Take my monocle and put it in the window.”

However, Garfield was still confused. “Why?”

“No time to explain. Just do it!”

As they were whispering, the horned dog guard looked over at Garfield and Jasmine, and they grinned, trying not to look suspicious. After the guard turned his back to the screen once again, he and Jasmine got up and snuck over to Professor Wally. “Here we go,” Garfield whispered as he took Professor Wally’s monocle, but then, Jasmine counted the guards that were left in front of the screen. “One, two… weren’t there three guards over there before?”

Suddenly, she and Garfield were grabbed by one of the guards, causing Jasmine to scream in fright. “What are you doin’ over here?”

“Oh… nothing,” Garfield smiled innocently. He secretly put the monocle on the window behind his back and the guard escorted the duo to the front deck (after winking to Professor Wally and the emperor, of course), so they could see everyone in the studio get turned into zombies. “Yikes!!” Garfield and Jasmine yelped in terror, still unsure of what Professor Wally had in mind a few minutes earlier.


At the same time, a beam of sunlight shined down right through Professor Wally's monocle, and he and the emperor were able to move closer and let the sunlight start to burn through their ropes.

Hopefully, they would be able to escape in time to set things right.


Down in the studio, Randy Rabbit and Billy Bear were blasted by the moscram and now, Billy’s head was on Randy’s body and Randy’s head was on Billy’s body. As Vetvix laughed evilly, the horned dog guard cleared his throat and gestured to Garfield and Jasmine. “They won’t stay put.”

“Well, get rid of those meddling pests!” Vetvix commanded, and the horned dog guard put the duo underneath his arm. “Yes, sir!”

As the guard came out of the front deck, the emperor and the professor saw the guard approaching, so they pretended to be sleeping as he went past. “Hey!” Garfield strained to get loose. “Watch the fur, will you?!”

“Hey!” Jasmine said as she strained. “What's happening?!”

The next thing that she and Garfield knew, the two of them had been placed inside the garbage shoot, and with one simple flick of a lever, they were sent out of the airship and rocketing into the sky a good long distance before coming back down.

And the worst part about it was, Jasmine couldn't activate her rainbow powers in time to catch them, so it was going to be a very hard landing if they didn't do something fast!


Meanwhile, within his fortified shelter, Eli was checking the cameras. “Maybe someone escaped into the alley.”

After tilting the cameras a bit, Eli could clearly see our heroes and Jon in the alley, with Garzooka and the Mane 6 putting up heavy stuff in front of the garage door to prevent the zombies from leaving. “All right!” Eli cheered. “They made it.”


Garzooka finished putting the last of the heavy stuff in front of the doors, before turning to the others with a stern look on his face. “That was only a small taste of Vetvix’s vengeance.”

“Forget just a taste!” Cobalt spoke. “I wanna skip the whole meal!”

“One thing is definitely for sure,” said Misty. “We need to come up with a plan to get the moscram back... and we need one fast!”

“And we will come up with one, just as soon as...” Diamond began to say before her ears twitched slightly. “Does anypony besides me hear something?”

That's when the group heard the sound of screaming from up above. They looked up and, to their shock, saw Garfield and Jasmine plummeted to the ground, landing in the frog trash can next to Garzooka. “What the...?!” Garzooka said in surprise before digging in the trash can and pulling Garfield and Jasmine out. “Oh, comrades!”

“Jasmine!” the Mane 6 exclaimed in relief. “Garfield!” Arlene, Lily, Diamond and Cobalt cried out, also feeling relieved. “It’s good to see you,” Garzooka said, holding the two friends closer, causing Garfield to sigh, still processing the horrifying ordeal he and Jasmine had gone through. “It's good to be alive.”

“What happened?” Hitch asked. “How did Vetvix get the crystal?”

“And why were you two falling from the sky? Is flying Jasmine's superpower?” Izzy asked curiously as Garzooka set Garfield and Jasmine down on the ground. “It was horrible. She tortured us and took my lemonade,” Garfield growled. “We tried to hide the crystal from her, but I guess we made it too obvious,” Jasmine said, her head lowering in shame. “We’re so sorry…”

“Well you did your best, comrades,” Garzooka reassured them. “Yeah-- we didn’t even know she abducted the two of you,” Zipp spoke before groaning to herself. “She is SO not getting away with that.”

“Then I saw you guys on the monitor,” Garfield said as he vocalized his fear. “I thought she was gonna turn you into zombies.”

“For a second I thought she was, too,” Sunny admitted. “But thankfully, Garzooka led us outside for safety.”

“But she still might,” Jon enunciated, “if somebody doesn’t do something!”

“But the serum isn't working yet,” Arlene argued. “We've got to speed it up somehow,” Nermal said, pacing around while the group tried to think of a plan. However, Jon remained rather confused. “What serum?”

“The Pet Force serum that we drank!” Nermal snapped as if it were obvious. “It’s taking a really long time for it to kick in,” Diamond explained. “We just have to figure out how to get it working and then go from there.”

Suddenly, Odie clutched his throat and began to wretch. The group watched with confusion and apprehension. “Uh, guys?” Pipp looked at her friends. “I-Is the serum taking effect?”

“I’m not sure,” Zipp shook her head. “But I think we’re about to find out.”

A small group gathered around Odie, who gagged and wretched until finally… he let out the loudest belch he ever made, causing a few disturbed reactions.

“Ugh, gross!”



“You could've faced away from us while doing that.”

“You should your name to Odor.”

The others aired their grievances, while Odie cleared his throat. But, then he felt a sensation all throughout his body, to which the others picked up on immediately.

Fearing he was about to belch again, the yellow pooch took a step back, just as a purple aura surrounded him, and in the blink of an eye, he began to transform.

He swiftly became taller, and the blue and red outfit of the original Odious enveloped him and his muscle bulged out to superhero proportions. Finally the belt appeared around his waist and the transformation was complete.

The others stood in complete shock while Garzooka chuckled, and Izzy was the first to let out a cheer. “All right, Odie!”

“I believe it’s Odious now, Iz,” Hitch said, “but I understand the circumstance.”

“Whoo-hoo!” Diamond cheered, high-fiving Odie eagerly. Suddenly, the same purple aura surrounded Arlene, causing Cobalt to step back a bit. Then, Arlene’s legs stretched out greatly, and the pink cat let out a yelp of surprise. “Do not be fearful, Arlene,” Garzooka reassured. “It won't hurt a bit.”

A purple and yellow suit magically covered Arlene's body, earning another yelp from her and from Cobalt. “At least,” Garzooka muttered to the others, “I don’t think so.”

Long, purple sleeves surrounded Arlene's arms, a helmet appeared over her head, with her ears sticking out, and a belt wrapped around her mid-section, completing her own transformation. “Oh-ho, whoa!” Cobalt cried out with a smile. “That was totally hoof-tastic!”

“You can say that again,” Nermal agreed, now clad in a blue and light purple super suit. However, his muscles did not change, and neither did his height.


“Man!” Eli said after watching the entire thing from his secret hiding place. “Gotta get me some of that serum.”


“Not fair! You guys changed and I haven't,” Nermal spoke before he raced up to Garzooka, Odie and Arlene. “Except for the costume.”

He raced around the rest of the group of friends, shocking them entirely. “Nothing's happening to me. My arms are still skinny,” Nermal pouted. “I'm not big like you guys. The stuff didn't work on me.”

“...Nermal?” Garzooka got his attention. “Yeah?” Nermal responded back. “Do you have any idea,” said Lily, “how fast you were moving?”

“I am?” Nermal asked before he gasped and raced laps around the others with a cheer. “I’m Abnermal! But I should have my own name.”

“Nermal, as much as I love your enthusiasm,” said Sunny, “we really don’t have time for names right now.”

“Oh, it’ll only take a second,” Nermal brushed off. “Let’s see… Flash!”

However, Garzooka gave a blank expression at this. “Taken.”

“Kid Flash?”




“...the Wizzer?” Izzy spoke up. “Believe it or not,” said Garzooka, “that’s taken too.”

“Anyway, I think you should just stick to Abnermal,” Hitch told him. “Sparky seems to like it, right, Wonder Dragon?”

“Uh-huh!” Sparky nodded with a giggle, just before Nermal began to run around Garzooka’s legs. “I'm over here. Now I’m here! Now I’m here… WAH!!”

Garzooka then grabbed Nermal and hoisted him up to eye-level. “How about putting your superpowers to good use?” the muscular superhero cat said. “Odie, try your new stun tongue.”

Odie launched his tongue out which clocked Nermal in the face and out of Garzooka's grasp, causing Lily to yelp as Nermal almost flew into her, but thankfully, she ducked and he landed against the wall behind her. “Hey, careful where you aim that thing!” Lily scolded. “Try it on something else.”

Odie turned to where Jon, Garfield, and Jasmine were standing and instantly got an idea. However, while Jon and Jasmine tried to convince Odie not to hit them with his new stun tongue, he instead struck a garbage can next to them, causing them to yelp while Odie was impressed with his newfound strength. “Cool!”

“Cool, but very dangerous,” Misty said. “You gotta learn to control your new tongue, Odie-- otherwise somepony could really get hurt.”

Odie nodded and seemed to heed the blue unicorn's advice. “"Arlene, try your icy stare,” Garzooka said. After a few monents of thinking, Arlene set her eyes on Garfield. Jasmine, upon noticing this, took several large steps to the side while Garfield tried to defend himself. "Now wait just a..."

Before Garfield could finished, Arlene zapped him with her icy stare. And then, in an instant, the orange cat was permanently stuck in position while the others looked in complete shock. Jasmine waved her hoof in front of Garfield's face, but he didn't respond. “Whoa... freaky.”

“How was that?” Arlene asked Garzooka with a smile. “Impressive. Most impressive,” Garzooka gave a thumbs up. “She’s used that stare a lot on Garfield,” Diamond spoke up, “but it's never quite worked like that before.”

Zipp tapped Garfield’s head with her hoof, and was stunned to see the outcome. “No way... Garfield is stiffer than a billboard in Zephyr Heights! And trust me-- those things can be VERY stiff.”

“Speaking of Garfield... Arlene, don't you think you should...?” Garzooka began to ask, causing Arlene to sigh and relent. “Oh, all right.”

She then proceeded to zap Garfield again, turning him back to normal. “...minute there, Arlene. I'm not gonna...” the orange, overweight cat stopped himself once he saw the others' superhero forms. “Whoa. What the heck is going on here anyway?”

“Your friends are now the new Pet Force!” Garzooka told the orange tabby cat with a confident smile. “They, alongside the new Royal Force and the Unity Squad, are going to save the universe!”

Many members of the group found themselves cheering at this-- maybe, if they all worked together, they might have a chance at stopping Vetvix and saving their homes after all.

Author's Note:

Once again, I have Indywriter Productions to thank for helping me with this scene-- it was a bit complicated for me to word out exactly how the transformations went down, so I really owe them a lot!