• Published 20th Jun 2024
  • 351 Views, 2 Comments

G5 Adventures in Garfield’s Pet Force - ponydog127

The Mane 6 and Sparky head back to Cartoon World and become superheroes once again in order to help their friends defeat the evil Vetvix, who plans on using a dangerous cosmic weapon to enslave the universe.

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The Superheroes vs the Zombies (Part 2)/Fall of the Pet Force

While all their superhero friends were working on defeating the zombies that Vetvix created, Garfield and Jasmine were composing their own team, known as the Crazy Crew and composed of Wally, Bonita, Betty and Eli.

And now that he had his own crew, Garfield immediately began to think up and initiate a plan to draw the zombies away from their superhero pals.

But what was that plan, you may be wondering?

Well... we will soon find out.

Now, back to the story.


Back on the tower, the Pet Force, the Unity Squad and the rest of the Royal Force gave everything they got against the zombies.

While Garzooka puked gamma-radiated hairballs at the zombies, knocking them back, the unicorns and Sunny used their horns to fire blasts at the zombies, Hitch used his plant powers, Pipp used her sonic shriek and Zipp and Cobalt used their weather powers to drive more of the zombies away.

Arlene used her icy stare for a few moments, but her eyes started to bother her, and Cobalt immediately came to her side to see what he could do.

Odie used his stun tongue next, but after a few minutes, even he started to get tired.

Nermal was up after Odie, who sped through and on the heads of the moscram zombie army, knocking some of them down. However, his speed was starting to wear off, collapsing right behind Sunny, who looked pretty concerned. “Huh? What's wrong, Nermal?”

“I don't know, Cosmic Sunlight,” Nermal panted in complete exhaustion. “This super speed is making me super tired.”

“And my eyes are killing me...” Arlene groaned while Odie's tongue slumped, getting pretty tired himself. Immediately, Garzooka realized what was going on. “Your newfound powers are putting a strain on your Cartoon World bodies!”

He launched a few more hairballs at the zombies, but even with the Mane 6 helping him, it was getting difficult to hold them all back. “But we can't fight these things alone!” Pipp argued before turning back to the others. “Are you sure you can't use your powers?”

“We're too tired!” Nermal panted. “And,” Lily added in concern, “the zombies keep coming!”

“But we must hold on!” Garzooka said before firing a few more hairballs at the zombies. The ponies did their best to try and help, but even they had to admit... they were growing tired as well.

Luckily, their chance for a break would come sooner than they ever thought.

As Garzooka began to blast more hairballs, Garfield, Jasmine and Wally wandered into view, groaning just like the zombies were. “Oh no!” Arlene cried in panic. “They’ve been turned into zombies!”

“Not Jasmine and Garfield!” Diamond yelped. “Now our worlds really are doomed!”

“I don’t think so… look!” Sunny pointed to the smirk Garfield was trying to hide. “If I didn’t know any better… I’d say Garfield has a plan!”

And that he did-- once he, Jasmine and Wally were out in front of the horde, Garfield put his plan into action. “Come on, Wally!” he whispered, getting up on Wally’s shoulders. “It’s okay, guys,” Jasmine whispered as Garfield got a poster of Vetvix and put it up in front of the zombies, causing her to hide behind it. “Garfield’s got a plan!”

I am Vetvix!” Garfield told the zombies in his best Vetvix voice. “I command you to stop!

The zombies did stop for a moment, confused, but believing Garfield’s impersonation. While the zombies were distracted, Wally got out a large green blanket and threw it over to the superheroes. “Hide under this!”

Garzooka threw the blanket over the group, hiding them from sight as Garfield began his next stage of the plan. “ I am Vetvix. I command you to get Garzooka!

At that moment, Garfield threw the poster away, revealing himself and Wally in a fake Garzooka costume. “I am the Great Garaooka!” he said, causing the zombies to groan out of confusion. “Come and get me!”

“Now, fellas!” Jasmine quickly whispered to Wally and Garfield. “Run!”

Wally moved their legs, making Garfield look like he was running right after Jasmine, and this made the zombies follow the fake Garzooka, groaning 'Get Garzooka' over and over again.

And as the zombies began to follow the fake Garzooka, the rest of the superheroes peeked out of hiding. “Good going, comrades,” Garzooka whispered, impressed with the feat. “Let’s go!” Zipp encouraged. “Before the rest of the zombies figure out Garfield’s plan!”

Taking this as a sign to move, the Pet Force, the Unity Squad and the Royal Force continued moving toward the antenna while Garfield, Jasmine and Wally kept luring the zombies away.

At the same time, back on her ship, Vetvix was flying near the tower when she saw the fake Garzooka being chased by the zombie horde. “Look! My zombies have found Garzooka!”

That's when she turned the ship and headed that way to blast Garzooka with the moscram, unaware that it was really a trick organized by Garfield and the Crazy Crew. “Faster, Wally!” Jasmine said urgently as they continued to lead the zombies away. “Faster!”

“I’m going as fast as I can!” Wally whispered as he continued to run alongside the unicorn and lead the zombies in another direction.


At the same time, the Unity Squad, the Pet Force and the Royal Force were climbing the ladder up to the antenna, with Garzooka and Sunny reaching the top first. “Phew…” Sunny sighed tiredly. “We made it!”

“Oh, thank hoofness!” sighed Lily, exhausted as the others reached the top a second or two later. “I thought that ladder was gonna go on forever!”

Unfortunately, as they all gathered themselves together, Vetvix’s ship could be seen circling the tower. “Vetvix’s ship is coming!” Garzooka said, tossing the blanket toward the Pet Force and Royal Force. “Get down!”

Diamond whimpered as the blanket went over them, hoping that Vetvix wouldn’t see them.


Thankfully for the superheroes, Vetvix was more focused on the zombie horde chasing after Garfield, Wally and Jasmine. “Where are my zombies going now?!”


“Okay, guys,” Zipp whispered sternly. “if we wanna take Vetvix's ship down, this might be our chance!”

“But how are we gonna get the antenna off of the tower?” Misty asked. “We’re not gonna be able to lift it by ourselves!”

“No… not on our own,” Sunny said slowly, thinking before she got an idea. “But, if us ponies work together with Garzooka, we might stand a fighting chance!”

“It’s the best plan I’ve heard of so far,” Hitch said, hiding Sparky underneath the blanket with the Pet Force and Royal Force. “Let’s give this a shot!”

Garzooka and the ponies proceeded to grab the antenna either in their hooves, paws or magic auras, and then together, straining, they lifted it right off its foundation, trying to stabilize it so they could toss it toward Vetvix’s ship. “A little to the left! Now to the right!” Zipp shouted to the others while they tried to stabilize the antenna. And once the antenna was in the perfect position, Zipp knew that this might be their only chance. “NOW!!”

Using all their strength, they shot the antenna straight at Vetvix's ship... resulting in a direct hit!


Vetvix immediately felt the impact on her ship and then, something trying to tug the ship backwards, and panic immediately settled in. “What’s going on?!”

Deciding that there was no other option, she decided to try her best and pull away, hoping that whatever had latched itself onto her ship eventually got off.


The Unity Squad and Garzooka strained and pulled against the electrical cable still connected to the antenna, and their feet and hooves dragged to the railing on the tower.

Sunny knew that this was going to take everyone working together… even if the temporary Pet Force was revealed. Seeing no other option, she turned her head back to Odie, Arlene, Nermal and the Royal Force with a desperate plea. “Give us a hand!”

“You heard her, team!” Diamond shouted. “Let’s go kick some flank!”

That’s when Odie tossed the blanket off of them, and they rushed over to help as much as they could.

Unfortunately, that’s when the villainess looked back and saw not just the ponies and Garzooka, but who she thought was the original Pet Force from the comic dimension. “The Pet Force!” she exclaimed in anger. “I left them back on Dorkon!”

Back down on the ground, Garfield, Wally and Jasmine proceeded to try and lead the zombies away. “I am the great Garzooka! You can't stop me!” Garfield said with his best Garzooka impression. “Why, I'm more powerful than a supernova!”

“You know, I really oughta look up what a supernova is,” Jasmine panted as she continued galloping beside her friends. “That way, we can really see if Garzooka is more powerful than one!”


The Pet Force, the Unity Squad and the Royal Force continued to strain as they pulled against the cable, and then… much to their relief… the ship was beginning to get closer!

Just a few more tugs and this would all be over!


“Come on. Follow me!” Garfield cried as he, Wally and Jasmine led the zombie horde back to the studio. “The great Garzooka!”

Betty and Bonita were at the doors, ready to coax the zombies into the building as they came by.

“Move along, people, please. Come on now. We’re shuffling. We’re shuffling.”

“Move it. Move it.”

Once they were inside, Wally tripped and tumbled, sending not only himself and Garfield to the ground (ruining their disguise, I might add), but Jasmine fell alongside them as the zombies got closer and closer.

That's when Jasmine knew they had to strike at that moment, or they would lose their chance. “Now, Eli!”

“Here goes nothing…” Eli muttered before pushing a button to open a pit in the stage. “I am Garzooka!” Garfield continued fooling the zombies, jumping onto Jasmine’s back and letting the little unicorn leap to the other side of the pit. But when they turned around, they gasped-- the zombies were still coming!

Well, at least, they were… until one by one, they started to fall into the pit. Eli let out a cheer at this. “It’s working!”

A cheese-headed mouse had followed Jasmine and Garfield to the other side of the pit, closest to Jasmine, but Garfield kicked it back into the pit, a confident smile on his face.


“Pull!” Garzooka shouted to the rest of the superheroes, pulling on the cable as hard as they possibly could. Then, with all the strength, bravery and effort they could muster, they managed to yank Vetvix's ship out of the sky, causing it to crash onto the portion of the tower directly below them.

Once they had achieved this, the group found themselves cheering and high-fiving one another at their victory... at least the first stage of it. “We did it!” Cobalt cheered.


Back at the studio, the zombies continued to pile into the pit of the stage one by one, with Garfield still putting up his Garzooka act to fool them... at least for a few moments longer. “I am the great Garzooka!”

With that being said, the last of the zombies proceeded to fall into the pit. “That’s all of them, Eli!” Jasmine called, throwing what remained of the Garzooka disguise inside the pit before it closed.

This allowed the Crazy Crew to reunite and cheer-- their plan had worked like a charm!

Now all they needed was for the Pet Force and the other superheroes to get the moscram back, and everything would be back to normal in no time.


“Very good, my new Pet Force,” Garzooka praised with a smile. “You and our comrades seem re-energized with victory.”

“Heck yeah we do! That was a TOTAL adrenaline rush!” Diamond cheered. “Is this what being a superhero is like on a daily basis?! Man, we gotta do this more often! Like… maybe once a week!”

“To be honest… I would actually be down for defeating evil and getting excitement levels up every once in a while,” Arlene admitted. “Me too!” Cobalt agreed. “This was actually kind of fun! I-In a totally terrifying kind of way, I mean.”

Garzooka chuckled at the young ponies’ enthusiasm. “I like your adventurous spirit, young ones.”

“Uh, guys? Hate to interrupt the moment here,” said Zipp, tapping Garzooka's shoulder, “but we still have a crazed, power-hungry villain to deal with… and for once, it's someone WORSe than Opaline and Allura put together.”

Suddenly, the ship’s hatch opened, causing the superheroes to gasp and freeze in place as Vetvix rose into view, holding the moscram rather tightly. “I don't know how you did it, Garzooka,” she sneered, letting the young ponies’ ears flatten in worry, “but I've had it with you and your Pet Force!”

After dodging one of the moscram's power blasts, Nermal, Zipp and Pipp sped/flew around Vetvix while Misty, Izzy and Odie (using their horns and tongue respectively) grabbed a part of the tower to fling near Vetvix, who narrowly dodged before firing another blast. This time, Sunny was able to use her light shield in order to deflect it, and Garzooka spit a hairball at her, knocking Vetvix down.

However, the weapon’s Super Scramble is pressed upon impact on the ground.

As Vetvix wiped the glowing green hairball off of her, she noticed the warning that kept coming from the device. “Super Scramble mode engaged. Danger.

This immediately gave her an idea... a VERY wicked idea. “Super Scramble… all right. Let’s kick this up a notch!”

Misty, upon hearing this, gasped and immediately turned toward the others. “Duck and dive!” she shouted. “Take cover!”

The Mane 6, Sparky and the Royal Force leapt away just as Vetvix cocked the weapon and fired.

However… the Pet Force wasn’t able to move in time, and they were immediately hit with the blast from the moscram. “NO!!!” the Royal Force shrieked and tried to reach their friends, but the Mane 6 held them back for their own well-being.

Once the blast had taken full effect, the Pet Force had been turned into a cluster monster with all their superpowers, allowing Vetvix to laugh victoriously. “Who’s your daddy now?”

“Vetvix,” the Pet Force groaned obediently. “Must obey Vetvix.”

“Odie, guys! No!” Diamond shrieked, visibly terrified while crying, and tried to go to them, but Pipp held her back. “I’m sorry, Diamond, but you can’t get close to them like this!” Pipp said, fearful as well for the sake of their friends. “You, me or any one of our friends could get seriously hurt!”

“Your friend is right!” Vetvix shouted, coming up with another idea to get rid of the pony superheroes. “But since I think you're going to be less fun when you're scrambled... Pet Force! Get those foolish ponies before they ruin my plans!”

“Must obey Vetvix…” the Pet Force groaned obediently before rolling toward the ponies, causing Sunny to make a last minute decision. “Everypony, scatter!”

As they did this, flying and running in different directions, all of our heroes could hope that it wasn’t too late to turn things around…

…for all everyone's sakes.