• Published 20th Jun 2024
  • 351 Views, 2 Comments

G5 Adventures in Garfield’s Pet Force - ponydog127

The Mane 6 and Sparky head back to Cartoon World and become superheroes once again in order to help their friends defeat the evil Vetvix, who plans on using a dangerous cosmic weapon to enslave the universe.

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Danger Looms Near and Heroes Unite

Garzooka had made it to Cartoon World, and in addition to learning the location of the DNA matches for the new Pet Force, he was able to leave the Klopman Crystal in the care of Garfield, gave one of the magical crowns of the Royal Force to Jasmine, and was getting an escort to the studio by the Mane 6 in their superhero forms.

However, they were unaware that back in the comic dimension, Emperor Jon and Professor Wally were tied up on Vetvix's warship as Vetvix growled in anger. “We've lost Garzooka's tracks!” she cried before turning to her guards. “Scan for his exact coordinates.”

“Cat scan underway,” one of the dog guards said in compliance before getting to work on the scan. “We’ve got to do something!” Professor Wally whispered to the emperor so Vetvix wouldn’t hear. “I'll have a talk with her, professor. After all, she is my wife,” Emperor Jon said before turning to Vetvix again. “Um, honey? If you could just give us back the moscram, I’m sure we could…”

“Shut up, dork!” Vetvix snapped. “You're only here so you and your professor can answer any questions I have about this moscram.”

“I guess we'll have to work on our communication,” Emperor Jon whispered to the professor. “This happens with new couples.”

Professor Wally sighed under his breath and shook his head-- why was his emperor being so naive about all this?

For a few minutes, Vetvix went to the computer and watched as it scanned the universe for Garzooka’s DNA. And then… finally… the computer found the location in Cartoon World after a few mere moments. “Yes! There he is!” Vetvix declared. “Program the coordinates and prepare to cross the interdimensional barrier!”


Back in the real world, the newspaper boy was picking up a few papers off the ground. “Superhero cat from another dimension…” he muttered to himself. “Oh, please! I gotta stop readin' that stuff.”

Suddenly, as he turned away, the new issue of Pet Force began to glow rather brightly, and as the newspaper boy turned around to face the sight, Vetvix's ship popped right out of the comic book and into Cartoon World, scaring the newspaper boy out of his wits.

And as it flew off, the newspaper boy merely fainted once again while Vetvix went in search of Garzooka in this new part of the universe even she had never seen.


Back with the others, they were at the comic studio getting ready for their strip when Arlene walked into the break room to see Cobalt, Odie, Lily and Diamond gathered around Nermal and his comic.

Arlene, as bewildered about the comic as she was, knew that there had to be a better time for this-- they were needed on the set really soon. “Nermal, why don't you put that comic away? We have to get to work.”

“Just a sec, Arlene,” Cobalt told his friend in a serious tone. “You won’t believe this. Look!”

Arlene then sat on the couch to see what the others were so excited about. “This just appeared in the comic!” Nermal said before pointing to an illustration that appeared in the comic book. “That’s us comin’ to the studio. And look! Here comes another one!”

The next illustration on the page faded into view, and it showed the six of them looking at the comic, and Garzooka, Sparky and the Mane 6, in their superhero forms…

…looming behind them?

Confused beyond measure, they looked behind them, and the six of them screamed upon seeing the superhero and their friends standing behind them. “Sorry, guys! We didn’t mean to scare you,” Sunny apologized. “But… you’re never gonna believe who we ran into back at Garfield’s house!”

“Hi there,” Garzooka waved as he and the ponies walked around the couch to face the group. “Oh my gosh!” Lily squealed as she tried her best to remain calm. “Oh my gosh! It's Garzooka! What are you doing here?!”

“As fate would have it,” Garzooka responded as he sat on the couch in front of them, “Cosmic Sunlight and her team have led me to you all for your assistance.”

“Y-You have…?” Diamond managed to squeak, still stunned. “Wait a minute,” Nermal interrupted. “You mean, when you left Dorkon with the DNA serum, you were comin' to get us?”

“I know! We didn’t believe it at first either,” Zipp said, “but… it’s true!”

“With everyone’s help,” Garzooka said, standing up with a heroic expression, “Vetvix will be defeated. Dorkon will survive, and so will Equestria and Cartoon World. Are you with me?”

Upon hearing that Garzooka actually needed their help to save the universe, Nermal immediately raised his paw. “Count me in!”

“Where do I sign?!” Cobalt asked, looking around excitedly. “I am SO there!” Diamond squealed while Lily only nodded, not being able to speak from excitement. And while Odie agreed to this, Arlene was the only one having doubts. “How are we supposed to help you?”

Hitch opened the suitcase filled with the DNA serum, and Garzooka picked up one of the green bottles with Odious’ picture on it. “This serum is matched to the DNA of each member of Pet Force.”

“Green serum will give you Pet Force powers!” Lily declared as Odie took his batch of serum from Garzooka. “In all of the universe,” Garzooka continued, handing Nermal and Arlene their serum batches, “only the three of you match the DNA of my team members.”

“Cool!” Nermal excitedly cried, just as Lily noticed that she, Cobalt and Diamond weren’t given anything. “Aw, man!” she groaned. “I thought Garzooka said he needed all of us, didn’t he?”

“He did, but you guys aren’t getting DNA serum,” Zipp said as Garzooka allowed her, Izzy and Misty to get into his satchel. “Instead… you three will get these.”

And so, the three ponies brought out three more magical crowns-- two of them being golden tiaras, with one of those tiaras having a pink gem and one tiara having a green gem, and the other crown being a golden crown with sapphires and rubies within it.

Needless to say, the younger ponies were quite surprised to see such a sight. “Oh, my glitter, they’re gorgeous!” Lily exclaimed with a squeal. “But… how exactly are crowns going to help?”

“These crowns belonged to three out of four young royals that Garzooka once knew, and each crown gave the prince or princess who wore it special powers,” Misty explained. “Before they were turned to stone with a powerful spell, they left the crowns in Garzooka’s care, until he was able to find the ones who would become the next Royal Force.”

“And when we told him about the three of you,” said Izzy, “he said you guys sounded perfect! Isn’t that awesome?!”

“Uh, a little startling, but yeah!” Cobalt said, taking the crown with sapphires and rubies. “I’m game to help!”

“So am I!” Diamond agreed, taking the pink-jeweled tiara while Lily took the green-jeweled tiara. “Uh… one question, though,” Arlene said cautiously. “Uh, has this ever been tested?”

“There has never been a reason to... until now. Suit up and drink up, fellow heroes,” Garzooka urged. “The fate of three worlds hangs in the balance!”

“Great…” Cobalt sighed. “No pressure or anything.”

“But what if it doesn’t work?” Arlene pointed out with worry. “What if it turns us into freaks?”

“Freaks?” Nermal repeated before imagining himself as a freak in his mind. “Sweet!”

“Look, we’ll put on the crowns first, just to make you feel more comfortable,” Diamond reassured her friends. “Come on, guys-- let’s get royal!”

So, the three of them put on their crowns, admiring them for a moment before the strange white light enveloped them. “Uh… is this supposed to happen?” Cobalt asked as the glow got brighter, causing Diamond to giggle. “I-It kinda tickles!”

The others looked away as the light reached its brightest point, and when the light finally faded, the young ponies were now in their own superhero forms, similar to Jasmine's.

  • Diamond wore her new tiara, along with a light pink and green suit with black boots, a matching mask, a green cape, and a matching magic mirror strapped onto her belt.
  • Lily also wore her new tiara, along with a light yellow and light blue suit with black boots, a matching mask, a light blue cape and a matching magic mirror strapped to her belt as well.
  • Cobalt, on the other hoof, wore his new crown, as well as a green and red suit with black boots, a matching mask, a red cape and a matching magic mirror.

“Oh… my… PONY!! We look absolutely amazing!” Lily said as she admired her new look. “And look! Magic mirrors!”

“I think these work a lot like phones, from what Garzooka told us about the previous Royal Force,” Sunny explained. “They’ll be able to call other mirrors, no matter how far away they are from one another.”

“Oh-ho, yeah!” Cobalt looked at himself. “We look good!

“And, thanks to the crowns’ magic,” Garzooka stated, “you will each begin to discover your very own unique superpowers.”

“So sweet! Come on, guys! Hurry up and drink up!” Lily told the others. “We don’t have all day!”

“Oh, I’m totally in!” Nermal said before opening the bottle and drinking the serum in one large gulp. “Mmm! Pungent, yet satisfying. So, fellow freaks, are you with me?”

“Yeah! Yeah!” Odie nodded enthusiastically, and just like Nermal, drank his serum in one gulp. “Oh, here goes…” Arlene muttered and drank her serum rather slowly, gagging at the aftertaste. “So now what’s supposed to happen?”

“You should feel energy,” Garzooka explained. “Strength and vitality electrifying your entire body.”

Once this had been said, Nermal began to flex his muscles and strain a bit, but instead of becoming buff and muscular like he had planned… all he did was fart. “Ewww, Nermal!” Pipp gagged at this. “That is so TMI!!

“Oops! Sorry about that, Pipp,” Nermal sheepishly apologized. “But it’s funny-- I don’t feel any different.”

“Me neither,” Arlene agreed, and even Odie shook his head in agreement. “That’s impossible!” Garzooka cried out of surprise. “Maybe your metabolisms are slow.”

“Ooh! I know how to check their metabolisms!” Izzy volunteered and grabbed Nermal in her hooves before shaking him violently. However, the only thing this did for Nermal was make him dizzy, causing Izzy to cringe. “Well… that wasn’t supposed to happen.”

“Hmm…” Garzooka muttered. “I was assured this would work.”

“Maybe it’s just going to take some time,” Arlene tried to speak. “Time is NOT a luxury we have,” Zipp said determinedly. “We have to find a way to get that serum flowing-- and fast!”

Now, all the group could wonder was two things-- if they would be able to get the serum to activate and if the Klopman Crystal really was safe in Garfield and Jasmine's (more Garfield's) care.