• Published 20th Jun 2024
  • 351 Views, 2 Comments

G5 Adventures in Garfield’s Pet Force - ponydog127

The Mane 6 and Sparky head back to Cartoon World and become superheroes once again in order to help their friends defeat the evil Vetvix, who plans on using a dangerous cosmic weapon to enslave the universe.

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The Superheroes vs the Zombies (Part 1)/The Crazy Crew Forms

Things were becoming more and more serious by the minute.

With the Pet Force, Unity Squad and Royal Force out to take care of Vetvix, this left Garfield, Jasmine and Eli on their own after Vetvix had turned Jon into one of her zombies as well.

Now, Vetvix had her sights on a much… bigger population to terrorize.

Soon, the spaceship hovered across town, where citizens looked up in confusion to see the airship flying over them. That’s when Vetvix began to cackle madly, scrambling their molecules with different people or with inanimate objects, all while pulling them under Vetvix’s control.

Vetvix seemed satisfied with what she was doing in that moment. “Soon I'll have so many zombies, Garzooka will never escape!” she declared before using her microphone to speak to the zombies below. “Find Garzooka, my zombies! Get Garzooka!”

“Get Garzooka!” the mixed-up zombies groaned as they trudged away. “Get Garzooka!”


Around the same time that all this was happening, the Pet Force, the Unity Squad and the Royal Force, using the same billboard as cover, moved through the city, keeping a cautious eye out for zombie trouble.

As they hurried along, Zipp turned to her teammates with a frown. “I know it was in the best interest to leave Garfield and Jon behind, but I can’t help feeling bad that Jasmine isn’t here!”

However, before they could move much further, a horde of Vetvix’s zombies came around the corner from a nearby alley and spotted them. “There’s Garzooka…!!”

“They spotted us!” Misty cried, taking charge immediately after they were spotted. “Hurry!”

The group tried to run away from the horde of zombies coming their way, but Lily and Diamond screamed when they saw another horde appear in front of them, causing the group to halt. “They’re everywhere!” Garzooka realized. “And we can't fight them with this billboard hanging over our heads!” Hitch exclaimed. “But,” Zipp said, “if we let the billboard go, Vetvix will see us for sure! What are we gonna do?!”

The zombies began to close in more and more by the minute, and this caused the group to become the slightest bit nervous. Sunny knew that there was a chance for escape... but where it was exactly?

That's what she didn't know.

Suddenly, she saw a door leading into a nearby coffee shop and got an idea, using her alicorn powers to fortify a shield in front of the group. “Everypony! Follow my lead and hold on tight!”

With Sunny and Garzooka at the head of the group, the superheroes rammed through the door and came out the backside of the building, ramming through several more brick walls, destroying a fire hydrant and trapping some of the zombies underneath the fallen bricks.

Once they were out of harms way, Sunny let down the shield and reverted back to earth pony form for the time being. “Quickly!” Garzooka spoke up. “To the tower!”

Without a second to waste, the group headed off toward Handy Tower-- the tallest monument in Grin City. And once they were safely to the tower, Odie threw away the billboard part as they entered the revolving door. “Hurry up!” Nermal shouted. “Let’s go!”

All of the superheroes pushed through the revolving door as hard as they could at the same time and inadvertently landed inside the main room, falling on top of one another in the process.

Once they got up, Sunny immediately turned to her friends and took charge. “Quick, put as much heavy stuff as you can in front of the doors! Diamond, once that's done, use your powers to make the shield stronger! We don't have a lot of time!”

Accepting the orders Sunny gave them, Garzooka and the ponies quickly began to throw/kick sofas and pots in front of the revolving doors, and once this was done, Diamond used her new diamond powers to make the barrier that much stronger.

Once Diamond's part of the plan was done, Izzy looked nervous at the fact that the zombies were getting closer, despite the barrier keeping them safe in the tower. “Are we gonna be safe here?”

“Very safe,” Garzooka confirmed with a smile. However, as he said this, the zombies banged their hands against the windows, causing them to shatter little by little. “Well,” Garzooka began to change his wording, “sort of safe.”

Unfortunately, by the time he said this, the zombies had broken through the windows and were crawling right over the barrier, causing Diamond and Lily to shriek in fright. “Okay...” Zipp said with a nervous expression. “We are NOT safe at all!”

“This way! To the antenna!” Garzooka shouted to the others as they began to climb up the stairs to the top of the tower. “Sunny, Izzy, Misty, Arlene! Buy us some time!”

“You got it!” Sunny said confidently. While Arlene used her icy stare to freeze some of the zombies in their tracks, Sunny, Izzy and Misty used their unicorn powers to blast back as many zombies as they could. And once the zombies had been seriously slowed down, the four nodded at each other and followed their friends up the stairs to the top of the tower.


Back at the studio, which was in shambles after Vetvix’s attack, Eli, Garfield and Jasmine came out of hiding and wandered around the debris left behind. “We gotta make sure no one's buried under all this junk,” Eli said as he moved some of the debris in his way. “You know, Garfield, you and Jasmine should have gone with Garzooka and the ponies in the first place.”

Garfield looked somewhat confused at this. “What do you mean?”

“When Garzooka and the Unity Squad came to the studio to get Arlene and the others,” Eli said to the fat cat, “you should have taken Jasmine and came with him instead of sitting on your fat behind eating hot dogs.”

Jasmine felt her ears pin in shame at this, but Garfield merely laid down on a pillow that he had pulled out of the debris. “Eli, it's me, Garfield? I don't save the day. I sleep through the day.”

“I hate to say it, but... he's right. You can't sleep through your whole life, Garfield,” Jasmine told her best friend with a frown. “You have to get involved at some point.”

“It’s too late for that now,” Garfield dismissed without a second thought. “Maybe being a zombie won't be so bad, guys. You live forever and you don't have to make small talk.”

However, Eli believed that there was still a chance for them to fight back and save not just Cartoon World, but the whole universe all at once. “There's got to be some way of beating Vetvix.”

“Eli, I don't wanna be a bummer here, but do the math,” Jasmine frowned. “There's a gazillion of them and only three of us!”

Make that four!

Garfield paused and immediately looked around when they heard another voice in the room. “Who said that?”

The three of them slowly approached a pile of debris and lifted it up, freeing Wally, who seemed rather irritated about what just went down. “I did, doggone it!” Wally spoke up with a peeved frown. “I'm mad as heck, and I'm not going to take it anymore.”

“You’re not fighting anyone without me, Walter,” Wally’s wife Bonita said as she crawled out from behind him. “All right, Bonita!” Eli cheered. Suddenly, there came some muffled noises in another pile and Jasmine used her powers to lift it up, freeing Betty, who looked a bit out of sorts from the attack. “Betty?” Garfield looked concerned. “Are you okay?”

“She looks a little dazed,” Jasmine said, looking Betty over. “Better give her some space.”

Betty looked over at the duo, her vision a bit blurred. “Gar… Garzooka?” she asked, looking to Garfield. “Is that you?”

“I'm not Garzooka, Betty. It's Garfield,” Garfield explained. “Garzooka's at the tower downtown with the others, fighting Vetvix.”

“...he’s with who?!” Betty questioned as she shot up with a growl. “Why, that little... oh, wait till I get my hands on her!!”

“Eli?” Jasmine turned toward Eli with a serious look. “Is there any way for us to see what's going on downtown?”

“Maybe I can tap into the tower’s security cameras. Hold on,” Eli said, and went back to his workstation to hack into the security cameras.


Back on Vetvix’s ship, the sunbeam burned a part of Professor Wally’s rope. “Psst!” he said to Emperor Jon. “Look!”

“Way to go, professor!” Emperor Jon whispered. Now, all they had to do was wait for the rest of the rope to burn and they were one step closer to getting out of this nightmare.


Back in the studio, Eli checks on the giant screen, and the camera feed showed the Pet Force, the Unity Squad and the Royal Force on top of the Handy Tower, surrounded by moscram zombies. “Oh my gosh!” Jasmine yelped in panic. “The ponies, Garzooka, Arlene, Odie and Nermal are surrounded! They can’t get up the antenna!”

However, Wally was quite shocked at how different Arlene, Odie and Nermal looked. “That’s Arlene, Odie, and Nermal?”

“It’s a long story,” Garfield told him as Jasmine worriedly kept her eyes on the screen. “We’ll have to explain everything later.”


Back at the tower, the moscram zombies were closing in on the superheroes, pinning them in a corner, so to speak. To prevent the zombies from getting too close, Garzooka spewed some hairballs at a few zombies, knocking them to the ground. “Awesome gamma-radiated hairballs, Garzooka!” Nermal cheered as Cobalt used his wings to send a powerful wind gust toward a few zombies. “Uh, yeah, those hairballs cool and everything,” the blue pegasus colt said, “but there are still a lot of zombies left to take down!”

“Then we have to give it everything we’ve got, guys!” Zipp declared. “Use your powers to their full potential! We can do this!”


Back at the studio, the others couldn’t help but be worried at the stakes their friends were in. “Oh, Garzooka! My poor baby!” Betty cried out. “We’ve got to do something!”

“But what?” Garfield wondered. “What do you mean ‘what’?” Eli questioned. “You’ve got your fighting force right here.”

Garfield raised a confused eyebrow at this. “My fighting force?”

“Time to step up, buddy,” Eli told the fat cat sternly. “Time to get involved!”

“He’s right, Garfield-- we’ve got to do something!” Jasmine pointed out, glancing back at the camera feed before it faded. “If our friends go down, we may be the last hope Cartoon World has!”

Garfield, the more and more he thought about Jasmine’s words, knew that she was right.

Cartoon World, and Equestria, for that matter, depended on them helping in the fight against Vetvix.

He couldn’t let his friends or Jasmine down.

After thinking about this for a few minutes, he finally turned to the others with an idea. “You know, this is just crazy enough to work.”

“What do you mean?” Eli asked in confusion, and Garfield looked to each member of the group present. “Eli, the big man with the nimble hands at the controls. Wally, the henpecked, half-sized hero. Betty, the man-hungry assistant director. And the lady with the big nose for trouble, super-nag Bonita.”

“Hey!” Bonita realized. “Wait a minute.”

“Jasmine-- aka, Spectrum,” Garfield turned to the unicorn filly. “The unicorn with a lot of heart and a lot of rainbow power!”

“Spectrum, huh?” Jasmine hummed in thought. “I like the sound of that!”

“And me! The super-cat who can make a difference!” Garfield declared, putting on a red cape. “Okay, all we need now is a snappy name.”

“Oh, oh! I got one!” Jasmine said eagerly. “The Rainbow Squad! …nah. Too juvenile.”

“The, uh, Inferiors?” Bonita suggested just before her husband spoke. “How about the ‘We're About to Die Gang’?”

However, this suggestion was immediately shot down due to how depressing it sounded. “That’s kind of a downer there, Wally,” Garfield frowned, and just the conversation they were having made Eli sigh and shake his head. “You’re all crazy!”

Suddenly, a light bulb flashed in Jasmine’s mind, suddenly taking what Eli said coming up with the perfect name. “That’s it!” she exclaimed. “The Crazy Crew!”

After considering the name for a few moments, everyone except Eli seemed to like it, while Eli just stood there, shaking his head. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all.”

“Okay, gang, here's what we're gonna do,” Garfield said, bringing his group closer so they could develop a plan that could not only save their friends in the battle-field…

…but the entire universe as well.