• Published 12th Dec 2012
  • 2,740 Views, 125 Comments

MLP: TCR - Omlliw

Ghost throws his microphone a little too hard.

  • ...

It's MY Victory (IT BELONGS TO ME)

Twilight and Ghost stood in the studio, face to face. The capitalist was frowning, while the unicorn stood with a wicked grin on her purple face.
"I take it you know how it works, now?" Ghost asked.
"An hour was more than enough time to figure it out," Twilight responded. Ghost turned around, sorted through the 'crap' on his desk and found his weapon of choice.
It was a silver CZ 75 handgun, with 'Martial Law' engraved on it. Silently, not taking his eyes off Twilight, Ghost loaded the gun. "You loaded yours?" Twilight nodded. "OK, here's what's gonna happen. We both turn around so we're not facing each other. When I count to three, we turn around and shoot each other. Winner is the last one standing. Got it?" Twilight nodded again, before turning around. Play it out, Ghost. This is your lucky day. You're livin' the dream! he thought to himself. Ghost turned around, feeling the coolness of Martial Law with his other hand.
"Are you ready over there?" Twilight asked, impatiently.
"One..." was Ghost's answer. He could hear Twilight trying to lock the Pearl Shooter desperately. A groan escaped her lips as she rattled the revolver in the air. Ghost had a light chuckle.
"Two..." Ghost played it out. He said he would, and he was. He silently turned around, the biggest smile he had ever mustered spreading across his face like wildfire. He positioned the gun to the back of Twilight's head. This could only end one way, with Twilight's brains being splattered out all over the floor of his hand-polished studio. Twilight could briefly feel the cold metal, and knew what was going to happen. She gulped, sighed, and slowly lowered her gun.
Ghost closed his finger around the trigger.


Both Ghost and Twilight were not prepared for what happened next.
Rather than penetrating Twilight's skull, killing her instantly, the bullet from Martial Law bounced off of Twilight's head, ricocheted off of the mike and lodged itself into Ghost's left arm. The shock and pain caused him to drop his weapon, where it discharged and shot into the wall. Twilight saw the crack in the studio wall.
"EEEEEEEEEEE!" yelled Ghost, openly bleeding.
At this, Twilight turned around, not sure if Ghost was still holding the gun, and fired. The bullet soared through the air and hit Ghost's left arm again. Ghost heard a small clink, a gasp, "What the hay?", then nothing at all as he blacked out.


When Ghost came to, he heard muttering, and could smell blood.
"Ah, good, you're awake!" A pony dressed as a doctor popped his head over Ghost. Oddly enough, it was the same one that had helped him when the lightning bolt struck him. The capitalist soon realised he was once again shirtless.
"The hospital...AGAIN!?" Ghost asked, about to break down in a fit of tears.
"Don't worry, sir. Keep calm and you'll get better a lot quicker. My name is Doctor Stable; if you need anything, give me a shout. We found some of your friends, I'll bring them in for you now." He trotted off, with Ghost moaning and groaning, unable to move his body. Green curtains blocked his view to his left and right, like blinkers for horses, he thought. A clock over the door that Stable had left from read 2:20 in the afternoon. Wow, he'd been unconscious for a while. Applejack came in the room.
"Howdy, Ghost. Ya feelin' OK?"
"No. Twilight shot me! She almost killed me!"
"She can't have. She wouldn't have," Applejack said, shaking her head.
"Well she did. She deserves to be punished! Why, if she was here now..."
"Ghost, she IS here now," Applejack responded, pulling back the curtain to Ghost's right. Twilight was lying on her front, a red mark clearly visible at the back of her head. Ghost's hat was resting on her back.
"Argh, goddammit, she got my hat!" Ghost struggled to get it, but to no avail. "What happened to her anyway?"
"Ah'm glad ya asked!" Applejack smiled.
"Oh, Jesus Christ..." Ghost mumbled.


Ghost collapsed to the floor with an "EEEEEEEEEEE!" His hat was knocked off of his head by the impact, and it wafted down, down until it landed atop Twilight's. Just then, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Film Reel and Pinkie Pie ran into the room, having heard the scream and gunshots.
"What the hay?" Film Reel asked.
"Is anyone hurt?" Pinkie Pie added.
All of their eyes focused onto the image of Ghost, lying dead on the floor, with Twilight wearing his hat and magically levitating his gun. "Twilight...did you shoot Ghost?" Rarity gasped, holding her front hooves to her mouth. Fluttershy looked as if she was about to cry. Twilight just stood there, with a panicked expression on her face, before fainting.


"Yeah, that story makes sense, except for one thing," Ghost pondered.
"What's that?" Applejack asked.
"How come the bullets hurt me, but not her?"
"I can answer one of your questions," Doctor Stable replied, re-entering the room. Ghost jolted slightly.
"Jesus Christ, you're givin' me a freakin' heart attack here!"
"Sorry. Well, the bullet you shot into yourself-" Ghost blushed. "-was dislodged by the one Twilight shot at you. If Twilight had missed, I'm afraid you would be dead. Luckily you're not. That act of kindness just saved your life."
"How'd'ja hear that?" Applejack asked.
"I was just walking past when I heard you."
"Can you just leave me alone for a bit, here, Doctor?" Stable nodded, and took himself outside.
"Ah think I can answer one as well. But ya won't like it."
"I wanna know, don't leave me on a freakin' cliffhanger here! Why didn't my bullet kill her?"