• Published 12th Dec 2012
  • 2,742 Views, 125 Comments

MLP: TCR - Omlliw

Ghost throws his microphone a little too hard.

  • ...

Boss Ghostler (he's so bad)

Applejack woke up before Ghost, who was snoring loudly. She was, admittedly, a little worried about him, and having sobered up thanks to her sleep, decided to go consult Twilight on the matter. She wasn't going to be touching another beer for quite some time.
Quietly, she swivelled around in her chair, stood up, and moved over to the exit. She hoped the door didn't squeak. She hadn't been paying much attention to it recently, and she couldn't remember it from last ti-
Applejack whirled around, wondering where the noise had come from. She breathed a sigh of relief when she realised it was only the chair, still spinning, had hit the table and caused a can to roll off and hit the floor. "Shaddup..." Ghost muttered groggily, still asleep. Applejack giggled, and opened the door, half-expecting another loud noise. However, thankfully, there was nothing but the light swoooosh of a pleasant evening breeze wafting in. Applejack closed the door behind her as she left, hoping that Ghost would remain asleep.
It turns out Twilight was asleep as well. As was Spike; the poor thing was still asleep when Twilight heard a knocking at the door, her eyes half-open, grumbling as she went. "Applejack?" she said at last, once her eyes had adjusted to the darkness outside. "What are you doing up this early?"
"I need to speak to ya, Twilight. About Ghost."
Twilight rubbed her eyes and moaned. "I suppose it must be pretty urgent for you to want an audience with me at this time. Come inside, please." Applejack plodded in, trying not to wake Spike up by stepping on anything that could make a sound. "Relax, Spike's out like a light tonight."
"Listen Twi, do you think you can hurry up and change Ghost back and send 'im home? He may seem like he's enjoying it now, but I can tell he's gonna go completely crazy if he's left here much longer."
"Well I can change him back in a little while. I managed to return Pinkie Pie back to normal while you were gone so he's likely next. I just need to get some rest first."
"And can you send him back?" Applejack looked at Twilight, with tears in her eyes. Twilight looked stunned.
"Are...are you crying?"
"YES!" Applejack shouted, and Spike squirmed around a bit in his bed. "I want what's best fer him, you know that, but if he goes I'll miss 'im..."
"You've always got your memories, and maybe we could get a picture of him before he goes. But I'm afraid I can't send him home."
"Ah thought you knew a teleportation spell?"
"True," Twilight replied, "but Ghost doesn't come from our world. I can't teleport him home if I don't know where he lives!"
"So...so what do we do?"
"First, we get some sleep. Then we find Discord."
And wouldn't you know it, the very same draconequus appeared in a flash of light, normal-sized, right behind Applejack, not one second after Twilight had said it. Applejack whirled around.
"Hello, girls," Discord sniggered. "Isn't it so friendly of me to arrive just when you need me?"
"How didja know about that?" Applejack asked, wiping a tear away.
"Oh I never left the area since Ghost transformed into a pony! Quite humorous, I must say. I would NEVER have thought of that! Well done!"
"Enough talk, Discord. After I turn Ghost back to normal, YOU are sending him home. The sooner the better."
"Oh, poo." Discord pouted and crossed his arms. "Well, I had my fun with him. I suppose you're right. It would be the friendly thing to do after all." Discord snapped his fingers and the trio were inside the studio in a trice. Ghost didn't stir, but he did mumble "sick bastard..." and shifted around a bit. A camera, not too dissimilar from Film Reel's (who, by coincidence, was away in another part of Equestria) appeared in Discord's hands. "Are you ready?" Applejack nodded her head, and Twilight did too, thinking that, despite all their differences, the least she could do was appear in his photo. For all she knew these could be the last moments they had together. Twilight readied her spell and with a mighty ZZZAP! shot a blast of purple energy straight at the sleeping Earth pony. Oddly enough, he didn't wake up. Instead his body was covered in a tingly lavender aura. With a blinding light of pure whiteness, Ghost had transformed back into a human, right down to the messy stubble on his chin. Applejack's smile grew wide. "Come on, girls, get in position and say 'Ghostler'!"
"If we must..." Twilight said, rolling her eyes. Applejack moved to Ghost's left and sat down under his arm, while Twilight trotted forward to be on Ghost's right. With his arms outstretched he looked less than glamorous, but it sort of looked like he was rolling his head back in laughter as he comforted the two ponies. Discord lifted his paw and counted down from three, and once he'd run out of fingers Twilight and Applejack shouted "GHOSTLER!" as Discord's camera flashed several times.
Of course this wasn't a good idea, and Discord knew it. As the finished photos began to shower from the ceiling (Discord's influence once again), Ghost's trigger word invariably woke him up, and waking up to an insult is not the best way of waking up, especially if you are a 40-something alcoholic Texan with a heart condition.
"No, Ghost, we didn't-" began Applejack, but it was too late.
Automatically enraged, he grabbed a fistful of the photos and was about to lob them at anyone he could when out of the corner of his eye he saw Discord snap his fingers.
And around them, the capitalist, and the entire studio, began to disappear, leaving nothing in its place but the dirt road. Staring up at the trio was a sleeping Ghost, with Twilight and Applejack grinning happily, which Applejack grabbed and stashed into her hat.
And then she broke down in tears into Twilight's shoulder.