• Published 12th Dec 2012
  • 2,741 Views, 125 Comments

MLP: TCR - Omlliw

Ghost throws his microphone a little too hard.

  • ...

Wake up, wake up (It's the first of the month)

Ghost woke up, feeling refreshed, relaxed and reinvigorated. His bones snapped as he stretched and yawned. He gave a short laugh. His desk was really comfy; if there was a TV in his studio he wouldn't have to leave.
There was a scratch at the door.
Angrily, Ghost remembered the events of the night before. "It's just a hat, it's nothing special," he grumbled, heading to the door, hat in hand. Had she really been there the whole night? She could have slept in the barn.
As he opened the door, he could not have been prepared for what he saw.
A skeleton was laying outside. Technically, it wasn't a skeleton; although the bones were clearly visible, there were small patches of rotting flesh on it.
Ghost screamed like a little girl.
"OH my GOD!" He slammed the door, not locking it, taking several deep breaths. He opened the window. Fluttershy was outside.
"Hi, Mr. Ghost! Long time no see!"
"What are you talkin' about? We met maybe a few days ago."
"Silly Ghost! We met 3 months ago!" Ghost's face froze in panic.
"I was asleep for 3 months and none of you stupid ponies cared?" Ghost asked. "I WAS IN A COMA! And you could have at least cared for Applejack before she died."
"Oh, we tried. We tried giving her food, water, she wouldn't take any of it unless she got her hat. So we just left her to die."
"...you ponies are sick, you know that?" Ghost closed the window and started talking to himself. "OK, here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna bring Applejack into the studio and never let her out. Yeah. She could be my new Engineer. Yeah." Ghost reluctantly re-opened the door, took AJ's body inside and slumped it on the desk. "Have some juice." Ghost poured the can into Applejack's mouth, but nothing happened. Out of respect, Ghost put Applejack's hat on her head, then decided to take some callers, to take his mind off of the situation. "Uh, Spoon, Radio Graffiti."
"Fuck Goofy Bone."
"Uh, 61-641, Radio Graffiti."
"Goofy Bone likes dick!"
"Uh, 914, Radio Graffiti."
Suddenly the power cut out. Ghost tried desperately pressing buttons, but to no avail. Then he heard a clicking sound. He looked over at Applejack's rotting corpse.
There was a maggot crawling out of one of her eyes. Her cutie mark was still visible, but almost all of the rest of her flesh had rotted away. Ghost saw one of her hooves move, grabbed her and threw her to the ground behind him, near the door.
Suddenly Applejack's body lurched into life, and with a guttural scream shouted "yEe-hAw!"
Ghost nearly wet himself.
Applejack plodded towards Ghost, as the frightened Texan backed into the corner of the studio. "I'm sorry! I gave you your hat, now stop it!" Applejack did not respond. "You can't do this! I'M GHOST! I CAN'T DIE! IIIII CAAAAAAN'T DIII-" Applejack roared again, and lunged right for his head. He could feel her jagged teeth coming down on his neck. As Applejack was about to make the finishing blow-


"AAAAH!" Ghost shouted, sitting up on his desk. "Oh, thank god. It was all a dream. ALL a dream." Just then he heard a scraping at the door. He looked around. He couldn't see Applejack's hat anywhere. This time he sat on his desk, shouting at the door. He didn't want to open it again.
Luckily, he didn't need to.
A purple blur came into the room and shot Ghost in the chest with a magical pulse. He rolled off of the desk, and glanced up at his attacker. Twilight! But why was she attacking him?
"What the hell are you doing?" Ghost snapped.
"Avenging Applejack's death! You killed her! I knew you were nothing but trouble from the moment you arrived here." Twilight levitated Applejack's skull, it was completely devoid of skin. Ghost noticed it had the hat on.
"No, that was a dream."
"You MURDERED her!" Twilight shot more blasts at Ghost, hitting him in the chest. He flew backwards and broke open a small cabinet. Two metallic objects clunked to the ground.
"Stop, STOP!" Ghost shouted. "If you want to kill me, at least play by my rules." Ghost picked up one of the objects and threw it to Twilight. Ghost picked the other one up. It had 'Punitive Damages' written on it in black marker. "This means you have 'Tiger Uppercut', right?"
Twilight nodded. "But what is this?"
"It's a gun. Fires bullets. One goes into you, you're crocodile chow. We have to turn around, and when I count to 3, we face each other and fire. Sound good?" Twilight nodded again, and they both spun around.
"One..." Ghost locked his pistol. Twilight tried to magically lock it, but because she'd never seen one before, it was much more difficult than she expected. Ghost could hear her mumbling and fumbling, and snickered.
"Two..." Twilight levitated the gun in front of her, but Ghost silently turned around. "'Punitive Damages' indeed..." he whispered, as quiet as a mouse. His trigger finger was itching, and the barrel of the gun was aimed right at the back of Twilight's head.
Ghost closed his finger around the trigger.


"AAAH!" Ghost shouted, sitting up on his desk. Pinkie Pie and Applejack were standing next to him. "How did you get in here?"
"Ah wanted mah hat back. So ah kicked the door down 'n' found you sleepin'," Applejack scowled.
"Here, take it," Ghost said, rubbing his eyes and handing Applejack the hat.
"What do you wanna do today, Ghost?" Pinkie asked.
"I don't wanna go back to sleep, that's fer sure. I wanna find a way outta here." He walked out the door, the two ponies following him.