• Published 12th Dec 2012
  • 2,742 Views, 125 Comments

MLP: TCR - Omlliw

Ghost throws his microphone a little too hard.

  • ...

Fruity Texans and Nice Unicorns (YOU REMIXED ME WITH SKRILLEX?)

Ghost skidded (literally) to a halt outside the hospital. Seconds later, Fluttershy appeared.
"Come on, Ghost, let's get you off of that bed. I know somepony who can get you a brand new shirt for you!"
"But I'm broke," Ghost complained. "I don't have any money that I can use here!"
"I'm sure she can make it for you free of charge. Now come on!" Fluttershy flew into the air, carrying Ghost (kicking and screaming) all the way to a large carousel. The bell rang as they came inside, where about 4 brightly-coloured dresses were on pony-shaped mannequins (which Ghost gagged at). A white cat was alternating between clawing at one of their legs and batting a small ball of string. One of its bats was particularly hard, and rolled all the way over to a desk at the other end of the room, where several neat drawings of ponies wearing dresses were amassed in a scruffy pile. A pretty, white unicorn with a vivid purple mane trotted into the room with her eyes closed. "Welcome to Carousel Boutique. I am Rarity, how may I assist you?" Her eyes slowly opened, and fixed on the unimpressed Texan. She stifled a scream.
"Rarity, this is Ghost. He travelled all the way from Appleloosa to be here, and he hasn't got a shirt. Could you make him one for me?" Fluttershy gave a big, cute grin. Ghost nearly gagged again.
"Of course, Fluttershy. I'll be happy to help. Any friend of yours is a friend of mine." Rarity looked Ghost up and down. "It shouldn't take long, I'll just make a bigger version of an outfit I made for my little Spikey-Wikey." Fluttershy patted Ghost on the back before flying out of the Carousel. Ghost took some nervous steps forward, sat on a stool in front of him, and tried to make conversation.
"Who's Spikey-Wikey? Why does he sound so fruity?"
"He's my...special somepony..." Rarity gazed off into the distance. "Or, special somedragon as the case may be."
"Wait, you're in love with a freakin' DRAGON!?" the Capitalist shouted.
"Not just any dragon. He saved my life, you know. Stopped the town from being destroyed."
"Isn't there a law against that?"
"I don't think there's a law about transforming into a huge, beastly version of yourself and stealing everypony's things, but if there was, he'd probably have broken it." Ghost pictured a dragon turning into a horrifying monster in his head, and decided to give dragons the respect accorded to that title. He quickly calmed down.
"No, I mean about a unicorn bein' in love with a dragon. Surely that's against the law."
"What would be wrong with that, Mr. Ghost?" Ghost was reminded of the 'Ghost the Grinch' remix, and his eyes flashed with rage for a millisecond. "Don't you do that where you come from?"
"Uh, only in the movies." Ghost thought back to the last dragon/pony romance he'd seen. He reeled back in horror when he recalled it was in the Shrek films.
Rarity levitated a measuring tape over, and Ghost felt his neck begin to tingle. It stopped after Rarity had magically lifted the hospital gown off of his neck. Ghost noticed, and covered his bare chest with it. "What are you doing?" He roared.
"What's wrong? I'm just seeing your dimensions."
"Do you realise how wrong that is? Don't take off my gown."
"But it isn't your gown, is it? It belongs to the hospital. Now let me measure you!" Ghost gave up, put his hands by his sides and let Rarity measure him, he noticed, without her touching his skin.
"How long will it take to make my shirt?" Ghost enquired.
"Long enough, dear. What colour would you like?"
"White. Nothing pink, frilly, or otherwise fruity." Ghost shuddered at the thought of him wearing a pink shirt among the pony folk. Quick as a flash, Rarity dashed over to the desk, and levitated a sewing machine in from the other room.
"I'm sorry if this takes a while. Do you have anything else you can do while I'm making your shirt?" Rarity asked, not truning around.
"Sadly, no. I don't really know what there is to do in Ponyville. I've only been here a couple of hours."
"Well, since you're not doing a lot, could you run over there and fetch me some white fabric?" She motioned with her hoof in the direction of a very large set of shelves. Ghost grunted as he trudged over to them, but he felt OK as he plonked the fabric on the desk.
9 minutes passed, and Ghost found himself doing whatever chores Rarity needed-he figured that if he ever wanted to get out of this gay town, he needed to get a shirt and get it quick. Rarity turned around, levitating a plain, white shirt with short sleeves and a collar. "Voila! Now, you must try it on," Rarity laughed.
Ghost put on his new shirt. He noticed it was quite loose, and the sleeves only came up to above his elbows. He walked over to a large mirror that he only just noticed, and had a look at himself. He had to squat, because the mirror was built for pony kind and he was much taller than them. "Well, I definitely look good. Thanks."
"Not a problem, Mr. Ghost. Now, unless you want to help me finish another design, I don't really need you here, do y-" The bell on the inside of the door rang, and when Rarity turned around, she saw the stool was empty, and Ghost's leg disappearing through the egress. She shrugged, turned around, and went back to work on another design.